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New Video Shows Israeli Hostage Yarden Bibas Being Brutally Beaten by Gazan “Civilians” on October 7  

New Video Shows Israeli Hostage Yarden Bibas Being Brutally Beaten by Gazan “Civilians” on October 7  

It is not known if he and his kidnapped wife and children are still alive.

A newly surfaced video shows missing Israeli hostage Yarden Bibas being brutally beaten by a crowd of Hamas supporters and driven into Gaza on a motorbike on October 7.

The 40-second footage shows a frenzied mob beating and punching Yarden. The blood-soaked 34-year-old man, who’s wife and two kids were also taken captives by Hamas, is seen paraded though the triumphant crowd of Gazans as they appear to shout ‘Allahu Akbar’.

Yarden is father of the youngest Israeli hostage in Hamas captivity. He was separated from his 32-year-old wife Shiri, and two young sons; 11-months-old Kfir, and 4-year-old Ariel. The family of four was abducted by Hamas terrorists from Kibbutz Nir Oz, when they stormed their tiny community in southern Israel.

Despite conflicting claims made by Hamas about their well-being, relatives are still hoping for their return. In recent month, Hamas has been refusing to handover the names of the living hostages in its custody, suggesting that most of them may have been murdered by the Gaza-based terrorists.

The Israeli news website YNET reported Wednesday:

In the harrowing footage, he’s seen surrounded by terrorists beating and shouting at him, being led by another armed terrorist riding a motorcycle. At one point, the video cuts off – and then starts again, with Bibas’s head and face covered in blood.

President Issac Herzog shared the disturbing video on his X account. “The world must not remain silent in the face of such crimes,” he wrote.

In February, the IDF made public a security video in which Shiri Bibas and her two young children, Ariel and Kfir, are seen, apparently in southern Gaza, on the day of their abduction, on October 7. In the video, the three are seen alive, but it is unclear what their condition is now, 194 days after their abduction.

Hamas claimed at the end of November that Shiri and her two children were no longer alive. The terror organization didn’t provide any evidence to back their claim, leading Israel to reject them. Later, Hamas even released a video of Yarden from captivity, allegedly after being informed of their death. (…)

On January 18, Israel and the world marked Kfir’s first birthday, which became known as the saddest birthday in the world. “I searched Google to know what a nine-month-old baby should do until the age of one. He should see a lot of colors, but instead, he sees only darkness,” Shiri’s cousin Yossi Schneider said at the time.

The video not only reveals the widespread complicity of Palestinians in the October 7 massacre, it also exposes how deeply the so-called Gaza journalists were embedded in the Hamas-led terrorist operation. Some of these ‘journalists’ and ‘photographers,’ who drove in with Hamas on October 7, were awarded international prizes for their coverage.

The media watchdog Honest Reporting noted:

While [the] identity [of the journalists] remains unclear, their presence amid a blood-thirsty mob of terrorists proves a disturbing truth: Gaza-based journalists covering Hamas atrocities that day did not bravely risk their lives, as declared by institutions that recently granted them awards, but operated easily without any objections from the perpetrators.

In the video, a professional camera hovering over a Palestinian mob can be seen as its operator nonchalantly tries to focus on the terrified Bibas, who is tightly held on a motorbike in the middle of the chaotic scene.

34-year-old Bibas — whose wife Shiri and two young sons Ariel and Kfir have been abducted in a separate incident — is seen surrounded by armed men, bloodied, beaten, abused, and yelled at.

But the cameraman, as well as whoever films the video footage and others who hold up their phones, care only about capturing Bibas’s suffering, most likely in order to sell the footage to local and international news outlets.

That they could operate freely amidst the barbarity suggests that they were there with, at the very least, tacit approval from the mob. In fact, including journalists as part of the invading force was always part of Hamas’ plan.

Besides the Bibas family, nearly 130 hostages in Hamas captivity are still unaccounted for. After 6 months of fighting, the terrorist group has largely retreated to the southern stronghold of Rafah. Most of the Hamas’s terrorist fighting force and living hostages are believed to be in the bastion on the Egyptian border. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government has pledged to enter Rafah despite opposition from the Biden administration.

Report: Biden admin okays Israel’s Rafah op if Jerusalem refrains from retaliating against Iran

The Biden administration appears to have given Israel the greenlight for an operation against the Hamas stronghold of Rafah if Jerusalem refrains from a counterstrike against Iran, the Jerusalem Post reported Thursday citing Arab sources.

The news comes as U.S. and Israeli official hold talks over a possible Israeli military mission in Rafah. “U.S. and Israeli officials will hold a high-level, virtual meeting on Thursday about alternative plans for an Israeli military operation in Rafah, a White House official confirmed to ABC News,” the U.S. broadcaster reported Thursday.

Iran on Saturday fired around 300 drones and missiles towards Israel, 99 percent of which failed to breach the Israeli air defenses. Prime Minister Netanyahu and senior IDF officials have vowed a retaliatory strike in response to the biggest aerial attack on the county since 1991 during the first Gulf War

The Jerusalem Post reported:

The US has approved a potential Israeli Rafah operation in exchange for the Jewish state not conducting counterstrikes on Iran, according to a Thursday report from the Qatari newspaper The New Arab.

A senior official told The New Arab that “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu managed to obtain American approval for a military operation in Rafah, in exchange for [Israel] refraining from carrying out a wide military operation against Iran in response to its recent attack.”

He claimed that “discourse of an Israeli response to Iran contradicts the desires of the American administration, and is not realistic, given the Israeli claims that the United States played the major role in repelling the Iranian attack and preventing its success.”

IDF destroys 100 terror targets, eliminates 40 terrorists in Gaza raid

After withdrawing most of the ground forces from Gaza in recent weeks, the Israeli military continued operations against Hamas. Israeli air strikes destroyed close to 100 terrorist targets and eliminate around 40 terrorists in a raid on central Gaza, the military disclosed Thursday.

“In a targeted operation, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have successfully concluded a raid against Hamas in the central Gaza Strip,” the Israeli TV channel i24NEWS reported. “The operation resulted in the destruction of over 100 sites linked to terrorist groups, the elimination of approximately 40 Hamas operatives, and the expansion of crucial military corridors controlled by the IDF.”

The raid led to the killing a senior Hamas commander affiliated to its spying wing. “IAF aircraft struck and eliminated the terrorist Yussef Rafik Ahmed Shabat, responsible for investigations in Hamas’ Internal Security Department in Beit Hanoun,” the IDF said in a press release Thursday. “Shabat served as a security officer in Hamas’ military intelligence wing of the Beit Hanoun Battalion, and his elimination significantly damages the terrorist organization’s investigations department.” The high-value terrorist was located based on the intelligence gathered by the IDF’s southern command, the press statement noted.

IDF hits Hezbollah terror compound as rocket fire continues from Lebanon

Emboldened by Iran’s massive aerial strike on Israel, Lebanon-based pro-Iranian Hezbollah terror militia stepped up rocket and drones attacks on northern Israel. On Thursday, the Shia-Islamist group fired more rockets towards Israel, resulting in an airstrike on its terror compound by the IDF.

“Earlier today, IDF soldiers identified several Hezbollah terrorists via a drone. The terrorists operated in a military compound in the area of Blida in southern Lebanon. Upon the identification of the terrorists, IAF fighter jets struck the compound from which they operated,” the Israeli military said in a statement Thursday.


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There are no “civilians” in Gaza.

true …. the hostages are either dead
or sold …
kill these animals …

Any actions Israel chooses better be accomplished soon. The closer we get to the election, the more likely it is that Biden will throw not only Israel but all Jews under the bus to placate the rabidly antisemite progressives.

    Andy in reply to Sanddog. | April 18, 2024 at 2:15 pm

    negative ghost rider. the jew memory is long. Terrorist lives are not.

    destroycommunism in reply to Sanddog. | April 18, 2024 at 2:23 pm

    the j ews who arent self hating are already against him

    the je ws who are tired of having been “bailing out” the blmplo american factions are also making a move,, albeit tentatively for fear of ( more) physical violence) coming their way, are starting to make the correct moves (see shapiro vs owens)

The little red heads

They along with the young lady from Germany attending the festival, are symbols of the horror of these muslims

I just don’t understand how isreal could not have had any information this was going to happen. Go s of so called “journalists “ knew, no way all those people could keep this secret?

And then 7 hours for the Israel army to come in force, it’s a small country

Someone explain this to me

    destroycommunism in reply to gonzotx. | April 18, 2024 at 2:20 pm

    when you get non stop “information” you cant jump at every single one

    same way when you are in the ring boxing etc

    if you go for every move your opponent makes you’ll be exhausted in no time

      I can’t buy that explanation

      Kind of like”planes flying into buildings”

        destroycommunism in reply to gonzotx. | April 18, 2024 at 2:23 pm

        you’re on your own then

        well accompanied by your fellow blmplo

        BierceAmbrose in reply to gonzotx. | April 20, 2024 at 1:56 am

        “I can’t buy that explanation”

        Where does it break down for you?(*)

        (*) Straight question. I hope my persona hereabouts convinces that I’d talk smack directly if I were tryin to talk smack.

    CincyJan in reply to gonzotx. | April 18, 2024 at 3:34 pm

    I have to believe the failure was political. I understand there are great divisions in Israeli politics. I believe that is also the case for American intelligence. No way do I believe US satellites didn’t pick up activity in Gaza. I think they didn’t pass it on to Netanhayu, who was a friend of Donald Trump’s. Our intelligence prefered to throw Israeli civilians under the bus, hoping it would harm Netanhayu politically. They have the blood of babies on their hands.

      BierceAmbrose in reply to CincyJan. | April 20, 2024 at 1:58 am

      Weaker form of the same perspective: over time people get tired being vigilant. The systems of patronage, and side issues get ever more traction, against the ever lest real disaster that never comes. Until it does.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to gonzotx. | April 20, 2024 at 10:57 am


    Goes to show how little you know about intelligence on multiple levels, not just your own lack thereof.

    Go back to fearing those evil Muslims under your bed – it’s what you have a talent for.

destroycommunism | April 18, 2024 at 2:18 pm

if you are against israel you are

by definition

a na ziii and/or a communist

who are basically the same

    Thad Jarvis in reply to destroycommunism. | April 20, 2024 at 10:58 am

    I’m surprised you haven’t been offered a senior fellowship at a prestigious think tank with your cutting edge commentary and analysis.

I don’t think civilians should be in scare quotes. I insist they be identified as such so that everyone can see that it is NOT merely the terrorists, but Gazans, in general, who are the enemy of Israel. They need to ALL be driven out of Gaza. Period.

The Gazan, Fakestinian “civilians” gleefully elected and supported a terrorist, genocidal, Islamofascist, Muslim supremacist government to represent them, and, enthusiastically participated in the 10/7 murders, rapes, atrocities and kidnappings.

These reprobates are not innocent in any way, shape or form, yet, these are the scum that vile Biden and the Dhimmi-crats are casting as alleged victims, and, are committing U.S. military power and taxpayer dollars to shower with undeserved succor and sustenance. What a total moral disgrace this is.

Also, what offensive and brazen arrogance, for Biden to proffer his “approval” of Israel’s Rafah operation plans, so long as it doesn’t engage in a fully justified retaliatory strike against the Iranian Islamofascist regime. So outrageous.

Since when does a country — a longstanding U.S. ally, no less — need the U.S.’s permission and blessing, in order to defend itself a vicious and evil Muslim terrorist attack?

    BierceAmbrose in reply to guyjones. | April 20, 2024 at 2:03 am

    Joey Mumbles is demonstrating something about losing your faculties: as your capacities erode, you are left with the grooves you wore in your mind and habits. He’s remarkably consistent:

    — Everything and anything is his business and prerogative.

    — Patronize the shifting winds, to get yourself elected.

    He’s perfectly predictable. Has no standards, but slave to his long-habits of making decisions.

The family of the “Reds” are hoping their loved ones are alive, but that is unrealistic. If alive, they would be a powerful weapon in the hands of Hamas negotiators. They are dead. Only the father might still be alive, simply because it would be harder to kill him. The Israeli families of the abducted are in deep denial. Sadly, the demonstrations by Israelis demanding their government do whatever necessary to obtain the release of their abducted family members are only putting an even bigger target on the back of every Israeli. October 7 was basically a savage raid to take hostages, hostages that the emotional, easily enflamed Gazans then tried to murder, or sold to other murderers to pay off debts (I imagine). In any case, Hamas started out grabbing hostages to try to paralyze Israeli reprisals, then were unable to control their fury and murdered many of them, and now Hamas is facing annihiatioin in Gaza (I hope). But Israeli citizens are continuing to put a very high value on hostages. So we can expect more hostages to be taken. As soon as the IDF returns to its bases. ‘Cause Hamas prefers to attack the vulnerable and the defenseless. Like 11 month old toddlers and four year olds.

    BierceAmbrose in reply to CincyJan. | April 20, 2024 at 2:10 am

    Perhaps Israel can get the families closure. Since their interlopers lie all the time about everything, that means physically chasing down every hostage til found dead or alive.

    Hamas, and their infrastructure in Gaza are screaming for six months now about the price being extracted from them. The Usual Suspects have been condemning the “disproportionate response” for about as long.

    However long it lasts, Israel is differently unified, focused, and committed on this one than I have seen before.

That display probably earned those Gazans full scholarships at Harvard.

    guyjones in reply to Q. | April 18, 2024 at 4:41 pm

    Or, at Columbia, Brown, Duke, MIT, UPenn, Georgetown, NYU, Stanford, UCal schools, et al. No shortage of pro-Islamofascist and pro-Muslim supremacist colleges and universities in the U.S. now, sadly.

Whatever small remaining bit of pity or concern I had towards the Palestinians vanished on October 7th. At this point I’m apathetic about their fate. Israel should do whatever it has to do to be safe.

When did AP know this was going forward? They certainly knew beforehand.

I would assume that all the men are dead and any still-living women are either being held in Gaza as sex slaves or have been sold to African or Qatar slave markets for the same purpose. Given that Israel didn’t immediately shut down Gaza’s ports smuggling them out would have been easy.

I’m so old I remember when the lame stream media pretended oblunder was a Christian and not an islamic Jew hater.

And Biden wants to use our money to pay the student loans of Hamas cheerleaders on U.S. campuses. Fuck that.