Maxine Waters Complains About Being Confronted in Restaurant, After Telling People to Confront Trump Officials in Restaurants
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Maxine Waters Complains About Being Confronted in Restaurant, After Telling People to Confront Trump Officials in Restaurants

Maxine Waters Complains About Being Confronted in Restaurant, After Telling People to Confront Trump Officials in Restaurants

“As a member of Congress, when people, you know, who evidently had a racist attitude, and recently one of them even confronted me in a restaurant.”

During a recent media appearance, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) complained that she has been confronted by voters in public places, like a restaurant. She said this without a hint of irony, despite her 2018 rant about confronting Trump officials in public places, like restaurants.

How can this be real?

Townhall reports:

Maxine Waters Did Not React Well to Someone Doing to Her What She Demanded Others Do to Trump Officials

It’s been almost six years since Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) demanded her supporters harass officials working for then President Donald Trump. It wasn’t a good look for the congresswoman, to say the least. Making it even more of an infamous moment, though, is her hypocrisy. This week, a video conversation she had has making the rounds over X, as people called her out for daring to complain about supposed racism towards her when people dare to express their displeasure with the congresswoman.

“As a member of Congress, when people, you know, who evidently had a racist attitude, and recently one of them even confronted me in a restaurant. And they don’t say racist things, but what they say is they don’t like something I said, they don’t like a position that I took, but you know that, you know, if you were not black, you would not be approached that way.”

How does Waters know that she would “be approached that way?” Is Waters trying to claim there that any criticism towards her is racist? That would make her not only a hypocrite, but someone playing the victim there as well.

Watch the clip below:

People, including me, were quick to point out her prior comments:

She literally called for this.

The liberal media has completely ignored this. Any wonder why?

Featured image via Twitter video.


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JackinSilverSpring | April 12, 2024 at 5:14 pm

What’s good for the Republicans is good for the DemoncRats.

Maxine wearing james brown wig nowadays?

Give unto Waters and other Dems what they have given to our side.

Fu*k you, you demented, lying, racist c*nt. Reap what you have sown.

    JR in reply to Paul. | April 12, 2024 at 6:30 pm

    My, your mother really raised you up to be a real son of a bitch. I hope you made her proud. And I hope your mother wasn’t a bitch. Even though you are definitely a son of a bitch. Perhaps you were adopted? Or an orphan?

Didn’t Alinsky say “make them play by their own rules?”
Mad Maxine needs to be made to play by the rules she set back in 2018.

Halcyon Daze | April 12, 2024 at 6:56 pm


‘I stand with the speaker Johnson,” says Donald Trump, as he backs Speaker Mike Johnson amid rebellion from the right. Yeah, right, Trump is the epitome of the RINO, GOPe. globalist, Neocon, one world government, globalist cabal. But don’t tell that to the Trump supporters here on this blog. They will just defend whatever Trump says. Pathetic.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to JR. | April 12, 2024 at 8:03 pm

    I was quite shocked to read of his support for Johnson

    Gonzo: I’d like your take on this. And I’m serious.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to JR. | April 12, 2024 at 9:49 pm

    Hey retard! Do you actually believe we will vote for a Democrat? Especially one that showers with little girls? His own, by the way.

    I’m not even a Republican, and Trump could shot MadMax in the middle of 5th Avenue at noon, and I would still vote for him.

    Now, if he gang banged your mamma… I’d still vote for him but hold my nose in the process.

    steves59 in reply to JR. | April 12, 2024 at 10:14 pm

    Trump is not the topic of the post.
    F*ck off dingus.

      Edward in reply to steves59. | April 14, 2024 at 8:00 am

      My first reaction to the comment was “What moron posted this off-topic TDS riddled comment?” It’s sad that some people have yet to make peace with the idea that, barring divine intervention (or perhaps with it), Trump is the GOP nominee for the first Tuesday in November.

    diver64 in reply to JR. | April 13, 2024 at 7:55 am

    Despite constant claims to the contrary, Trump is not a stupid man. He knows that the constant attacks from a few Republicans in the House including calls to replace Johnson will keep Republicans fractured and not only stop anything from getting done but cost the Republicans the House and possibly derail taking back the Senate. He is trying to show a united front against the Dems who are destroying the country.

    Is that simple enough for you?

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to diver64. | April 13, 2024 at 8:54 pm

      Diver64… JR is a simpleton. Simple is leagues above his level of capability. Morons and cretins have a higher IQ.

        In the early 1900s, psychologists used specific terms to describe various levels of retardation. Those with an IQ of 0 to 25 (an IQ of 100 is average) were called idiots, 26 to 50 were called imbeciles and 51 to 70 were called morons. Morons could communicate and learn common tasks; imbeciles stalled mentally at about six years old; and idiots couldn’t respond to stimulus or communicate with any level of competence.

        I’m aware he is the resident troll but really, he could be a little more creative.

People who believe themselves to be entitled usually don’t see just how short sighted their behavior is or that they have just set a new standard until the shoe is on the other foot. Suddenly, when the positions are reversed and they find themselves subjected to the same/similar behavior NOW its a problem. If you can’t take it, don’t dish it out.

Well, how about that? RAY-CESS!

Too funny, she never thought it would happen to her that’s all.

The question on my mind is, when they approached her to register their opposition to one of her positions, was it opposition to her position that people should be confronting politicians outside of their normal hours to complain to them about their positions?

Cry. Harder. Witch.

I’d like to purchase a can of tear gas or bear spray with her face on the container. They could call it AssHole Repellent.

how’s that money that sam bankman fried gave you doing? safely socked away?

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to rotsaruck. | April 13, 2024 at 8:55 pm

    According to the black experts in Fulton County, GA, safely socked away means under the mattress.

Sucks when you reap what you sow but that witch created the world she has to live in when it was all fun and games with the left cheering her on. Throwing out the racist thing with no evidence at all is just another nail in that tired old tropes coffin. No one reacts anymore except with mockery when one of these midwits tries it out.