Biden Weighs Declaring “National Climate Emergency”
One reason for this move may be to attract young votes, who are now distracted with their Hamas-Inspired Hate Camps.

Biden officials have renewed discussions about potentially declaring a national climate emergency, which would invoke powers similar to the pandemic emergency proclaimed by President Donald Trump in 2020.
The target of this declaration will be our nation’s oil industry rather than an airborne virus.
Top advisers to President Joe Biden have recently resumed talks about the merits of such a move, which could be used to curtail crude exports, suspend offshore drilling and curb greenhouse gas emissions, according to people familiar with the matter who asked not to be named because a final decision has not been made.
White House advisers are divided over the idea of declaring a climate emergency, with some saying it wouldn’t provide Biden with enough newfound authority to make substantial changes, the people said. Others, however, argue such an announcement would galvanize climate-minded voters.
Officials have not made a decision on the matter, nor is any declaration imminent, the people said. White House discussions over potential policy steps can span years, sometimes without ever coming to fruition.
The White House did not comment specifically on the discussions. In an emailed statement, White House spokesperson Angelo Fernandez Hernandez highlighted the president’s existing policies, saying Biden has “delivered on the most ambitious climate agenda in history.”
The impact of this policy would be as disastrous for our nation as the pandemic policies were.
Declaring a national climate emergency would “wreck” the U.S. economy, according to Forbes Media chairman and editor-in-chief Steve Forbes.
The two-time Republican presidential candidate was responding to rumors that top advisers to President Joe Biden have resumed talks about invoking a climate emergency — a significant move that would unlock federal powers to curtail oil development.
“You’re going to pay for it with an even more troubled economy,” the 76-year-old said on Fox Business’ The Evening Edit — adding that Americans will suffer the consequences of “higher energy prices.”
Since Biden’s “Inflation Reduction Act” kicked in, electricity prices have soared 29.4% — 50% more than overall inflation — rising 13 times faster than the previous seven years.
Why the sudden move for such massive government control? Biden’s weak poll numbers are likely a contributing factor.
NBC News’ Steve Kornacki sounded the alarm on the outlet’s latest polling, noting some “troubling numbers” for President Biden, as he trails former President Trump in several key categories, such as mental and physical health.
According to the NBC News poll, Trump leads Biden among voters in handling a crisis, being competent and effective, dealing with inflation, having the necessary physical and mental health, and having a strong record as president.
“Competent and effective, that was President Biden’s, the crux of his campaign pitch in 2020,” host of “Meet the Press” Kristen Welker said. Kornacki noted that back in 2020, the numbers were flipped, and voters viewed Biden as being more competent and effective.
One take on this announcement is that Biden is going after the youth vote.
White House advisers in favor of a climate emergency declaration think such a move could garner favor with climate-conscious voters — specifically younger Americans.
Aru Shiney-Ajay, executive director of the Sunrise Movement — a political action organization for young people fighting to stop the climate crisis — told Bloomberg: “If Biden wants to win the youth vote, he needs to take forceful action on climate change.”
I think that the “climate crisis” kids Biden is trying to court may be a bit too busy with their Hamas-inspired Hate Camps to bother with voting in November.
Meanwhile, there is no “climate emergency” (unless we get hit by a large asteroid or a super-volcano starts to erupt). A serious Congress would start making plans to reign Biden’s climate cultists in.
Climate Finance = Climate Scam … because there is no climate emergency — just climate alarmism.
— John Shewchuk (@_ClimateCraze) April 21, 2024

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The only climate emergency is all the hot air coming out of this corrupt windbag’s mouth.
I suspect the bleed from big donors PO about pro Hamas mobs harassing students with full throated antisemitism and shutting down campuses, blocking roads/bridges is NOT limited to reduced contributions to Univ coffers but is also beginning to be felt by the Biden Campaign. Couple that with low poll numbers despite insane pandering and the weekly reminders of policy failures alongside Biden’s disturbing physical/cognitive decline and the d/prog are desperate. They need something, anything to wipe the bad news off the front page. I suspect they won’t actually ‘do’ anything with this emergency declaration other than showboat and run PR propaganda victory celebrations for fear of further blowing up the economy and reducing Biden’s popularity even further.
Laken “Lincoln” Riley could not be reached for comment.
Sure immigration is still a huge issue, FWIW increased Border Security via building the damn wall, halting catch and release, turning away bogus asylum claims and ramping up mass deportations of illegal aliens is my top issue this election cycle as it has been for the past decade.
The media coverage and their choices of what is Newsworthy is a different thing. This past week has been all about pro Hamas antisemitic mobs on campus, on the streets disrupting commerce, education, daily life via terrorist tactics of creating fear and using intimidation. The media don’t frame it that way but that’s what occurring … and this story has sucked out all the oxygen from other important issues.
Biden drives the 18 wheeler over the cliff, and his lemmings follow, to inflict as much damage as possible to America.
That’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for him.
Er, I thought he was driving his 18 wheeler across the Key Bridge when it was collapsed by the container ship Dali running into one of its piers. And then he was eaten by cannibals.
That’s what I heard, anyway.
We only wish that had happened.
That just sounds like one more reason to tell the pedophile to go fuck himself
How could he? That punk ass bitch has been flaccid for the past 50 years.
Why, all he’d have to do is thinking about taking a shower with his daughter.
Covid exposed the states who did not think when establishing ’emergency powers’ for their governors, who warped them into free power to do whatever they wanted for a year or two. Pretty sure there’s no authority for the President to declare a climate emergency and grab for more power, but there are no Republicans to get injunctions from Hawaiian judges and stop him cold.
There certainly is authority for the president to declare emergencies. Presidents do that all the time. And various statutes do give the president additional authority during declared emergencies. Mostly financial authority. Of course Congress, unlike the states, is limited in what laws it can make, so it can’t give the president authority that falls outside its powers of legislation, whereas states have a general police power and thus have very little limit on how much power they can give their governors.
What would the grounds be for this “emergency” anyway? CO2 is at 423ppm, or 0.00423% of the total atmospheric mix. Anyone who says that CO2 is destroying the planet has no clue about the carbon cycle on this planet. Is it temperatures? Just in my lifetime it went from global cooling to global warming, then they renamed it to climate change to scare more people. all a “climate emergency” will be climate marshal law, just like the medical marshal law they did to us in the COVID years. The earth’s temperature is getting too hot? Guess what, the sun controls the climate on this planet, and we all know they have been cooking up ways to black that as well.
The end goal of the evil, vile people that are in positions of power is the TOTAL destruction of not only this nation but the world as a whole. They would rather burn everything down and rule over the ashes than have people free, healthy and independent thinkers.
Mt. Fuji: What would the grounds be for this “emergency” anyway? CO2 is at 423ppm, or 0.00423% of the total atmospheric mix.
But not a minuscule part of the greenhouse effect.
Monatomic and homonuclear diatomic molecules are virtually unaffected by infrared energy; consequently, nitrogen, oxygen and argon are not greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases, those that absorb and emit infrared radiation include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone, each with its own thermal footprint. Carbon dioxide constitutes about 20% of the greenhouse effect.
While one can debate the wisdom of using emergency powers to address climate change, the scientific evidence strongly supports the impact of humans on the climate.
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0.00423% should be 0.0423%
There are no grounds, but as far as I know none of the statutes authorizing the president to declare an emergency provide for judicial review.
There is no such thing as “marshal law”, and no state of emergency can enable martial law. There was no martial law during the Wuhan epidemic. Martial law in the USA cannot exist unless the civilian courts are unable to function. The moment any court in a district opens for business martial law in that district becomes immediately invalid. There is nothing Congress can do to change that, let alone the president.
Bear in mind that both his ability to declare emergencies and his powers consequent to such a declaration are created by statutes made by Congress, and are thus limited to what those statutes say.
Oh for fuck’s sake. Another blatant power grab.
Relax. We’re only doing fascism until we solve the climate issue.
Hopefully we can get rid of the pedophile and then we have a fascist in the white house anymore
Biden is like an older, dumber, senile Palpatine.
“It is with great reluctenence that I have agreed to this calling… thing. I love democracy. I sniff it all the time. Once this cimate crisis… thing… has aborted, I will lay down the powers you have given me! Pause.”
Georgfelis –
Agree: we need a new “War Powers”act which says that the President cannot declare a national emergency without the approval of congress.
That’s unworkable, for the same reason that the WPA doesn’t even purport to restrict the president’s authority to act immediately if he finds that the USA is at war.
There are 41 active designated ‘Presidential National Emergencies’. Some are incredibly obscure to say the least.
The oldest active one was originated in 1979 by Carter. It ordered the freezing of Iranian assets as part of the U.S. response to the Iran Hostage Crisis… both Obama and Biden have ignored it while releasing billions of dollars to Iran. Again, it is still an active Executive Order.
Under current law National Emergency designations can be rescinded by a 2/3 vote of both houses of congress. IMO that law need to be amended to require a mere majority and further restrictions should be placed on their designation in the first place.
This will fix anemic economic growth and inflation. You betcha.
It will also “cure” an election.
Obama’s third term lame duck big win.
Total Capture.
If they actually believed there was a ‘climate emergency’, then we’d be delivering ultimatums to China and India to close polluting power plants or we would bomb them.
Instead, we let businesses buy indulgences from the Church of Climate Change in the form of ‘carbon credits’.
Literally NOBODY in power actually thinks the climate is at the slightest risk, they just think its a convenient excuse to let them grab more power.
Yup. Nature always wins. Always.
Yes, let’s target oil and jack up those gas prices even higher. That will be a real vote-getter.
Once he gets a Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich in place, he will not need to worry about such peccadilloes as elections. The Democrat dream of rule by decree will soon be in place.
Subotai Bahadur
Biden did say on camera he wanted to “end fossil fuels”.
He should have said end fossils and then retired
If Biden can declare a mythical climate emergency, then Trump can declare a law and order emergency due to the invasion of the illegals, and the pro-terrorism anti-Semites taking over college campuses.
But the Left won’t consider what Trump could do with another Biden precedent, and will scream the house down rather tolerate Trump’s equality.
Nina Jankowicz @wiczipedia
She’s totally unhinged on Twitter. Three days of vomitous narcissism. It’s likely she’s trying to build a lawfare case against Musk.
+ Rolling out her new and improved censorship NGO.
Ah, yes. Soviet Mary Poppins at it again
Marvelously cynical; The Opportunist In Chief, or the cabal, rather, get a three-fer, plus one:
— Appease the committed climatists, motivate the low-info “doing good things:” folks, and gets to look all competently presidential signing orders and things. Besides, he must be smart doing this — look at all the science-y science involved.
— Emergency measures make a new kind of hammer favor voting for his crew, disfavor the other. Kinda like The Zuck’s $400,000,000 completely a-political “get out the vote” program worked in areas that heavily skewed toward the one party. Hey, it worked with various of the ‘rona interventions last cycle.
— More scope to unaccountable declaration, and Big Brother May I? It’s not like the emergency will ever go away.
Perhaps most motivating, responses in the US to the current active fighting in Gaza is making tension within the Screaming D coalition. No policy or proclamation resolves that. They need to get their whole team focused on something they can all be driven to agree on.
The only mistake you can make is being insufficiently cynical.
Sadly, true. I used to like myself much better before.
yup … emergency
cancel the elections …
or only vote by drop box
no in person voting …
invaders can vote too …
“[S]uch an announcement would galvanize climate-minded voters.” It’ll galvanize other voters, too, I’ll bet.
Let me see … the guy who travels about in a fossil-fuel guzzling 747, a fossil-fuel guzzling Marine helicopter and a fossil-fuel guzzling “The Beast” limousine wants to declare a “climate emergency”
Oh, blow it our your ass, Joe.
Now, you want to declare a National Dotage Emergency… I’m in.
Declaring a national climate emergency will wreck the U.S. economy.. by design .. intentional..
Rahm Emanuel: Never let a crisis go to waste… Not about the weather nor climate .. just money, power and control..
Can he do that?
Will it give him “emergency powers”?
If so, there goes the world economy, not just USA.
part of the plan…..
We need to just say no.
He can certainly declare an emergency, and no court can review that declaration. What extra powers it would give him is entirely controlled by statute. There are various statutes that give the president certain powers only in an emergency. Those statutes are of course subject to the same judicial review as any other statute. And actions that are purported to be take under their authority are of course subject to judicial review as to whether they are in fact so authorized.
This would be about as popular as banning gas stoves.
“Void where prohibited. Not valid during Emergencies.”
Says the constitution nowhere.
And nobody claims it does say that.
(With the exception of Habeas, which can be suspended “when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public Safety may require it”, and the third amendment, which is void whenever the USA is at war.)
How dare he!
Fed reporting this morning that Core PCE, CPI & PPI have all risen above expectations for the 2nd consecutive month….the same month when economic growth MISSES expectations.
Stagflation is back, baby. Thanks Joe Biden.
There is zero legal authority for such a blatantly illegal and unconstitutional move
when did that ever stop a Dem.
strike that … stop a Politician…
How is a declaration of emergency illegal, let alone unconstitutional? Presidents declare emergencies all the time; as someone commented above, there are currently more than 40 such emergencies already declared.
The consequences of such a declaration are entirely governed by statute. Are any of those statutes unconstitutional? Maybe. But it’s not “blatant”.
I think the reaction from many states is the same as DeSantis’ in FL over the “New” Title 9 rule created by Biden. DeSantis said, “Not in FL”. “We protect our girls and will not allow men to compete with them”. I think many red states will do the same with any emergency Biden makes up.
DeSantis can’t just declare federal law invalid in Florida. Not in the case of Title 9, and not in the case of any actions Biden may take pursuant to law. He can of course challenge either the actions or the statutes authorizing them, if he has grounds for it, case by case. But he can’t just declare his state immune from the law.
Biden declaring “Climate emergency” equals martial law. The only problem is it won’t be temporary.
Biden declaring “Climate emergency” equals martial law. The only problem is it won’t be temporary.