Suspensions and Expulsions Follow Anti-Israel Student ‘Occupation’ at Vanderbilt College
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Suspensions and Expulsions Follow Anti-Israel Student ‘Occupation’ at Vanderbilt College

Suspensions and Expulsions Follow Anti-Israel Student ‘Occupation’ at Vanderbilt College

“after a protest outside of an administration building in March turned chaotic and led to arrests”

Last week, we reported on this protest. Now there is more fallout. Good for Vanderbilt.

WSMV News reports:

Suspensions, expulsions issued after Vanderbilt student protest turned violent

Students at Vanderbilt University are facing expulsion and suspensions after a protest outside of an administration building in March turned chaotic and led to arrests.

A university spokeswoman said Vanderbilt couldn’t share how many students are facing expulsion or suspension related to the incident at Kirkland Hall, where students pushed past a community service officer to enter the administration building as part of a sit-in protest. But in an update to students and staff on Friday, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs C. Cybele Raver said after a thorough review of the incident, including examination of evidence and interviews with students, administrators issued a range of findings and sanctions, including disciplinary probation as well as suspension and expulsion.

Students will be able to appeal the sanctions and return to class while going through the appeals process, the university said.

Four Vanderbilt students were arrested following the protest at the university. Three students were charged with Class A misdemeanor assault after pushing the officer and a staff member as they entered the building. The fourth student was charged with vandalism after allegedly breaking a window on the outside of the building.

One of the students is getting roasted on Twitter for posting this:


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In early 1969 about 200 students occupied the administration building at the University of Chicago. The president, Edward Levi (who went on to be U.S. Attorney General on Pres. Ford), simply ignored them and set up shop elsewhere.
Can’t confirm this but I have heard that at some point Pres. Levi cut off utilities to the building. Chicago PD was hot to go in (yes, the same CPD from the 1968 Dem Convention) but Levi asked for patience.
After two weeks, the students left the building. Forty were expelled, 80 were suspended.
That’s one way to do it, and it worked.

    stella dallas in reply to John M. | April 7, 2024 at 8:32 pm

    If it was your office they occupied for two weeks and went through your personal files I don’t think you would say it worked.

Now fire the leftists professors who encouraged their beliefs.

Mr. Petocz thinks a great deal of himself. It doesn’t seem like he’ll learn any lesson from the expulsion he earned.

Jack Petocz

Jack Petocz

Jack Petocz

How in the world does anybody turn out like Jack Petocz?

Jack Petocz

Jack Petocz

Jack Petocz

    Lexman in reply to Pogo. | April 8, 2024 at 3:35 pm

    A Jack Thomas Petocz appears on FB and proudly introduces himself as a serial agitator and organizer of the illfated ‘ Don’t Say Gay’ disinformation campaign.

Do other countries/societies produce people like Jack Petocz?

Great! I am now a Vanderbilt fan! FAFO!

drsamherman | April 8, 2024 at 9:57 am

Thanks for the name and face, Jack. You just guaranteed that most companies won’t consider you for employment because they don’t want to deal with a troublemaker.