The New $1.2 Trillion Spending Bill is an Abomination


Since the early days of the Tea Party, we have heard Americans complain about massive bills passed in the middle of the night, which no one has read and which spend obscene amounts of money. Nothing has changed since then, and both parties are guilty.

This latest spending bill was over 1,000 pages long and carries a price tag of over a trillion dollars. Most people cannot even conceive of the size of a trillion, yet our leaders in Washington just keep piling on another trillion here and there as if it’s nothing.

If you scan the corporate media headlines about this bill, all you will hear is that the government averted a shutdown at the last minute. There’s no criticism and even less scrutiny over what’s actually in the bill.

Joe Biden is saying it’s good news for the American people. Really? How exactly?

FOX News reports:

Biden says $1.2T spending package is ‘good news for the American people,’ but Congress’ work isn’t overPresident Joe Biden thanked Congressional leaders Saturday after the Senate passed a controversial six-bill government funding package in the early hours of the day following a brief partial government shutdown.”Thank you to Leaders Schumer and McConnell, Senators Murray and Collins, Speaker Mike Johnson, Leader Jeffries, and Representatives Granger and DeLauro, for their leadership,” Biden said in a statement.The President called the mammoth $1.2 trillion spending package “a compromise,” which, he said, “means neither side got everything it wanted.””But it rejects extreme cuts from House Republicans and expands access to child care, invests in cancer research, funds mental health and substance use care, advances American leadership abroad, and provides resources to secure the border that my Administration successfully fought to include,” Biden said in a statement.The President proceeded to call the package “good news for the American people.””But I want to be clear: Congress’ work isn’t finished,” Biden continued in the statement.

This bill only covers the next six months. Who believes this is sustainable?

From Zero Hedge:

Swamp Wins: Senate Approves $1.2 Trillion Spending Bill, Narrowly Averting Gov’t Shutdown A partial US government shutdown was averted in the wee hours of Saturday morning as the Senate approved a $1.2 trillion spending package. The measure will now go to President Biden’s desk later today.The passage of the 1,012-page bill (did any lawmakers actually read the whole thing?) in a 74 to 24 vote concludes several months of drama on Capitol Hill centered around Republicans demanding deeper spending cuts as the federal government spends like drunken sailors, with the national debt recently skyrocketing to over $34.578 trillion.The legislation provides 75% of the federal government funding for the coming six months. It includes measures to increase military salaries, eliminate funding to the United Nations agency supporting Palestinian refugees, and enhance security along the southern border.The bill passed shortly after the 12:01 a.m. deadline, indicating that some federal funding expired, but the White House budget office said it would not declare a shutdown.

What are we getting for this massive spending? Does anyone believe our schools will improve or that the southern border will be secured? A few pundits have highlighted some of the stupid things covered in this bill. I’m not wasting my time or yours with that. We all know that idiotic spending makes up the majority of this abomination.

We are being played for suckers by leaders who are robbing us blind.

Tags: Biden Administration, Congress, Democrats, Joe Biden, Republicans