Anti-Israel Encampments: UCLA PD Admits School Told Them Not to Intervene, Northwestern Caves and Negotiates
UNC-SJP lowered the American flag and raised the Palestine flag.

Columbia University is in shambles.
How much longer until other universities fall? Let’s check in on them.
Right now I have UCLA, Northwestern, Portland State, NYU, University of Washington, Penn State, UNC, and CUNY.
A parent released audio of a phone call with the UCLA Police Department.
Parent @UCLA gave permission to release this audio of her phone call with @UCLAPD as they describe the school's directive to allow protestors to restrict the movement of Jewish students.
"Are the protestors allowed to block students who are paying tuition from classes? No, but…
— Stephanie🕊 (@stephsvox) April 30, 2024
The school doesn’t care that these people block Jewish students from classes.
We have videos of these people blocking Jews from campus and the library. We have videos of these people assaulting Jews.
Here’s another one from an another friend’s son @ucla. Protestors take over access to area near school library demanding wrist bands and approval to each student passing.
“So you won’t let me in because I’m Jewish?”
“Ummm no… we have a couple Jewish students here … are you…— Stephanie🕊 (@stephsvox) April 29, 2024
Purple haired Palestine activist at UCLA who assaulted Jewish man and pulled out a TASER on him plugs her Instagram as she is escorted off campus by security guards.
The woman had ran up to Jewish counter-demonstrators and assaulted them.
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) April 30, 2024
@UCLA Jewish student trying to attend class is forcibly prevented entry by 6 masked Pro-Hamas students while UCLA guard stands by and DOES NOTHING.
“I am a UCLA student…my class is over there. I want to use THAT entrance. Let me go in.”#AntizionismIsAntisemitism
— The Persian Jewess (@persianjewess) April 29, 2024
In the last 2 hours we have seen encampment student enforcers not allow a Jewish kid to go to class at UCLA and now encampment enforcers punch a Jewish student at Berkley for filming.
They are explicitly trying to drive Jews off campus.
— AG (@AGHamilton29) April 29, 2024
Jewish UCLA student stands up to masked mob after they repeatedly blocked his entry to the campus over the last week because he is Jewish.
Proudly holding an Israeli flag he says:
“We all know the reason you have masks it’s because you don’t want us to identify you.”
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) April 29, 2024
Those occupying Hamilton Hall have a new banner.
“Glory to the martyrs” is stating very clearly what these Muslim Brotherhood supporters want. @Columbia has failed these students and our great nation.
— Yannagirl 🇺🇸 🟦 🇮🇱 🧡 🎗️ (@saltygirl26) April 30, 2024
#Now A protester waves a Palestinian flag from the top of the occupied Hamilton building on the #ColumbiaUniversity campus.
The group is now calling the building Hinds Hall.— Oliya Scootercaster 🛴 (@ScooterCasterNY) April 30, 2024
Northwestern caved to the anti-Israel…people. Nothing about keeping Jewish students safe.
The conditions set for Deering Meadow only applies to Deering Meadow. “All other demonstrations on campus must comply with University policies.”
The school promises to re-establish its Advisory Committee on Investment Responsibility.
The school promises to support visiting Palestinian faculty and students at risk. It will fundraise to sustain the program. Full rides for the students!
The school promises to provide a temporary space for MENA/Muslim students. It will end up giving those students a renovated house.
The school promises to engage with students to support Jewish and Muslim students.
BREAKING: Northwestern has reached an agreement with the majority of encampment organizers.
— Logan Schiciano (@LoganSchiciano) April 29, 2024
The agreement ticked off the ADL Midwest.
Who can blame them? Northwestern is catering to people who hate Jews. The school is doing nothing to protect Jewish students.
The agreement between @NorthwesternU leadership and encampment protesters is reprehensible, dangerous, and a case study in failed leadership. Our full statement:
— ADL Midwest (@ADLMidwest) April 29, 2024
This was one of the signs found at Northwestern’s anti-Israel encampment. A “no” through a Star of David. Read that again. Antisemitism has snuck its way into the mainstream. It cannot be ignored or excused.
— Jewish on Campus (@JewishonCampus_) April 27, 2024
Portland State
Portland State shut down today since the mob occupied the main library.
Breaking: @Portland_State has announced it is shut down on Tuesday, April 30 because of safety reasons after far-left violent extremists associated with Antifa stormed and occupied the large main library. The PSU president allowed the encampment to grow over days, giving time for…
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) April 30, 2024
Violent Portland antifa militant John Hacker is one the people allowed close to the @Portland_State Antifa encampment for Gaza where violent extremists have taken over the main library, renamed it & are destroying it floor by floor. "161" is written all over the library windows,…
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) April 30, 2024
“F— your homework, people are dying”
The Antifa encampment at @Portland_State continues to grow as the far-left extremists have broken into and occupied the whole library building. Their comrades are also transporting vans of supplies that include additional barrier materials
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) April 30, 2024
An anti-Israel protester glued herself to a bench. The protest has grown, too.
Pro-Palestinian student chained and glued herself to a bench outside the NYU Tandon School Of Engineering.
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) April 30, 2024
Protests are getting bigger in NYU (New York University)
— Karim Jovian (@KJovian) April 30, 2024
CUNY announced it closed its food pantry due to the encampments.
🚨City College announces it is closing its food pantry as a result of the solidarity encampment. In 2022, 40% of CUNY students reported having low or very low food security. Thats 110,000 students.
— Luca Saeed (@cityascanvass) April 29, 2024
Nearing one week of CUNY’s new “People’s University” at the @cunygse.
DAY 6:— Luca Saeed (@cityascanvass) April 30, 2024
EMAIL: [email protected]
PHONE: 646-664-9100— NYC Educators For Palestine (@nycedpalestine) April 30, 2024
University of Washington
University of Washington —
Jewish students are spat on and told to "go back to the gas chambers."
— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) April 30, 2024
Penn State
Pro-Hamas "protester" at @PennState says:
"Jewish women are way too ugly to be raped," referring to Hamas' systematic sexual violence on Oct 7.
This is America in
— Shelley G (@ShelleyGldschmt) April 30, 2024
UNC-Chapel Hill
Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill removed the American flag and raised the Palestine flag.
BREAKING: The chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has taken down the American flag. The Palestinian flag now flies in its place.
— Stu (@thestustustudio) April 30, 2024
Chaotic scene at UNC in North Carolina.
Police rush the quad in front of Wilson Library to remove a Palestinian flag demonstrators had put up in place of the American one.
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) April 30, 2024
BREAKING: Protestors at UNC Chapel Hill have taken down the American flag and replaced it with the Palestinian one:
— Steve McGuire (@sfmcguire79) April 30, 2024
University police took 30 people in custody this morning. It got more chaotic in the afternoon:
According to university police, protesters attempted to block UNC police vehicles by standing in front of them. After the encampment was cleared out, police said protesters pushed officers while attempting to enter the South Building.
Around noon, UNC Students for Justice in Palestine organized a walkout on the Wilson steps in protest of the students who were taken into custody. A crowd was marching up to the South Building, which houses the chancellor’s office.
On the main quad around 2 p.m., protesters tore down barricades and took down the American flag on a flag pole in the quad. A Palestinian flag was raised in its place. A group surrounded the pole as if they were guarding it. Music played loudly and some joined hands and danced while others clapped in unison.
Around 2:35 p.m., police officers entered the space in response to the American flag being taken down. The Palestinian flag was eventually lowered and the American flag raised as officers set up a perimeter around the structure. Protesters chanted, “disclose, divest, we will not stop, we will not rest.” Officers were seen using pepper spray at one point.
Roberts walked alongside officers as they made their way to the quad.

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Gavin Newsom is 100% on the hook for this outrageous conduct.
And/But, Joe Biden also deserves his share of culpability. When Governor Wallace refused to protect black students in 1965 Alabama, LBJ famously did it for him. When is Biden sending federal law enforcement or federalized Guardsman to put an end to this tyrannical Islamic oppression?
To shore up flagging support from his voter base, Biden is more likely to send federalized Guardsman to assist the tyrannical Islamic oppression.
If you’re expecting that week feckless pedophile to do anything, you’re going to be disappointed
I’m no fan of Newsome but this ain’t just in California
CA gov newsom is passed out face down in his own poop in alley in SF behind aunt nancy’s house. Therefore he can’t be held responsible according to CA legal system.
Sue the universities and seize the endowments.
That 2nd video, filmed at the entrance to the school library I believe, is insane. Keep in mind that the FBI has jurisdiction to investigate allegations of race-based violence/threats at any school that accepts federal money. UCLA happens to be a PUBLIC university as well.
Considering Christopher Wray sent more than two-dozen agents to investigate a garage door pull at a PRIVATE racetrack, how many agents is he sending to identify and arrest these Hamasholes who are on video committing hate crimes against Jewish students?
To quote Dean Werner: “Zero Point Zero”.
The admins, faculty and media are all on the same side as Team Hamas.
This Jew hatred is taught at the colleges and universities. It starts at high school with history classes that de-emphasize the Holocaust and teachers that minimize it in discussion. It continues in college with black studies departments severely over emphasizing Jewish involvement in the black slave trade, and de-emphasize the real culprits: Muslims and other blacks. Then you have history departments that avoid discussion of the Holocaust altogether so as not to set off the Muslim students….who they know will resort to violence and/or claim a civil rights violation on the lecturer with trumped up charges. And middle east history courses that villainize Israel and teach some bizarre falsehood that Jews are a European people who somehow ended up in an Arab country as if by accident.
The original NAZI’s also found a lot of progressive support at universities in the US back in the old days.
CA state teacher union was single biggest donor to gov newsom’s campaign.
I have been bombarded with a half century’s propaganda decrying prejudice against blacks or Jews. Society now worships blacks and despises Jews. Why? I think it’s because Jews are intelligent, successful and cohesive, and therefore people are jealous and resentful. Jews would have been well advised to assimilate better and not to align themselves with every left wing cause.
Speaking as a non-practicing Jew, the uptick I gave is for that last sentence.
Uptick for being a good-faith Jew.
Bingo. I’ve realized this a long time ago and it sounds self serving when I (or another Jewish person) points it out.
Jews assimilated culturally but you are right about the leftism. However the more assimilated Jews are more likely to be leftist, religious Jews less likely.
It’s time to crack some heads …. literally. Libtards …. reap what you sow.
So is a hate crime not an enforceable crime if it happens on campus? Can the owner of a property just say no to police and harbor fugitives by just refusing them admission? Isn’t that obstruction?
Oh wait, I forgot. We have a two tiered justice system now: racism for me, but not for thee.
That is exactly it. What you remembered at the last is now the American norm. What is no longer the norm is the rule of law, because everything depends on who is defining and enforcing [or not enforcing] which law. I fear we are pretty much done with a civil society.
Subotai Bahadur
When did I miss these campuses seceding? Otherwise city, state, and federal jurisdiction still applies, including addressing crimes without needing permission from the U or the protesters.
Surrendering to the mob hasn’t had a very good record of historical success in ending additional demands from the mob or demonstration/occupations of public areas by mobs. This is a simple issue; free speech is fine but occupation of public or private property, preventing lawful commerce, defacing/vandalism, boo king roads, bridges or access points are all unlawful acts. The criminals who commit these acts should be arrested, charged and prosecuted without any remorse or worrying about how it may impact a student Visa/DACA/TPS or other immigration status much less job prospects post conviction. No plea deal to anything less than than least felony committed. Eff them kids.
the 9 11 lovers only understand violence
they have no respect for anything but that
history proves that to be true
There is one man out there who can and will end this nonsense. Who will reshape the Justice Department to actually do its job. His name is Donald Trump. Sick of seeing these racist Anti Semites running wild? The paid agitators egging on the useful idiots at our supposedly elite Universities? Vote Trump in November. He is the only leader we have left with the brain and balls to do the job. Elect him and put an end to this constant embarrassment we are subjected to day and night from these coddled snowflake criminals. Enough is enough. God Bless Israel, God Bless the IDF, and God Bless America.