Chuck Schumer Has Become a Useful Idiot for the Anti-Israel Left
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Chuck Schumer Has Become a Useful Idiot for the Anti-Israel Left

Chuck Schumer Has Become a Useful Idiot for the Anti-Israel Left

“Schumer has helped to open the floodgates of Jew-baiting when he called for regime change in an allied country”

Schumer is now being praised for his position on Israel by Jamaal Bowman. What does that tell you?

Seth Mandel writes at Commentary:

What Chuck Schumer Has Wrought

Congratulations to Chuck Schumer, this year’s true April Fool. The predictably vile consequences of his public attacks on Israeli democracy are here, and no doubt there will be more coming.

Schumer has long fashioned himself the shomer—Hebrew for “watchman,” a play on his last name—of Israel. But he has revealed himself instead to be more of a mashgiach, the man who officially certifies products as kosher. And he has been certifying the political version of porkchops and pepperoni.

“I’m 100% with Senator Schumer,” declared Jamaal Bowman, the Squad-adjacent Democrat who has built his brand around anti-Jewish incitement. “[Benjamin Netanyahu] needs to be removed. He is a blockade to a pathway to peace. And we need a ceasefire right now. That’s what we should be focused on, humanitarian aid, not weapons.”

Appearing on MSNBC yesterday, Bowman had more to say: “The majority of Gaza has already been destroyed through acts of collective punishment by this maniac, Benjamin Netanyahu.”

Bowman was last seen yelling on a New York street corner that Israeli women were lying about the rapes committed by Hamas terrorists. Previously, he had been cited after he was caught on camera pulling a fire alarm to prevent a congressional floor vote. So it’s possible that Bowman uses the term “maniac” as a compliment, that it’s his way of trying to find common ground with the Israeli prime minister.

There were even worse things said by people in Congress yesterday, more evidence that Schumer has helped to open the floodgates of Jew-baiting when he called for regime change in an allied country.


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Previously, he had been cited after he was caught on camera pulling a fire alarm to prevent a congressional floor vote.

Sigh. Once again I must point out that this is not true. I have no idea why he did pull the alarm — his own explanation is ridiculous — but your speculation, that he did it to prevent a vote, is equally ridiculous. It’s a plain established fact that he didn’t prevent the vote, or even slightly disturb it. You can’t dispute that. So all you can claim is that for some insane reason he incorrectly thought it would prevent the vote; but there is no way he could have thought that. It just made no sense for it to have had any effect on the vote, as indeed it didn’t.

“Sigh. Once again I must point out that this is not true. I have no idea why he did pull the alarm — his own explanation is ridiculous — but your speculation, that he did it to prevent a vote, is equally ridiculous.”

Sorry, you don’t know why he pulled the alarm, but you know that he didn’t do it to stop a vote because vote happened?

Your response contradicts itself. You’re smarter than this, Milhouse.

    Milhouse in reply to Stuytown. | April 3, 2024 at 12:35 am

    That’s right, I know he didn’t do it to stop a vote, because there is no way it could have had that effect. The best proof is that it didn’t. It had no effect at all, as anyone could have predicted. There was no reason to suppose it would. So how can anyone claim with a straight face that that was his reason? If you’re willing to believe that, then why aren’t you willing to believe his own equally ridiculous explanation for what he did?

      Stuytown in reply to Milhouse. | April 3, 2024 at 7:57 am

      He has to have some motive, right? What is most logical? To my knowledge the alarm was pulled just prior to when the vote was scheduled. Am I wrong on that?

      People pull alarms to clear buildings. Thus, it is logical to surmise that that was Bowman’s goal.

Steven Brizel | April 3, 2024 at 7:31 am

Schumer as a young Brooklyn hack courted the Jewish community assiduously and went to every Jewish communal function As an older Brooklyn hack he has thrown big Israel and the Jewish community under the bus