Campus Tent Encampments “Similar to Occupy Wall Street Mixed in With Islamist Pro-Terror Groups”
My appearance on Laura Ingraham Show: “This is a toxic situation with toxic ideologies. These are essentially an anti-American anti-Western anti-capitalist ideology, similar to Occupy Wall Street from a decade ago, mixed in with Islamist pro terror groups and mixed in with praise for Hamas and other terrorist groups. This is not really something that we’ve seen before and I’ve been covering these movements for over a decade. It’s worse now.”

The spiraling pro-Hamas encampments were the topic of my appearance last night on the Laura Ingraham show.
I’ve used this private Providence studio, which has hot links to major networks, so much that they have earpieces designated for me and a few others.
Though short, like all prime time appearances, I had a chance to touch upon some themes I’ve been writing and speaking about, particularly the anti-American, anti-western, and anti-capitalist core of the protests which have joined forces with Islamists.
Alright, joining us now, Cornell Law Professor William Jacobson, founder of the Equal Protection Project. He dealt with this hostility from his own school because he dared to ask questions about the BLM movement.
Professor, President Shafiq of Columbia said that the university designates certain areas for protest in order to guarantee free speech for the students, but to avoid disruption to other students like we’re seeing with these encampments. So why is the administration negotiating with the people that are violating its own rules?
I think that’s a great question and I think that’s one of the reasons she probably should be stepping down.
This is a toxic situation with toxic ideologies. These are essentially an anti-American anti-Western anti-capitalist ideology, similar to Occupy Wall Street from a decade ago, mixed in with Islamist pro terror groups and mixed in with praise for Hamas and other terrorist groups. This is not really something that we’ve seen before and I’ve been covering these movements for over a decade. It’s worse now.
Well, CNN thinks that the police are perhaps the catalysts for the protests themselves and may make things worse. Watch.
CNN Video Played
The action of bringing police into a group of people who are already feeling that they are sort of representative of the oppressed who are inspired by what happened with George Floyd in 2020 and seeing what is happening in Gaza. That has only really acted as a catalyst here. And so, um, I wonder at the wisdom of bringing in the armed police,
So Professor Jacobson, apparently they’re supposed to just let these hundreds of tents without any sanitation, without any concern for the students who are actually trying to get a real education. Just let ’em stay up till they get tired.
Yeah, well. This is obviously very highly organized. This is not spontaneous. There’s a group that’s organizing these around the country. If you look at a lot of the encampments, the tens are identical. Somebody bought them, somebody put in an order for these.
These are not just students showing up and that’s really what’s going on here. It is no mistake, it is no coincidence that today on X, formerly Twitter, the Supreme Ayatollah in Iran praised the students and criticized the US cracking down on the student protests. This is not what it appears to be. This is a much more serious situation.
Uh, yeah. This is infecting our country now and this is what the liberals wanted and this is what they got. Professor, thank you so much.
This is an example of identical tents. Who is paying for these protests?
I also had a chance to discuss the situation in even more detail on Fox News Rundown on radio.
It is fair to say the people of the United States take pride in their freedoms of speech and protest, laws that don’t exist everywhere in the world. Those rights are on full display in the number of protests across American college campuses railing against support for Israel, but as these protests become increasingly dangerous, including a stabbing at a Yale protest and protesters at Columbia University heard shouting pro-terrorist group Hamas slogans, are they still a demonstration of free expression? Or acts of intimidation?
FOX’s Eben Brown speaks with William Jacobson, Cornell Law Professor, who has seen protests on his campus and says this has been building in academia for decades.
My segment starts at the 2:00 minute mark. Sorry, there is no transcript yet; if I can find the time, I’ll add it.
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We have raised a generation of dopes.
Obama would be so proud.
It’s astroturf, and somebody is disgusted enough to leak.
All of this needs to be tied to Dem pols at every opportunity.
Names of the lawyersNGO’scorporate shills who are supporting this would be nice.
Curiously, L campus = field, is the root of campus, camp, campaign, and champerty.
Do these kids not realize how dehumanizing the “Human Microphone” is?
The most obvious clue that you are clueless is to mindlessly hate on Goldstein via chant.
Religious Ritual of the Church of America-Hating. They’re very sincere.
Yeah, but when the chant is all you have, the moment’s frisson feels so good, though the faintest echo of the real thing.
We need to get these amoeba some — um — more personal interpersonal peak experiences. Or some other positive addictions. Or addictions to anything else, really.
I thought it was interesting that when people started to look at the booking information of those who were being arrested, the vast majority of arrestees were in their mid to late 20s, or older. There were very perps under the age of 23. Are these students or professional agitators? Doesn’t seems like they’re students unless they’re all doctoral candidates, right? There aren’t too many 30-something undergrads at prestigious colleges and universities.
This is all too organized for it to be an organic event. Remember the “Autonomous Zones” that were set up in Seattle (IIRC). Those people were completely disorganized. They couldn’t find their butts with both hands. Now what is happening at Columbia is the opposite. I’m sure there are pro dissidents and agents provocateur involved in all of this. I remember reading about a group of people who literally travel around the country organizing things like this. Wish I could remember the. name of the group or the people involved.
Seminars on “resistance”. Plenty of Soros money going around…. and maybe a CCP “return investment” in the US. Remember that Eric Holder was a student member of an armed group that took over a building at Columbia. These protestors know that they can get by with a lot as the admins don’t want to address the issues head on. As with the BLM Summer of Floyd… let them burn (literally) it out of their system.
Cancel student visas, and deport the crazed extremists.
Used to be pro communist infiltrators and not Islamist. Now it is both. It’s going to take about a dozen ‘Kent State’ events to stop this. This election is shaping up to be 1968 with Biden as LBJ.
I suspect these protests will like move to the Democratic Party’s National Convention this summer. Shades of 1968, but with crappy music and more terrorism.
A DNC convention being held in CHICAGO with a Kennedy running for president. “Shades of 1968” indeed. I’ll predict far more cops will be injured this summer in Chicago than were injured on J6 yet no one, absolutely no one, in the media will call it an insurrection.
It’s gonna be in Chicago, too. Buy popcorn futures.
The email address of Columbia University General counsel is:
Felice B. Rosan
May I suggest multiple emails from people here reminding General counsel that all materials regarding professorial support of anti-Semitic protests needs to be retained and preserved, on the basis of an obvious significant likelihood of litigation.
I think it likely those materials will be purged when the SHTF. Spoliation (destruction of evidence) can be worse to a jury than the evidence itself.
How is it that these students have the disposable income or cash on hand to purchase camping tents? How is it that urban students have the necessary transportation or a personal vehicle to go to a sporting goods store in the suburbs to buy a tent. Do the students have the extra space to keep a tent in their dorm rooms? Why do all the tents look the same?
In other words, find out who is organizing and funding this activity and arrest them and charge them with as many felonies as one can dream up.
I saw a LOT of ‘REI’ Northface and MSR logos on those tents. Those are not cheap brands. The cheapest REI tent goes for about $300. There were many 4-person tents and those are even more expensive. And, it’s kind of surprising they would be sold in Manhattan. But, who knows.
Precisely. And the FBI says they don’t monitor protests. Ha!
They need to talk with the Portland Homeless Industrial Complex about getting in on their bulk purchase of tents and sleeping bags. I would hope that they are getting a good discount with their frequent bulk purchases of 1000 tents. Our homeless camps are more uniform than 90% of the recent developments, who at least use a few different colors of paint.
“Subsidize it and they will come.” Portland .gov types went to “Field of Dreams” and came away thinking it was a “how to” seminar.
“How is it that these students have the disposable income or cash on hand to purchase camping tents?”
Have you ,met these people? I completely get paying them a stipend to go be activists, just to get them to go somewhere else. Parents pay to get them out of the house. Communities to get them out of the county.
Some Anti-Israel Protesters Are Paid
Rockefeller and Soros grants are subsidizing those who disrupt college campuses.
Organizers, activists, and paid operatives on the D L are SOP. Do we remember the attempt to pay the SEIU for various kinds of “community outreach” and so on in the first Obama administration. Do we recall the nice field offices popping up, with consistent graphics and visuals?
One supposes they wanted to keep the campaign time “in kind” contributions going. Besides, once they get you installed, they want their piece of the action — that was the deal.
from 9 11 “power move” to running the DC power grid
not bad omar
nottt bad
We’ve been burdened with crackpot groups for many, many years. In my youth it was the SDS, Weathermen, Black Panthers, etc. Things haven’t really changed, as there is always a bunch of immature kids all too willing to adopt some irrational mantra or messiah and stand by them no matter what the facts.
Well… all of those groups now run the country.
Their handlers run the country. These particular useful idiots are just the ones with their hands on the visible levers.
A “comedian” pulled his glib jab at sending National Guard in to disperse the “peaceful” protests at Columbia. Kent State was similar to the Boston Massacre…. at Kent State the mostly peaceful protestors (buildings were on fire) only tossed bricks at the guardsman and not snowballs as at the Redcoats.
The “Occupy Wall Street” twits were easy to take out, as they were all wimps. What is needed are politicians with a little spine, as there will be some bad publicity. Take down all the tents, arrest those that resist, and then do not let them reestablish the occupation. At all of the demonstrations, take collars early and often, as that will eliminate the troublemakers. Things tend to go smoothly after that. The organizers are also easily identifiable. They tend to whip things up and let the useful idiots get arrested. I.D. them early, and if they even so much as jaywalk, take them to jail. It is time and labor intensive but it can be done.