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Politico Writer Equates ‘Pro-Child’ Beliefs With Far Right Extremism

Politico Writer Equates ‘Pro-Child’ Beliefs With Far Right Extremism

Man, we are terrible people.

Politico‘s Gaby Del Valle somehow connected pro-child to the far right. I’m guessing Catholics fit her image, too, because this image appeared in her article.

“Traditional” is far-right extremism, you guys.

I avoid thought pieces, especially ones on topics that anger me, because I have to bite my tongue.

But this Politico piece is too much.

Del Valle attended the first Natal Conference in early December. The small gathering included people who wanted to increase the birthrate, which has seen a drastic decrease.

But their motives are sinister: “a total social overhaul, a culture in which child-rearing is paramount.”

How dare these people want others to have kids!

It must be the patriarchy because Del Valle eagerly pointed out that few women attended the conference, and most of the men didn’t have children.

I’m shocked Del Valle didn’t include images of Nazis and Hitler since he didn’t have kids but encouraged Germans to reproduce like crazy.

Unfortunately, I did not attend the conference, so I only have Del Valle’s views and those who attended it. Both likely painted the conference in a way that fits their viewpoints.

So, let’s assume all those associated with the Natal Conference belong to far-right extremism. Let’s take Del Valle at her word. I find details of the conferences concerning, eyebrow-raising, and an occasional, “Oh, good Lord.”

However, Del Valle’s wording leads one to believe anyone who has a pro-child view is a far-right extremist. She peppered her piece with the usual vocabulary to include everyone: libertarian, Christian, conservative, liberal democracy, Trump, white supremacists, etc.

“Together, the speakers paint a dire picture of a society that has lost its way, abandoning fundamental biological truths and dooming itself to annihilation in the process,” wrote Del Valle.

I mean, society has also fallen apart since the family structure has fallen apart. The left has traumatized females about having children, embracing their murder inside the womb, and poisoning their minds that men want to keep them as second-class citizens.

Del Valle mentioned:

At first glance, this conference might look like something new: A case for having kids that is rooted in a critique of the market-driven forces that shape our lives and the shifts that have made our culture less family-oriented. As [speaker Kevin] Dolan later tells me in an email, declining birth rates are primarily the fault of “default middle-class ‘life path’ offered by our educational system and corporate employers,” which Dolan says is “in obvious competition with starting a family.” These systems, he believes, have created a consumer-driven, hedonistic society that requires its members to be slavishly devoted to their office jobs, often at the expense of starting a family.

It is far-right to want people to have families and make their families their top priority. Christians are the same as white supremacists. This is a huge jump, man:

Throughout it all, some religious conservative cultures have continued to see raising large broods as a divine mandate. White supremacists, meanwhile, have framed their project as a way of ensuring “a future for white children,” as declared by David Lane, a founding member of the white nationalist group The Order.

Going from Christians to white supremacists is just…WOW.

Do you know why Catholics have large families? We don’t use fake birth control. If we use birth control, it’s Natural Family Planning, which works! Plus, NFP helps the woman become more in tune with her body. She understands it even more, too.

In their words, some Catholics leave it up to God. To the leftists, they leave it to nature.

As I wrote this piece, I noticed David Strom at Hot Air beat me to the punch. I love that he pointed out the left makes it known that they want their culture filled with death, no men, men claiming to be women to replace our culture.

I used to belong to that culture. Now, I belong to another culture.

The leftists won’t accept the fact that our culture fits with nature. It is how humans have survived. We are animals. Our purpose is to breed and survive. Why are women the child and home caretakers? Because it’s wired in us. Has anyone noticed it becomes more chaotic when Mom isn’t around the house? It’s not the patriarchy that keeps women home. It’s biology.

I’m an extremist, though, because I believe the man should work and the woman should stay at home.

We have seen how the left has infiltrated the public school systems, filling our kids with hate and anti-family views. Critical Race Theory and DEI tell everyone to hate white people and beat white people down to feel guilty for crimes committed by white people.

Why do these anti-Israel dumbs hate Israel so much? They admit it:

A response to Politico’s tweet promoting the article showed how the population of red states has grown. The latest data is from 2021.


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Leftists always seem more aware of white supremacist groups than conservatives are. They always seem to have their quotes on hand, to know their history, and to be ready to link them to people who have never heard of them.

    Paul in reply to Crawford. | April 29, 2024 at 7:25 pm

    And, as in the case of Joe Biden* and Robert Byrd, to eulogize them at their funeral.

    By the way, I absolutely LOVE the ‘fact check’ on this. The boot-lickers at AP say it is ‘debunked’ because the straw-man claim is that Biden* eulogized Robert Byrd who was the GRAND WIZARD of the KKK, but NO! Byrd wasn’t the GRAND WIZARD, he was a mere EXALTED CYCLOPS.

    LMFAO, I swear to God, if I ever mean one of these proggie “fact checkers” I am going to piss in their shoe.

goddessoftheclassroom | April 29, 2024 at 7:19 pm

I would have liked to have two or more children, but given my ex, God spared me.

Another queer front group.

In what universe is it something to be proud and righteous about to advocate murdering a tiny baby not yet born in the most gruesome way possible? That tiny being feels pain exactly like any human child or adult and the process to kill it is SLOW TORTURE! All of us would scream until our voice was gone with anything even close to the various methods of execution used. This is the absolute opposite of a quick painless death.

And these BRAINLESS TWITS think that WE’RE the extremists?

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | April 29, 2024 at 7:56 pm

Well … it’s certainly true that the mainstream left is rabidly anti-child. In fact, the mainstream left is so anti-child that they don’t stop at promoting low birth rates but promote and revel in child sacrifice (though the left has no concept of actual “sacrifice” so they are really just celebrating a pointless and meaningless bloodlust for dismembered infants).

It’s not difficult to understand how the anti-human, nihilistic Western Left would look at anyone who promotes procreation and the growth of society as “far right”. The left is looking to destroy society, to leave nothing in the left but a heap of smoldering ashes and a few savages running around in loincloths.

Close The Fed | April 29, 2024 at 7:59 pm

The leftists are nihilists. Pay them no mind. Just find a way to end their hold over our country.

beautifulruralPA | April 29, 2024 at 8:11 pm

Quite a number of years ago I watched a documentary (sorry I can’t link to it) that explained that a civilization will begin to fall when their birth rate falls below 2.1. We are now no more than 1.9. However the Muslims tend to be more like 2.9. Strange this writer isn’t familiar with this fact.

Is this also part of the push for more immigrants, since we are not replacing ourselves?

It also isn’t just the more conservative ones – hasn’t she heard of the “trads” who are often quite liberal? Well, as usual, it was just an attempt to bash “others”.

PoliticoEU’s Twitter feed is very active with 0 to 3 replies per post, which makes it a perfect target for mockery.

thalesofmiletus | April 29, 2024 at 9:12 pm

White people reproducing jeopardizes The Great Replacement.

What would this man’s parents say to his repudiation of them?

Looks like a good news/bad news story. It’s bad news that the birth rate is so low, but it’s great news that leftists aren’t reproducing.

    thalesofmiletus in reply to txvet2. | April 29, 2024 at 11:55 pm

    Watching some of these man-baby protesters being hauled away reveals that it’s better for all of humanity if they abstain.

Politico has really given a lot of fiction writers a good home.

I’m really OK with Politico noting the fact that being “pro-child” is incompatible with being a Democrat.

Pro child doesn’t equate to the natalist movement which the article was clearly about.

“Do you know why Catholics have large families? We don’t use fake birth control. If we use birth control, it’s Natural Family Planning, which works”
what a sentence

“How dare these people want others to have kids!”

I think others SHOULD have kids, in obedience to God’s command: be fruitful, multiply, fill and subdue the earth.

But if you choose not to, that’s between you and your Maker.

Meanwhile, we postmillennial, “dominionist” Christians keep reproducing. (You should just SEE all the vans and SUVs in our church parking lots every Sunday!)

Attrition is a thing. 🙂

Wow. I am one of 25 grandchildren in my family, one of six children to my mom and dad, and I have four children (and probably another one on the way. I guess that makes my entire family a group of revolutionaries.

It would be interesting if the reproduction rate could be broken into right wing v left wing.

BierceAmbrose | April 30, 2024 at 4:57 pm

So, putting a byline on stuff they’ve mined from /alt/weirdness/no really the weird stuff.

Or another Tuesday at Politico.