Reparations Efforts in San Francisco Clash With Financial Reality and a Lack of Spare Cash

Reparations Task Force CA

Reparations activists in San Francisco are outraged that things aren’t going as planned. Much like the situation in Boston, Massachusetts, proponents of reparations are learning that there is no money as funds are redirected due to illegal immigrants and other considerations.

Did these activists really think they were going to cash in amid staggering inflation and unprecedented levels of illegal immigration? Maybe they should have voted for Trump.

FOX News reports:

San Fran reparations effort stalling due to money, legal issues, experts grill city for apology: ‘Not enough’People are not satisfied with the San Francisco city government’s progress in providing reparations to descendants of African Americans who have suffered historical discrimination, according to a new report.Although a city government panel proposed monetary reparations for eligible Black residents last year – with some potentially receiving $5 million, “So far, all they’ve received is an apology,” The Washington Post reported.The Post detailed how the city has had to cut funding for the project, and that people are growing frustrated over the lack of progress on reparations.The San Francisco Board of Supervisors put out an official apology last month – an eight-page resolution that stated, “The San Francisco Board of Supervisors offers its deepest apologies to all African Americans and their descendants who came to San Francisco and were victims of systemic and structural discrimination, institutionalize racism, targeted acts of violence, and atrocities.”As the paper noted, this is “the first step to addressing more than 100 recommendations outlined by the city’s African American Reparations Advisory Committee,” though locals – including legal scholars, told The Post they don’t believe it is nearly enough…The Post explained how the budget set aside for a government Office of Reparations, which the Reparations Advisory Committee advised be created, was gutted in Mayor London Breed’s $75 million “midyear budget cuts.”

A few days ago, the Washington Examiner reported that Democrats in California are thinking up all kinds of creative ways to raise cash for reparations:

California Democrat pitches new way to work around Newsom’s skepticism about reparationsA California lawmaker wants to tax gold, cotton, and other items linked to slavery and use the money for reparations for black people.The bill introduced by Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer is one of 12 bills backed by the California Legislative Black Caucus. The bills stem from a 2023 report published by the state’s reparations task force — the first such task force in the nation.The task force was created after Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) signed California Assembly Bill 3121 in 2020. However, Newsom has been noncommittal to the measures proposed by the task force.The tax, the rate of which is unspecified in the bill, would go into effect in July 2025 at a sale’s point of purchase.Consumers buying wine, olives, cane sugar, rice, coffee beans, and any other goods linked to the trans-Atlantic trade would pay a tax.

The report goes on to say that only 23 percent of Californians support reparations.

Wait until they get hit with yet another new tax.

Tags: California, Democrats, Economy, Progressives, Reparations, San Francisco