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Soros-Backed, Super-Woke, California Bay Area Prosecutor Faces Recall

Soros-Backed, Super-Woke, California Bay Area Prosecutor Faces Recall

Hopefully, the golden age of misguided social justice policies, especially those implemented by Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price, is coming to an end.

We have closely followed the disastrous policies being implemented by Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price.

Price is one of many George Soros DA’s who in recent years dominated the down ballot races across the United States. Since assuming office in early January, in a move commonly implemented by the Soros DA’s, Price went after the human capital.

She put veteran prosecutors on paid leave and fired two former investigators. In their place, the former employment and civil rights attorney brought in friends most of whom had no relevant experience as well as the staff members of former San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin who was recalled in June last year.

Price shocked the legal community when she offered a fifteen year sentence to a man accused of three murders including one of a witness.

Last summer, we reported that the citizens in her community were petitioning to recall Price. The petition has been approved and the vote will go forward.

County officials confirmed on Monday that Price’s opponents had submitted enough valid signatures to trigger a vote later this year. It was a close call: While recall supporters turned in tens of thousands more raw signatures than needed last month, a random sample to confirm their validity was inconclusive and the county went to a protracted full count. In the end, proponents got about 1,600 more valid signatures than the roughly 73,000 needed.

The Board of Supervisors will still need to call and set an election for the recall.

Price will be fighting for her political survival less than halfway through her first term after crime spiked in Oakland, the largest city in her district, testing voters’ patience with her platform of slashing penalties and prosecuting police officers who use lethal force. That campaign will coincide with broader efforts to crack down on crime in California, both in the Legislature and at the ballot box, as progressives like Price navigate mounting public frustration.

Crime didn’t just spike in Oakland, it exploded.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom was forced to ship state attorneys and California Highway Patrol officers to Oakland due to the rising crime.

Over 74,000 valid signatures were collected.

The registrar found that 74,757 of the signatures met the validation requirements, surpassing the county’s 73,195 threshold. Almost 49,000 signatures were invalidated. The registrar will present the results to the supervisors on April 30.

The results come after the registrar decided in March to complete a manual review of the signatures after a sample review did not conclusively find that the collected signatures met the required amount to qualify.

The Board of Supervisors is required by state law to decide an election date within 14 days of the registrar completing their count. If the supervisors fail to select a date, county election officials will have five days to choose.

Hopefully, the golden age of misguided social justice policies is also coming to an end.


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74.75K signatures good, 49K bad… Does anyone else find these numbers statistically improbable? Or are all political petitions that filthy?

    Milhouse in reply to henrybowman. | April 21, 2024 at 8:07 am

    All petitions have a lot of dross, because it’s impossible to prevent ineligible people from signing, or the same people from signing multiple times. And that’s even if there’s no active effort by your opponents to feed you bad signatures in order to lull you into thinking you’ve got enough when you haven’t.

You mean Dem voters have a limit? I thought that they would be happy with these Reds they are empowering.

    Hodge in reply to Whitewall. | April 21, 2024 at 11:54 am

    Hey – for a dollar a signature you can pack a signature list full of ineligible illegals quick and easy. It the petition creators are foolish enough to quit gathering after they reach the minimum, you can pounce with your eligibility check and have the petition invalidated…. then see if your opponents have the enthusiasm to try again

She is an absolute racist DA…. If you are a gangbanger you get a sweetheart deal… white or Asian the book is thrown at you.

inspectorudy | April 20, 2024 at 2:24 pm

I read this and realized that this is nothing new. Over thirty years ago, when I was an airline pilot, we had crew layovers in Newark, NJ, and were told by our company and the hotel management not to go out of the hotel alone in the daytime or at night even with a group because of the danger to white people. Oakland has also been this way for many years but it is accepted by most as normal. The only difference now is that the DAs are woke.

Some cultures just can’t have nice things. At some point even the densest liberals start to realize that these people are the source of all of their problems. Putting a crazy black woman in charge has never ended well. The irony is that the locals think she is the solution, when her legacy will show that she made everything significantly worse. They are no different than the deluded Gazans who support Hamas.

    Gosport in reply to Paul. | April 20, 2024 at 6:58 pm

    I notice they are taking that one to a trial rather than go the voting route. Given the leftwing California refugee nature of the Austin electorate that’s probably very wise.

Eventually things get bad enough that even the dumbest people figure out that actions have consequences. Is it finally approaching that point? All I can say for the people collecting signatures is to collect 3 or 4 times the needed amount, because there is no doubt that they will do signature verification on those unlike the ones at the polls.

Subotai Bahadur | April 20, 2024 at 4:57 pm

Just because the leftists running Alameda County failed to disqualify enough signatures to avoid a recall [and percentage-wise they almost made it], does not mean that in Alameda County that they cannot falsify the vote enough to keep her in office.

Subotai Bahadur

Welcome to oakland, alternative spelling for “gangland”.

BLM is smiling.

BierceAmbrose | April 21, 2024 at 10:43 pm

Wait, the people an official “serves” think they decide who serves them, and how vs. accepting the operative assigned them by their betters?

It’s interesting to me how progressive calls to get money out of politics, mainly through the Screaming D’s, don’t have much to say about money, operations, and operatives coming to impose their preferred outcomes they don’t have to live with, somewhere they don’t live.