Anti-Israel Activists Blocking Roads, Airports in Major Cities
They blocked roads to O’Hare Airport.

The anti-Israel dumbs made good on their promise to protest in major cities in an attempt to inflict significant economic pain.
It’s so cute that they think this will bring people to their side.
Narrator: Every time a "pro-Palestinian" blocks a road, hundreds of Americans become pro-Israel
— William A. Jacobson (@wajacobson) April 15, 2024
Video posted by the anti-Israel protesters showing a closer look at the blockade for O’Hare Airport.
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) April 15, 2024
Why the hell are Chicago police standing around and allowing a mob to block the highway to an international airport?
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) April 15, 2024
A pro-Palestine mob is blocking the road to O'Hare International Airport, forcing angry passengers to ditch their cars.
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) April 15, 2024
Hamassholes have shut down the entrance to Chicago O'Hare airport.
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) April 15, 2024
Bay Area
Bay Area Police in riot gear are about to confront Hamassholes who shut down the Golden Gate Bridge.
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) April 15, 2024
BREAKING: San Francisco, CA-. This morning starting at 7:30 a.m., over 60 Bay Area residents shut down the #GoldenGateBridge to demand an end to the U.S. support of Israel's genocide in Palestine.
— Jersey Noah
(@JerseyNoahx) April 15, 2024
Both directions of the Golden Gate Bridge have been shut down due to a Pro-Palestinian protest. Demonstrators have blocked the southbound direction of Highway 101. This is the second protest causing major back-ups on Bay Area roadways, the demonstration has blocked northbound…
— ABC7 News (@abc7newsbayarea) April 15, 2024
Northbound 880 in Oakland is at a complete standstill from a Gaza protest that has blocked all lanes. Protestors have put barrels in the road, CHP is on scene. @KCBSAMFMTraffic @KCBSRadio
— Mike DeWald (@mike_dewald) April 15, 2024
A third Pro-Palestinian protest has blocked southbound I-880 in West Oakland. This comes after protesters shut down NB I-880 earlier this morning as well as the Golden Gate Bridge. Latest here:
— ABC7 News (@abc7newsbayarea) April 15, 2024
Live on @FoxNews right now: California law enforcement not doing much as a handful anti-Israel protesters with a sign saying “stop the world for Gaza” blocks vehicles on the Golden Gate Bridge with traffic backed up as far as the eye can see.
— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) April 15, 2024
NEW: Scenes from downtown Philadelphia this AM as the #A15 protests begin, first reported by @DV_Journal
— The Delaware Valley Journal (@DV_Journal) April 15, 2024
Philadelphia activists have shut down the main road in Center City demanding no more money for Israel’s crimes this Tax Day! #phillya15 #A15Actions
— Sharmin Hossain (@sharminultra) April 15, 2024
Other Places
“Lockheed, Lockheed, you can’t hide.
You profit from genocide!”#FreePalestine blockade of Lockheed Martin entrances #StopArmingIsrael— #StopCopCity (@ChuckModi1) April 15, 2024
Autonomous actionists in Naarm held multiple major inbound intersections during Monday morning peak hour traffic. #antireport #a15action
— A15EconomicBlockade (@a15action) April 15, 2024
WATCH IT LIVE: Pro-Palestine protesters are seen blocking off Valero Way on the Northwest Side— News 4 San Antonio (@News4SA) April 15, 2024

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
The A-10 is the appropriate tool for this mission…
Even better is Billy-Bob’s F-250 with a lift kit and brush guard bumper.
They’ve never read how to win friends and influence people…
They are pushing public sentiment towards their annihilation…
They don’t care to win friends. They are doing this because they are RIGHTEOUS and it scores points with their religion. They’ll get the coolest hookah cushions in the Progressive utopia they’re bringing about. But they don’t care to convince you of anything – they just want to force said utopia into existence.
They are not interested in convincing you’ they prefer to FORCE their views on you.
It ain’t about sentiment. They’re demonstrating that they can force you, and there’s nothing you can do abou it. Pours encourager les autres, so to speak.
Even better if it has the V10 diesel because that will piss off the ecotArdsley too
WHAT V10 Diesel?
It is an engine that exists only in the mind of someone who knows nothing about diesels.
The best way to handle them is at the link. Just be sure the wind isn’t blowing at you.
I carry that stuff in my truck, along with zipties, a mask, and gloves. I don’t carry a gun if I am going to the airport, for obvious reasons. Once you have someone ziptied, pinch their nose, hard. Hurts like hell but leaves no marks.
Naah, Just have some Roarke’s Drift Re-enactors with their Martini-Henry rifles and do a few volley fire drills.
With live ammo.
I realize that this is completely off topic but it was just announced that disgraced Serial Plagiarist Claudine Gay will be teaching a “reading and research” ethics class at an salary rate of $900,000/year despite resigning the Harvard Presidency in January.
I guess DEI (Didn’t Earn It) still is paying off for Claudine Gay.
Serial Plagiarist Claudine Gay To Teach ‘Reading And Research’ Ethics Class At Harvard
This is a liberal “rub their faces” in it, assignment.
“Research Ethics.”
Like tapping Bernie Madoff to head the Fed.
He ay as well for all the good they do us.
Pomona College just had the 16 Palestinian occupiers of an admin building arrested. Trespass and interference with a police officer. All are already suspended. The school is attempting to determine if any protesters were from other colleges so that they can be referred for punishment at their schools.
Make sure you ban those from other schools from your campus, so they can be re-arrested for trespassing if they show up later.
Mary: They’re NOT anti-Israel
Rent-a-Nazi mobs.
Embrace the power of ‘AND’:
They are pro-hamas AND anti-Israel.
How can you be pro-Hamas without being anti-Israel?
Ask Kamala to Venn it out for you.
No, I very much doubt they’re actually pro-Hamas. They probably prefer Fatah, if not the PFLP.
I doubt most have ever even heard of Fatah or the PFLP.
They’d probably never heard of Hamas before the current crisis either. So they’re not actively pro it, they’re just anti Israel. If they had to choose between the “Palestinian” parties, though, they’d probably choose parties that are closer to their own neo-Marxism. Such as PFLP, which is classical Marxist rather than neo-.
Thankfully, most people are more considerate of others and less obnoxious, sanctimonious, and hateful.
The penalty should incude a large suspended sentence and years long ban on demonstrations, the violation of which will result in resumption of sentence.
Why suspended? They seem to like being bound to other people, so put ’em on a chain gang in a prison and get them to do something productive with their lives.
A suspended sentence sure as heck isn’t going to do that. (On top of relying on unreliable people to handle it correctly at a later time.)
Because then the sentence can be longer and hang over their heads. Would rather stop them from doing these stunts over time.
It won’t. Because if you don’t hold them accountable, the next judge won’t, either. And you can’t give a suspended sentence longer than the maximum time for the crime in prison – so give them that time actually in prison. THAT will do some good at stopping these things over the long term.
There are multiple crimes, and consecutive sentence add up fast. It’s not to saty that they cannot serve a short sentence up front, with the balance suspended. It really comes down to whether or not the justice system does justice, and that’s unlikely, so this is mainly academic.
Drive up to them, turn around, and let them enjoy your exhaust for a while.
Hell with that, I’m locking my hubs and downshifting.
Remember to toss a smoke grenade first. What they don’t see they can’t put on tiktok or youtube.
Traffic moving again after protest blocks access to O’Hare
Traffic flow resumed around 9:20 a.m., according to the airport.
The riffraff no doubt accomplished their goal, though…. Monday mornings at O’Hare are a madhouse with all the business travelers trying to make their flights, and by 9:30 the crunch would have been over.
Where is RICO when you REALLY need it?
Get firetrucks out there and hose that scum off the pavement.
I’ve moved away from such a place, but I was considering having a disposable drone in my vehicle for mob dispersion whereby remote control I could deploy a large quantity of OC spray from a decent altitude.
Very handy where BLM was blocking surface streets.
OC spray?
Tear gas, essentially.
I carry POM in my vehicles and on me (see amzon for product details). For this application I think I would use a fog type rather than stream which is not POM…I mean bear spray would be fine. All recipients generally want to rethink their day after getting a taste.
I like the drone option because I can go out of a sun roof and come in from the side so as to not be obvious of where it come from.
The police are at all of those illegal attacks on America and they are not only not arresting the attackers but they seem to be colluding with the attackers and aiding and abetting the attack. And this is an attack.
The cops are guarding slugs attacking America. The police chiefs, mayors, and everybody who supported this crime against the citizenry need to be arrested, themselves. But … they won’t be, which is why this nation is probably toast – save some coming vigilante work …
Not in Florida…, they were immediately dragged off the road by cops then arrested.
So are you going to be the “vigilante work”? Of course not. You are a coward, whose only resistance is sitting on your fat ass and pounding out comments on the Internet.
How do you think you come off?
You really showed me!!
So … you are pro-vigilante and detest those who refuse to take part, huh? Or do you just like to ask idiotic questions on message boards that have no possible answer …
You think me a coward? Okey doke. Good for you. Whatever works in the Pakistani boiler rooms, I guess …
Speaking of a fat ass pounding out comments on the internet, here you are.
Shouldn’t you be finishing off your pre-med degree, or practicing law, liar?
Police, like good doggies, answer to those who feed them (write the pay checks).
I like the Philly sign: “40,000 Palestinians killed with your money”
Awesome! If only it were true … I’d be happy to pay more.
“Tire tracks all across your back, I can see you had your fun…”
Jimi Hendrix, ‘Cross Town Traffic’.
Israel tells Biden to go
Back to the beach
Every time a “pro-Palestinian” blocks a road, hundreds of Americans become pro-Israel
I don’t think this is true. It might make people who are already tepidly pro-Israel angry and more willing to get vocal (and maybe physical) about it.
But nobody on the other side is actually going to be convinced to leave that side. (Maybe they’ll pull a Rowling and get vocal about Israel, but they won’t be dropping all the other Progressive doctrines they hold to be true.)
I wouldn’t say no one on the other side would depart over these antics but it ain’t gonna be very many that’s for sure. What is more likely is the Indy voters and the not truly politically committed ‘lean’ voters looking at this in the context all the ongoing chaos from the left and saying enough.
They should be all arrested and if some are here on visas deported forthwrith
I would love to create a memorable deportation process for them, as in a big bang followed by high acceleration, and a satisfying thump at the end of their ride.
and deported to Gaza.
Look, this is obviously a coordinated effort to disrupt America. These would be acts of war if we had a nation-state to point to as the provocateur.
The money needs to be followed here. All domestic agents need to be charged under RICO, all foreigners need to be stripped of all right to be in America and sent to prison before being sent home, and all the suppliers/financiers need to be disincorporated in America (whether NGOs or something else) and funds confiscated from any bank that will allow it. (Use Soros’ money to start paying off our debt.)
Why prison? We still have Gitmo.
Gitmo was and is an IC ploy to use extra-territoriality to subvert the constitution and deny constitutional rights. They used to use “rendition” for that, but ran out of willing foreign governments that they hadn’t double-crossed. If we ever return to power, we should close it rather than use it.
We all understand the two things that need to be done:
First, follow the money — who pays the lawyers, the bus operators, the hotel bills, and so on?
Second, identify the individuals on the road and hit them with civil right suits.
Yet we have no organization that will do that. The Republicans? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. They aren’t worth jack.
Conservative organizations? Ditto, and I laugh some more.
I’d gladly give a few bucks to an organization that would wage legal war on these protesters.
I can name a couple that might actually carry this out if they had the resources. VDARE is one of them.
Yeah, this is how you get people on your side. Make their lives hell and hope they want more.
But isn’t that Islam in 25 words or less?
In addition to other violations of law, these people should be sued for violating the civil rights of others, and if it was on a federal highway, then it should be a federal prosecution.
Should does not mean will, however, which is why things are so messed up all around us.
Another tactic to consider is to have everyone in the traffic jam call 911 and report they “are being held hostage by violent extremists.” (And they are violent if they won’t let you go, because it can only be presumed they will employ force if you attempt to leave.)
I know if my wife called and said that to me – “I’m being held hostage” – I would be showing up armed and ready to do violence.
This is most certainly “unlawfully imprisoned”. Each of the perpetrators should be hit with one count for every person in every car on the road. And the officials who are aiding and abetting this hostage taking are just as culpable and need to be dragged away, themselves.
But … we have a nation infested with traitors holding the levers of power. Such a thing is not long for this world and how this ends is going to be something for the history books and future horror stories.
The reason for “Glubb’s 250” is inherent in human nature. Government is control; control of government is heroin to psychopaths; and pschopaths will fight principled people tooth and ice axe to achieve and then retain it.
Couple this with the bulk of human beings being sheep, who are “disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed,” and the screenplay writes itself.
Unfortunately, the screenplay is Galactica: “All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again.”
If these perpetrators were wearing MAGA hats, all that and worse would be done to them.
“I’m being held hostage by violent extremists and I fear for my life.”
If in a sane part of the United States, add: “I am armed, and will defend myself if necessary.”
Police must immediately and aggressively remove these terrorist supporters. They want to normalize blockades so victims stuck in traffic will be caught off guard when a future violent terror attack targets trapped commuters. Or targets city blocks encircled by stuck vehicles.
Police still need to watch for IEDs when cars are used to blockade. Or cars embedded with the trapped commuters.
The Golden Gate offers a longer-term solution. “They jumped!”
Biden Again Expands Amnesty to An Additional 1.2 Million Illegals, On No Authority But His Own Kingly Might
Scumbag traitor and catspaw to foreign billionaires.
Not quite. He granted them ‘Temporary Protected Status’ which precludes their removal/deportation. Trump should immediately announce he will revoke it and begin deporting their ass on day one of his Admin.
What Biden and the d/prog are.doing here is building up the sob story narrative. Trump should quash it today. Refuse to let this political gamesmanship get traction by immediately pushing back and creating the counter narrative that if elected Trump will deport them. The d/prog are using these folks as pawns and while it sucks for them these folks didn’t choose to enter the US legally so they gotta bear the consequences of that decision and that means deporting them if the refuse to depart on their own.
That is not true at all. He did it pursuant to a statute that Congress passed and the president of the time signed.
I do not understand why these people are not treated the same way you would treat a lone drunk wandering around on the roadway. There are already laws on the books about pedestrians on roadways. Start at one end of the line, and load ’em into whatever they call paddywagons these days and haul them off to jail. They can argue about it in court.
What’s the correct term to describe a bunch of anti-Israel protesters blocking a highway?
A target-rich environment.
My vehicle is equipped with cans of bear spray, a set of bolt cutters, and a gas torch, in addition to my favored handgun of the day.
Also a large bucket of used engine oil to pour over eco-protestors.
Go ahead, block my legal path.
Cattle=guards might just become the next gotta-have addition for your car.
Cow Catchers, rather
The practical approach (as opposed to a lot of popping-off done on Twitter)
-Detain (possible Covid risks, might take 3 days to get to that bail hearing)
-Tow (Every vehicle in the stack goes to the City impound yard, and that is a cast-iron (censored) to get your car back out.)
-Prosecute. (no plea bargains, or at least very tough ones)
-Fine for every penny it cost
-Imprison (optional, since getting raked over the coals to this point is an educational experience, as any defendant can attest. Besides, probation will keep them from doing any more stupid stuff like this for x years)
I repeat what I have been saying for about the last 40 years: It should be lawful for anyone going about his lawful business to drive through any such obstruction as if it were not there, and any harm done should be considered the blockaders’ fault.
Works well in theory, but in practice you’ll pretty much total anything smaller than a pickup with a steel brush guard.
I have an F550 which it would not effect much
Terrorist sympathizers need to do some jail time for blocking roads and bridges and airports. Keep your picket line on the sidewalk or go to jail.
And they need to pay for their total cost of enforcement and incarceration.
And they’re wearing masks, the talisman of SPINELESS COWARDS.
And they’re all doing this in leftist jurisdictions, where they know they can act with impunity.