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#RIP: Sen. Joe Lieberman Has Died At Age 82

#RIP: Sen. Joe Lieberman Has Died At Age 82

As a reminder, it was Lieberman who spared us from Obama’s “public option” in the ObamaCare push

Former Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman (D, then I) has passed away at the age of 82.

I have to admit that I am saddened by this news. Lieberman was a principled and patriotic man who rejected the elitist ‘uniparty.’ Even as he sometimes shared some of their goals, he sought to find the common ground that would benefit—rather than harm—the American people.

Watch Victor Davis Hanson explain why Lieberman is so respected and his passing lamented on the right.

As a reminder, it was Lieberman who spared us from Obama’s “public option” in the ObamaCare push (a thing this guy thinks was bad for some reason).

The response to Lieberman’s passing is a credit to his character.

Ed Morrissey over at Hot Air had this to say:

How very sad. Senator Lieberman was a liberal Democrat with a strong moral compass and a powerful desire to serve his country. May his memory always be a blessing and may he find his repose in the Lord. Thank you for your service.


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I really liked Joe, he was a believable, kind man. He would have made a very good VP and in reality a better President than Bush


He fell, that’s just terrible. I know so many older people that fell and died.

And yet…

It will be interesting to observe as the Left reacts to his passing. After all, he was not a true believer in all their nonsense, Had they already fully rejected him? My guess is no, but I doubt they had fully embraced him, either.

Old school democrats are dying off and the proggies are pretending men like Lieberman and Miller never existed.

Too close to Biden’s age for any outpouring of sympathy from the Democrat media.

Lieberman said that Imus’s remarks about the Rutgers women’s basketball team were deeply offensive, meaning that he takes the leftist line and he lies.

The little but defining moments in life.

    Tiki in reply to rhhardin. | March 27, 2024 at 10:28 pm

    Totally forgot about that. Then again, it was a lefty on lefty knife fight.

    gonzotx in reply to rhhardin. | March 28, 2024 at 12:44 am

    They were deeply offensive

      rhhardin in reply to gonzotx. | March 28, 2024 at 5:27 am

      It was a Media Matters op. Imus refused to let Hillary on the show for an interview on the grounds that she was evil, but let Obama on. Trump (then a Dem) called his friend Imus to plead for Hillary being on the show and Imus said no way. Trump reported back to Hillary and the next day Media Matters siezed on the first thing Imus said to make a stink in the media.

      Hearne’s Law: whenever there’s a stink in the news about something it’s because some politician or charity wants a stink in the news about it.

      Nobody on the show could believe the stink for a couple of days and said so, because nothing had been said to justify it. Some people (Bernie and Lou) said so for years.

      What did Imus say? He echoed Bernie talking about Rutgers women winning by trash talking against a shy white team. Nappy headed ho’s, Bernie said. Imus echoed it.

      The only offensive thing was trash talkling by the women’s team.

      Wokeness is about pretending, and Lieberman went along with pretending over justice.

    diver64 in reply to rhhardin. | March 28, 2024 at 3:35 am

    No, it meant that he found the hair remark offensive. Don’t read too much into things. I listened to him on a number shows and while disagreeing with almost all of his stances I found him a reasonable person someone could debate with and not resent when it was over unlike Dems today. This is why he left the party, he didn’t hate people who disagreed with him.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to rhhardin. | March 28, 2024 at 9:58 am

    And this is what you choose to cherry pick about the man. What a pathetic pissant you are.

Permit me to air an opposing opinion.

Leiberman was half of McCain/Leiberman, the bill that just wouldn’t die (even after we killed it over and over). it would have required all private firearms sales to be mediated by an FFL.

…in fact, McCain-Lieberman does far more than impose federal registration and background checks on small-time, non-business vendors at gun shows. As I detail in the Issue Paper “Should Gun Shows Be Outlawed?” McCain-Lieberman is a cornucopia of poison pills which would allow a future anti-gun executive branch to shut down gun shows entirely.

In particular, the bill makes it illegal for a person to operate a gun show without a federal license, and structures the license application process so that licenses need never be issued. The bill indirectly requires that people who attend gun shows must be registered. The bill even requires that people who don’t sell guns (e.g., the numerous book, food, and clothing vendors at gun shows) be registered; and it would allow the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms to demand a list of every book being sold by a book vendor. Finally, McCain-Lieberman authorizes BATF to create additional, limitless gun-show regulations, which could be used to make it nearly impossible for gun shows to be held.

–David Kopel, “Gun Games,” National Review, May 21, 2002

    Milhouse in reply to henrybowman. | March 27, 2024 at 10:00 pm

    He was a liberal democrat. What do you expect? He was wrong on many policy questions; but he was a decent person, a serious person, a patriot, and determined to do the right thing as he saw it.

    I remember watching his debate against Cheney, and thinking that either of these two were more suited to the presidency than either of their principles. I preferred Cheney (Sr) over Lieberman, but Lieberman over Bush. All three were of course far preferable to Algore.

    In that instance it was McCain that was the dishonorable man; working against party policy. Lieberman was doing what democrats expected him to do.

    McCain-Feingold Act. Keating Five.

    McCain was always a lying, sneaky, duplicitous weasel. He was our Joe Biden.

    Paddy M in reply to henrybowman. | March 27, 2024 at 10:08 pm

    Don’t interrupt Fuzzy’s principles flex. Joe is a saint.

In British parlance one would say “a member of the honourable opposition.”

And he was that.

This reminds me of the rehab the left does on a republican when the next evil republican comes along. Reagan was the devil until Bush and Bush was the devil until W. And W. was the devil until Trump. And Trump is the biggest devil of them all, but DeSantis was gunning for the crown for a month or 2. He’ll be back.

Joe is being mourned because he wasn’t a full blown communist like his running mate, Algore. Thanks, Joe, for being a bare minimum capitalist. Yay.

He was not a thoroughly honorless enemy, but an enemy nonetheless. And that’s the nicest thing I have to say about him.

He was socially liberal, but not overt and “in your face” about it. He was a defense hawk, in the tradition of Scoop Jackson from Washington without being annoying as the latter was. He also seemed to be far more of a budget hawk in the shadows of the former Bill Proxmire of Wisconsin, another social liberal (if not more libertarian).

Overall, we should all miss Joe Lieberman. He was the last of the true gentlemen in the Senate. Schumer is a piece of gutter trash NYC scum, neither a budget or defense hawk—just a cowering sewer rat.

Obviously I am not a fan of Lieberman or any Democrat but he was never as awful as the others.

Capitalist-Dad | March 28, 2024 at 9:28 am

Joe Lieberman was the last of old style Democrats—mostly wrong on policy issues but still a basically decent man who loved his country. All that remains are rabid tyrants who hate America, detest normal Americans, and who therefore always seek to sacrifice the normal to the abnormal.

I am always amazed at how easily people are manipulated.

It’s as if no one remembers that this man was a part of the left’s 2000 attempt to illegally install a Democrat in the White House..

There’s no recovery from that type of treason.

2smartforlibs | March 28, 2024 at 11:38 am

He was one of many in Congress looking out for themselves first. RIP condolences to the family.

Joe was the Dem analog of John McCain. Its the passing of a generation.

Steven Brizel | March 29, 2024 at 4:38 pm

Senator Lieberman of blessed memory was the last of the Scoop Jackson Democrats who while liberal on domestic afffairs, were advocates of a strong national defense, and stoutly supported Israel. Senator Lieberman of blessed memory was very devoted to his faith, and family , who never pulled strings for his family in any way, and a wonderful person or mentsch in Yiddish who was able to criticize Clinton from the Senate floor, run as Al Gore’s VP running mate and who just might have been John McCain’s running mate as well in 2008 . Senator Lieberman of blessed memory was a great Senator and a great person who was able to work both sides of the aisle to get things done-a trait that is sorely missed in the Senate today.