‘Malmö Syndrome’ at Columbia: Leftist-Islamist Reign of Terror Intensifies With Open War Cries
“Protests” Devolve Into Religious War Cries, Demands For More Hamas Attacks.

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse at Columbia University, it did. Last night the anti-Israel emcampment and protests included open war cries, some religiously based, and backing of more Hamas attacks on Israel.
Pro-Hamas Columbia students chant shocking slogans at @Columbia:
–> "From the river to the sea, Palestine is Arab!"
–> "There is no god but Allah, and the martyr is Allah’s beloved!"
–> "Israel Go to Hell!"
–> "Resistance [Hamas] is justified!"pic.twitter.com/QGKFzDNnYY— Shelley G (@ShelleyGldschmt) April 20, 2024
BREAKING: The Gate of Columbia University is currently locked, but with protesters inside and outside of the gate calling for the lock to be broken and with the ominous message of "The gates of Al-Aqsa were made of iron" pinned in the Instagram Live, I bet it won't be for… pic.twitter.com/9Fkufdhd1F
— Stu (@thestustustudio) April 21, 2024
[Note added: I’ve seen claims, without evidence, that the person below was a ‘plant’. I’m leaving this tweet here because it’s just a claim. I’ve seen others claim it’s one of the students previously expelled. If this gets sorted out, we will update.]
This is happening at @Columbia right now.
A pro-Hamas protestor calling on the Al-Qasam brigade (the military wing of Hamas) to kill Jewish students.
If you are not enraged by this, you can GO FUCK YOURSELF. pic.twitter.com/sw98mjNQKj
— Shai Davidai (@ShaiDavidai) April 21, 2024
FINALLY: @NYPDnews officers are arresting pro-Hamas rioters near the @Columbia campus pic.twitter.com/uJFy9FDbbW
— Israel War Room (@IsraelWarRoom) April 21, 2024
Heard outside Columbia University last night: "Never forget the 7th of October. That will happen not 1 more time, not 5 more times, not 10, not 100, not 1,000, but 10,000 times! The 7th of October is going to be every day for you" pic.twitter.com/7rYJTwlz4x
— Eitan Fischberger (@EFischberger) April 19, 2024
BREAKING: This is a late night speech from Tai at Columbia's Gaza Solidarity Encampment.
"Let it be known that it was the Al-Aqsa Flood that put the Global Intifada back on the table again. And it is the sacrificial spirit of the Palestinian Freedom Fighters that will guide… pic.twitter.com/C1RnH0tj9Y
— Stu (@thestustustudio) April 21, 2024
In response to “horrific” scenes of antisemitic harassment at and around campus, the Orthodox Rabbi at Columbia/Barnard sent a WhatsApp message to more than 290+ Jewish students this morning recommending that they go home until it’s safe again for them on campus: pic.twitter.com/uqAntEICLv
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) April 21, 2024
Jewish students get harassed trying to leave @Columbia’s campus tonight. You can hear someone yell “Yehudim Yehudim”- “Jews Jews.” They curse and yell “go back to Poland.” Antisemitism has become the new normal here. pic.twitter.com/U2Ii5GTuLm
— David lederer (@Davidlederer6) April 21, 2024
This is what I referred to in 2010 as Malmö Syndrome, the antisemitic violence resulting from the shared anti-Israeli agenda of Islamists and leftists:
Malmö is the third largest Swedish city, and now the poster child for what I call Malmö Syndrome, the anti-Semitic violence which results from the shared anti-Israeli agenda of Islamists and leftists.
The result is that Malmö is being depopulated of Jews as a result of street violence by Mulsims and disinterest by left-wing politicians….
At the heart of Malmo Syndrome is the attempt to delegitimize Israel….Malmö Syndrome is not new or unique to Malmö. Wherever one finds “pro-Palestinian” demonstrators — whether secular leftists or Islamists — one finds blatant and often violent anti-Semitism…
The line between anti-Israel rhetoric and anti-Semitic violence has been all but erased, and the enlightened leftists supposedly committed to human rights in fact are in bed with those who act on the oldest hate.
That’s a point I made many times that this is not just an anti-Israel movement, it’s an anti-American and anti-capitalism movement intended to tear down our society. I made that point at the recent Cornell Unity Rally, this really is a civilizational struggle:
I was interviewed last night by Fox News about the encampments at Columbia, Yale, and some other universities.
Here’s an excerpt from the Fox News interview, Anti-Israel Yale protesters joining Columbia students in ‘tear down our society’ Ivy League movement: Law prof
Cornell Law Professor William Jacobson, who has been studying the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement for about 15 years, told Fox News Digital the protests at Ivy League universities like Columbia and Yale are reminiscent of the Occupy Wall Street movement in 2011. During the movement, protesters raised issues with economic inequality, corporate greed and how money influenced politics, while setting up an encampment in Zuccotti Park in the financial district in New York City…..
It’s a ‘tear down our society’ movement,” Jacobson said. “I think it’s essentially a similar phenomenon which has been directed toward Israel as the object of their hate, instead of Wall Street or instead of something else.” ….
Jacobson also said he thinks the protests are the result of 20 plus years of “gross dehumanization” of Israeli Jews on campuses, through the BDS movement as well as through radical faculty members found on most campuses across the U.S., particularly at Columbia….
Ultimately, he said the anti-capitalist movement focuses on Israel, which results in the dehumanization of Jews because Jews support Israel.
With that, though, there are other factors feeding into the protests, according to the Cornell law professor….
There could be a psychological aspect affecting students because they are told they have to go deeply into debt to attend elite colleges, only to find out their dreams were crushed by a system that lured them into taking on enormous debt.
Then there are those who did not take on debt but cannot find a solid career path.
“I think there’s a bunch of different things going on, and Israel and Jews are the convenient scapegoat, as historically has been the case,” Jacobson said….
“I don’t think there’s really a future for them because they’re built around tearing things down,” he said. “They have no positive agenda. Their agenda is to tear things down, and I think what people need to understand is that these protesters, who ostensibly are anti-Israel, are also anti-American.
“It’s almost a complete overlap between the anti-Israel, anti-American and anti-capitalist protesters,” he added. “That’s what this movement is about. It’s not just about the war in Gaza.”
[Note: Featured image was changed after publication]

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When is your interview with NPR scheduled?
Right after the interview with the CEO of the John Birch Society in which said executive lists both the accomplishments of the JBS and how accurate the Society’s predictions have been.
So to your thinking, people who oppose harassment, libel and genocide against Jews are equivalent to the anti-Semitic John Birch Society? Well, that tells us a lot about you, doesn’t it.
Are you implying that the far Left folks at NPR oppose harassment, libel and genocide against Jews? That is laughable.
As plagues go, what is going on at Columbia is way worse than the frogs.
One of those times I’m glad to live in a place that nobody seems to care much about.
The Bridge (Bron/Broen) TV series 2011-2018 with Sofia Helin takes place partly in Malmo, which seems friendly enough at the time.
Bay Watch TV series with Pamela Anderson takes place partly on the sandy shore at Venice Beach, which seems friendly enough at the time.
Well played.
Great series. So were the other 2 based on it.
The Tunnel was good until the stupid ending. It was even one foreshadowed in the first season so it wasn’t an accident, just bad writing.
I haven’t found other versions that are worth watching, far below the original.
Helin reported that acting asperger’s was very difficult and intruded on her day to day life even, creeping method acting. She was the great part of the story.
Hated the ending of The Tunnel also. I thought Diane Kruger and Demián Bichir did a fine job in the American version. It was good enough I found the others. The original is the best.
That was when some Jews remained.
“In 1969, while a freshman at Columbia, Holder was one of several dozen students who staged an occupation of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps office, renaming it as the Malcolm X student center.” They were armed.
Well don’t think Marxists, be they Russian, Chinese, Vietnamese, or American won’t open Gulags and basement execution prisons.
Guess calling for murder isn’t against any laws anymore.
Islam is a cancer in the West.
Leftists are a cancer in the west. Most of the protesters aren’t Muslim.
you are both right
My only slight quibble with this piece is that “Islamist,” unless used in the sense of “A Muslim who obeys Muhammad’s commands to wage war on the unbeliever,” obscures the truth: Islamism is Islam.
So if that is indeed the definition, it would be certainly reasonable for Western countries to restrict or deny migration of it’s followers to their shores, right?
Islam cannot coexist with Judaism or Christianity, whether social, cultural or religious. Destroying Jews and Christians is a fundamental tenet of the Muslim religion.
I am horrified at how quickly Columbia has descended into chaos. What despicable leadership to allow the taunting and threats to continue. Incredible that young western women are siding with sexual deviants who believe mass rape and murder are the antidote to sexual freedom for females. They have lost their minds, indeed. Ugly and twisted people screaming for violence. Columbia is despicable.
The Ivy League is over. Hateful Anti Semitic thugs. I would never send my child to school with these Nazis. What a disgrace. And there is no will amongst the so called “elite” leaders of these clown colleges to fix it. Immediate expulsions, far better screening of who gets admitted, and better faculty are needed immediately. But I highly doubt there will be any real changes made at these indoctrination centers. Shame.
That is what the Muslims and leftists want. They want Jews out of the Ivy League. They want Jews out of medical and law schools. They want Jews out of BigTech and media. They want Jews out of government. Their goal is the marginalization and silencing of Jews in preparation for a Holocaust against the Jews here in America.
And so far, it is working spectacularly.
This is all intended to marginalize and silence the American Jewish community
Media outrage at an innocent teenager standing stiffly with an uncomfortable smile on his face while a crazy activist banged on a drum in his face?
Off the charts.
Media outrage at Ivy League teenagers yelling anti-semitic slogans and calling for the genocide of Jews and death to Israel?
Would like to give this a thousand upvotes LHC
Thumbs up for the comment, 2 for the NAME
Except the media were the ones who had to make hefty payouts to that teenager for slandering him. Outrage on his behalf, not so much.
Cancel their student visas and deport the crazed extremists.
“It is not our job as Jews to ensure our own safety on campus.”
What a shit attitude. You’ve already adopted the ground rules of your globalist enemy. Ignoring Pynchon’s warning, you are now fighting exactly the wrong battle.
It’s the job of every single adult in the world to ensure his own safety, and when he marries, that of his family.
You shouldn’t be begging your university masters to protect you. It’s not only servile and gutless, it’s useless. Instead, you should be defying their unconstitutional and illogical declaration of educational establishments as “natural rights-free zones,” arming yourselves, and defying them to stop you.
Why fall over and over for the tyrant’s obvious pattern? “You cannot defend your person, your student group, your state’s international border. That is our job and our job only. Your call is important to us, please stay on the line and no one will answer.”
So the administration has no responsibility for what happens on campus? Of course, they do. That’s why they have security guards, written policies and key cards for locked dormitories.
He’s not saying he shouldn’t take reasonable precautions to protect himself. He is saying that it is physically impossible for each Jewish professor and student to ensure their own safety walking to their classes.
Do you know that at the time I am writing this that the administration has not yet given permission to Jewish students to participate in their classes via Zoom?
“The University has an obligation to assure members of its community that they can continue in their academic pursuits without fear for their personal security or other serious intrusions on their ability to teach and to study. Columbia supports free speech and expression, but our rules of conduct do not allow or condone language that promotes or supports violence in any manner. Calls for genocide against the Jewish community or any other group are abhorrent, inconsistent with our values and against our rules. Incitement to violence against members of our community will not be tolerated. ” from CU’s website…
Words on a piece of paper, just like the US Constitution, as Daddy Bush made clear. And when nobody ever comes forward to exercise that responsibility that the paper says they have, where does that leave you? A sucker — maybe a dead sucker.
And what is your practical advice for a tiny minority on campus to proactively defend themselves against a numerically superior lawless mob of violent thugs in the face of a majority that is sympathetic or indifferent to the violence aimed at the small minority, and an administration that appears determined to coddle the violent enemies? Please give me something more, practical than simply, arm yourself or learn self defense. Small groups surrounded by vastly superior numbers are quickly overwhelmed.
Let me consult with Kyle Rittenhouse and I’ll get back to you.
You really have only two choices. You leave the institution, or you prepare to stand your ground and then you stand it. There is nothing in the middle, ferdamnsure not “appeals to authority” who ain’t gonna listen and you will end up maimed or dead waiting stupidly for them to save you.
Y’all been chanting “never again” for 70 years. Was it all just virtue signaling, or are you ever going to put some balls behind it? Because if not now,,, WHEN?
(Kyle points out that your “vastly superior numbers” are cowards. After the first couple hit the pavement, vanishingly few of them will offer to be next. It’s the same reason that Christian bakers get sued to bake the cake, but somehow never Muslim bakers.)
What responsibility do Jewish Professors and students have for their own predicament? How have they voted for decades? Were they not on the Vanguard of EVERY Leftist cause prior to 10/6 ? What slack or freedom of expression did they EVER afford conservative points of view?
Seems like a broken compact.
You can delegate securing the responsibility for your safety to someone else. Yet, you inescapably retain the responsibility. It’s a pseudo-subtle reality that trips up management often. “Hey, I hired them to do that, and they didn’t.” “Exactly so. *You* hired them. *You* let it go sideways. Now *you* continue to protest that it’s not your problem.”
As one example, in civilization, we limit people’s ability to use violence on their own behalf. BUT every set of these laws contains exceptions which amount to: “When we’re not protecting you from violence, you can step into the gap on your own behalf.”
I wonder what would happen if the Jewish students went to class armed, in groups?
I enjoyed your points made. However in many Blue states or cities, this statement is not true: “BUT every set of these laws contains exceptions which amount to: “When we’re not protecting you from violence, you can step into the gap on your own behalf.” ” Think of the Bodega clerk charged with manslaughter, think of the 1 year jail time for carrying a pistol in NYC. What is a citizen’s only reasonable chance against a human pack if NOT a firearm?
Good example; good points.
We’re having a lot of this play out in practice at odds with the law as written. Administrations, govt attorneys, “justice” apparatus of this or that. I all the time point out divergences among “in practice” vs. “as written” vs. “as intended then or what we want now” vs. “the compact” we seem to be trying to realize.
We’re having a lot of renegotiation of the compacts of civilization lately, done the hard way. Would be less collateral damage if we could talk, maybe play out some hypothetical s, or experiment in the small from time to time.
Thing is, the issue isn’t the laws, or their implementation. The issue is the compact, intentionally broken vs. approximately realized the best we can. That and people seem to want different arrangements, yet talk in consequences and conclusions, not the arrangements they’d like.
in NYC
y’ gotta be kiddin’!!!!
If they arm themselves they will be arrested and prosecuted for felonies. If they defend themselves they’ll be prosecuted. Have you ever heard the name Daniel Penny?
I have no good solution, but neither do you.
Have you ever heard the name Kyle Rittenhouse?
Stand for something, or kneel right now.
It really is time to drive these universities into bankruptcy, Govt funding, grants, donors, and enrollments. For years, Columbia has been at or near the top of anti-Jewish universities according to every survey. Shafik should go, Massad should go, They all should go.
After I retired from DEA, I spent 20 years teaching at the university level part-time. I am not exactly bragging about it.
Stop paying the danegeld.
I am much in favor of the idealized concept of university, an entity to e much like C. S. Lewis’ description of The Church in spirit from The Screwtape Letters. Were I more integrated into that corrupt system, I might consider nailing my 95 thesis to the door of some admin building.
“It is not our job as Jews to ensure our own safety on campus.”
Just how well did that attitude work out in WWII? Seriously, does waiting for rescue by the Allies sound like anything remotely acceptable, any more? I submit the price of being feckless is far too high, which is why so many Americans insist on being armed.
Students need to do what the Muslim demonstrators did during the Jan 25 demonstrations to get the Muslim Brotherhood out of power in Egypt: go in groups, protect the girls, stay alert and in contact with the larger group.
I’d say go armed, but I doubt that there are as many as 3 students at Columbia that know how to carry a firearm.
Of course, their parents — all of them — need to have a chat with every last one of the officers at Columbia:
Senior Executive Vice President
Executive Vice President and Secretary of the University
Executive Vice President for Communications
Executive Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations
Executive Vice President for Facilities
Executive Vice President for Finance
Executive Vice President for Government and Community Affairs
Executive Vice President for Research
Executive Vice President for Student and Administrative Services
General Counsel
The parents need to make it extremely clear that the harassment of other students stops now, and any injury or insult to them will be met with lawsuits. It is the responsibility of the officers to provide a calm and peaceful atmosphere of learning at their college, and if they are unable to accomplish that very reasonable goal, they will be replaced, preferably this week.
There should also be inquiries as to which professors or administrators are responsible for this nonsense, and when they will be removed from campus, preferably the city, and fired.
Finally, students engaged in illegal activities — harassment. threats, assault and batter, should be expelled, and if they are not US citizens, deported. It strikes me that getting foreign students expelled may require lawsuits to compel the US government to do its job.
It’s NYC. If them arm themselves they’ll be arrested, convicted, and sent to prison.
“Just how well did that attitude work out in WWII?”
“Never again! Um… with your gracious permission, of course!”
Any student supporting terrorism should be immediately expelled, and charged by authorities.
Not only Never Again, but also never again tolerated!
Sadly Leftist run institutions are more interested in Judenfrei campuses than they are in respecting the Constitution. When did the Nazi Left become so demonic?
The New Red and Green Guard
Time for Jews to get tough again. Unfortunately they more than match the stereotype of the opposite.
at least the American version.
I stand with Israel and American Jews BUT….BUT….If they continue to vote Left, I will let them be attacked and intimidated. Why should it be my concern if they will not change? They also need to ATONE for the FACT that it was American Jewish intellectuals, American Jewish Professors and American Jewish Students that were on the VANGUARD of the far Left, gave no place for conservative views on campus, decried as “racist” reasonable discussion on the wisdom of large Muslim immigration, and have led the way tearing down America. It is now all turning on them, the only side standing with them is the American Right. CHANGE YOUR WAYS.
you’re making the same mistake as many others have made before
you’ve been convinced that one loud-mouthed Jew represents all Jews and that all surveys are truthful – that all Jews vote like sheep following a Judas goat
your views couldn’t be further from the truth
there are many of us who are very patriotic, who volunteer for the US Armed Services, and who vote right of Center when presented with a reasonable candidate
we avoid arguing publicly with the Leftists simply because it’s a waste of time, puts a target on our (and our family’s) backs, and is akin to arguing with a concrete brick wall with the same results
Listen its easy to “other” us and see us all as one big democrat voting block. Certainly that’s how the democrats see us, and think they don’t have to win our votes. But I am seeing shifts in my own community and have been for years that we are being treated as second class citizens by the democrat party. So while I don’t speak for all Jewish voters, I would say don’t assume that every Jew is a lefty communist. While old allegiances can die hard this situation is quite literally a matter of life and death. Given that almost half of the Jews in the world live in Israel we are all impacted, having family and friends who reside there. If Israel goes down then so do our people, and I think a lot of us, while we don’t like to say that aloud, are quite aware of how serious this situation truly is.
The Left has always been for the destruction of the western ways
that the fearless blmoplo have PROVEN THAT THEIR VIOLENT ooooooppps
I mean mostly peaceful protests,,,,
now that they have shown that we too can be the NEW MIDDLE EAST
now they got trump where they want him….tied up in court which is alll they need….
For those that are puzzled as to why the universities are so hands off on these students – follow the money. The universities depend on full tuition from foreign students. If any of these students are arrested the university might be compelled to expel them. The foreign student visas would become invalid. The INS would initiate deportation proceedings. And very unhappy daddy will not pay the university. The university will need to cut costs such as their physics staff, certainly not their vital DEI staff. So the university strategy is to hope it will all go away and still collect the money. That strategy doesn’t seem to be working.
I wonder how pro-war these protesters are if people dressed as soldiers started lobbing hand grenades and started shooting at their encampment. You know, like Hamas did at the Israeli settlement and music fest. They seem to think that is war. It’s easy to say that when you’re not the one being shot at.
Cloward-Piven: tear it all down, overwhelm the system. ‘Rebuild better.’ It’s the Commie way
The fact this is being tolerated in the US is beyond disgusting. So Jewish students can’t access their education but these violent idiots can? And this is supposed to be considered enlightened and fair? I hope all of the Columbia Jewish students transfer elsewhere, Columbia doesn’t deserve them. The collective IQ of this campus has certainly dropped over 50 points, and its best to leave the dumb indoctrinated and violent fools to themselves. For all the alumni you might as well torch your Columbia degree, its beyond a laughing stock now, and just looks like a factory of hate, degree mill. Check in, get your lobotomy ,and turn into a mindless chanting violent zombie. Love that ivy league education.