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SJP Chapter at Mount Holyoke College Accused Of Promoting Violence to ‘Liberate Palestine’

SJP Chapter at Mount Holyoke College Accused Of Promoting Violence to ‘Liberate Palestine’

“Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine”

The federal government investigated parents for asking questions at school board meetings, but this is acceptable?

Campus Reform reports:

Unhinged student group at Massachusetts college promotes violence as ‘the only way to liberate Palestine’

A pro-Palestinian group at a Massachusetts college recently seemed to promote violence against Israel.

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at Mount Holyoke College (MHC) of South Hadley, Massachusetts, posted on Instagram on Feb. 19 a picture titled “The five points of al-Thawabet” that seemed to lay out key principles regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that the SJP hold to.

“Thawabet,” an Arabic word that could be translated as “Constants,” has been used to refer to core demands of the pro-Palestinian movement, and to assert that Palestinians have a “right” to violent “resistance.”

The five points were: “1. A free Palestine is Arab from the river to the sea, with Al-Quds [the Arab name for Jerusalem] as its capital; 2. Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine; 3. All Palestinians have the right of return; 4. The Palestinian Arab people reject all normalization of the Zionist entity [Israel]; 5. The Zionist entity is a constant source of threat for peace in the middle east and the whole world.”

The SJP chapter’s Instagram account is currently listed as “private.”

In late February, the group hosted an event with pro-Palestinian speaker Dr. Umayyah Cable, who allegedly had previously spoken in support of Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre of Israeli civilians.

Cable, who identifies herself as “Palestinian-American, queer, non-binary,” states that her “research and teaching interests span the fields of race and ethnic studies, film and media studies, anti-colonial studies, and queer theory, with a particular focus on the roles that art, film, and media play in the mobilization of Palestine solidarity politics in the United States,” according to her website.

According to the event’s registration page, the event focused on “the life experience and political activism of Palestinian-American lesbian activist Huda Jadallah as a representative example of how lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT/Queer) Arab Americans came out to both queer communities and Arab American communities in the 1980s and 1990s.”


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When the native tribes encountered the Dutch in Manhattan, they had no idea what they were dealing with.

That’s what’s going on here.

Fortunately, our nation’s security is in the hands of Jake Sullivan and Antony Blinken and Chris Wray and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

The federal government investigated parents for asking questions at school board meetings, but this is acceptable?

Actually yes, this is the very core of what the first amendment protects. All advocacy is absolutely protected speech, regardless of what it is that’s being advocated.

The parents were investigated, not for what they were advocating but on allegations that they had got disruptive or violent. That’s what these SJP people do at other people’s events, but not at their own ones. At their own events they are not disruptive or violent, they calmly and peacefully advocate genocide, as is their right.

    MontanaMilitant in reply to Milhouse. | April 2, 2024 at 8:48 am

    Ok Millhouse. Let’s test your sense of free speech.
    If a Dixie Club ( you already know no University would ever give a charter ) advocated for segregation and lynching people would you advocate for their right to non violently promote
    such ideas? Honestly curious

      Milhouse in reply to MontanaMilitant. | April 3, 2024 at 12:30 am

      Of course. How could you imagine I wouldn’t? Anyone who gives a **** about the freedom of speech would. If you wouldn’t then you are an enemy of the constitution.

      Advocacy is completely and unconditionally protected speech. There is no dispute about this; it’s black letter law.

At its “sister” college, Smith, SJP has occupied College Hall which contains various admin offices including disabilities services and Title IX.

We have to continue disciplining these SJP types like Vanderbilt apparently did. They get no exemption from our rules and must not impose on the rest of the students. At all. They can stick up their signs like anyone else and have their internal meetings, and that’s their right of free speech, and no more.

    Milhouse in reply to artichoke. | April 3, 2024 at 12:33 am

    Yes, when they behave like that at other people’s events, the university must take severe action against them.

    But this post is about them not disrupting anyone, but calmly and peacefully advocating genocide at their own events. That is protected speech, and a government university has no right to do anything to them for it But private people ought to disrupt them, and the university ought to refuse to do anything about it, just as it refuses to do anything when they do it to others.

JackinSilverSpring | April 2, 2024 at 10:55 am

SJP = Society for Jewish Pogroms

Deport the terrorists.

This is rich: an out Palestinian-American lesbian non-binary professor advocating jihad and support of Hamas, which murders all lesbians and those who present as ‘abnormal’, i.e. neither male nor female. Support for Hamas or not, she would probably be killed upon setting foot in Gaza if she did not disguise who she was. So she owes her survival to Western values and mores, which she militantly rejects in favor of those who would abolish them and impose shariah. And the radical girls at Mt. Holyoke don’t see the absurdity of this position.