Over 450 Jewish Hollywood Stars Denounce Oscar Winner’s Anti-Israel Speech
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Over 450 Jewish Hollywood Stars Denounce Oscar Winner’s Anti-Israel Speech

Over 450 Jewish Hollywood Stars Denounce Oscar Winner’s Anti-Israel Speech

“The use of words like ‘occupation’ to describe an indigenous Jewish people defending a homeland that dates back thousands of years, and has been recognized as a state by the United Nations, distorts history.”

Over 450 Jewish Hollywood stars signed an open letter denouncing Jonathan Glazer’s abhorrent Oscar speech.

The Jewish director blamed Israel for everything, including October 7.

The Jewish director won an Oscar for his Holocaust movie Zone of Interest.

Glazer said: “Right now, we stand here as men who refute their Jewishness and the Holocaust being hijacked by an occupation which has led to conflict for so many innocent people. Whether the victims of October the 7th in Israel, or the ongoing attack on Gaza, or the victims of this dehumanization. How do we resist?”

So many well-known Jewish creatives and professionals, including those who have been loud in their support for Israel, signed this open letter provided by Variety:

“We are Jewish creatives, executives and Hollywood professionals.

We refute our Jewishness being hijacked for the purpose of drawing a moral equivalence between a Nazi regime that sought to exterminate a race of people, and an Israeli nation that seeks to avert its own extermination.

Every civilian death in Gaza is tragic. Israel is not targeting civilians. It is targeting Hamas. The moment Hamas releases the hostages and surrenders is the moment this heartbreaking war ends. This has been true since the Hamas attacks of October 7th.

The use of words like “occupation” to describe an indigenous Jewish people defending a homeland that dates back thousands of years, and has been recognized as a state by the United Nations, distorts history.

It gives credence to the modern blood libel that fuels a growing anti-Jewish hatred around the world, in the United States, and in Hollywood. The current climate of growing antisemitism only underscores the need for the Jewish State of Israel, a place which will always take us in, as no state did during the Holocaust depicted in Mr. Glazer’s film.”

Debra Messing, Michael Rapaport, and Tovah Feldshuh signed the letter. All three have been outspoken for Israel since October 7. Messing even spent time putting up posters in NYC and visiting families in Israel. Rapaport’s social posts always involve Israel, Jews, and the hostages. I love them!

We also see other familiar names: Eli Roth, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Julianna Margulies, and Rabbi Marvin Hier.

Hier founded the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles. He also won an Oscar for his 1981 documentary Genocide and 1997 documentary The Long Way Home.

Hier could not believe Glazer’s speech but also the audience’s reaction:

“I couldn’t believe it,” says Hier. “If I didn’t know better, I would think that this was a Hamas rally. Where was the audience? People should have gotten up and booed because he left the Academy Awards [TV audience] thinking this was fine.”

The Holocaust Survivors’ Foundation also condemned Glazer’s speech:

“I watched in anguish Sunday night when I heard you use the platform of the Oscars ceremony to equate Hamas’s maniacal brutality against innocent Israelis with Israel’s difficult but necessary self-defense in the face of Hamas’s ongoing barbarity. Your comments were factually inaccurate and morally indefensible,” Holocaust Survivors’ Foundation USA president and 94-year-old Holocaust survivor David Schaecter wrote to Glazer.

“The ‘occupation’ of which you speak has nothing to do with the Holocaust. The Jewish people’s existence and right to live in the land of Israel predates the Holocaust by hundreds of years. Today’s political and geographic landscape is the direct result of wars started by past Arab leaders who refused to accept Jewish people as their neighbors in our historic homeland. Now that several Arab countries are making peace with Israel because security and prosperity are better for all people, Iran and its terrorist proxies started another war, abetted by too many, who, through naïveté or malice, blame ‘the occupation.’”

Zone of Interest executive producer Danny Cohen, lashed out against Glazer:

Glazer’s words were repudiated by one of his film’s executive producers, Danny Cohen, who said last week, “I just fundamentally disagree with Jonathan.”

“It’s really important to recognize it’s upset a lot of people and a lot of people feel upset and angry about it. And I understand that anger frankly,” Cohen said on the Unholy podcast. “The war and the continuation of the war is the responsibility of Hamas, a genocidal terrorist organization which continues to hold and abuse the hostages, which doesn’t use its tunnels to protect the innocent civilians of Gaza but uses it to hide themselves and allow Palestinians to die. I think the war is tragic and awful and the loss of civilian life is awful, but I blame Hamas for that.”

Individual statements even attacked the stupid red pins others wore to the Oscars in support of a ceasefire. I wonder how many knew the symbolism behind the red hand on the pin.

I am happy that so many leftist Jewish Hollywood stars have come out hard against Hamas and those who speak against Israel, even those in Hollywood and politics.

(Now if they would only stop voting Democrat. But baby steps!)


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It calls for total defeat, not rhetorical more-victimized-than-thou postures.

The moral superiority they want is not in being more indigenous than thou but in attempts to live peacefully to mutual advantage, e.g. trade, with every such attempt being shot up and ended by Hamas. There’s the moral superiority.

Lacking that possibility of accommodation, total defeat is the right move. Accommodation comes after they know they’re utterly defeated, as with Germany and Japan, for instance.

The “Social Justice” shield is what liberal Jews are using to stay liberal, Democrat and Jewish all at the same time. It is their way through. SJ is even useful in explaining away Oct. 7. These are wretched people. Liberal Jews will stay the course and vote D much like the ‘battered wife’ syndrome.

    henrybowman in reply to Whitewall. | March 19, 2024 at 10:06 pm

    Debra Messing in particular is a leading gun-grabber. The sort of Jew for whom “Never again” relies entirely on the kindness of strangers.


A drop in the preverbal bucket

Baby steps? Nah, Israel doesn’t have the time for baby steps, as do we

Debra Messing? Finally got ONE right, she’s a left winged nut job and hates , hates the common man and woman…
Her mentor is RGB
Hates Trump, supports open borders and she is not our friend


    CincyJan in reply to gonzotx. | March 20, 2024 at 9:36 am

    The subject of this article is American Jewish support for Israel after October 7. It is not a liberal v. conservative article. Debra Messing has shown great courage being so pro-Israel when today’s left is so pro-Palestine. I admire her for being so decisive abouyt October 7.

Another look at this 450…

Call me when they denounce the Biden Junta, the Democrat Party and Leftists in general, and beg forgiveness for supporting them – jjs)

Over 400 Jewish Creatives, Hollywood Professionals Sign Open Letter Denouncing Director Jonathan Glazer’s Oscar Speech


    JohnSmith100 in reply to gonzotx. | March 20, 2024 at 7:52 am

    Denouncing Dems is not enough, they must see the light, tell Dems to F off, and leave the party.

But so very many of them will still vote Democrat (IOW, Progressive) in this and every other election. So, meh, when it comes to those folks.

It’s interesting that while there are a number of very influential/powerful business personalities (producers, studio heads, etc) there aren’t any A-list actors on the list and few actors generally. It makes you wonder if the more visible faces in Hollywood – Jewish and non-Jewish alike – are simply afraid to say anything about October 7th. Even Steven Spielberg has not said much publicly about it although he did finally issue a press release through his Shoah Foundation condemning the atrocities. He’s also adding survivor statements to the Holocaust testimonial archive he runs through that center located at USC.

Just my opinion, but what really bothers me about this story, is that all these Hollywood people as far back as I can recall, keep winning awards for their roles in Holocaust movies. Jewish actors, non-Jewish actors whatever love playing victimized Jews o telling stories about the poor Jews. Then these fools think just because they made some piece of Holocaust art that they can now lecture the Jewish people about Israel. This has been going on since that fool actress Vanessa Redgrave, who gets her big award playing a Jew only to support the killing of Jews. The disgusting hypocrisy is just too much for me. All Hollywood is for me is a bunch of pretty coat-hangers walking around expressing their dumb opinions and thinking they can live off the air, so they can stay thin. They have no talent other than being genetically blessed with good looks and better connections. I’d rather listen to people talking at a doctor’s office waiting room about their neighborhood gossip than these famous morons, because at least us regular folks aren’t so arrogant as to think we know everything simply because we pretended to be someone.

    Virginia42 in reply to schmuul. | March 19, 2024 at 11:07 am

    There is film footage from the 70s of Redgrave dancing around with the Paleostinians holding an AK over her head. Great actress. Disgraceful human being.

I would bet that each of the 450 Jewish Hollywood stars vote for the SAME woke candidates as Glazer, every election cycle. I would count that as a win for team-Glazer.

Dolce Far Niente | March 19, 2024 at 11:18 am

These leftist American Jews, in spite of the fact they find their personal ox being gored by the explosion of public Jewhate, will remain faithful voters of the Democrat Party and the fascism that the Left loves.

They are blind to the cattle cars in their Leftist-run future.

Hollywood loves its lists.

Absent is Jon Lovitz. He took a lot of abuse for speaking out against Hamas. He boldly held the banner high, while others remained curiously silent.

He likely looked at the list and was like, nah, pass.

I’m seeing a theme here*, casting shade on these folks. This is the important story, I think. Why do we all doubt these people implicitly? Why do we assume that all of those people voted Democrat (or, at least, Progressive/establishment)? Because time and time again, we see the people who most loudly proclaim how special they are (in this case, because of their Jewishness) following a terrible worldview so closely aligned with ones that will kill them the moment they are no longer useful idiots.

(* Yes, me too.)

    BierceAmbrose in reply to GWB. | March 19, 2024 at 3:24 pm

    “(* Yes, me too.)”

    That’s darkly, inappropriately, brutally, bitterly, subversively funny.

    Feel free to disavow, BUT I hope you meat to point to The Righteousness Signalling Life Cycle: we don’t hear so much about #MeToo any more these days, do we? Wait a news cycle or three for the breeze to shift, and the 450 won’t be so against forever-genociding The Joooos.

    henrybowman in reply to GWB. | March 19, 2024 at 10:08 pm

    I’d love to hear our resident IQ-floggers explain this.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to henrybowman. | March 20, 2024 at 8:10 am

      IQ is most certainly an important measure, though not the only one, of people’s value to humanity.

      From what I have seen, people have a very hard time, regardless of intelligence, reevaluating both religious and political beliefs. That may be because their beliefs were established early in life. Most Jews in America are Ashkenazi with an average IQ of 112-115. We have a lot of Jews whose actions are irrational.

I am a reformed Neocon and see the errors in my ways. Watching what the Victoria Nuland’s have done to this world driven by Bushes, Clintons, Obama and Biden, thousands have been have been killed unnecessary. Israel bears responsibility in the mess we live in. Nature law rules, so Israel is in its right to protect itself. Liberty and self defense are fundamental to our founding.

Dissent is allow and is important to hear many sides. That is why we have the first Amendment.

With WEF and other controlling elites, the New World Order is in play.

Like the movies, the Oscar and this outrage is one big facade.

The use of words like “occupation” to describe an indigenous Jewish people defending a homeland that dates back thousands of years, and has been recognized as a state by the United Nations, distorts history.

I guess the Indians (aka Native American’s) have the same claim. The UN is a joke and supported Hamas. There is no right answer except the most powerful will win.

Sorry, reality bites. Possession is the law of reality. This will be the question about the 50 M illegal immigrates that have changed countries. There will be purges through many means including deportation, prisons, executions, etc.

The same people here with their “letter” outrage that claims that Israel has a right to protect life in Israel are the same people that are ok with extinguishing life before birth. These are the same people that think it is ok to force vaxes and censure others want us now to support the causes created by them though poor policies.

I am actually entertained at watching them eat their own over this. We are in for a major correction and it is going to be messy. My popcorn bowl is full.

Who cares what was said that the Oscars. I think Ricky Gervais said it all at the Golden Globe.

So if you do win an award tonight, don’t use it as a platform to make a political speech. You’re in no position to lecture the public about anything. You know nothing about the real world. Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg.

So if you win, come up, accept your little award, thank your agent, and your God and f%^k off, OK? It’s already three hours long. Right, let’s do the first award.

    BierceAmbrose in reply to MarkSmith. | March 19, 2024 at 3:30 pm

    “I am a reformed Neocon…”

    Well, if we’re confessing having learned something, I, too have shame for my past cluelessness.

    Never a Neocon, BUT I used to think if we could figure out a right thing to try to do as culture, govt, nation, society, or civilization, we could maybe do it. Nope. All things will be utterly corrupted, and undertaken with all possible incompetence.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to MarkSmith. | March 20, 2024 at 8:13 am

    ” Israel bears responsibility in the mess we live in.” ???

Well, no one ever claimed that Hollywood lefties were very smart. Here’s example #1,000,000.

    BierceAmbrose in reply to UJ. | March 19, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    The fact that a good actor makes you feel the feels, and believe the thing has nothing to do with whether it’s true, or even whether they believe it. Actors’ job is to embody someone else’s contrived story so well, they bring you along with the experience.

    This is why actors are so sought as fronts by purveyors of nonsense social theories: they can bring you along with the fantasy the Big Brains imagined. Actors are good vehicles for persuasion by pretense. They sell you an emotion song attached to the Big Think.

    Years of Mad Men and our zeitgeist still doesn’t get it — theme of the piece, examples in the piece, and the actors IRL doing what the characters in fake-world are demonstrating, even describing out loud. Hell, the most famous Don Draper clip are him doing exactly this, while describing it.

    The culture still doesn’t get it Imagine.

John Sullivan | March 19, 2024 at 12:09 pm

The letter signers also should have called out all the audience members who twice applauded the diatribe. Not quite the standing O as for convicted rapist Roman Polanski, but still heinous.

    for the most part they are nothing more than trained seals. They really don’t pay attention to what is being said but if one starts clapping then they immediately follow so they can claim to be in line with the audience.. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was an applause sign in use.

I was told it was anti-semitic to point out how many Jews are in Hollywood.

E Howard Hunt | March 19, 2024 at 12:36 pm

Jews in Hollywood? Who knew?

I never understood why folks turn an award presentation into a political speech to a captive audience, it always seemed like a high level of narcissism to me.

I learned a new word today: Hamashole.

Seems rather fitting, no?

CONSERVATIVES NEED TO BECOME BETTER POLITICIANS. You take your allies where you find them, issue by issue. You chip away at the opposition, bit by bit. You do not scorn people agreeing with you on one issue because of their stances on other issues. You do not apply a purity test to people who are agreeing with you on something. You build bridges, not bonfires.

Winston Churchill did not manuever Great Britain’s politics away from Chamberlain’s appeasement of Germany by spitting in the eye of anyone who did not fully and slavishly agree with him on every issue.

I don’t imagine golfers refuse to be friends with tennis players, or that football fans refuse to be friends with soccer fans. Friends are developed along a spectrum of shared interests. And if someone is just begining to learn bridge, a master duplicate player doesn’t refuse to shake hands.

However well or badly I may have presented the argument, we need bridges. Not bonfires. People develop over a lifetime. They are not cast in stone.

I feel better now that I’ve vented!

    henrybowman in reply to CincyJan. | March 20, 2024 at 11:02 pm

    It’s a recipe for RINOS.
    Sooner or later, one of those “allies” gets elected to something.
    Then you have Mitt Romney.
    No thanks. I actually had Mitt Romney.
    I say its spinach, and I say to hell with it.