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The ‘Coalition for Mutual Liberation’ at Cornell Threatens to Harm the School From Within

The ‘Coalition for Mutual Liberation’ at Cornell Threatens to Harm the School From Within

“CML’s stated goal is to promote liberation, but in practice, they simply disrupt campus as much as possible.”

What does a group like this add to the pursuit of scholarship?

The Cornell Daily Sun reports:

The Coalition for Mutual Liberation Threatens to Harm Cornell From Within

This article should serve as a wake up call to any student affiliated with Cornell’s Mutual Liberation Coalition. CML routinely glorifies terrorism and demonizes students on campus. It is time for Cornell to wake up and stop CML from infiltrating campus with their destructive behavior and mentality.

Nearly five months have passed since Hamas brutally massacredraped and kidnapped innocent civilians on October 7th. Cornell students and faculty immediately celebrated the massacre at rallies and online, supporting the terrorists, and now our campus has devolved into anarchy.

Radicals, consumed by fear of confronting challenging conversations, hide behind masks and screens rather than engage in dialogue. CML and its supporters scream slogans and hold die-ins and walk-outs in a concerted effort to silence other students through mob intimidation.

CML’s stated goal is to promote liberation, but in practice, they simply disrupt campus as much as possible. On February 8th, CML hosted protests in which students laid on the floors of four libraries, yelling and inhibiting students’ ability to continue studying. Two weeks later, on Feb. 22, classes were disrupted by a CML mob of protesters with megaphones in Duffield Hall. Most recently, on March 6th, their protest in Klarman Hall violated the Cornell protesting and postering policies, hanging a massive banner accusing President Pollack of having blood on her hands. Multiple students taking classes in Goldwin Smith explained that as a result, their classes were interrupted and an even exam was cut short due to the inability to focus. Spoiler alert: disrupting students’ learning did not “Free Palestine.”

This semester, I took part in a mediated effort to compromise with CML over an Israeli divestment resolution they brought to the Student Assembly. Despite multiple proposed compromises, CML refused to concede to anything that did not fit their exact agenda. They insisted on holding the only Jewish state to an egregious double standard, and proceeded to bring their bigoted resolution to the Student Assembly floor.


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Let me guess. 90% of faculty vote dem, and support the “spirit” behind protests like CML.

    OldProf2 in reply to smooth. | March 9, 2024 at 2:31 pm

    I suspect you’re right, and as long as that is true, the school will do next to nothing to control their Junior Terrorists.

I wish I was 20 again and back at Cornell. I can’t be intimidated. My values don’t change. And anybody who provokes or strikes me is guaranteed to spend the night in Gannett Clinic or Tompkins County Hospital.

    NorthernNewYorker in reply to walls. | March 11, 2024 at 9:02 am

    Were you there for Shantytown? Now those were fun times. The Rhodes’ administration wouldn’t do anything to move them, so the fire department booted them off campus as a safety hazard.

“First, they came for the …

“But I didn’t see myself as one of them

“So I just kept my head down and acted like this too shall pass.

And everything will just return to normal.”

— Lots of people in lots of places over the past 5,000+ years