Oklahoma High School Apologizes Over Activity of Students Licking Other Students’ Toes
Remember when we sold candy bars, wrapping paper, or baked goods for fundraising?

Deer Creek High School, located near me, is in hot water after a video surfaced of students sucking other students toes for a fundraiser.
No adults are in the video. It’s only students.
🚨GRAPHIC WARNING- Video sent to FOX 25 shows students at Deer Creek High kissing and sucking on feet yesterday. @DCAntlers confirms the video, saying the students volunteered in challenges to help raise money for their annual philanthropy week. More at 9pm tonight on @OKCFOX. pic.twitter.com/3FaG8BbeAE
— Wendy Suares📺 (@wsuares) March 1, 2024
Still, it’s disgusting and gross. Remember when we sold candy bars, wrapping paper, or baked goods for fundraising?
We want to stress to our community that much of the information accompanying this video is inaccurate. However, through this specific game we failed to uphold the dignity of our students and the proud image of our community. We have a responsibility to protect our Antlers and showcase them in a positive light. In regards to this one particular activity, we fell short and for that we greatly apologize.
We are taking steps to ensure that this is not repeated, and that all fundraising activities are carried out with the pride and respect worthy of our students, staff and community. We strive to offer a positive experience for both our students and the charity that our annual fundraising efforts support. This is an important part of our WWF mission and will play an even greater role in future decision-making. Moving forward, we want to learn from this experience and do better in the future.
The students volunteered to participate. But still. Some students who didn’t participate couldn’t believe what happened, along with parents:
“It was surprising,” an anonymous student told Fox 25. “I didn’t think they were going to do all that. I was just shocked. I didn’t really have like a feeling. I was kind of disgusted, and then kind of glad I wasn’t over there.”
“Whenever she told me yesterday that was happening, I had to ask her, ‘Wait, what? They’re licking peanut butter off of toes,” an anonymous parent said. “What?”
The week was spent raising money for Not Your Average Joe Coffee, which employs people with intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities.
“I am all for fundraising and all for really fun and silly things, but that right there just seems a little excessive,” the parent said.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Does the person who organized this have a foot fetish? This should be asked, because if so, that is criminal.
Criminal to involve children, I mean.
No, the person who organized it was a couple of girls and the guys went along with it because girls.
No one should have to “supervise” or manage this. It was obvious this was wrong. Fire whomever thought of this and then arranged it.
Whoever, not whomever. It means “the person who,” and the person gets fired and the who thought of this, so is subjective case.
So disgusting can’t believe it got approved
Every supposed adult even remotely involved in that grotesque activity should be fired, criminally charged with child abuse, and blackballed from the education field forever as should whomever hired them in the first place.
A few law suits against them personally wouldn’t go astray either.
Por encourager les autres.
I”ll repeat my comment from the earlier story about antisemitism at a Brooklyn High School: Public schools, particularly in urban America, are irreparably damaged. This level of dysfunction won’t produce anything other than morons and psychopaths.
Now, Edmond, OK clearly isn’t an ‘urban area.’ It’s a suburban/rural area in a deep red state which perfectly illustrates another important point: Public schools everywhere are infested with some of the worst people imaginable. Every freak, weirdo, ultra-progressive who’s fixated on children, either to groom them or to indoctrinate them, has sought employment in a school. There’s no fixing this.
Edmond is for all intents part of Metro OKC. Like all states the largest cities ok OK are far more liberal than the rest of the state.
With regard to education I haven’t lived in OK for a long time but I suspect that the teachers union pushes employee hiring and curriculum selection towards the national leftist agenda.
Any administrator or teacher who approved and participated in this should be fired immediately–this is fetishism under the guise of fund raising; and the school board should be recalled if they refuse to take action–beyond disgusting
The wokefestation spreads.
Maybe it was a fundraiser for Fauxcohontas…
Doesnt’ sound like woke was involved actually.
This should keep the school staff on their toes.
Time for the parents to show up with pitchforks and torches. And maybe ropes.
They couldn’t find a pet to do the licking?
I suspect we don’t even want to know what these freaks are doing with their pets.
Sugar has been banned … “for the chillen’!!” You can get arrested for giving candy out in schools. But toe fungus is considered to be some sort of “probiotic” …
The Education field is filled with some of the truly dumbest people in society. The test scores show this fact very clearly – the test scores of the so-called “educators”. But, not only are they incredibly stupid people, they are perverts and lunatics, to boot … with attitudes. In a sane society, most of these losers wouldn’t be allowed to be in charge of anything more complicated than a broom, but on the back of “You go girl!!” Femnazism, they have been allowed to run completely amok over the lives of other people’s children.
At some point, lots and lots and lots of teachers and administrators need to be fired. In concert with that, many of them need to be arrested for the perverted sex crimes they are perpetrating against children who they have as captive victims. So much of what goes on in public schools would have gotten people arrested, jailed, and shunned from society not too many years ago – as was the right thing.
We sold candy.. bake sales n light bulbs.
This is sick
Tar n feathers..
Kids do stupid things so I’m not surprised. Actually I’m surprised my fellow male students survived grade and high school intact with all of our limbs.
I’m more interested in the school “mascot” name. Antlers? Their mascot is an inanimate object that falls off once a year? Didn’t anyone tell the school that antlers are weapons?
We hear how China is building up its military with an intention to eventually challenge the United States, but with this sort of thing happening in our schools, China will never need to fire a shot.
Sun Zhu in action.
Get a rope.
“We don’t lick those toes in Muskogee….”
Another example of why we should never be willing to trust appeals to authority aka credentialed experts about a damn thing at face value. I don’t care if someone has a degree even post graduate degree or many years of experience in a field if they have an ideological agenda or lack common sense their ‘expertise’ isn’t worth spit.
The entire administration and faculty who allowed this event should be fired and bared from working with minor children for the remainder of their careers.
It sounds like an audience fetish to me, in the who cares category. Probably foot was a safe substitute for what they wanted to lick.
OK, it was stupid and maybe a bit disgusting. That was exactly their point. High school students are frequently stupid and disgusting. Nobody was harmed. Nobody was forced to participate. Nothing was damaged. They raised $152,000 for a charity. Surely the Online Outrage Crowd can find something more deserving than some goofy students raising money for a charity.
You must not have kids.
I am blessed with 3 kids, thanks for speculating. All grown, all successful. All decent people. And I was a kid once myself. So I consider myself an expert in stupid juvenile behavior. At 18, in the Army, my squad challenged another squad to a pushup contest . Losers to eat a live Georgia cockroach. Drill Sgts looked on and made sure the bet was honored. Everybody had a good laugh , a bonding experience and a great memory. Btw, not too bad, a bit crunchy
How about the students spending their time actually learning how to read, write, do arithmetic, understand history, study the sciences, etc.?
While it is great that funds were raised for a charity, that’s not what schools are for. The students re supposed to be receiving an actual education.
This fundraising bullshit is a waste of their time.
Gross but not really political or even newsworthy. Sounds like something you would see on Japanese TV.
It’s emblematic of the gross stupidity and narcissism within the credentialed class. All the people involved and more importantly those who should have reviewed the program before granting approval must be held accountable. If not then no crying when Parents and taxpayers take action to correct matters in the way they see fit. The School District leadership deserves the opportunity to show if they will pass or fail in this moment but that’s all they deserve. If they refuse to fire folks then they have only themselves to blame for what follows.
I fail to follow the connection between narcissism and toe licking.
I really don’t think this is the hill to die on either. It’s in deep red Oklahoma. (86% Republican and definitely of the conservative bent). I seriously doubt anyone involved was like “Hey you know what would be super woke and really show those red staters? A toe licking contest!”
I”m happy to be proven otherwise by evidence though.
I am sure they would have balked at an old fashioned Kissing Booth but they are too stupid to stop this.
I am blessed with 3 kids, thanks for speculating. All grown, all successful. All decent people. And I was a kid once myself. So I consider myself an expert in stupid juvenile behavior. At 18, in the Army, my squad challenged another squad to a pushup contest . Losers to eat a live Georgia cockroach. Drill Sgts looked on and made sure the bet was honored. Everybody had a good laugh , a bonding experience and a great memory. Btw, not too bad, a bit crunchy
“No adults are in the video. It’s only students.”
Contrary to what was suggested or outright stated by such (social) media personalities as Libs of Tiktok.
Not to worry, they are “taking steps to ensure that this is not repeated, and that all fundraising activities are carried out with the pride and respect worthy of our students”!
“Apologized”? They can do that on their way out the door. They need to be GONE!
I am sorry
I thought at first staff was involved..
Hence tar n feathers.
Kids do stupid things
No one died or was scared
Something to look back on and laugh.