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Profs Claim it’s ‘Homophobic Violence’ to Point Out That Hamas Treats Gay People With Brutality

Profs Claim it’s ‘Homophobic Violence’ to Point Out That Hamas Treats Gay People With Brutality

“And we have to start naming this, actually, as homophobic”

This is progressive logic in a nutshell. It’s ‘homophobic violence’ to notice that Hamas is responsible for violence against gay people.

FOX News reports:

Professors claim pointing out how Hamas brutalizes LGBTQ people is ‘homophobic violence’

Describing Hamas’ brutalization of LGBTQ Palestinians needs to be labeled “homophobic violence,” university professors suggested at an event last month.

Associate Professor Maya Mikdashi took part in a discussion at the school titled “Palestine is a Feminist and Queer Anti-Imperialist Abolition Struggle” with University of Illinois professor Nadine Naber on March 20. During the event, Mikdashi pushed back on the complaint that Palestinians and Hamas mistreat LGBTQ citizens, claiming that the assertion itself is a form of bigotry.

“So I’ve been at protests where I’m then told, ‘Don’t you know what Hamas would do to you, if you were in Palestine.’ And we have to start naming this, actually, as homophobic,” Mikdashi said, as Naber vocally agreed. “You cannot rehearse violence to queer people and be like, ‘don’t you know … A, B, you would be…’ in really excruciating detail. I think we have to actually shift it.”

“It’s violence,” an audience member said.

“It’s homophobic. It’s violent,” Mikdashi agreed.

“Homophobic violence,” Naber affirmed.

“And we have to move it from thinking only in terms of pinkwashing to actually understanding pinkwashing as a form of homophobia,” Mikdashi said.

The Anti-Defamation League describes pinkwashing in this context as “used by anti-Israel activists to characterize positive aspects or characteristics of Israeli society – like the promotion of LGBTQ+ rights … as a premeditated Israeli strategy to deflect attention from what they argue is Israel’s persecution of the Palestinians.”

Naber also alleged that the concept was based on a “racist assumption” that Arab culture is “hyper-misogynist” and rooted in “backwards or savage concepts.” She later insisted that Israel is guilty of sexual assault based on its colonialist founding.


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henrybowman | April 9, 2024 at 7:43 pm

Some people need a hard punch in the nose.

Like most leftists, Mikdashi is a certifiable lunatic.

Woke progressive lefties doing mental gymnastics to deny their own contradictions.


What the what ? So actually committing real violence against gay people is not violent but okay as long as Palestinians do it? But pointing out that gay people are brutalized in Gaza and the West Bank is homophobia . So basically all Palestinians are perfect and all their actions are beyond criticism. Oh those holy saints the worlds perfect victim group , if only the Palestinians would get more attention and money, maybe a whole UN organization dedicated just to them, think of all they could accomplish , oh wait a minute ? .

    Milhouse in reply to schmuul. | April 10, 2024 at 12:04 am

    Yes. Are you familiar with the concept of “pinkwashing”? It’s a contender for stupidest term in the lexicon, but it has some strong competitors, such as “cultural appropriation”, “fatphobia”, and “slut shaming”.

      WindyHill in reply to Milhouse. | April 10, 2024 at 8:24 am

      I’m glad you said that, Milhouse! I was just sitting here thinking I must not have had enough coffee this morning because I was trying to figure out what on earth “pinkwashing ” is.

Who gives a rat’s ass what any of them say or think?!

George_Kaplan | April 9, 2024 at 8:56 pm

So an anti-Semite who refuses to tolerate Hamas being held accountable for their atrocities, and will not forgive Israel for existing.

She and her kind need to be recognised as the bigots and terrorist sympathisers they are.

Fine. Why doesn’t the LBGTQCIA send a boatload of people there to Gaza to see how they are treated and then report back? Assuming they aren’t thrown off any buildings that are still standing, of course…

    They wouldn’t do that to their allies.
    Now, they might put them in a roadblock to stop Israeli troop movements, or in front of Israeli bulldozers trying to destroy tunnels. (All hail Saint Corrie!)

    Another Voice in reply to drsamherman. | April 11, 2024 at 12:22 pm

    Let them (CIA) recruit from those in the military who have promoted indoctrination and subscribe of DEI re-programing into the training/re-training in all of our military branches. Perhaps an opportunity to test for the reality of how DEI is perceived and in application to any outcomes in the today’s “real” world.

This reminds me that during the early 1980’s, when it was a “No No” to say there was a linkage between aids and homosexual men.

    henrybowman in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | April 10, 2024 at 4:26 pm

    Which is precisely why they invented the term AIDS to replace the original term GRID: “gay-related immune deficiency.”

    Nowadays it’s verboten to associate pox with monkeys, because monkeys imply gays. Or something.

From the article:

“Naber also alleged that the concept was based on a ‘racist assumption’ that Arab culture is ‘hyper-misogynist’ and rooted in ‘backwards or savage concepts.'”

You mean they aren’t? Hmm, something’s changed.

a discussion at the school titled “Palestine is a Feminist and Queer Anti-Imperialist Abolition Struggle”
I doubt there was much of any actual discussion going on at all. More likely hectoring and a bunch of nimrods nodding along.

How many alphabet people (LGB…) are actively moving to Arab cultures? That would be a good question for these pathetic excuses for a professor.

William Downey | April 10, 2024 at 10:49 am

“You can’t fix stupid.” – Ron White.

To be clear, according to the Australia National Inmams Council: “From the Islamic standpoint, homosexuality is a forbidden action; a major sin and anyone who partakes in it is considered a disobedient servant of Allah…”

Their own family kills many LGBTQ persons. Numerous Islamic countries have laws calling for prison or even death.

Some extremist groups have executed members of the LGBTQ community. In Iraq, a man was thrown off a roof, and although he survived the fall, he was stoned to death.

If writing or speaking about the issue of Islamic violence against the Muslim LGBTQ community is Islamophobic, then I am.

    henrybowman in reply to William Downey. | April 10, 2024 at 4:49 pm

    When you structure your worldview around disparately manufactured fantasies instead of objective reality, don’t blame reality for eventually profiting from your idiocy by grinding you to flour in its arbitrage mill.

There are too many people in America spending too much time and money at too many “colleges” being subjected to too many “professors” like these.

In the aggregate, it’s a terrible drain on society.

If most lectures at the college level were put on dvd (or equivalent) then (1) huge amounts of $$$ would be saved, and (2) there’d be a permanent record for which those responsible would be legally accountable.

destroycommunism | April 11, 2024 at 11:26 am

the welfare state supports the universities and all publicly funded educational sink holes

education DOES not have to be publicly funded for there to be education

too bad the gop didnt take advantage of the covid debacle and make the tough calls on this

but what could we expect from rinos and their voters