Stanford Will Not Investigate Mathematics Prof Accused of ‘Reckless Disregard for Accuracy’
“In this case, the University has reviewed the matter and has concluded that no formal process is needed”

We covered this story when it broke. We are going to regret injecting social justice into the study of math.
The Stanford Daily reports:
Stanford closes review into complaint on Jo Boaler
No formal investigation will be opened into mathematics education professor Jo Boaler, following an anonymous complaint filed with Stanford in March, wrote University spokesperson Dee Mostofi. The complaint accusing her of “reckless disregard for accuracy” in her research and work on the California Math Framework (CMF).
“When an allegation relating to research is received, one of the first steps is to determine if the matter is one properly resolved in scholarly debate rather than through a formal university process,” Mostofi wrote. “In this case, the University has reviewed the matter and has concluded that no formal process is needed, and that the allegations reflect scholarly disagreement and interpretation.”
The complaint came amid a wave of critiques about the way math is taught in middle and high schools across California. With an emphasis on equity-driven approach, Boaler advocated for data science as an alternative pathway to Algebra II in high school math education.
Her work has sparked disagreement about math education among professors in California universities and colleges, as well as high school teachers and concerned parents, with discussion centered around the newly revised CMF, which Boaler helped write.

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In other words, Stanford got its cut of her fee for doing her bad work, and they don’t want to give the money back—hence no investigation which could lead them culpable for her misconduct.
Always follow the money.
make sure to charge her 1000x what her “normal” tax bill(s) should be
cause ya know
math is fluid…mannnnn
she explained her stance:
see some of the people I represent think more with their ge nitails and we have to take that into account
Let the idiots have an idiot-friendly pathway through. I certainly wouldn’t want taxpayers to have to pony up more money to keep these kids in school longer or extra coaching for their diplomas. Give them the sheepskin and get them off the books.
But is that level of math really a graduation requirement? In our district I think it’s Algebra 1, and if you can’t do Algebra 1, they’ll teach it to you over 2 years, and now maybe even that isn’t required in NYS since we’re getting rid of Regents exams.
And (at this point) what difference does it make if it’s not a graduation requirement? If a kid is applying to a college for STEM and didn’t even pass Algebra 2, the college has the job to react appropriately.
“…no formal process is needed.”
Now wait just a minute. Summary execution is still frowned upon.
Even in conflict zones drum-head trials are “formal” if truncated. And what is this “needed?” What, we do trials by the numbers except when we decide ahead to time
who’s gonna win the election“verdict first, trial after.”I, myself, consider crimes against mathematics greater than even against humanity — humanity being inconsistent, fallen, and ugly compared to the pristine, uncorrupted beauty of math. Smudging up math is defacing the mind of god. Off with her head! But, you know, with a process.
So, yeah, string her up. But let’s have the show trial; it’s been a while since I took in a good show. Lord knows we don’t have any of those going on lately.
Wait, what? Not racing to summary verdict?
She wants math equity in public schools, but sends her kids to private schools. Maybe it is the private schools who are behind her pushing this BS. Follow the money, or is that too racist mathy these days. While Portland was discontinuing calculus at the high school level, my son’s private school was pushing linear algebra to those who finished the calculus curriculum early.
This is Portland Community College. I would think that “Math Anxiety” should be covered at about the 5th grade level. I guess that teaching math takes too much time away from the more important social indoctrination which seems to occupy the majority of their school day.
I can tell you with no reservation that companies in Portland who sell and install fences/gates are doing a booming business. I would not be shocked if it were discovered that they supported dumbocrats in the elections.