Study Finds Massive Increase in Anti-Zionist Activism and Antisemitism by Faculty at University of California Since October 7th

This isn’t surprising if you’ve been paying attention. It’s still sickening, however.

AMCHA reports:

New AMCHA Study Finds 1,100% Increase in Anti-Zionist Activity of UC Faculty and Exposes Links to Skyrocketing Antisemitism After October 7, 2023Numerous articles, papers, conferences, and even Congressional hearings have highlighted the proliferation of antisemitism on college campuses around the country. However, little to no attention has been paid to the ways that anti-Zionist faculty on those same campuses have—in direct violation of policy—openly supported and encouraged the harassment, threats, intimidation, and physical attacks that are making many college campuses decidedly unsafe for Jewish students.A new AMCHA Initiative report exposes the massive surge in anti-Zionist activism and advocacy—perpetuated with complete impunity—by University of California faculty (as individuals and members of departmental and/or faculty organizations) and graduate students, and shows how that activity has contributed to the equally massive post-October 7th surge in campus antisemitism.The report, entitled “Academic Agitators: The Role of Anti-Zionist Faculty Activism in Escalating Antisemitism at the University of California After October 7, 2023,” documents a more-than-10-fold year-over-year increase in the number of incidents of faculty-supported anti-Zionist agitation. Hiding behind “free speech” and “academic freedom,” these faculty and the departments and campus organizations they are associated with, not only openly engage in anti-Zionist indoctrination and activism, they also provide material support (along with an implied University imprimatur) to anti-Zionist students and student groups and foster hostility and harm toward Jews and the state of Israel.The report includes several appendices, which provide a grim sampling of the nearly 100 confirmed faculty-driven anti-Zionist incidents. These include:

Tags: Antisemitism, California, College Insurrection, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel