On Mayorkas, Chuck Schumer Suddenly Doesn’t Like Impeachment Being Used for ‘Policy Disagreements’
“Mr. Schumer said he considers the case against Mr. Mayorkas to be illegitimate, and he seemed confident of having the votes to succeed.”

Now that Republicans are moving ahead with the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is suddenly warning that impeachment shouldn’t be used for policy disagreements.
That will be news to President Trump and his supporters. Also, this is not about a policy disagreement. It’s about the invasion at our southern border which has been allowed to happen.
Schumer is going to try to kill this impeachment.
The Washington Times reported:
Schumer vows to crush Mayorkas impeachment trial
Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer said Tuesday that Democrats will move to derail an impeachment trial for Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, saying the charges against him are bogus.
Mr. Schumer did not say exactly what method Democrats will use, but other senators said it could involve either tabling or moving to dismiss the case, which could be done through a majority vote.
Republicans decried the expected move that would be the first time in history the Senate shirked a duty to conduct a trial after the House impeached an official.
But Mr. Schumer said he considers the case against Mr. Mayorkas to be illegitimate, and he seemed confident of having the votes to succeed.
“We’re going to try and resolve this issue as quickly as possible,” Mr. Schumer, New York Democrat, told reporters. “Impeachment should never be used to settle policy disagreements.”
Watch the clip below:
POT, MEET KETTLE: Chuck Schumer says "impeachment should never be used to settle policy disagreements!" pic.twitter.com/XIB3d3cjw2
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 9, 2024
The Senate GOP is pushing back on Schumer, as they should. Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) had some choice words for Schumer this week:
Kennedy on Democrats’ efforts to bury Mayorkas impeachment: “This is unconscionable”
Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, today joined Republican colleagues in calling on Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) to hold a full, fair trial in the Senate to consider the House of Representatives’ articles of impeachment against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
The House of Representatives has impeached Mayorkas for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” which are outlined in two articles of impeachment. The U.S. Constitution, within Article I, Section 3, Clause 6, vests the Senate with the sole power to “try all Impeachments.”
“A charitable interpretation of what Sen. Schumer is planning to do does not exist. It doesn’t. He is going to either make a motion to table or to dismiss the work done by the U.S. House of Representatives and our 200 plus year history,” explained Kennedy, in light of Senate Democrats’ apparent plans to bury the impeachment charges without a full trial.
The Senate has held a full trial in every impeachment except in four cases where the official was either removed or resigned, so dismissing or tabling the articles against Mayorkas would be unprecedented.
“I fully expect Senator Schumer to try to muddy up the water, to try to make it look deep, but this is really very simple: We’re either going to follow Senate custom, Senate rules and Senate history, or we are not,” Kennedy said.
“Now, originally, Senator Schumer had planned to do this on the Thursday when everybody is trying to get back to their districts. Isn’t that special? Wonder why he picked a Thursday. . . . This is unconscionable, people. This ranks right up there with getting rid of the filibuster. We’re either going to have a United States Senate as set up by our founders or we’re not, and that’s what’s going on here,” Kennedy concluded.
Watch the video of Kennedy’s comments below:
Featured image via C-Span video.

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OK. And when you are done F-ing him, then what?
Sic a griz on him.
Pimp him out on the streets turning tricks to pay off the federal debt.
Treason is not a “policy disagreement” … even though treason is the dems’ clear policy.
The left has under lawfare to get what they want since the 1930s they don’t like it when its used against them.
Schumer is an evil opportunist with no principles whatsoever.
When he travels between DC and his district, he doesn’t even use a jet — he just has his staff at the far end perform the proper incantation over his summoning circle.
He does have a principle, hard-nosed power politics.
I wish I could express, but I can’t. That corrupt piece of garbage is doing exactly what is expected. Communist trash like him doesn’t like following the rules except when the rules favor him. Also, not doing your job is not a policy disagreement.
Schumer is a freakin idiot. He knows there aren’t 60 votes to impeach, yet he is going to force every vulnerable senator up for election to vote to dismiss or table it. If the repubs have any stones this becomes a huge issue in the 2024 campaign. All of those close races become even harder for the dems to win in states like Ohio, Montana, Nevada, Arizona, even Maryland comes more into play.
There was a good reason Rush referred to him as Chuck U.
Once again, a Dem is threatening to act in a way that seems to presuppose they will never again be out of power (because Chuck may set a precedent he wouldn’t want Republicans to exercise for their own benefit). Do they know something we don’t?
Not just that. This is also an Inter Congressional power dispute between the HoR and the Senate. The HoR sent over articles of impeachment and if the Senate chooses to ignore them well…the HoR has other powers they can utilize such as refusing to authorize appropriation bills until the Senate acts to take up the articles and hold a trial. These sort of sin in haste, repent at leisure decisions the d/prog seem to be fond of always have consequences sooner or later.
The dumbasses can’t that card, they passed the passed the spending bills for the rest of the fiscal year before Easter and there is not debt ceiling until next January. About the only cards they have is Israel / Ukraine funding, the border security issue is stuck in the mud, one bill passed out of the house and one in the senate that are not moving anywhere, both bills have flaws especially the senate passed bill. HR2 has been sitting on Schumer’s desk since May 2023.
Who said it has to be for FY24? All appropriations end in Sept and funding requirements for FY25 begin 1 Oct.
For his plan to work, the Majority Leader needs every Democrat plus Senators Manchin and Sinema. This assumes the Pubs vote in unison to conduct the trial.
So what are Manchin and Sinema doing?
Don’t forget Fetterman
He’s been wandering off the democrats plantation lately. He might surprise everyone
Dont forget wrong way romney
Sinema has bucked the Democrat hive mind exactly once… to establish her credentials. Don’t expect it to happen again, even though she’s now the lamest of lame ducks.
Thankfully for Chuckie Schumer, Democrats cannot be shamed. You have to be both self-aware and hold beliefs beyond your lust for money and power to be capable of shame. Chuckie has neither and is elected by people too stupid to care.
Schmuckmer down to his usual slimy tricks. If this had been a Republican cabinet secretary and a Democrat House, he would have been crowing from the rooftops about “the constitutional process working as intended” and playing up the “clear as crystal guilt” before a trial was even convened. Schmuckie has himself wrapped up in so much hypocrisy it’s hard to tell where his head starts and his colon ends.
this sounds like something out of the Durbin playbook
Pardon me while I go in the restroom to take a great big schumer, I’ll be sure to flush twice
They dont want a trial because they dont want publicity on the immigration issues. They think it hurts them