‘Socialist Reconstruction’ of America: Columbia Still Babying Anti-Israel Protesters, GWU Protesters Break Barriers
Northwestern U. police enforces rules against pro-Israel & pro-American demonstrators, but not the anti-Israel & anti-American protesters.

The anti-Israel and anti-Americans are still at it. Their schools are still babying them.
I’ll update this post during the day. If you see anything please tag me on Twitter: @mchastain81.
Columbia University
Columbia President Nemat Shafik is one of the worst. “Negotiations” with the dumbs have broken down but she still won’t do anything even though she admitted Jewish students don’t feel safe, non-students have joined in to make it worse, and they have violated Title VI:
But we must take into account the rights of all members of our community. The encampment has created an unwelcoming environment for many of our Jewish students and faculty. External actors have contributed to creating a hostile environment in violation of Title VI, especially around our gates, that is unsafe for everyone—including our neighbors. With classes now concluding, it represents a noisy distraction for our students studying for exams and for everyone trying to complete the academic year.
Consistent with our interim demonstration policies, after reading days, exams, and Commencement, protests may continue on campus by application with two-days’ notice in authorized locations. We have no intention of suppressing speech or the right to peaceful protest.
We also do not want to deprive thousands of students and their families and friends of a graduation celebration. Please recall that many in this graduating class did not get a celebration when graduating from high school because of the pandemic, and many of them are the first in their families to earn a University degree. We owe it to all of our graduates and their loved ones to honor their achievement. We want to reassure our community who are trying to make plans that we will indeed hold a Commencement.
For all of the reasons above, we urge those in the encampment to voluntarily disperse. We are consulting with a broader group in our community to explore alternative internal options to end this crisis as soon as possible. We will continue to update the community with new developments.
Fast forward to now…
BREAKING: Big police presence and FBI now at the gates outside campus. Rumors swirling that a 2pm deadline has been set.
Literally HOURS after sending an appeasement email.
It's almost like Shafik WANTS to win the Worst University Leadership Ever award.
— Columbia Jewish Alumni Assoc. (@CU_JewishAlumni) April 29, 2024
George Washington University
Let’s look at GWU. Don’t forget GWU students shined antisemitic projections on a building after October 7.
Oh, look. The dumbs broke down the barriers and stopped the police from arresting someone.
“Globalize the intifada!”
NEW: Protestors at George Washington University have broken down the barriers set up by campus police and prevented one of their members from being arrested.
They’re chanting “globalize the intifada.” pic.twitter.com/BgQjDRjD1H
— Steve McGuire (@sfmcguire79) April 29, 2024
“Whose campus? Our campus!”
The scene last night at George Washington University as protestors took down the barriers set up around their encampment: https://t.co/9EcQctexZv pic.twitter.com/1bbtz0R9n6
— Steve McGuire (@sfmcguire79) April 29, 2024
The same dumbs called for the “socialist reconstruction” of America.
HAPPENING NOW: The Communist rallies continue at George Washington University:
“The Police were literally organized to harass, brutalize, and kill black people and indigenous people.” pic.twitter.com/sCJtzIruaw
— Christian Julio Lasval (@christianlasval) April 25, 2024
“There’s only one solution, intifada revolution. We must have a revolution so we can have a socialist reconstruction of the United States of America.” pic.twitter.com/K8KCQiCtvA
— Christian Julio Lasval (@christianlasval) April 25, 2024
Communist rally speaker compares the deaths of Palestinians in the Israel-Gaza war to the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ.
“So this Palestinian-Jew gave his life for [inaudible]. Today, the masses of the people of Gaza are giving their lives to free humanity from imperialism.” pic.twitter.com/5NxScVoAaU
— Christian Julio Lasval (@christianlasval) April 26, 2024
Northwestern University
At Northwestern, you can be antisemitic and anti-American, making Jewish students feel vulnerable and unsafe.
But wave Israel and American flags? That’s too much!
Northwestern University Police have so far been ok with being assaulted by faculty, campus occupied by Hamasniks, a flood of non-students and unscreened boxes into the camp & antisemitic graffiti & signs. But Jews with US & Israeli flags are asked to move back on to the sidewalk. https://t.co/clmjDLRpDA
— Richard Goldberg (@rich_goldberg) April 28, 2024
University of Texas
Police are arresting people on the south lawn.
BREAKING: Police at the University of Texas have now begun arresting protesters on the south lawn for the first time since Wednesday.
All charges were dismissed last week against more than 50 demonstrators. pic.twitter.com/dWgzGZGytl— Tony Plohetski (@tplohetski) April 29, 2024
I was told the people are nice and peaceful. Why did they prevent a Jewish student from getting to class?
@UCLA Jewish student trying to attend class is forcibly prevented entry by 6 masked Pro-Hamas students while UCLA guard stands by and DOES NOTHING.
“I am a UCLA student…my class is over there. I want to use THAT entrance. Let me go in.”#AntizionismIsAntisemitism
— The Persian Jewess (@persianjewess) April 29, 2024

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Palestinian-Jew? Oh really? And for all of those who don’t think this involves them because they’re not Jewish and seem to think that’s it’s just a case of lefty vs lefty…well guess who they’re coming for in short order. Everybody who is not muslim, everybody. Schools need to stop negotiating, the terrorists don’t negotiate, they dictate. Better wise up quick university admin, but it seems you’re already under sharia rule and maybe you haven’t exactly made that full realization just yet. Oh it’s gonna hurt when you wake up.
Ah, “intifada revolution” and “socialist reconstruction”. Sounds kinda insurrection-y to me. I’m sure the FBI will be all over it.
Granted, it’s hard to believe that these weenies could survive a whole day without access to a Starbucks but other people have been prosecuted for less.
Um, can I get a crib sheet here? What counts as violent, extreme, extremist, threat, organized, and terrorist here? Like maybe a chart with each word, then the definition then who counts?
Maybe throw in “insurrection” just for giggles.
Wouldn’t help. They change the definitions to support the Narrative of the Day.
University executives sloughing blame on “external actors creating a hostile environment,” must think saying so a clever dodge. Well coiffed 18 year old omnisexual soy Xe-Xems vegans wearing fresh $700 north face jackets and $500 sneakers are most certainly college insiders.
And anyone over 27? Let’s just call them the collective alumnus of Karl Marx City College of America.
“University executives sloughing blame on “external actors creating a hostile environment,””
Wait, so an external organization? Orchestration? Agents provocateur?
I expect the FBI to be all over this in 3… 2… 1… “You can’t instigate from inside: that’s our job. (Respect our Authoritah!)”
I honestly hope they cross the lines of violence and destruction. This is real insurrection. It will force Americans to choose: Do you want anarchy, poverty and death under the leftist Dems or peace and prosperity under Trump republicans?
And the “universities” of the United States complete their slide into irrelevancy…
The Anarcho-Communists have nearly completed their destruction of Western civilization.
Either we have civil order and rule of law or we discard civil order, have anarchy and the rule of the mob. Those in positions of power and influence need to decide quickly which of these visions they want to endorse via their actions or by choosing to fail to act.
By allowing these “protests” to go on as long as they have, the powers-that-be at the “universities” have made their choice…
“If we want to bring an end to police terror in all its forms and if we want to bring an end to imperialism, we will have to bring an end to the capitalist system that gave birth to them both.”
The ignorance is absolutely amazing. Lavrentiy Beria and his NKVD would have had them all in the Gulag months ago wondering what hit them.
We need a humane solution to the encampments. The answer is water cannons spiked with skunk smell. Give 5 minute warning, then a 1 minute final warning and let the water flow.
It will prevent police injuries and avoid the stupid process of arresting the malcontents after the inevitable tug of war contests. In most if not all the blue cities the terrorist supporters will either not be charged or receive no jail time or significant fines so the water saves lots of time and money.
They foreclose all ways of dealing with them. They would call that chemical weaponry and complain under the Geneva Convention. But I like the idea anyway.
Or some indelible blue dye and white dye. At least make them look better and right thinking even if they aren’t.
Cultural Marxist Seminaries doing a fine job in indoctrination
From TownHall – UPDATE: Columbia faculty form human chain to protect pro-Hamas students.
Fire all the faculty and expell all the students. Increased donations from the billionaires will more than cover the legal expenses.
I read that Columbia is suspending students. I don’t know any details, how many students it is, whether it’s just pro-Israeli students, whether they’re promoting faculty involved in this. But at least they want us to think they’re “doing something”.
Why would a Marxist Seminary want to throw out their indoctrinated students?
I like what the cops were trying to do at GWU. They built the barrier around the encampment and did not let the people OUT. They kettled the encampment.
Unfortunately they did not hold the line, and when it was breached, they failed to overwhelm the encampment. How is this possible, armed police vs. a nasty but presumably unarmed mob?
I think it was just campus police not DC police so they were probably vastly outnumbered and without any riot equipment.
She’s a Baroness (life peer, not hereditary), that’s even better than Lady which would have been enough to sit in the House of Lords. She is English nobility! Didn’t we have a kerfuffle with them some years ago over evicting that system from our country?
Is it time for the Columbians to experience a Kent State moment?
Well, ok, but you’ve misspelled “Genocidal Anti-Semite Rioters” again.
Today at random woke university
University of Florida arrested 9 people yesterday, after being given a list of a number of activities which were not allowed on campus, because they were disruptive activities. After 5 days of warning, they were arrested today…
As I have noted in a related thread. Bring pig’s blood. Pour it on YOURSELF and on the entries they want to block or break into.
Then let’s see how they handle that moral quandary.