Rich and Privileged White Family From Massachusetts Endorses Biden for 2024
“President Biden has been a champion for all the rights and freedoms that my father and uncles stood for”

Members of the Kennedy family have endorsed Joe Biden for president in 2024, knocking their own family member Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in the process.
The liberal media thinks this is a big deal, but all it really does is betray how absolutely terrified Democrats are that RFK, Jr. is going to take votes away from Biden.
FOX News reports:
Kennedy family chooses politics over family with endorsement in 2024 presidential race
Members of the iconic Kennedy family, a longtime staple in American politics, announced a major endorsement in the 2024 presidential race on Thursday — a move that came as a snub to one of their own seeking the White House.
Half a dozen Kennedy family members appeared alongside President Biden at an event in Philadelphia to publicly back him over Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who is driving Democrats to panic that his independent White House bid could lead to a victory for former President Donald Trump.
“President Biden has been a champion for all the rights and freedoms that my father and uncles stood for,” RFK Jr’s sister, Kerry Kennedy, said during the event, referencing the late former President John F. Kennedy, the late former U.S. Attorney General and New York Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, and the late former Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy.
Kerry Kennedy went on to praise what she described as Biden’s accomplishments during his first term, and claimed that Americans’ quality of life had improved under his presidency. She then blasted Trump, claiming he would be a “dictator” if elected.
I don’t know who at the Biden campaign thought this video was a good idea. The cringe factor is off the charts.
The Kennedy family endorses President Biden
— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) April 19, 2024
This endorsement really shouldn’t surprise anyone. The Kennedys are soldiers for the Democrat party. What is surprising is that the Biden campaign would place so much importance on it. The Kennedys are a poster family for white privilege and unearned power and wealth, things the left supposedly despises. Joe Biden even tweeted it out himself.
Having the support of the Kennedy family in this election means the world to me.
Together, we will defeat Donald Trump.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) April 19, 2024
Do they really think this is going to change anyone’s mind if they’re already planning to vote for RFK Jr.?
MSNBC apparently does:
RFK Jr. is dealt an embarrassing blow with 15 members of the Kennedy family endorsing Biden
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential ambition may have gained him national attention — especially given the threat that some Democrats believe he poses to President Joe Biden’s re-election — but it certainly has not endeared him to all of his family.
On Thursday, 15 Kennedy family members — including six of RFK Jr.’s 10 siblings — publicly endorsed Biden during a campaign event with the president in Philadelphia.
They could have made this even more cringe by having them all sing “Imagine”
— Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) April 19, 2024
This is just gross. I would never vote to RFKJr, but seeing this is just disgusting. No one has any excuse to be fooled by the Kennedys.
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) April 19, 2024
ROTFLMAO "Biden is the RFK of his generation"
— Sister Toldjah
(@sistertoldjah) April 20, 2024
This is not the win that the Biden campaign thinks it is.
Featured image via YouTube.

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“ Together, we will defeat Donald Trump.”
So that is the whole of the China Joe* campaign message? Not “here are the good things we’ll do” but Orange Man Bad.
No one wants to vote for fear when others are running for positive things
Absolutely true. In a fair and just world where the regime in power is not subjecting its opponent to multiple politically motivated criminal prosecutions and there are adequate controls for harvested, unverified mail in ballots. The hell brought to you by the democrat party is not, however, a just world.
I disagree. Voting for fear is the liberal standard. It is only exceeded by voting for corruption.
They dimmish JFK & RFK legacy,
They need to brush up on Bidens legacy and record.
JFK pimped out his teenage intern to a major campaign donor. “Camelot”, how elegant.
Biden is Ted Kennedy, that’s the
The Marxists have deployed their big guns now: Voting for RFK Jr is officially “dangerous”!
There is a dreary sameness to Communist propaganda that shows a lack of imagination. Questioning the Wuflu hoax was “dangerous”. Refusing to fund the Forever War in Ukraine is “dangerous”. Speaking out against the murder and mayhem committed by BLM and Antifa brownshirts is “dangerous”. Pointing out the inherent risks of mass ballot harvesting and voting by mail is “dangerous”. Criticizing a Democrat official for obvious malfeasance is “dangerous”. And so on.
it plays to the FEAR emotion by which that they want people to make decisions. Fearful people act immediately and not always wisely.
The problem (from the Marxists’ point of view) is that these tactics lose their effectiveness over time. Attempts by the Biden* junta and the Joseph Goebbels media to jump-start a new “pandemic” panic have fallen flat. Years ago accusations of “sexual harassment” made against a Republican candidate were a guaranteed kill-shot; now they barely register. Even the hair-on-fire accusations that Trump would be a dictator if re-elected seems to have fallen flat given the Biden* junta’s blatant weaponization of the Federal government against political opponents.
Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt….FUD. the great marketing tool. No one ever got fired for buying Intel. No one was ever politically punished for voting Democrat.
Ha ha ha. Used to be, “no one ever got fired for buying IBM.”
The Overton window moves, and having moved, writes on.
This campaign strategy, if that’s what the Biden’s want to call it, is disgraceful and misplaced.
Attacking the opposing candidate whose father was assassinated while making a campaign speech is a disgrace to all Americans.
Using a white-privileged family from Massachusetts is misplaced and very tone-deaf. This endorsement opens the Kennedy family up to massive humiliation as in Mary Jo Kopechn. Stupid is as desperate does.
“Using a white-privileged family from Massachusetts is misplaced and very tone-deaf.”
But so are their voters. Socialists lubs dem dose Kennedys. They are the hereditary kings they would choose for themselves.
Actually, Biden is the Ted Kennedy of his generation
Well, yes. I see the similarities. Ted Kennedy had a stroke, had brain cancer and was brain-dead in coma at the end, but was still in office until he was buried.
And a horrible womanizer and murderer
I said that too lol
Go easy on Ted, he hasn’t had a drink in over a dozen years.
To be fair, his name frequently sneaks its way onto the anniversary board at A LOT of AA meetings. I suspect that george shows up over at NA as well.
I LOVE the headline. Forget who they are – just the headline should be a Trump ad
“Democrats claim to be the party of the downtrodden, the minorities, the hard working people of America. But who endorses their candidate? An inter-generationally rich white family from Massachusetts.”
and then run pictures of/scenes from the Kennedy scandals – Mary Jo Kopechn, their lobotomized daughter, the Jackie stories that she did NOT want to marry JFK…. lots to choose from.
And this lede photo — priceless.
The crazy eyes fair burn right through the film.
Excellent title there, perfect encapsulation of Social Justice Warriorspeak. They probably don’t pay their fair share of taxes either and are obvious climate criminals.
Old man Joe sure didn’t. He made his fortune NOT paying liquor taxes.
The Kennedys have caught TDS, which will get worse with time until they have lost any aura they once had, and then it will continue some more.
That aura is long gone. The people who worship at the altar of the Kennedy family are dead or dying off.
I’ve preserved an unopened pack of “Kennedy Playing Kards” and a Vaughn Meader album for 60 years, hoping to sell someday at collectors’ prices. That day just never came, and now I doubt it ever will.
They look like old old people
The Kennedys
Patriarch was a NAZI sympathizer.
Teddy was a murderer
Need I say more
The Kennedy dynasty: trailer trash with money.
“I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.’**
– Kennedy Family Motto.
**Unless you’re Rosemary Kennedy. They gave her the lobotomy.
She liked the boys too much. Whoring around was encouraged with the boys, but with the girls it gotcha a brain scraping.
Democrats learn fairly early on that it’s a lot easier to disavow a bastard when you’re the father, like Hunter, than it is when you’re the mother, like Rosemary.
So the Kennedy family is saying that RFK, and JFK by extension, were congenital liars, and used the family name and power to enrich themselves.
Why would The Family exclude Jello Biafra-Kennedy? He’s got charisma, good looks and fake talent of any Kennedy ever born.
To diss RFK by comparing him to Biden
Absolutely putred
His father
RFKjr is a druggie, or was, a womanizer and a climate control , gun grabbing freak
But he’s no Biden
Before they made Biden, they broke the mold.
Biden is going down quicker than a car flying off a bridge in Chappaquidick.
Ahhh, the Kennedys! Continuing to embarrass the Irish-American community at every opportunity.
Reminds me of the best joke ever. Egyptian Air is running a special. For $400 they will fly you from JFK to JFK Jr. As a pilot friend put it, “Hubris has no seat in the cockpit.”
I for one am heartened that none of them are in the custody of the Barnstable Police Department. Or in one of the halfway houses for recovering alcoholics in Hyannis.
By the way, am I the only one that seems to be reading between the lines that TPTB know that we have a new administration coming in January?
I prefer to view it as a nagging lack of confidence regarding whether they — or anyone, for that matter — can successfully cheat hard enough this time to prevent it.
“ claimed that Americans’ quality of life had improved under his presidency”…
for whom? The corruptocrats? Illegals?
No one I know.
The Far Left has overestimated their ability to “sell snow to an eskimo”. Dumbed-down math kind of helped people to accept utter pretzel logic, but eliminating Algebra from schools (see: Cambridge MA) will really do the trick along with a constant barrage of woke-think and enticed recitation (The North Face)
I heard one of their propagandists telling some fox talking head that the claim we are doing better is based on “increases in personal wealth”. In a random act of journalism, the talking head asked “What about people having to dip into savings to meet bills?” and the reply was “That’s what you’d expect to see in this case. that’s what we want to see”
“Members of the iconic Kennedy family,” For God’s sake can everyone stop overusing and misusing “iconic”??
In this case maybe we could add the prefix “In” like “infamous” is famous for something bad, “Iniconic”.
What doesn’t get much play in the msm is that Biden is denying RFKjr secret service protection when the impetus to provide it for serious potus candidates arose from RFK’s assassination.