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Harvard Suspends Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee for the Rest of Spring Term

Harvard Suspends Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee for the Rest of Spring Term

“If the organization continues to operate and commits additional violations during this suspension, the organization risks permanent expulsion, as provided in the Resource Guide.”

Whoop-dee-do. There’s not much time left in the term, right?

The Harvard Crimson discovered that the school suspended the Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee for the remainder of the spring term, telling them to “’cease all organizational activities for the remainder of the Spring 2024 term’ or risk permanent expulsion.”

I’m shocked no one has started an anti-Israel encampment at Harvard. It’s the latest fad, especially since Passover begins at sundown.

Harvard has restricted Harvard Yard to only students and those with a Harvard ID for the rest of the week to prevent an encampment.

However, the Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee and other unrecognized student organizations held a rally last Friday. From The Harvard Crimson:

The PSC was one of several student organizations, including some unrecognized student organizations, to stage a rally in Harvard Yard on Friday in solidarity with student activists at Columbia, more than 100 of whom were arrested on Thursday by the New York City Police Department.

During the rally, attendees marched and chanted outside the offices of administrators in the Yard, concluding on the steps of Widener Library.

In an email to the PSC, the College specifically cited Friday’s protest when informing the group of its suspension for the remainder of the spring semester, noting that the group had failed to register the demonstration and violated protest guidelines regarding responsible use of space.

The group had previously been placed on probation by the College in March, according to the email.

“The organization will not be recognized and will not have access to university benefits and services during this time, including but not limited to use of campus space and appropriate use of the Harvard name,” the email stated. “If the organization continues to operate and commits additional violations during this suspension, the organization risks permanent expulsion, as provided in the Resource Guide.”



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If there are any foreign students among them, they should be forced to leave the country.

    Ghostrider in reply to ChrisPeters. | April 23, 2024 at 9:49 am

    I think it is time to fly to NYC to protest at Columbia and NYU in solidarity with New Guinea cannibalism.

    This movement is a protest in good taste, unlike the pro-Hamas ones.

The sign is spelled correctly but shows lack of space planning on the right. There was a vast expanse of space at the STOP but they ran out. They were letting feelings rule.

Suspended for the rest of Spring term. What is that . . . two weeks?

    henrybowman in reply to Q. | April 23, 2024 at 1:14 am

    And note — the “organization” is suspended. The students who comprise it? Scot free.

    Gosport in reply to Q. | April 23, 2024 at 6:11 pm

    But if they don’t finish the term (which they already paid for) they eat ~ $25K in tuition and fees and get no credit for those classes. Right?

Too little, too late. What’s left of the tattered remnants of your reputation has been destroyed.

Rabbi Shmuel Reichman

That moment when SNL predicted the future…

I think my greatest shock is seeing Pomona doing the right thing. As a former student, I am completely amazed. Claremont McKenna and Harvey Mudd…expected to do such. The rest…not so much.

So is this all of the donors holding back donations or what?

What is going on in Columbia’s Admissions office?

They only accept 8% or less of those who apply, and this is what comes onto their campus.. Columbia deserves all of what they are getting.

You’ll love this one

Is there a black woman that hasn’t plagiarized their entire career?

    diver64 in reply to gonzotx. | April 23, 2024 at 3:06 am

    Condi Rice? I’m struggling to answer the question with someone else. I guess when you base your entire life on a fake degree in a fake field related to grievance studies then keep the grift going by blaming everyone else for everything, you have little time for actual scholarship.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to gonzotx. | April 23, 2024 at 7:50 am

    No, clearly every single black woman who has ever written a paper in her career is a plagiarist. As everyone knows when you find a handful of prominent examples of a behavior among people with a common trait, that behavior applies to every single person with that trait for all time. I mean you know that since you’ve long ago figured out that every single Muslim is a bloodthirsty jihadist.

      ahad haamoratsim in reply to Thad Jarvis. | April 23, 2024 at 3:23 pm

      Like the doctors & nurses who took care of me at Hadassah Eyn Kerem, including the surgical fellow who assisted in a complex & probably life saving surgery?

        henrybowman in reply to ahad haamoratsim. | April 23, 2024 at 4:09 pm

        Given recent exposes on the subject of DEI-originated skills decline in the medical care industry, you should have picked a better simile. Because the answer to yours is “quite possibly yes — depending on how old they are.”

    smooth in reply to gonzotx. | April 23, 2024 at 9:13 am

    DEI/CRT is such a fraud. smh

It’s a start

Oooh, they’re on double secret probation!

I wonder if they would allow the Sons & Daughters of the Confederacy Solidarity Program or the Aryans of the Sudetenland Solidarity Program on campus. Probably not, right?

All just about the organization, even expulsion of the organization. Nothing about discipline for any of the students. Seems they are utterly untouched, unlike at Columbia/Barnard.

Capitalist-Dad | April 23, 2024 at 8:50 am

The leftist rot at universities starts at the top and filters down all the way to the bottom.

Cancel their student visas and deport them. Why are biden voters supporting the crazed extremists?