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Rematch: Biden and Trump Clinch 2024 Nominations

Rematch: Biden and Trump Clinch 2024 Nominations

Some people on both sides are not happy about this development but it is what it is. This what the voters in each party have decided.

okay to use screenshots video waj

Well, it’s official. The 2024 election is going to be another contest between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Some people on both sides are not happy about this development but it is what it is. This what the voters in each party have decided.

Both candidates secured the required number of delegates yesterday.

NBC News reported on Biden:

Biden secures Democratic nomination with majority of delegates, NBC News projects

President Joe Biden clinched the Democratic presidential nomination Tuesday, NBC News projects, winning a majority of the necessary delegates and setting up what is expected to be a bitter, closely contested rematch with Donald Trump.

The outcome had never been much in doubt. Biden faced token opposition as the party’s biggest names — Govs. Gavin Newsom of California and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan among them — opted to sit out the race rather than challenge a sitting president who had already beaten Trump once.

By clearing the field for Biden, 81, Democrats have gambled that he remains the party’s best shot at defeating Trump one more time. The November election will help determine whether that bet pays off. Some party activists have their doubts.

“He was forced on us by the establishment, but he is manifestly not the same man that he was even three years ago, and that has made him less optimally fit for the office, if not simply unfit,” Liano Sharon, a Democratic National Committee member from Michigan, said in an interview.

FOX News has the details on Trump:

Locking it up: Trump clinches 2024 Republican presidential nomination during Tuesday’s primaries

Former President Trump is officially the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

Trump clinched his party’s 2024 nomination Tuesday when Georgia, Mississippi and Washington state held primaries.

With no major challengers left, both Trump and President Biden, who locked up his party’s nomination earlier in the evening, were on course to collect all or nearly all the delegates up for grabs in Tuesday’s contests, putting each of them over the top and making them the Democratic and Republican presumptive presidential nominees…

Trump had 1,078 delegates at the start of the day. He needed 1,215 to lock up the nomination.

Fifty-nine GOP delegates were up for grabs in Georgia, with 40 at stake in Mississippi and 43 in Washington state. Nineteen more delegates are up for grabs in Hawaii, which holds a Republican presidential caucus later in the evening.

Trump swept 14 of the 15 GOP Super Tuesday primaries and caucuses last week, which moved him closer to officially locking up the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. And Trump’s last rival for the nomination, Nikki Haley, dropped out of the race the day after Super Tuesday.

This is the first time America is having such a rematch in decades.

One difference this time around is that both men have records as president which are vastly different.

Voters are faced with a very clear choice.


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We have decided and we may get it good and hard. From our history, this year has the feel of 1860 complete with what could be the match that could cause a fire–a hinky Supreme Court.

Yeah, but Nikki Haley…………….

    804Hokie in reply to Peabody. | March 13, 2024 at 12:10 pm

    I actually saw one Nikki 4 Pres bumper sticker this cycle. In central Tx. on a $100k+ luxury pickup truck. Must’ve been a baller defense contractor or some other such vapid individual

      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to 804Hokie. | March 13, 2024 at 6:32 pm

      Or, one of those yee-haw, tough-tawkin’, rootin’-tootin’ all-hat-no-cattle Texans whose pickup truck never held so much as one bail / bale of hay, and only goes off road when it goes off the road and into the parking lot at [insert high-price restaurant here].

In March of both 2016 and 2020, Clinton and Biden were up 6+ points, respectively. That Trump is leading Biden by as much as 4-points in some major polls, underscores how much trouble Biden is in. His battleground polling looks even worse. I think it’s also interesting that when counting the 3rd-party candidates, Trump’s (average) lead remains largely identical to his head-to-head lead over Biden.

If the race looks the same (or worse) for Dems going into the Convention, I’m hugely skeptical Biden walks out of the convention with the nomination. This is especially true of Trump will have successfully managed to push all his court cases beyond the election, which seems increasingly likely at this point.

Everything’s run by the needs of soap opera and its audience.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to rhhardin. | March 13, 2024 at 12:56 pm

    You’re much more eloquent as a rape apologist.

    Wow. It’s amazing that anyone who disagrees with anything the Trump commentators post on LI is called a “rape apologist”. LI is becoming pathetic if it continues to publish this crap.

      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to JR. | March 13, 2024 at 6:36 pm

      Comments like that almost make me miss Ragspierre. Note I said almost.

      steves59 in reply to JR. | March 13, 2024 at 8:32 pm

      Wow. It’s amazing that the good Professor hasn’t banned you and super-racist “Thad Jarvis.” LI is becoming pathetic if it continues to post the crap you and “Thad” drop here.

UnCivilServant | March 13, 2024 at 9:34 am

Seeing how much effort has gone into fortifying fraudulent mechanisms in areas that needed to move in the other direction, I don’t think public opinion will come into the Officially Reported Totals from the election.

    Whitewall in reply to UnCivilServant. | March 13, 2024 at 9:38 am

    Enter the Supreme Court.

      jhkrischel in reply to Whitewall. | March 13, 2024 at 11:31 am

      Sadly, 2020 proved we have a system that cannot respond to cheating in a timely manner. Cheating wins because our systems of incentives are set up to allow fraudulent results to be certified, and even if individual cheaters get punished, the results aren’t changed. Pour in a dollop of “orange hitler”, and there are plenty enough people who are willing to do time for election fraud, knowing that their cheating will not be undone, even if they are punished.

      In 2020, results should not have been certified at the state level, and various state chambers, or state reps, should have taken up the responsibility to assign electoral votes. But all of those politicians were too scared to do it, given the threat of left-wing violence that hung over their heads.

      Now four years later, one must wonder, given the horrors of the past years of Biden, would those politicians be brave and stand up in 2024, or would they make the same calculation that left-wing governance and the weaponization of government against patriots is a lesser evil than left-wing street violence and mainstream media demonization for politicians.

Uh huh. The party will oust Brandon at their convention. The Hur report was a warning to the snake.

    CommoChief in reply to Concise. | March 13, 2024 at 10:45 am

    Yeah let’s be cautious about declaring something is over until the nominating conventions make it official. It isn’t beyond possibility that the d/prog change horses in Chicago, though that process would be at best contentious and at worst cause widespread unrest.

      804Hokie in reply to CommoChief. | March 13, 2024 at 12:34 pm

      this is a good point. the heathen unamerican leftists want to ride bidet, until the wheels all fall off. he’s always been a great useful idiot for their agenda.

      Can you say “Torricelli”? Ah, I knew you could.

      I won’t even rest after the conventions. They swaperooed Torricelli just before the election.

      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to CommoChief. | March 13, 2024 at 6:38 pm

      Chicago will see burning and looting no matter what goes on. It will make 1968 look like a party.

        CommoChief in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | March 13, 2024 at 7:04 pm

        Probably. There’s gonna be too many folks in one place.who all seem to believe their particular tribe should have priority and not enough grift and power to share.

“One difference this time around is that both men have records as president which are vastly different.”

• Additional context is available when Trump’ accomplishments are reviewed (see links below).

• The 2nd link resurfaced recently in a blog comment, and this list starts with accomplishments that benefitted different minority groups – and draws content from the first link.

• These lists are a good start for those that need reminding about how successful Trump’ presidency was, and how successful it was compared to other presidencies in our lifetimes – not sure most informed people would say the same about Biden’ presidency (i.e., success or our lifetimes).

Trump was a business executive, not a career politician ^ or military officer. Other than Washington ​^^, his experience not only made him unique in our country’s history, it was also the foundation for insights that differentiated him from the presidents that came from a “government pool/ track”.

^ = Taft & Hoover had not held elected office – state or federal – but had held judiciary/ commission/ cabinet positions before being elected president – they had served in USA government.

​^^ = Washington had been a military officer, but that service was conceptually different than that of Grant and Eisenhower, or even Taylor – there was no USA government to serve.

Trump was not the first to offer up some variation of ‘Make America Great Again’ or ‘It’s the Economy Stupid’ during his presidential campaign. But he may have been the first modern president to truly recognize the importance of economics to all aspects of successful governing, even after he was sworn into office (i.e., not just for getting elected).

Many adults are probably aware that many politicians want history to do record more than just they were elected. The politicians want to leave their mark on history. While researching and reading about former presidents it struck me that foreign policy is what the presidents, MSM, think tanks, punditry, historians, et al primarily focused on when it came to how presidents were defined by history. And that “dollars & cents” achievements were for administrators, while “treaties & wars” actions were for statesmen.

Having a memorable doctrine – Monroe, Roosevelt, Truman – is often the pinnacle for making their mark when it comes to historical longevity (i.e., what we are told about a President generations later). Time after time, every presidential doctrine – memorable or not – is described in terms of foreign policy, and most have a military component. After Truman, a focus on communism too.

Once I understood the “rules” – and shortcomings – of how presidential history is defined, it was easier to understand why there is no consensus on the Trump Doctrine. Trump does not fit in the MSM, think tanks, punditry, historians, et al “box”.

The Trump Doctrine was: Economic security is National security. The business executive – who operated on a national & international stage – understood both: a) How intertwined those two objectives are, and b) How decoupling them is detrimental to achieving success.

Yes, Trump’ approach was disparaged & denounced by the MSM, think tanks, punditry, historians, et al in part over politics. But it was also done because they could not understand the critical importance of something as pedestrian as “dollars & cents”.

History is not only proving that the Trump Doctrine was a key to his success during his term, it is also proving that the Trump Doctrine is important going forward (see Biden’ presidency).

The Trump Doctrine is so fundamental that voters should evaluate every future presidential candidate on how they are going to use the Trump Doctrine to govern. That does not mean every future president will have the same level of “nerves & negotiation” as Trump, but it is the standard by which all others should be measured.

To be frank, this election is really just Trump vs. Trump. Those who vote for him and those who vote against him, (and those who manufacture votes against him).

Essentially the plan is to attack Trump to the point where he is so despised that people will literally vote for a Zombie or (nearly) dead rat over Trump.

The wild card factors:

1. Pro-Trump voters are extremely motivated and WILL turn out and vote. Contrastingly Democratic voter enthusiasm and turn out will be low. Who, except the Dead and Imaginary, really wants to go out in the rain to vote for Joe Biden?

2. The Democrats might find a way to Arkansuside et al Biden. If they can frame the cause as a Republican, they may get enough sympathy turnout to elect an Anti-Trump.

I honestly believe that the Democrats WILL find a way to cheat their way to victory. They have known that they will need to do this since the day Biden took office, and have been planning accordingly.

I’m happy

These primaries have been a snooze.
Nikki never had a chance, but she did prove their are folks out there that will throw away millions of dollars.

This whole election is sick. Nobody wants either Trump or Biden to be President. Both political parties are composed of demented, ageing, senile, sociopaths. But we have no choice. So I will vote for Trump, and then I will go outside the polling booth and vomit. This is not what America should be.

    Still speaking for everyone? Puking for yourself.

    steves59 in reply to JR. | March 13, 2024 at 8:38 pm

    “This whole election is sick.”
    So go hug a Democrat, as this is all their fault. Had you choads not gamed the 2020 election, we’d be finishing up with Trump and DeSantis would have the nomination.

    “Nobody wants either Trump or Biden to be President.”
    Demonstrably incorrect re Trump. Far more accurate re Biden.

    “Both political parties are composed of demented, ageing, senile, sociopaths.”
    I’ll grant you McConnell. You clods own the rest.

    “But we have no choice.”
    So, move to North Korea. I hear they have a village missing an idiot.

    “So I will vote for Trump, and then I will go outside the polling booth and vomit.”
    I don’t doubt you’ll blow chunks on your shoes, but that will come from voting for Biden.

    “This is not what America should be.”
    As I noted above, you can go hug a Democrat for this. All the rest of us wanted was to be left the hell alone, Cho De.

I am reminded of the scene in The Matrix where Agent Smith is about to have Neo smashed by the train, and talks about “inevitability.”

Trump supports TikTok. He supports the Chinese Communist Party, and all they they are doing to take all of your personal data to use against you.

    JR in reply to JR. | March 13, 2024 at 6:13 pm

    You know why Trump does this? Because their parent company donated millions of dollars to Trump’s campaign. It’s the same reason that Trump endorsed Bud Light even though they championed trans rights. Why? Because Trump only cares about the money. A typical politician. It’s all about the money.

Bud Light donated millions of dollars to Trump’s campaign, so of course, now Trump endorses Bud Light, with all of its trans rights garbage. This is typical Trump. It’s all about the money. LET’S MAKE A DEAL!