Illegal Immigrants Invading in Speed Boat Nearly Slam into Surfers in Southern California
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Illegal Immigrants Invading in Speed Boat Nearly Slam into Surfers in Southern California

Illegal Immigrants Invading in Speed Boat Nearly Slam into Surfers in Southern California

California has seen an “exponential increase in maritime smuggling.” Biden’s border invasion continues by land, by sea, and by air…unimpeded and funded by hard-working Americans.

Legal Insurrection readers may recall that at the start of 2024, I reported that a boat load of illegal migrants landed off the shores of the upscale city of La Jolla and proceeded to be picked up by a waiting van. As a reminder:

More than 20 migrants were filmed storming the beach on Wednesday morning and disappearing into the southern California enclave, where homes go for a median price of $2.2million.

The exclusive footage was shot by NewsNation’s National Correspondent Jorge Ventura. It shows the migrants arriving on the shore on some sort of boat, before they take off running into the neighborhood in San Diego, the largest city on the Mexican border.

It happened again this weekend when another band of invaders nearly slammed into surfers as their speed boat landed on the shores of Carlsbad, California (just a few miles up the coast from La Jolla).

A dozen illegal immigrants brazenly arrived in the US by taking a speedboat to a beach in California, nearly hitting people in the water, and then escaping in cars.

The boat missed what appeared to be a surfer in the water by a few feet as it zipped by and approached the beach at very high speed.

After beaching the vessel on the sand, the migrants got out and sprinted towards the row of oceanfront houses on Saturday.

Another video showed them being picked up by waiting black SUVs in Carlsbad, a beach town about 30 miles north of San Diego.

The cars left in such haste that one woman almost fell out as it started moving before she had fully clambered in to the back seats.

Locals who filmed the migrants claimed police were called but didn’t show up.

I find it interesting that a search of the local media pulled up no hits for this event. I had to rely on an X-post and a British publication to pull together this report.

Meanwhile, there has been a surge in these type of landings all along the coast of California.

People have long sneaked into the U.S. by way of the Pacific Ocean, but over the last three years, California has seen an “exponential increase in maritime smuggling,” according to Brandon Tucker, director of Customs and Border Protection’s Air and Marine Operations in San Diego.

In fiscal year 2020, federal, state and local law enforcement recorded 308 maritime smuggling events in the California area of responsibility, according to CBP. Last fiscal year, they recorded 736, a nearly 140% increase.

Air and Marine Operations uses planes equipped with radar and cameras to patrol above, looking for smugglers. Airborne agents are usually the first to find pangas, small fishing boats frequently used to smuggle migrants or drugs to the U.S., Tucker said. Then his team, as well as their Border Patrol and Coast Guard partners, can coordinate intercepting the boat at sea or on land.

Now non-Californians among you may chuckle at this news. However, San Diego just received a huge wad of taxpayer money (including yours) to aid these invaders.

More than $39 million in Shelter and Services Program funding is headed to San Diego as part of federal monies authorized by Congress to support communities that are providing services to migrants.

…The county of San Diego and the Catholic Diocese of San Diego County were both awarded $19,592,554 in SSP funding, which comes from the Department of Homeland Security, through the Federal Emergency Management Agency and U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The agencies awarded $300 million nationally.

Biden’s border invasion continues by land, by sea, and by air…unimpeded and funded by hard-working Americans.


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LeftWingLock | April 17, 2024 at 3:12 pm

“The cars left in such haste that one woman almost fell out as it started moving before she had fully clambered in to the back seats.”

Man, I hope she doesn’t sue Carlsbad for almost causing her injury.

Of course, all of these are bad people. If you were a Mexican (or any other foreigner) wanting to enter the US, you could do it legally. Show up at the border and get a work permit, a cell phone, pre-paid credit cards, medical care. Get released into the US with a hearing date of 2 years in the future.

Only those with criminal records and on terrorist watch list will sneak in by boat.

Are they criminals?

You jest

Of course they are already

For all we know that could be a Chinese special forces unit.

Seems like there should be .30 and .50 cal MG positions on the beach, sort of like we did in 1941.

It’s always someone else’s spouse, sibling, child or friend who get killed or hurt, by illegal aliens’ criminal behavior and predations — never the relatives or friends of the vile Dhimmi-crat apparatchiks who gleefully enable and laud this lawlessness and chaos.

Guess the boat coast paid by the illegals or the organization who sent them.

Let us hope that we will be allowed to fire from behind every blade of grass before our government napalms us.

    Do you really believe that the US Government is going to drop napalm bombs on us? Are you insane? Or just delusional?

      scooterjay in reply to JR. | April 17, 2024 at 6:45 pm

      You must not understand hyperbole, as Joe says the government has F-16 fighter jets.

      henrybowman in reply to JR. | April 17, 2024 at 7:53 pm

      Maybe he just knows things you don’t.

      Never forget deadly MOVE firebombing 35 years ago

      “For the first time in American history, exactly 35 years ago, a city government, in conspiracy with a state government, officially bombed and incinerated its own citizens, their homes, and their entire neighborhood.”

      steves59 in reply to JR. | April 17, 2024 at 9:08 pm

      Are you drunk? Or just stupid?
      I’m gonna go with “both.”

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to JR. | April 18, 2024 at 6:52 am

      I don’t know JR. When Biden threatens to kill Americans with F16s, are we supposed to believe him?

“Not a problem. It was probably a perfectly disposable white person.”

– Alejandro Mayorkas.

We need bunkers like the Germans had on Omaha Beach.

Surfers or
marker buoy?

Marker buoy.

“Locals who filmed the migrants claimed police were called but didn’t show up.”

Calling the LA cops is as productive as shouting at the actors on the movie screen.

It isn’t my money being sent to San Diego, it is borrowed money that our grandkids gonna be stuck paying back, assuming the Chinese will continue buying new T bond to allow us to pay off the old ones, which is far from certain. We have maybe a decade at the outside to right the ship of State and if not then forget about it. I suspect that an amicable national divorce between team red and blue is probably as good an outcome as we can hope for.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to CommoChief. | April 18, 2024 at 6:56 am

    Team Blue resides predominantly in small city states. Team red resides where food is grown and is dismissed as “flyover” country.

    I say we stop feeding Team Blue. Shut off all bridges and roads to the cities, and let them fend for themselves.

    Apparently, if the nation of “Chad” couldn’t figure out how to grow their own food, I say fuck em.

      Meh, I don’t think we should embargo or blockade them, assuming we can agree to go our own separate way amicably. If not amicable though b/c the leftist woke weirdos refuse to take ‘no thanks, we don’t want to play anymore’ for an answer then it becomes necessary for unpleasantness so leave no stone unturned.

nraendowment | April 18, 2024 at 8:44 am

They’re invading illegal alien hostiles, not “immigrants”.