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“There’s a real frustration growing among anti-Israel students that no matter how loud they scream … it’s really not getting them anywhere”

“There’s a real frustration growing among anti-Israel students that no matter how loud they scream … it’s really not getting them anywhere”

My interview on Just the News: “… no matter how nasty they become, no matter how many die-ins they do, it’s really not getting them anywhere. And I think it’s going to get a lot worse…. We have to keep in mind … the anti-Israel students are also the anti-American students. They are one and the same. They hate capitalism and they want to tear down our society.”

I appeared on Just The News with Amanda Head. Co-Host John Solomon was away on assignment.

We covered many topics, including Harvard’s decline in applications, and also anti-Israel movement on campuses post-October 7, and the atmosphere for Jewish students.

Cornell University Law Professor William Jacobson says campus culture towards Jewish American students has not improved since Hamas terror attack on October 7, citing Harvard Law School’s newly passed resolution calling for the boycott of Israel. “The anti-Israel students are also the anti-American students. They are one and the same. They hate capitalism and they want to tear down our society,” says Jacobson.

Here’s the video segment on the campus atmosphere post-October 7:

Transcript auto-generated, may contain transcription errors

Amanda Head (00:00):

Since October 7th, we’ve had you on the show a number of times and you have offered such valuable insight to what is actually happening on college campuses. Has the culture improved for Jewish American students since then?

WAJ (00:13):

I don’t think so, and I think Harvard is a very good example. The Harvard Law School student government just passed a resolution calling for the boycott of Israel, for divestment from Israel. And they did it by changing the procedure and allowing them to vote anonymously so nobody could be held accountable. So I don’t think it is, it’s still a very toxic atmosphere.

The anti-Israel groups are really ramping up. We see it at Cornell also, the administration is struggling to prevent them from marching through buildings with bullhorns disrupting students who are studying.

So I think there’s a real frustration growing among the anti-Israel students that no matter how loud they scream, no matter how nasty they become, no matter how many die-ins they do, it’s really not getting them anywhere. And I think it’s going to get a lot worse. And unfortunately, the Jewish students, but not just Jewish students, but students who support the United States, pro-American students, pro-Israel students, pro-Western civilization students are the ones who are the targets.

Because we have to keep in mind, and I know you understand it, and your viewers may also, but the anti-Israel students are also the anti-American students. They are one and the same. They hate capitalism and they want to tear down our society.

Head (01:29):

Oh, you are spot on with that because I mean, it’s not a Venn diagram, it’s just a circle. They’re right on top of each other.


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drsamherman | April 2, 2024 at 9:32 pm

Well, as we say in Texas, “Bless Their Hearts”.

Islam is a cancer in the West.

    Evil Otto in reply to LB1901. | April 3, 2024 at 6:34 am

    So is leftism. The two are currently using each other to tear down civil society, at which point they’ll turn on the other.

    (Islam’s gonna win that one. The left will submit or die.)

It leaves out the battle over who is the biggest victim, which is the bottom level of the argument, call it the low-IQ end. It keeps it viral.

At the high-IQ end would be which side has the most to offer the other. That’s not on any viral radar.

    Crawford in reply to rhhardin. | April 3, 2024 at 6:40 am

    We all know you want to be the biggest victim, Hardin.

      henrybowman in reply to Crawford. | April 3, 2024 at 11:57 am

      This is a central issue. Things like marches and chanting exercises and die-ins have zero productive contribution. They feed not one hungry person, save not one threatened life, petition not one power wielder. They are exclusively narcissistic exercises: “Look at me! Hear me scream! I’m a victim!” But America is finally entering a long-overdue period of victim fatigue. America says, “We see you. We’re sick of your drama. Go away. “

    Thad Jarvis in reply to rhhardin. | April 3, 2024 at 7:55 am

    Could you use more words to say absolutely nothing of any substance whatsoever, you pretentious ass? Stick to being a rape apologist and name dropping middelbrow cultural references since those are what you do best. You are really insufferable.

    Eddie Coyle in reply to rhhardin. | April 3, 2024 at 8:11 am

    A simple check of the number of Nobel Prizes won by members of the one very small group, and the very few won by members of the much larger group, tells us all which side has the most to offer humanity, and which would not be missed if they disappeared today.

      rhhardin in reply to Eddie Coyle. | April 3, 2024 at 10:58 am

      There’s an economic principle of “comparative advantage” (not “competitive advantage”), which says everybody offers everybody something. Comparative advantage is why the economics department secretary walks papers to the dean’s office even though the economics department head walks faster than the secretary.

      You’ve often seen it in Palestinian employment in Israel, which is always shot up and bombed by Hamas when it happens. It’s what Israel offers to Palestine and vice versa.

      Did your hands finally heal?

      guyjones in reply to Eddie Coyle. | April 3, 2024 at 1:00 pm

      Muslim supremacists’ and Islamofascists’ 1,400-year, unbroken history of visiting genocides, rapes and atrocities upon non-Muslims, worldwide, combined with the hate-filled exhortations to violence against non-Muslims contained in the koran, say it all about the intrinsic malignancy and evil of the supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent, hate-filled and pathology-laden ideology of “Submission.”

      As does the fact that while Jews were helping the Allies defeat the Axis powers in WWII (in combat, and, as part of the Manhattan Project), Arab Muslims and so-called “Palestinians” were aligned with the German National Socialists, united in their genocidal Jew-hate. That photo of the “Palestinian” leader engaged in a friendly meeting with Adolf Hitler, doesn’t get anywhere near the publicity that it deserves, in the U.S., and, in the west, at large.

    The_Mew_Cat in reply to rhhardin. | April 3, 2024 at 1:12 pm

    It is not a matter of who is the biggest victim. It is which side do you support?

“They hate capitalism and they want to tear down our society.”
Not getting them anywhere can be dangerous because so often that is the moment when someone among the bottom feeders does something so stupid, so stunning that it sets in motion a calamity that spins out of control. Something like the shot in Serbia that touched off WW1.

    Dimsdale in reply to Whitewall. | April 3, 2024 at 7:25 am

    Agreed, but don’t use Marx’s term for the free market.

      Sultan in reply to Dimsdale. | April 3, 2024 at 5:24 pm

      About time someone noticed that. Professor Jacobson take note–the Left uses “capitalism” as a pejorative word. Please don’t follow them down that path. Use “free enterprise” instead.

    venril in reply to Whitewall. | April 4, 2024 at 11:44 am

    This is the point where Bill Ayers begins teaching seminars on bomb building.

Subotai Bahadur | April 2, 2024 at 10:28 pm

Our enemies know with absolute certainty that up till now there have not been penalties imposed by the government and the upper levels of society on ANY action of theirs, No responsibilities, no consequences, no matter what they do. And they are sure that it is as closely to divinely ordained as they can conceive that there never will be.

We are edging up to what will become open war. It is the way of human nature.

Subotai Bahadur

A new cause will come along (too bad it’s never a good one), but the diehards will remain and be ever more shrill.

Just imagine what will happen if Trump is elected. REAL insurrection.

I can’t wait for the Democratic Convention – possibly 1968 all over again. However, by late August, unless Israel folds on the war, Gaza should be subdued and these students might be going back to school after the summer with no issue.

    Capitalist-Dad in reply to jb4. | April 3, 2024 at 9:03 am

    Your point argues for this sort of war against terrorists be as violent and as short as possible. Dragging it out worrying about “innocent civilians” only gives the murdering, burning, raping jihadi scum time to mount the PR campaign justifying their atrocities. If the war was a week long and ended with all of Gaza no taller than a brick, all the professional hand wringers would wail for a week then move on to the next faux outrage. Violent and short is especially warranted where the “innocent civilians” want terrorist scum returned to power, and where “innocent civilian” is defined as a Palestinian who has used up all the ammo for his AK-47. Especially against religious fanatics Total War is the only way to go.

    Gosport in reply to jb4. | April 7, 2024 at 8:37 am

    “Gaza should be subdued and these students might be going back to school after the summer with no issue.”

    Hopefully Hamas has surrendered and the hostages home long before then, but the lack of a legitimate issue to protest has never stopped students.

    Can’t let all that puberty driven frustration and angst go to waste or be channeled into something actually productive.

The anti-capitalism folks were complaining 10 years ago that only “direct action” would work. By that they meant “terrorism.”

This is not getting farther away.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to irv. | April 3, 2024 at 6:15 am

    Looking at sales of direct action products, I would think that they will get a rude awakening.

BierceAmbrose | April 2, 2024 at 10:51 pm

“…marching through buildings with bullhorns disrupting students who are studying.”

If their position were better, maybe they wouldn’t have to abuse people into going along with it. Like issue, like advocates, I suppose.

Suburban Farm Guy | April 2, 2024 at 10:59 pm

These open supporters of hostage-taking terrorists should be dealt with immediately and harshly. Kicked out of school at minimum and deported, where applicable. Some of the most privileged people on the planet… using their position to promote evil. It’s obscene the way we pander to their immature tantrums.

We see it at Cornell also, the administration is struggling to prevent them from marching through buildings with bullhorns disrupting students who are studying.

The administration is struggling?! Expel one lot, and the rest will learn their lesson.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Milhouse. | April 3, 2024 at 6:18 am

    Maybe people should shove those bullhorns ….

    Dimsdale in reply to Milhouse. | April 3, 2024 at 7:57 am

    Expel them with prejudice.

      wagnert in atlanta in reply to Dimsdale. | April 3, 2024 at 8:43 am

      Expel them, refuse readmission, and seal their transcripts. Any work they may have done will have to be repeated elsewhere. There will be lawsuits. Fight them with all the resources of the endowment. The life of the university as a place of learning is at stake.

LukeHandCool | April 3, 2024 at 1:26 am

“There’s a real frustration growing among anti-Israel students that no matter how loud they scream … it’s really not getting them anywhere”

Oh, so glad to hear the children might just do some growing up. Maybe next they’ll be thinking logically!

Rupert Smedley Hepplewhite | April 3, 2024 at 5:40 am

Offer these pampered darlings a free one-way ticket to Gaza so they may help the struggling Gazans overcome capitalism.

As some already pointed out these folks haven’t faced consequences. They have been coddled and indulged in their behavior. There hasn’t been anyone with authority willing to tell them to stop interfering with others rights. With each episode where no one does so they will grow more bold and more certain in their belief that there are no consequences no matter how far they go. Sooner or later there will be consequences and it will be a shock to them. Might be officially sanctioned acts of the University or the local govt but it could also end up with some self defense scenario or some constantly harassed Student/faculty member snapping and taking matters into their own hands. Far better for the University to act before something like that occurs, but they probably won’t until it is too late.

    henrybowman in reply to CommoChief. | April 3, 2024 at 12:10 pm

    “haven’t faced consequences. They have been coddled and indulged in their behavior. There hasn’t been anyone with authority willing to tell them to stop”

    Every one of them understands that they are tacitly protected scions of the party of professional agitators, and are auditioning for patronage positions as intern vaccine aide to the WH press secretary, or deputy assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition.

      CommoChief in reply to henrybowman. | April 3, 2024 at 3:26 pm

      Yeah it sure seems that way….but eventually there will be pushback. Might be from donors or LEO or admin or maybe just individuals who get fed up.

Paul Bahlin | April 3, 2024 at 7:29 am

Are these the same ‘students’ who don’t know what continent they’re on, or what countries border the USA? The ones who think a quarter hour is 25 minutes long, and 3 cubed is 9?

I would bet a large amount of money that they couldn’t find Israel on a map.

    Dimsdale in reply to Paul Bahlin. | April 3, 2024 at 8:00 am

    Yes. The maleducation is telling.

    freespeechfanatic in reply to Paul Bahlin. | April 3, 2024 at 8:39 am

    I’m not sure they could find the United States on a map.

    wagnert in atlanta in reply to Paul Bahlin. | April 3, 2024 at 8:52 am

    Someone once interviewed a girl who was one of a gaggle of students chanting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine must be free.” When challenged, she could name the sea, after several guesses and some pretty broad hints, but she had no clue as to the river.

    Why is it so difficult to defeat this level of nonthink?

      I think the ignorance is exactly their strength. If you are not bound by facts, you can make any argument, no matter how absurd, and it can never be debunked. George Orwell said it best:


    The Apple Pie recipe said five apples, cubed.
    Not 125 apples !!

      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Neo. | April 3, 2024 at 3:46 pm

      I don’t see the problem. I love apple pie and the more apples the better. Or something.

Eddie Coyle | April 3, 2024 at 8:17 am

I have always found it curious that grown adults in this country care what a group that has yet to earn their own way in life cares about…well…anything. Were I to throw away an expensive, privileged, educational opportunity (one which I did not receive) my father would have defunded me immediately. It speaks to a lack of maturity and character among today’s adult population.

freespeechfanatic | April 3, 2024 at 8:38 am

There is no satiation point for hate.

He said we’re both real sorry that it had to turn out this way
But there ain’t no point in talking when there’s nobody listening, so we just ran away
— Rod Stewart

Marxism remains America’s greatest export to the West. Honestly I dont get why people cling to failed idologies (please dont tell me tik tok–academia was polluted long before that, and please dont tell me propaganda. 12 years of catholic school didnt make me catholic, in fact the opposite).

    Whitewall in reply to dwb. | April 3, 2024 at 9:53 am

    “Marxism remains America’s greatest export to the West.”
    Marxism is a product of the West. It hangs around the West like a malignant tumor.

      henrybowman in reply to Whitewall. | April 3, 2024 at 12:23 pm

      The most fascinating thing about Marxism is its origin as the product of elitist ivory tower white knights. Its premier proponents, who care so much about the working man, never worked a day in their lives. Its less academic champions are the power-hungry psychopaths who see in its laughable premises the ultimate grift for power and money.

2smartforlibs | April 3, 2024 at 10:41 am

That’s not the only thing Liberals are crying about that can’t get traction.

Steven Brizel | April 3, 2024 at 11:46 am

This is what American Marxism produces-dedicated radicals who can’t read, do simple arithmetic and are abysmally ignorant of history but whl want to tear down America and are hostile to American values

I think the problem is that the student “protestors” keep getting everything they want, from silly student government resolutions, to extra credit from professors, Palestinian displays, flags, banners, the ability to block buildings, project hateful messages, keep Jewish kids out of organizations, parts of campus buildings, blocking traffic, ruining religious events, shouting down speakers, getting people canceled, huge glowing ope-eds in their student papers etc. etc. So since they get everything they want and have zero consequences they are getting frustrated because with no push back, no consequences it just reveals how shallow their actions truly are. They have no real “enemy” they are fighting, since Jewish professors and students and any descenting voices are marganilized anyway and have no power. All of it is a pointless display of hate and appeasement in an echo chamber, where everyone agrees and thinks the same. They all shop at etsy for the Keffiyah Karen fashions, hold the same signs, make the same talking points. What they want is some real push back, and someone they can fight and let their anger and aggression out on. if they can’t find it on campus they will go elsewhere to find their boogeymen. And since they’ve never faced any consequences for their actions, they won’t flinch at using their same violent tactics on the general public. Part of college is supposed to be learning how to understand boundaries , responsibility, and consequences, but when you are in an environment that encourages none of these things then you will have to learn that in the real world.

The_Mew_Cat | April 3, 2024 at 1:14 pm

They aren’t getting much because Biden, as senile as he is, still supports Israel more than not. I wonder if anything will change once Kamala Harris becomes president, if she does before the election.

BiteYourTongue | April 3, 2024 at 2:06 pm

There’s a solution to the problem of protesting students, but the University’s. won’t do what is necessary. You protest, you disrupt the normal activity of a functioning university, you get expelled, plain and simple. There has to be consequences for unacceptable behavior. Also, anyone here on a student visa once expelled, needs to be shipped home. They have no further business here in the US.

    Am I the only one thinking that the places getting this kind of publicity will see their “yield” of prospective students accepting admission this Spring drop? That might get their attention.

MontanaMilitant | April 3, 2024 at 3:20 pm

Professor Jacobson. Please do a post on the Democrat attempt to repeal the Logan Act in advance of president Trump’s reelection. It’s obvious they are trying to preempt prosecution when Trump takes office and they begin colluding with foreign governments to undermine the Trump Admonition
It’s called the TRAP act with some silly acronym. It should stand for Traitors Repealing Accountability Plan. . We can’t let the left preemptively remove the mechanism needed to prosecute them for their future treasonous acts.

Political activists seem to equate noise and disrupting others as ways of gaining support;. The reality is that these tactics have probably been counterproductive for them. Noise does not equal merit. and disruption makes more enemies than friends.

I feel their pain. Its going to get worse when they graduate and experience “withholding”

Joe and his plans to hijack the treasury and pay off their student loans is their Only Way Out