California Lawmaker Wants “Genealogy Office” to Prove Eligibility for Reparations
Steven Bradford, a Democrat who represents parts of Los Angeles County (including Inglewood and Compton) is a big believer in reparations ..and is running for Lieutenant Governor!

The last time we checked on the news related to reparations for black Americans, a Texas congresswoman and Democrat Jasmine Crockett appeared on an episode of the Black Lawyers Podcast and suggested that one-way reparations could be paid to descendants of America’s former slave trade is for the group to be given a reprieve from paying taxes for a certain amount of time.
Back in California, where the issue has been pushed forth by a Reparations Task Force approved by Gov. Gavin Newsom, has continued to be busy. The panel had already generated a 1000-page wish list with a $225 billion total, submitted by members that included one who insisted “all white men are serial killers”.
Now, $225 billion is a chunk of change, especially as California was recently looking at a $73 billion deficit. As I noted in an my post about the Texas congresswoman’s demands, one problem is figuring out exactly who is the descendant of slaves. Especially as “family lore” has been used in some famous cases as the basis of claiming race-based perquisites.
Now one California lawmaker has a solution: Spend even more money that California doesn’t have on a ‘genealogy office‘ to determine the worthiness of claims.
Steven Bradford, a Democratic state Senator for LA County, proposed bill SB 1403 to create a controversial genealogy unit to ‘confirm reparations eligibility’ of applicants.
The state’s first-in-the-nation reparations task force last year decided that some residents should win $1.2 million payouts as compensation for injustices from the slavery era onwards.
But lawmakers have struggled to turn those plans into reality, and have advanced several bills to devise a working reparations scheme amid fears of spiralling costs in a cash-strapped state.
Bradford’s bill, which was amended this month, aims to solve the problem of working out who is in line for a payout.
Bradford, a Democrat who represents parts of Los Angeles County (including Inglewood, Compton and Gardena) is a big believer in reparations and served on the 9-member panel. Bonus: He is running for Lieutenant Governor!
Defining who qualifies for reparations goodies appears to be particularly challenging, in light of DNA analysis.
A large-scale DNA study published in the American Journal of Human Genetics concluded that, nationwide, about 3.5 percent of people who identify as white—including around 5 percent of white Californians—have at least one percent African ancestry,” wrote Michael Harriot.
“If the task force incorporates the suggestion that lineage can be proven by establishing ‘negative evidence,’ it is entirely possible that white people could claim the bulk of reparations.”
Based on the current definition, it is unclear the extent to which one must descend from an enslaved African American to qualify for reparations.
The unintended consequences of this approach are limitless.
Someone pointed out that it could help solve some crimes… so that’s an interesting angle
— Jennifer Van Laar (@jenvanlaar) April 16, 2024
I’m ready to cash in.
— Mark Fabela (@markdfabela) April 16, 2024
So with a shortfall in money yet they are going to create this
— Janet Matherly (@JanetMatherly) April 16, 2024
Of course, the potential for graft is also limitless.
Is there a forensic genealogy firm that’s been contributing to some influential Dem’s political campaign? That’s who will get the contract.
— NC Omie (@nc_nma) April 16, 2024
With leadership like this, little wonder Californians are fleeing the state.
“Forty million people will live in California by the end of 2018 and 50 million by 2048, the state Department of Finance said in estimates released Tuesday,” reported The Mercury News on May 8, 2012.
And then there’s reality.
“The U.S. Census Bureau reported in March that California’s population as of last July had dropped to an estimated 38,965,000,” wrote George Skelton, Capitol Journal columnist for the Los Angeles Times on April 8. “That’s down by 75,400 in a year — and 573,000 below California’s peak of 39.5 million in 2020.”

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Since CA budget is busted, in lieu of reparations gov newscum is providing get-out-of-jail-free cards to black looters.
I approve giving black grifters everything the have coming. Cost of black criminal activity to society is staggering.
I believe that blacks should receive reparations from the institution that fought to keep blacks in chains for hundreds of years and then oppressed blacks with Jim Crowe and the KKK for another hundred years. The Democratic Party oppressed n blacks and owes blacks compensation for their suffering. Fortunately, Democrats agree that blacks are owed reparations and should be happy to pay.
fine. Let us also use the genealogy office to figure out whose ancestors OWNED the slaves. Not fair for white people whose ancestors came AFTER the Civil War to pay for this. And if you had a family member fight in the Northern army, you are also exempt. So… let’s see, this leaves the South after the War. I am pretty sure those slaveowners also paid a heavy price from 1865-1878, but what is a little more pain. Oh, and if your ancestors lived in a free state – like California – you are also exempt from paying or collecting from the state of California….
As a first generation American, it’s obvious none of my ancestors owned anyone else’s ancestors, therefore I should be exempt. But, I’m also a white middle-class conservative, so I suppose I’ll be judged as guilty anyway.
My ancestors came to this country after slavery was abolished and therefore didn’t own anyone else’s ancestors as slaves nor did my ancestors ever wish to own anyone else. Therefore, I and my family should be exempt. But I’m a White person so I suppose I’ll also be judged as guilty and be forced to pay anyway.
Yep. My point exactly.
About half of my ancestors were here before the revolution. The other half post Civil War. A 2nd great grandfather and his father fought in the same Union company- and were fired up by ancestral relative manned artillery in the Battle of Drewrey’s Bluff. On my mother’s side a 3rd great grand-father on the Union side, and a 2nd and 3rd for the Confederacy.
But here’s a question. One of my ancestral relatives, post Civil war, after his wife died, continued living with his black housekeeper. And had children with her. They, couldn’t, of course, be married- but she inherited the house when he died. I’ve traced many of the descendants to present day. One is a successful neurosurgeon. Or since he’s descended from a slaveowner- AND- his ancestor from that slaveowner was born post-war of a free woman and someone who didn’t own slaves- since it was post war.. Does he get reparations or does he pay them?
In 1860 something like 2% of Americans owned slaves
And even in the Confederate States, the percentage of white people who ever owned a slave was infinitesimal. Less than 1%.. Meaning 99% of whites in the Confederacy never owned slaves. Furthermore, in 1860, in the States of Tennessee and Arkansas, two States that joined the confederacy by narrow margins, a MAJORITY of whites living in northwestern Arkansas and Eastern Tennessee HAD NEVER MET OR SEEN A BLACK PERSON! Much less owned one.
Enough white people have a black ancestor so that numerically more whites than blacks would qualify for slave reparations.
Have you heard of the one drop rule?
or the Elizabeth Warren standard?
From recent studies of DNA, geneticists have concluded that everyone on earth came from the same mother—a single common female ancestor who lived around 200,000 years ago in Africa.
You know who else had a genealogy office? The Nazis. It was called Ahnenpaß (Ahnenpass).
The Nazis used the Democrat Joe Crow rules as an example for determining who was a Jew.
However, the Nazis’ rules were less extreme than the Democrat one drop rule.
The first group of “progressives” gave the Nazis lots of ideas, and the new group seems to be getting ideas from the Nazis.
Who is going to police the genealogy police? Anything with conditions and controls like this make me skeptical. People will surely be “checking“ the results and that increases the likelihood of inserting ineligible and fictitious recipients. It’s just another scam.
Are there reliable records of who exactly was a slave in antebellum America? Without that a genealogy search seems pointless.
Those pushing this don’t care about who was actually a slave or slave owner, they only care about color. (Isn’t that racism?) They’d give Obama reparations, even though his black ancestors were still in Africa long after slavery was abolished. They’d give someone descended from 50 generations of Arab slave traders reparations if he looks dark enough. They’d make the descendants of people who never owned or traded a slave and fought for the Union in the Civil War – along with everyone else who looks white, including descendants of Irish slaves and post-Civil War immigrants.
Aaagh, what happened to the Edit button?
They’d make the descendants of people who never owned or traded a slave and fought for the Union in the Civil War pay reparations
Reparations should be paid by those who actually enslaved the slaves.
All persons who owned slaves are now deceased.
I suspect that all states have a statute of limitations for filing a claim against an estate. In Illinois, the claims must be filed no later than two years after the death. (A probate estate can shorten this period by publication.)
It is now too late to file any reparation claim because the SOL has expired.
Meaning that they are SOL
Too late. Black DAs all now have Magic Negro Powers to override statutes of limitation.
I love coincidences:
“ Is there a forensic genealogy firm that’s been contributing to some influential Dem’s political campaign? That’s who will get the contract.”
23andMe is low on cash and its stock is worth pennies. The CEO wants another chance
… 23andMe … in Sunnyvale, California. Genetic testing company 23andMe, once valued at $6 billion, is facing the possibility of delisting from NASDAQ.
Wojcicki and her co-founders bet that they could provide consumers with health and ancestry data by sequencing just some of their genome for under $1000 (they eventually brought the price down to under $100).
And there is a reason why 23andMe’s stock is only worth pennies and the company is low on cash
Hackers got nearly 7 million people’s data from 23andMe. The firm blamed users in ‘very dumb’ move
Interesting legal theory. Will blacks who are descended from criminals pay reparations to the victims of their ancestor’s crimes?
That’s a good point. I couldn’t agree more.
If fact, if we are going to give reparations, the place to start is to give all the land back to the native Americans. If you don’t want to start with square 1, then forget it.
Don’t come up with some DNA bull crap, picking out certain people based on the color of their skin because they make the most noise—the ones who loot and burn when they don’t get what their way, who commit the most crime percentage wise of any race, been receiving special treatment for many years, affirmative action for decades, been on government assistance for umpteen generations, using DEI to give them better treatment over other Americans and tell me to give them something.
Back to Native Americans? If so, I want Turkey to be Greek again, Egypt for the Copts, and Libya for Germans.
And Israel gets the land back from the borders they had during the biblical times.
And then the Jebusites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, and ask the other -ites would claim it from the Israelites. There’s no stopping until you go clear back to Noah.
Give Europe back to the Neanderthals.
Well, the cultural Neanderthals are moving in from Muslim countries….
Muslims should give the land they conquered in the Middle East back to the original inhabitants.
Another proof blacks can’t do math. A serial killer kills at least 3 people. Out of a US population of 332 million, 118 million are white men. 3 times 118 million is 354 million, 22 million greater than the entire population including all the white men.
Black scientists have calculated that if a certain Marine base of a certain size and weight was relocated from Okinawa to Guam, it would cause Guam to capsize.
No doubt this lawmaker watches “Finding Your Roots” every week on PBS. I always enjoy reading genealogy, especially now that DNA is available to help. All sorts of interesting info can come to some really surprised people.
Black citizens are being played. Real money is going to the illegal alien invaders while resident blacks look on in stupefied horror. Now CA is setting up another layer of bureaucracy with the implied promise that a payday is coming as a shiny object to distract from the migrant crisis. If Biden wins a second term and another 10 million invaders flood our borders, then the black voter will have zero power at the voting booth, as they have been effectively replaced. And just like that all talk of reparations just somehow stopped.
Trump could run commercials about how Biden’s illegas are taking Blacks’ reparations.
Sorry, Barack.
Wonder how Rachael and Talcum X will get paid?
Monopoly money
I was under the impression that we already pay blacks reparations. Of course, we call it by another name. Welfare. And we have wasted billions of U.S. taxpayers money on welfare for blacks and that has simply resulted in a whole group of non-productive, non-tax paying parasites on society. And we didn’t even need a “Genealogy Office” to do it. Not sure why they think they deserve more than what they’ve gotten this past six decades but here we are and there we go.
Whatever it takes to get them voting D for another hundred years, a la LBJ….bribe ’em.
True dat. But these days you’d think more blacks would be realizing that they are being replaced as the democrat preferred minority of choice by all the illegal aliens entering the country and that the gibs me dat money and benefits are going to the illegals and vote accordingly.
But they won’t figure it out until they realize the reparation check isn’t really ever going to arrive.
add to that 600,000 civil war dead. Reparations paid in full
Ironically and tragically, the most common descendents of slave owners are black people.
In fact, VP Harris’ father said she was descended from a slave owner. It did not bother the Dems any in picking her.
The office will also assist authorities in determining if you have a Jewish grandparent.
Budgets are always a matter of priorities. CA must give top priority to reparations — at least $1 MM per Black person. This will start to make for all the Civil War years when CA was a slave state.
Cray Cray is reaching take off speed. Just what does this guy believe will be done with the genetic data/DNA? Nothing? Nah, insurance companies gonna get it and use to adjust the premiums LEO gonna put it it their database. That’s just to start the fun.
Are the “reparations” going to be scaled by the amount of slave ancestry? Remember, even Angela Davis has a significant amount of white ancestry (, something about which she was quite shocked.
More importantly, why should someone like me whose family didn’t come to the US until after slavery was abolished, and whose ancestors faced significant discrimination as well (like the university quotas of the 1920s-1950s) pay taxes towards reparations?
“Are the ‘reparations’ going to be scaled by the amount of slave ancestry?”
Yes, the more black DNA one has, the more whyte folks you will be able to own. For example, 100% black DNA will receive ten whytes, 90% will receive nine and so on. This is according to Ibram X Kendi calculations
Because You People® are rich and don’t pay Your Fair Share™.
/Sarc tag for the sensitive
ok heres how we’re going to work it
your group gets $5000000000000000 and then you have to pay back for all the CURRENT CARNAGE YOU HAVE CAUSED
1) A master list of all black people’s DNA. What could go wrong?
2) High degree of certainty the results will not be what they expect.
3) There will be lawsuits from here to eternity.
One way that list can be used is for when people apply for government jobs. The right DNA levels assure you of getting the job regardless of your qualifications. We already have that, but there has to be a line drawn somewhere, and this DNA database will help them do so.
4) Thousands of cold-case criminals suddenly identified.
If you believe in science then everyone in the world is descended from Africa. That means that every citizen is an African American and should receive reparations!
So…. for many years the Tigua tribe in a particular Texas region existed but that was about it. Most locals would not claim the heritage if asked. Then, the tribe got involved in a scheme to open a Casino (in defiance of Texas laws – the Tiguas do not fall under the same sovereignty rules as the Comanches, etc). Suddenly everyone was claiming Tigua heritage. So the powers that be, limited claims to either 1/32 or 1/16 (I really don’t recall which) in order to limit who would be eligible to benefit from the potential casino money coming in. Oddly, some folks had no problem getting the right percentage on the roles while others (who actually had been active in maintaining the heritage) just never could get their documentation to hold up……..
I don’t know the current status of that situation since I’ve moved away from there, but the moral of the story is:
Where there’s money, there’s schemes to keep it in the hands of as few people as possible!
Side Note: If you bought land in any of the 3 Texas counties in that region, your Deed had a caveat that if the Tiguas won their land claim against the federal government, your property would be forfeit to the tribal government. Research and enjoy at your leisure the history of those claims….. they’re interesting to say the least.
Iirc, the first ever slaveholder in the US was a black man. There were others as well.
Will the DNA test detect that too?
Hey, Steven, great news! You don’t have to reinvent the wheel! I found somebody who has already done the work! You can just just claim black privilege to plagiarize it!
If reparations happens why not make jail time to slave owning descendants?
This idiotic idea strikes me as rather akin to prospective German SS candidates during the 1930’s having to prove their pure Aryan bloodlines for the previous 200 years. The reparationistas are closer to National Socialists than they’d ever admit.
One thing I wonder about – how long would a claimant have to live in California to become eligible? A year? Five?
I could seriously see if enacted (which won’t ever happen) causing a second California Gold Rush….black gold this time of course.
On a related note, does one become eligible for welfare as soon as they migrate to California?
If the descendants of slaves are owed reparation now, and if those reparations are paid tomorrow, what would prevent successive generations of the descendants of slaves from also claiming reparations? Will they not have been similarly injured by slavery? Do they lose their claim to reparations merely because the claims of an earlier generation have been satisfied? If they won’t be owed reparations, why not? As you can see, paying reparations tomorrow is no guarantee that future demands for same will not be forthcoming.
Offer them reparations in the form of free educations (arguably, this is already being done) and jobs. (Not guaranteed jobs. They would be given a job and subject to firing like any other employee. They get three such jobs. If they blow all three opportunities, they’ve expended their “reparations.”) Give them something that requires them to work to make something of it (as “forty acres and a mule” would have required). I think we’d find most are not interested in doing work, and making something from nothing, they’re only interested in hand-outs. Tell them, “Sorry, the only alternative is 40 acres and a mule. If you’re not interested in the work necessary to get an education or working for a steady income, you’re certainly not interested in the work, or the potential pitfalls, of the alternative.”
My point is that most would reject the offer. Then it would be “Sorry, we offered, you refused. No former slave was ever offered a payoff or promised a life of ease. What makes you think you deserve these things?”
ANY law requiring a genealogy department to implement it is a prima facie unconstitutional law “working Corruption of Blood”.