Rematch: Biden and Trump Clinch 2024 Nominations

Well, it’s official. The 2024 election is going to be another contest between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Some people on both sides are not happy about this development but it is what it is. This what the voters in each party have decided.

Both candidates secured the required number of delegates yesterday.

NBC News reported on Biden:

Biden secures Democratic nomination with majority of delegates, NBC News projectsPresident Joe Biden clinched the Democratic presidential nomination Tuesday, NBC News projects, winning a majority of the necessary delegates and setting up what is expected to be a bitter, closely contested rematch with Donald Trump.The outcome had never been much in doubt. Biden faced token opposition as the party’s biggest names — Govs. Gavin Newsom of California and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan among them — opted to sit out the race rather than challenge a sitting president who had already beaten Trump once.By clearing the field for Biden, 81, Democrats have gambled that he remains the party’s best shot at defeating Trump one more time. The November election will help determine whether that bet pays off. Some party activists have their doubts.”He was forced on us by the establishment, but he is manifestly not the same man that he was even three years ago, and that has made him less optimally fit for the office, if not simply unfit,” Liano Sharon, a Democratic National Committee member from Michigan, said in an interview.

FOX News has the details on Trump:

Locking it up: Trump clinches 2024 Republican presidential nomination during Tuesday’s primariesFormer President Trump is officially the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.Trump clinched his party’s 2024 nomination Tuesday when Georgia, Mississippi and Washington state held primaries.With no major challengers left, both Trump and President Biden, who locked up his party’s nomination earlier in the evening, were on course to collect all or nearly all the delegates up for grabs in Tuesday’s contests, putting each of them over the top and making them the Democratic and Republican presumptive presidential nominees…Trump had 1,078 delegates at the start of the day. He needed 1,215 to lock up the nomination.Fifty-nine GOP delegates were up for grabs in Georgia, with 40 at stake in Mississippi and 43 in Washington state. Nineteen more delegates are up for grabs in Hawaii, which holds a Republican presidential caucus later in the evening.Trump swept 14 of the 15 GOP Super Tuesday primaries and caucuses last week, which moved him closer to officially locking up the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. And Trump’s last rival for the nomination, Nikki Haley, dropped out of the race the day after Super Tuesday.

This is the first time America is having such a rematch in decades.

One difference this time around is that both men have records as president which are vastly different.

Voters are faced with a very clear choice.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Democrats, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Republicans