Gov. Gavin Newsom Probably Regrets Asking Californians for New State Coin Designs
Images submitted included homeless camps and covid masks.

We have been following the hapless antics of California Gov. Gavin Newsom for quite some time.
But his recent move was more unfortunate than most. Newsom recently asked for design ideas for a new state coin honoring innovation to be released in 2026.
Calling all members of the Tortured Coin Designers Department…
CA is getting its own $1 coin to honor innovation, slated to be issued in 2026 – and we need your help!
What is a CA innovation you'd like to see featured on the coin? Send ideas to:
— California Governor (@CAgovernor) April 25, 2024
The responses he received on social media clearly show that Newsom’s experience in this state differs vastly from that of the average resident.
When people outside California think of innovation, they think of things like Silicon Valley and the tech boom as well as leading the way in wildlife conservation.
But lately, businesses have been fleeing the blue state because of its failure to address crime, homelessness and the escalating cost of living.
The constituents did not hold back on providing the governor with ideas that they thought seemed fitting for the state’s new $1 coin.
Jim Stanley, the press secretary for the State Assembly Republicans, sent his ideas to Newsom with a letter shared by the California Globe, highlighting the governor’s accomplishments while in office.
I think these capture things nicely.
— Jim Stanley (@JimStanleyCA) April 25, 2024
The submissions show that Californians have retained their sense of humor…gallows humor.
When people think of California they think of Hollywood. This would be great! (Hope it doesn’t leave a bad taste in your mouth)
Hollaria Briden, Esq. (@HollyBriden) April 28, 2024
I’ve lived there several times throughout my life. It used to be a beautiful state.
— DocSon (@MrDocSon) April 28, 2024
You are my favorite governor! You have beautiful hair and this new coin will solve so many problems! Thank you, sir!
— ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕗𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕠𝕣 𝔻𝕒𝕩𝕠𝕡𝕙𝕠𝕟𝕖 (@DaxophoneSolo) April 28, 2024
This seems innovative.
— Fuzzy Chimp
(@fuzzychimpcom) April 28, 2024
I will note that the following design aligns with my first thought regarding a possible submission.
This sums it up
— Christwocool (@christwocool) April 25, 2024
I wonder if we can mint $73 billion of these to pay off the state budget deficit.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
They .long ago rejected the North Carolina quarter design featuring a tornado approaching a trailer park.
For Newsom, an image of him hanging out at French Laundry seems appropriate.
So, gov “Hair gel”, smartest in the state, didn’t realize what responses he would receive?
Some of these are good. But might I suggest something simpler? Just one person defecating in the street. Tastefully rendered of course. Nothing in color.
They should make Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo, the new state mascot!
The word “innovation” will be deemed racist. The CA coin must feature a theme of unity of the oppressed honoring: illegal aliens, homeless junkies, and black looters. Not unlike the stalinist “Big People” sculpture that Berkeley erected at the freeway exit to the town. CA dystopia, enjoy the decline.
Sociopaths lack the ability to regret anything, other than getting caught
By the time the contest is over the dollar coin will only be worth a quarter.
I think you’re an optimist.
I don’t believe Newsom will “regret” anything.
1) “Regret” is defined as “to feel sorry, disappointed, distressed, or remorseful about.” In his entire failure of leadership, has Newsom ever shown remorse or disappointment about anything he has done? No matter the harm to Californians he has caused?
2) He will declare the submissions as showing the lack of caring and pride in the state. He will walk out and say, “these are hateful, mean spirited people who don’t believe in California’s greatness. The press will dutifully follow his lead and the whole thing will be presented as a win for Newsom and a loss for the other racist, prejudice, oppressive people who oppose this great idea of a coin.
3) When the finalized versions of the coins are announced, there will be a large group of people (probably paid government employees) there to cheer and applaud on cue. The press will cover that as a victory for Newsom as evidenced by the “solid support” the new coins receive.
There is or will not be any “regret” from Newsom.
“there will be a large group of people (probably paid government employees) there to cheer and applaud on cue.”
I’m sure California is chock full of genuine idiots — people with pockets chock full of rolls of Susan B’s, eager to trade them for even more worthless woke trinkets!
Just put a hammer and sickle with a rain of Fentanyl and be done with it.
Or use the “illegals crossing” sign and change it to Californica citizens fleeing…
Also, mis-strike the minting… complete the mess. That golden color on the flag is just urine.
Sheesh, and he put that request out on *Twitter*?? Talk about clueless. (or trolling, but that would require intelligence) Surprised I didn’t see one with “Free stuff! Get your free stuff here!” as the CA motto.
I doubt Newsom will regret anything about the woke dumpster fire California has become. The Curley Effect is real.
+10 troll.
Can anybody tell me what the labels say on DocSon’s flag? It’s blurry all the way back to the original tweet. The middle vulture is clearly Taxes. The right-hand one looks like Rebellion, but seems to have one too many letters. The left-hand one just looks like “Fatass,” which can’t be right.
“CA is getting its own $1 coin to honor innovation, slated to be issued in 2026…”
Hey, Gavin, just remember:
“No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts…
I think they missed a bet not putting a pot leaf on the flag on that coin. That or a syringe and a pile of poop.
He’s not capable of regret.