Reparations Efforts in San Francisco Clash With Financial Reality and a Lack of Spare Cash
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Reparations Efforts in San Francisco Clash With Financial Reality and a Lack of Spare Cash

Reparations Efforts in San Francisco Clash With Financial Reality and a Lack of Spare Cash

“the budget set aside for a government Office of Reparations, which the Reparations Advisory Committee advised be created, was gutted in Mayor London Breed’s $75 million ‘midyear budget cuts'”

Reparations activists in San Francisco are outraged that things aren’t going as planned. Much like the situation in Boston, Massachusetts, proponents of reparations are learning that there is no money as funds are redirected due to illegal immigrants and other considerations.

Did these activists really think they were going to cash in amid staggering inflation and unprecedented levels of illegal immigration? Maybe they should have voted for Trump.

FOX News reports:

San Fran reparations effort stalling due to money, legal issues, experts grill city for apology: ‘Not enough’

People are not satisfied with the San Francisco city government’s progress in providing reparations to descendants of African Americans who have suffered historical discrimination, according to a new report.

Although a city government panel proposed monetary reparations for eligible Black residents last year – with some potentially receiving $5 million, “So far, all they’ve received is an apology,” The Washington Post reported.

The Post detailed how the city has had to cut funding for the project, and that people are growing frustrated over the lack of progress on reparations.

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors put out an official apology last month – an eight-page resolution that stated, “The San Francisco Board of Supervisors offers its deepest apologies to all African Americans and their descendants who came to San Francisco and were victims of systemic and structural discrimination, institutionalize racism, targeted acts of violence, and atrocities.”

As the paper noted, this is “the first step to addressing more than 100 recommendations outlined by the city’s African American Reparations Advisory Committee,” though locals – including legal scholars, told The Post they don’t believe it is nearly enough…

The Post explained how the budget set aside for a government Office of Reparations, which the Reparations Advisory Committee advised be created, was gutted in Mayor London Breed’s $75 million “midyear budget cuts.”

A few days ago, the Washington Examiner reported that Democrats in California are thinking up all kinds of creative ways to raise cash for reparations:

California Democrat pitches new way to work around Newsom’s skepticism about reparations

A California lawmaker wants to tax gold, cotton, and other items linked to slavery and use the money for reparations for black people.

The bill introduced by Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer is one of 12 bills backed by the California Legislative Black Caucus. The bills stem from a 2023 report published by the state’s reparations task force — the first such task force in the nation.

The task force was created after Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) signed California Assembly Bill 3121 in 2020. However, Newsom has been noncommittal to the measures proposed by the task force.

The tax, the rate of which is unspecified in the bill, would go into effect in July 2025 at a sale’s point of purchase.

Consumers buying wine, olives, cane sugar, rice, coffee beans, and any other goods linked to the trans-Atlantic trade would pay a tax.

The report goes on to say that only 23 percent of Californians support reparations.

Wait until they get hit with yet another new tax.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


There is no one alive who was a slave.
There is no one alive who owned slaves.
Tends to moot the issue.
These reparations grifters need to find a real job.

    Dimsdale in reply to Rusty Bill. | March 31, 2024 at 8:02 pm

    The salaries of that esteemed task force probably ate up all the money in the reparations kitty.

    Just like BLM.

    ConradCA in reply to Rusty Bill. | March 31, 2024 at 9:34 pm

    The Democratic Party is the only institution that should pay reparations to atone for their treatment of blacks. They fought for hundreds of years to keep black in chains and for 100 years to keep them oppressed with Jim Crowe. Fortunately, Democrats are in favor of paying reparations to blacks as they feel guilty for their party’s mistreatment of blacks and should be happy to pay reparations.

    Massinsanity in reply to Rusty Bill. | March 31, 2024 at 10:03 pm

    There are plenty of people alive who are slaves or have been slaves recently its just that none of them were slaves in the USA.

    Simple, equitable solution: Create a new Federal agency to administer a progarm collecting a Reparations Tax from descendants of slaveowners to be paid to descendants of slaves. No one else has any stake in the matter. Trump could run on the program to get more of the Black vote.

      ConradCA in reply to jb4. | March 31, 2024 at 11:32 pm

      Require the Democratic Party to pay reparations because they are the ones who fought to keep blacks in chains and who oppressed black for 100 years with the KKK and Jim Crowe.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to jb4. | April 1, 2024 at 5:31 am

      Simple solution. Collect a $25 tax from each voter who votes for a Democratic Party candidate during a primary and general election.

      It won’t be a poll tax. It will be a reparation tax.

      Since democrats were so hell bent on keeping slavery alive, the people who vote for Democrats should be the people who pay into the reparations Ponzi scheme.

      The reparation tax will be collected locally and paid out locally.

      Let’s see how long it will be before democrats no longer receive votes.

      Evil Otto in reply to jb4. | April 1, 2024 at 6:15 am

      No. To hell with that. They don’t get one dime.

      Milhouse in reply to jb4. | April 1, 2024 at 8:05 am

      Even granting the dubious proposition that slave owners at the time owed their former slaves reparations, most of their descendants don’t have any assets that are traceable to their estates, so they have no liability to pay their debts and it would be wrong to make them do so.

      The only “reparations” that could possibly make some sense is for the traceable heirs of former slaves who used to belong to corporations that still exist and have assets, or to people who left assets which their heirs still have, to sue them directly for the debt owed (again assuming there was a debt, which is a dubious idea).

      As a descendant of a slave owner, I strongly object to your suggestion.,

      I only found out relatively recently (about 15 years ago) by researching my ancestors for Daughter of American Revolution membership.

    Frank G in reply to Rusty Bill. | March 31, 2024 at 11:11 pm


      JohnSmith100 in reply to Frank G. | April 1, 2024 at 9:09 am

      Reparations are just a demand for more welfare. How about we end welfare, which has already overdrawn the reparations account?

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to Rusty Bill. | April 1, 2024 at 10:47 am

    Black slavery is alive and thriving in Africa, particularly among Muslims.

    And of course 10s of thousands of women and children are held as sex slaves all over the world (including America).

    I must say, though, I find most amusing the concept that a tax on modern products that once used the same shipping lanes as African slaves be proposed. The free-shit army doesn’t lack creativity.

    geronl in reply to Rusty Bill. | April 1, 2024 at 12:05 pm

    Something like 1.6% of people owned slaves at its height. Less than 2%.

Why don’t they put one of those “would you like to donate part of your refund to reparations?” boxes on the 1040 form? Let the lefties put their money where their mouth is, and out of our wallets.

I am sure it will get as warm a reception as the “$1 for presidential elections” check box…

    Frank G in reply to Dimsdale. | March 31, 2024 at 11:13 pm

    You, Sir, are a genius. I salute you.

    Disgusted in reply to Dimsdale. | April 1, 2024 at 8:11 am

    Awesome idea, Dimsdale! In fact, the federal government has already run a pilot by accepting voluntary contributions to reduce the federal debt. In calendar 2023, 330 million American taxpayers voluntarily contributed $1.044 MILLION to reduce the $34 TRILLION national debt (see I’m sure that the opportunity to fund reparations will be even more fully embraced by the public!

    Of course, the plan isn’t for San Francisco to actually pay for the reparations. The plan is to give money to the grifters and then plead poverty when they don’t have money for, you know, actual government purposes. Then they’ll ask Brandon for money for police, fire, streets and sanitation, “the children” and the like, with NOT ONE PENNY going to reparations. It’s hard to tell whether they’re stupid or they think everyone else is. There’s plenty of evidence to support both theories.

Black americans forced to the back of the waiting line behind illegal aliens?

Dems taking the black vote for granted? The more things change the more they stay the same.

To paraphrase the sage and great Margaret Thatcher: “The problem with Dhimmi-crats’ fiscal illiteracy, profligacy and imprudence (and, impudence) is that sooner or later, you run out of other people’s money.”

    guyjones in reply to guyjones. | March 31, 2024 at 8:23 pm

    Also, it should be abundantly obvious that all the undeserved mammon in the world — call it “reparations” or political bribes or whatever — isn’t going to solve the problems afflicting black families and communities in the U.S.

    I’ll say it ad nauseam — blacks’ problems and ills stem from the ideological shackles that have been placed upon their minds, intellects and values, by their racist and corrupt Dhimmi-crat overseers — shackles that have enslaved them as surely as the iron shackles that were placed upon their forebears’ bodies, also by the Dhimmi-crats.

    If the gullible rubes agitating for “reparations” in the black community can’t fathom that they’re being adeptly and gleefully exploited by the Dhimmi-crat Party’s apparatchiks, there is no hope for them.

      scooterjay in reply to guyjones. | March 31, 2024 at 9:34 pm

      Reparations were payed when their not too intelligent ancestors were rounded up by their higher-intelligent brothers and delivered them to far-away shores more abundant than their homeland.

      ConradCA in reply to guyjones. | March 31, 2024 at 11:43 pm

      It is the ghetto gangster culture that always takes the easy road when success requires hard work.

      To be a success in this country you have to work hard for an education. I have direct experience that ghetto gangster blacks put almost no effort in achieving an education.

      You have to obey the law and respect others. The crime statistics prove that ghetto gangsters generally choose not to meet this requirement.

      The final requirement is to work to support yourself and your family. Ghetto gangsters choose not to achieve this goal.

      Blacks blame others for their personal failures and poverty, but they need to prove that racism prevented them from achieving these goals before they can blame others.

SF fat black mayor breed, gives herself pat on back and raise. The highest paid mayor of all american cities, higher salary than president of united states.


It’s part of holding blacks back – they must believe that they’re being stopped by The Man and not their own lack of activity.

In a color-blind society a black with an IQ of 86 will do as well as a white with an IQ of 86, and he’ll do it by acting white.

Reparations hope is to keep him from acting white.

MoeHowardwasright | March 31, 2024 at 8:51 pm

Notice in the photo that all on the council are wearing masks. LOL it’s 2024! What morons. It demonstrates how unserious they are. FJB

You could give each negro one million dollars but they have to move to LA, where a giant wall is constructed around the city.
They would have cash but no wealth…ask Fani.

Add plummeting commercial real estate (CRE) valuations to the list of circumstances decimating the budgets of large cities. Here in Boston the double whammy of housing “migrants” and crashing CRE valuations is leaving a large gap in Boston’s budget. The mayor is loath to raise residential real estate tax rates (which are also capped by a state law at 2.5% aggregate increase per year) so she is looking to enact massive tax increases on the struggling CRE sector which could set off a death spiral in the CRE market.

Reparations are like communism .. it is always just over the horizon

C’mon cali, just raise the sales tax an extra dime and add $1,000 to the cost of license plates. Maybe a 5% wealth tax on any millionaires could be instituted also.
That should at least start to cover those reparations.

JackinSilverSpring | March 31, 2024 at 10:47 pm

Why are these morons still wearing masks?

36 million blacks
$20 million to each
$720 trillion


    Gosport in reply to ConradCA. | April 1, 2024 at 4:03 am

    There may be 36 million blacks, but there aren’t 36 million descendants of US slaves, black or not.

    That’s an example of where the details of this whole exercise in race pandering cause it to self destruct.

    Even assuming reparations to be logical and fair, one wouldn’t rate reparations just for being a black currently living in America. They are going to have to prove to what degree they are descended from US slaves. This of course will lead to massive peeing contests regarding the method by which the windfall cash will be divvied up and who will qualify to receive it.

    Then we have the issue of claims not being provable for reasons ranging from legitimately lost/destroyed records to the entirely predictable scam artists.

    So stand by for the fun when the blacks who administer this windfall program get to tell the not-black-enough that they will get nothing and like it. The resulting riots will make the BLM ones look like backyard BBQs.

    The reparations boards will of course also have to determine which blacks are descendants of the not insignificant number of black slaveowners, like Kamala Harris, so that they may be appropriately removed from the goodie jar side and placed in the “you owe reparations ” pile.

    Don’t even get me started on the issue of who should be paying for such reparations. A Danish family who arrived in the US after WWII? A Japanese family who have been residents of Oahu for over 100 years? Naturalized Iraqi refugees from the Gulf War? Native American tribe members? A Somali family who immigrated in 1995?

    Remember, you can’t just give an answer, you have to show your work.

      Milhouse in reply to Gosport. | April 1, 2024 at 8:10 am

      The reparations boards will of course also have to determine which blacks are descendants of the not insignificant number of black slaveowners, like Kamala Harris,

      Kamala Harris is not descended from black slaveowners. (And their number was not significant.) Like most descendants of slaves, she is also descended from those slaves’ owners. That’s how slavery often worked.

      Gosport in reply to Gosport. | April 1, 2024 at 2:44 pm

      Lest the point go completely over anyone else’s head, this whole reparation business is nowhere near as clear cut as it is being sold to blacks by the race hustlers.

      There are many devils in the details that are being actively avoided when they sell this vision of waterfalls of free gold to the average black American citizen such as:

      – In 1830, 13.7 percent of the black populations was free and 3,775 freed former slaves owned 12,100 slaves between them.

      – The percentage of free black slave owners as the total number of free black heads of families was quite high in several states, namely 43 percent in South Carolina, 40 percent in Louisiana, 26 percent in Mississippi, 25 percent in Alabama and 20 percent in Georgia.

      If the reparations scam is allowed to go forward at all some harsh truths will eventually have to be faced by blacks and the race hustlers, which is why I suspect they know this isn’t going anywhere.

        Milhouse in reply to Gosport. | April 2, 2024 at 3:37 am

        The percentage of free black slave owners as the total number of free black heads of families

        That is not the correct metric. The correct metric would be either black slave owners as a percentage of all slave owners, or black slave owners as a percentage of all black people.

        (Also I find it hard to believe such high numbers, considering how few free white people were rich enough to own slaves.)

LeftWingLock | April 1, 2024 at 1:25 am

There is plenty of money for reparations. To say otherwise is just a cop out. It’s all a matter of priorities.

Seems like any program based on skin color would be illegal.

    Better not tell that to the DEI grifters and the terminally woke.

    Milhouse in reply to diver64. | April 1, 2024 at 8:13 am

    Yes, it would be. Any claim would have to be on the basis that the particular claimant is the heir of someone who was owed money, or that the claimant has personally been harmed and deserves compensation. And such claims would have to be demonstrable, at least on the balance of probabilities.

Fat_Freddys_Cat | April 1, 2024 at 7:56 am

It will be interesting to see what sort of tax the state can impose that will raise sufficient funds and yet not affect blacks or any other minority.

For instance, “A California lawmaker wants to tax gold, cotton, and other items linked to slavery and use the money for reparations for black people.” would obviously impact the people who are supposed to be receiving reparations.

Two points.

Negro fatigue is a real thing. People are getting sick of this BS.

And, it’s hard to take anything that a moron in a mask says seriously.

Iowa farmers will love this proposal. More tax on cane sugar means more sales of high fructose corn syrup.

I believe that a large proportion of black Americans pay taxes. So, will the government (state, federal, local) have to identify black american tax dollars. If they do not segregate the tax money won’t black Americans be paying their own reparations? Sort of illuminates the lunacy of this whole thing.

    SField in reply to auxman610. | April 1, 2024 at 11:39 am

    Good question. I’m a first generation American. I’m also as white as you can get. Will I have to pay for a past that I had nothing to do with simply because of my skin color and financial status?

Government psychopaths promise perennial malcontents clinically insane quantities of money, then the promises evaporate. Not-hilarity ensues.
WHO could POSSIBLY have predicted this?
Only Nostradamus!
And every non-Democrat in America.

One of the tenets of leftism involves macro- or micro-determinism (genetics, Marx’s historical “forces”; that a person is not responsible for his own actions — positive or negative (“You didn’t build that!”; Students not being responsible for their loans; Or when a person’s behavior is criminal it’s “society’s fault”, etc, ). Yet somehow today’s individual taxpayer is responsible and on the hook to pay for events that occurred 150-400 years ago — this even if his descendants arrived in the U.S. on April Fool’s day, 2024? What am I missing here?

The democrats (Jim Crows) used the one drop rule for determining color.

Hitler was aware of the one drop rule but did not choose to adopt the one drop rule. | April 1, 2024 at 2:08 pm

“Reparations” for slavery that ended 180+ years ago in a state that NEVER had slaves… Wait a minute… Yes they did… They were not black though… They were Chinese.

Excerpt #1.

Which states never had slavery?

California, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii all never allowed slavery. There may be others. The civil war was started in part because the southern States tried to force California to legalize slavery and Abraham Lincoln blocked it.

Excerpt #2.

Unlike their brethren, most Chinese women who entered California in the mid-1800s were slaves. Kidnapped for prostitution from the southern ports of China, they were brokered and owned by Chinese merchants who also emigrated to in San Francisco.

Google it if you think I am lying…

With the daily crime and fact that all races fought a civil war to defeated slavery,, we need to send them a bill

They already looted all the stores, there’s nothing left to give anybody. Gov newscum has made CA the promise land for illegal aliens, homeless junkies, black looters. smh

Capitalist-Dad | April 2, 2024 at 9:52 am

“A lack of spare cash”? These government reprobates don’t have any “spare cash,” only taxpayer cash. The whole reparations scam is nothing but Democrat looting for votes.