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Massive ‘Jewish Unity Rally’ To Be Held At Cornell

Massive ‘Jewish Unity Rally’ To Be Held At Cornell

“I will be attending and speaking at the rally to show my support for Jewish students on campus, many of whom feel abandoned by the administration and faculty. Now more than ever, it is important to show students they are not alone, and that there are faculty who are willing to stand with them in this difficult time.”

I’ve documented here many times since October 7 the toxic anti-Israel culture at Cornell, where I teach.

A large “Jewish Unity Rally” has been organized for this weekend, Sunday, April 14, starting at 1 p.m. in the Arts Quad. I will be one of the speakers. At least 1000 people are expected to attend.

The NY Post has the story:

Students and faculty at Cornell University are holding a “Jewish Unity” rally on Sunday to protest rising antisemitism at the Ithaca campus.

The fight against antisemitism will come just days after engineering student Patrick Dai pleaded guilty Wednesday to threatening to kill Jewish students on campus last October.

“After the horrific 10/7 attacks, I expected an outpouring of support and solidarity when I returned to campus. Instead, I encountered dehumanizing rhetoric, support for the terrorists, and students being accosted on campus and threatened with intimidation and violence solely because of our Jewish identity,” Amanda Silberstein, one of the student organizers, said in a statement to The Post.

“We stand together to affirm that the Jewish community at Cornell will remain strong, steadfast, and resilient, and will not only survive but thrive, as the Jewish people have done so many times before us throughout history.”  …

Yossi Israel, a student from Israel pursuing a masters degree in business administration, said he would hear statements like “Zionism is disease” and other antisemitic comments even before the war broke out, but paid no attention to the chatter.

But the students said he was startled when classmates posted lies and antisemitic comments after Oct. 7, and pro-Palestinian students marched through the business school building and called for an “Intifada.”

“We are having this rally to combat antisemitism and show faculty and other groups in Cornell that we will not tolerate this anymore. Jewish students and their safety will not be mocked,” he said….

Some faculty members are also showing up.

“I will be attending and speaking at the rally to show my support for Jewish students on campus, many of whom feel abandoned by the administration and faculty,” said Cornell law professor William Jacobson, founder of, a right-leaning civil rights group.

“Now more than ever, it is important to show students they are not alone, and that there are faculty who are willing to stand with them in this difficult time.

There is a counter-protest scheduled by anti-Israel groups not far from the location where the Jewish Unity Rally is planned.

I’m hoping to have video of my speach and will report after the event.


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JohnSmith100 | April 11, 2024 at 9:50 pm

This is great, hopefully there is a significant private security force present.

“we will not tolerate this anymore”

Yes, call out the bigots in no uncertain terms. They are ones proudly tied to genocide and the inversion of truth and reality. Code Pink’s display yesterday shows their depravity and the lack of any moral base for their sanctimonious deception.

Hope to see more campus events and belligerence.

Good! I hope it is a successful event that is not disrupted, especially not any violent disruptions!

It would be wise for them to have armed security present. And lots and lots of people taking video.

If I lived anywhere near, I would be there
Good luck, and be safe

Next we’ll be hearing about all or the terrorist supporters that are having a counter protest.

And yet Jews will continue to vote Democrat, which would be in a par with Jews voting National Socialists in the 30’s 😂

    thalesofmiletus in reply to mailman. | April 12, 2024 at 8:57 am

    You expect Jews to act logically and vote with the Boomercons who’ve been white-knighting for Israel for literal decades? P’shaw! Pas d’ennemis a gauche, pas d’amis a droit.

An Old Retired Jew | April 12, 2024 at 6:59 am

Hate to point this out, but this is a lot like lobbying one’s ex-fiancé as to all the reasons why he/she “should” take you back — after you’ve been dumped.

Cornell has moved on

Cornell moved on … years ago.

Accept reality.

You can march.
You can sue.
You can scream and holler
You might be able to get some people fired……

You can make beautiful PowerPoint presentations

But it won’t change anything significant Why? Because they don’t like you — and your continued presence there is only going to annoy them more.

You do not want unpleasant, unsupportive professors.
You do not want unpleasant, unsupportive classmates.


You can do college, or you can do activism.
You can’t do both.
No serious person can do both.

Youall need to move on past DENIAL, and ANGER, and BARGAINING, and you need to get to ACCEPTANCE
(and try to stay there!!!!)

Take some time to reassess where you are in life, and where you want to go.

If you had what it takes to get in to Cornell, then you have what it takes to have a wonderful life — without Cornell.

It may not feeeeeel that way but it’s the reality

    CommoChief in reply to An Old Retired Jew. | April 12, 2024 at 8:15 am

    Good analogy. IMO, this event should be viewed similarly to the opportunity given to a girlfriend to stop acting Cray Cray before dumping them and moving on. The audience isn’t/shouldn’t be the coddled leftist Students or Faculty but the Admin and Board. If those folks refuse to listen to reason then cut them loose, walk away and find something better somewhere else. Staying put to ‘fight for the relationship’ with a Cray Cray or abusive counterpart who refuses to change isn’t gonna work out.

      An Old Retired Jew in reply to CommoChief. | April 12, 2024 at 9:03 am

      Do you work for Cornell? lolol
      Sure there’ll probly be promises, and committees for CoExIsTaNce etc, and maybe some group hugs

      Stuff n nonsense

      Move on

      Accept reality and move on

      The desire to remain at Cornell is rooted in the mistaken belief that what it once was … is still what it is.

      Cornell has demonstrated repeatedly and convincingly it’s now become CRAY CRAY—but there will always be fools. Look at the passengers on that mini-sub— fools. Wealthy fools

        Nope I do not. Frankly I don’t give very good odds that anything short of mass walk out (by this I mean wave bye and keep going somewhere else) by Alumni, Students, Faculty and most importantly by large donors.

        Redemption is possible, sometimes folks who don’t understand the true consequences of their actions can adjust when it is pointed out, not often but it does happen. Again, IMO this event should be viewed as the last attempt to communicate the needed changes and if the Admin/Board refuses to immediately input concrete steps then so be it, walk out and don’t look back.

          An Old Retired Jew in reply to CommoChief. | April 12, 2024 at 12:09 pm

          D’you know what all abusers want to do after they get caught doing their abusing?

          They want to talk about it.

          No matter how mild no matter how severe they’re always willing to sit down and chat

          Cornell’s hiring and Cornell’s public statements have been particularly repulsive.

          Imho the mentally healthy Ned to forget that it’s “Cornell” and move on. I don’t think this is even a close call.

          (Nicole acknowledged later in life that when she and OJ first started dating she really really reallllly did not want to acknowledge to herself that OJ was violent.)

          CommoChief in reply to CommoChief. | April 12, 2024 at 3:43 pm


          You are preaching to the choir. I don’t think there’s much if any chance that the Admin/Board at Cornell or any other institution who has made a decades long choice to coddle leftists of all stripes including those who use Israel/Jews as a convenient proxy for their hate of West Civilization/Modernity to suddenly flip a switch and reverse course 180 degrees.

          I do believe it is important to make a final attempt very publicly to clarify the situation not only for the contemporary audience but posterity. Having done so and if no immediate course correction is made then stick to your guns and walk the eff out never to return, not even looking back much less listening to another round of excuse theatre.

    Durak Kazyol in reply to An Old Retired Jew. | April 12, 2024 at 8:51 am

    I disagree. It is crucial to fight back, not concede. The goal is to win, to take back the organizations and institutions the left has stolen, to work for the day the left has zero influence and civilized ideas dominate.

      An Old Retired Jew in reply to Durak Kazyol. | April 12, 2024 at 9:10 am

      Have at it.

      That fight will be won or lost at much higher level than Undergraduate Student.

      There’s big huge huge money at stake for Cornell. They are not going to adjust their Hamas tilt just because some undergrads marched or shouted. Don’t be ridiculous.

      You don’t do CPR on a corpse that’s been laying out in the desert for a week

      It’s abusive and ridiculous to encourage undergrads to think that they can influence Cornell’s Board of Directors (or whoever runs that place)

An Old Retired Jew | April 12, 2024 at 9:36 am

Cornell’s worst fear is that people will stop attending.

If “Cornell Jews” have any sense, they’ll stop with the impotent drama, and move on

If you ever again spend a nickel at Cornell , then you’re a schmuck

Don’t be a schmuck


Btw , you know who really wants Jews to stay at Cornell? Hamas.

An Old Retired Jew | April 12, 2024 at 12:24 pm

Idk if youall have noticed — but the one thing the Palestinans are always willing to do

after they murder Jews young and old
after they violate another ceasefire
after they kidnap and mutilate a Jew or two

is talk it over

– on the news
– at the UN
– at the EU

D’you remember what Adolf Hitler offered to do on September 1st, 1939? on the radio in a public address, whilst his tanks were blitzkrieging Poland? He offered to talk it over. With the Brits and with the French. The speech is available on-line if you’d like to read it in English.

Can you imagine if our leaders now
were our leaders then?

Good luck with that. Lefties will show up and use the event as photo back drop to promote their hate messaging.

Bravo! Stand up and be proud and fearless to be Jewish and love both America and Israel.

As long as you’re still living there, it makes sense to fight back with all you’ve got. But look at Jewish history. When have the Jews won when they were a minority population?

(I know I sound like a broken record. But maybe someone will listen: It’s time to leave.)

Israel must demand Hamas total surrender Gaza must be treated like 1945
Japan and Germany. If Palestinians wish to martyr themselves so be it.