University of Florida Eliminates DEI Office, Fires All Employees
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University of Florida Eliminates DEI Office, Fires All Employees

University of Florida Eliminates DEI Office, Fires All Employees

“To comply with the Florida Board of Governor’s regulation 9.016 on prohibited expenditures, the University of Florida has closed the Office of the Chief Diversity Officer, eliminated positions and administrative appointments, and halted DEI-focused contracts with outside vendors.”

The University of Florida immediately eliminated its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion office.

“To comply with the Florida Board of Governor’s regulation 9.016 on prohibited expenditures, the University of Florida has closed the Office of the Chief Diversity Officer, eliminated positions and administrative appointments, and halted DEI-focused contracts with outside vendors,” the university said in an email.

Those laid off “will receive 12 weeks of pay and will be encouraged to apply for other positions at the university.”

The school will use the $5 million for DEI on faculty recruitment.

Gov. Ron DeSantis banned public colleges and universities from using public funds on DEI budgets in May 2023.

The Florida Department of Education also banned spending on DEI programs and replaced a sociology class with an American History course.


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A fine start. Now, other states must follow.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | March 1, 2024 at 5:16 pm

Another one bites the dust. I love it when socialists become unexpectedly unemployed. Makes my day.

caseoftheblues | March 1, 2024 at 6:58 pm

I love my gov!

henrybowman | March 1, 2024 at 7:37 pm

As a firearms activist, it always tickles me to be able to hurl this at the lefties:

For those fired DEI employees, I say, “Fear not. You have bright futures awaiting in the food service and janitorial industries.”

BierceAmbrose | March 1, 2024 at 8:07 pm

So, the funding state governments get to decide what they are willing to pay for?


Eliminated by that name. Expect these people to be rehired for functionally the same jobs when the heat dies down.

DEI/CRT is such a fraud.

“Those laid off “will receive 12 weeks of pay and will be encouraged to apply for other positions at the university.””

IOW your current infection is being neutered. “Try again”

healthguyfsu | March 1, 2024 at 10:27 pm

This is great news. UF hired a good President and FL elected the right governor.

Did no one actually read the memo?

The DIE staff are being given expedited consideration for any open positions at UF, and the money “saved” from shuttering the DIE program is going to a “faculty recruitment fund”. Not lowering tuition or into general revenues – faculty recruitment. That means they’re going to manufacture positions for whatever DIE staff they couldn’t place in real open positions.

All this has done is spread the DIE cancer into other departments, where it can now metastasize. DIE is not a letterhead or a department; it’s the people in it. This is UF complying with the letter of the law while retaining all the toxic people.

    healthguyfsu in reply to daniel_ream. | March 2, 2024 at 2:15 am

    Of course, they are being given that option. That’s called not getting sued and giving them a chance to prove their worth outside of the bubble expenses of administrative bloat. You either teach some classes or provide some research or get your ass out.

    Faculty recruitment is important because there are faculty (usually the progressive kind) leaving Florida to go find a safe haven in some communist shithole like California. It’s important to replace those faculty with better options if they want to become a more conservative university. It seems like a good branding move to me to offer an alternative option to all of the other woke crapshows. And remember, I say all of this when my graduate alma mater is the biggest state rival to UF in FSU. UF is doing some house cleaning and it inevitably costs more to hire new people than keep the old. This Seminole alumnus is here for it!

    mailman in reply to daniel_ream. | March 2, 2024 at 7:35 am

    Not at all Daniel. What’s happening is that these people are being given the option to apply for other roles and nothing more.

    Which has been pointed out is a way out of being sued for malicious dismissal or what ever you call it.

    Now what is be interest in know is how many people got fired AND from that number how many of them found a job to stay at the school. My expectation is that this number should be very low as I expect the skills they have have very little value outside of the DEI created racism sphere.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to mailman. | March 2, 2024 at 8:29 am

      Most of these people are black women, bred in the protected world of Human Resources and Compliance Departments, and sought out certifications in “Equity and Inclusion.”

      I know. I ran up against these fascists in the hospital I worked at before I retired for the second time.

      There have been a groundswell of DEI degrees starting to rise in higher education. But this nonsense didn’t gain footing until Saint George Floyd I drugged himself to death.

      These harridans had to originate from some hole, and they will morph back into their original form in HR.

    Gosport in reply to daniel_ream. | March 2, 2024 at 11:15 am

    All this has done is spread the DIE cancer into other departments, where it can now metastasize.

    Actually, what this action has done is officially deny DEI’s implied validity and right to status as a function of the university.

    No more getting away with DIE agenda-driven actions under the assumption that “everyone agrees it’s the right thing to do”, etc.. The left can still attempt them but they have lost their official sanction and it’s going to be a fight.

    Danny in reply to daniel_ream. | March 2, 2024 at 11:33 am

    First most of them will be arrogantly going to other states to retain their powers. Having the ability to crush the dreams of an 18 year old freshman or a 22 year old grad student working on a masters degree is extreme power which they crave.

    Second suppose you are right and the University manages to retain most of them.

    DEI has lost part of its perch, and when those scumbags open up on students over their race guess who could report it to dad who reports it to the state legislature resulting in new legislation?

    The great thing about being a governor who smooths over things with the legislature and wins it over is you could then use legislation again, and again, and again.

not_a_lawyer | March 2, 2024 at 1:10 am

All companies now have electronic systems to open doors to allow employees in that swipe their badges.

The next time a DEI administrator asks you about ‘inclusion’, ask them why they have an electronic swipe badge, which is designed to exclude.


E Howard Hunt | March 2, 2024 at 7:31 am

I thought “chief” was a verboten term under the woke regime.

“The school will use the $5 million for DEI on faculty recruitment.”

Just once, it would be nice to see cost savings translate into reduced prices, rather than squandering the money “saved” on more overhead. Each and every government, school, and HOA hates returning money to the customer/taxpayer like Jesus hates sin!

Their mantra is: spend all the money we have, all the money we can get through taxes and fees, and all the Monet we can borrow.

Looks like some racist socialists are gonna have to learn to code….

Steven Brizel | March 2, 2024 at 8:37 pm

Good riddance !