NAACP Urges Black Student Athletes to ‘Reconsider’ Florida Public Colleges Over Rejection of DEI Policies
“To all current and prospective college student-athletes – the NAACP urges you to reconsider any potential decision to attend, and compete at a predominantly white institution in the state of Florida.”

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is urging black student athletes to boycott public colleges and universities in Florida because the state has rejected DEI policies.
In other words, the NAACP is willing to gamble with the futures of these young people to fight a policy that they don’t like. Any student who is lucky enough to receive a scholarship anywhere would be wise to ignore the NAACP and any other organization that’s using them to fight a political battle.
NBC News reports:
NAACP calls on Black student-athletes to boycott Florida public colleges over anti-DEI policy
The head of the NAACP is calling on Black student-athletes to reconsider their decisions to attend public colleges and universities in Florida, challenging a new state policy that bars those institutions from using government funds on diversity, equity and inclusion programs.
In a letter sent Monday to current and future student-athletes of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, NAACP leader Derrick Johnson implored college-bound Black athletes to “choose wisely.”
“Diversity, equity, and inclusion are paramount to ensuring equitable and effective educational outcomes,” Johnson said in a statement accompanying the letter, which was first reported by NBC News. “The value Black and other college athletes bring to large universities is unmatched.”
“If these institutions are unable to completely invest in those athletes, it’s time they take their talents elsewhere,” said Johnson, the civil rights organization’s president and chief executive.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis last year signed a bill that largely prohibits public colleges and universities from using state and federal funds on programs commonly grouped together under the acronym DEI.
The letter explicitly states “this is not about politics,” but that’s laughable:
Dear Current and Prospective Members of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA),
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has made no effort to conceal his administration’s devaluation of Black America. From racist voting policies, to unraveling reproductive freedoms and attempting to rewrite Black history, DeSantis has waged war on Black America. Now, as a result of his administration’s anti-Black ideals, all state-funded universities in Florida will be forced to dismantle their diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. While the University of Florida may be the first, they will not be the last.
To all current and prospective college student-athletes – the NAACP urges you to reconsider any potential decision to attend, and compete at a predominantly white institution in the state of Florida. This is not about politics. It’s about the protection of our community, the progression of our culture, and most of all, it’s about your education, and your future.
Exposure to Black educators favorably impacts the experiences of Black students. Just as an interaction with just one Black educator can increase the chances of a Black student’s college enrollment by 13%, a reduction in equity gaps and an increase in graduation rates is likely to occur when Black college students (including student-athletes) engage with Black faculty. Additionally, the experiences of African American scholars who teach at predominantly White institutions helps all students, and especially White students, by improving students’ ability to understand realities across cultures and thrive in the 21st century.
This statement from Derrick Johnson of the NAACP has multiple Democrat buzzwords:
“Florida’s rampant anti-Black policies are a direct threat to the advancement of our young people and their ability to compete in a global economy. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are paramount ensuring equitable and effective educational outcomes. The value Black, and other college athletes bring to large universities is unmatched. If these institutions are unable to completely invest in those athletes, it’s time they take their talents elsewhere. The NAACP will remain unwavering in our efforts to hold Governor Ron DeSantis, and all oppressive elected officials accountable for their attempts to unravel our democracy.”
This seems awfully political.
In its letter encouraging black student-athletes not to go to Florida, the NAACP opens with a paragraph railing against DeSantis and then says “this is not about politics.”
— Steve McGuire (@sfmcguire79) March 11, 2024

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They’re not urging black scholars to boycott Florida universities over DEI policies.
Didn’t MLK dream that people would be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin? The Dems have returned to their racist root where they judge people by the color of their skin and ignore the content of their character. MLK would be rolling over in his grave!
This is proof that the Democratic Party is racist at its core. The see everything as about race!
Isn’t the admission of athletes with subpar reading, writing and SAT scores (if they have them) to prestigious universities they would have no chance of getting into outside of their athletic prowess not the ultimate expression of DEI and affirmative action?
Where do you begin with something so ignorant?
You might be confusing “ignorant” with “stupid.” Where you start with the latter is not starting. Ignorant you can possibly fix with education. Stupid isn’t fixable.
How about pupil-athletes?
“ Exposure to Black educators favorably impacts the experiences of Black students.” Let’s check with Dr. Sowell regarding the large numbers of black students who have sought out his classes.
All students would benefit from reading Dr Sowell.
Many of these athletes may have to start with Dr. Seuss.
Would it be possible for you to download and host the letter in question? Because the link that you provide redirects to a Microsoft login page and not the actual letter.
And if you don’t have a Microsoft account (or you don’t want to login) then you’re pretty much stuck at that point.
I was able to view the letter by selecting the actual letter in the “X” post above.
And my eyes being what they are (not good) I would prefer to download the actual document (pdf?) to view on my computer using a viewer of my choice set-up so that I can read the document without strain. But that’s just me.
I also cannot read print that fine, and when I tried to magnify it, it became smaller, that is one of many warts related to Twitter. There are work arounds, but it is tin=me consuming to save the doc and then open it up and then try to expand the image.
I went to X and was able to expand it but I’m using my phone
How about requiring colleges to recruit based on population %, IE, limit black recruits to 12.6%. I am sure that NAACP would welcome racial balance.
Yes, by all means, require all colleges to recruit based on population, instead of merit. Just defy the dream of Martin Luther King.
“Just defy the dream of Martin Luther King.”
Haven’t you Lefty dinguses been doing that now for quite a few years?
Martin Luther King’s “Dream” has been bastardized and twisted out of proportion, to the point that it is as unrecognizable as the “Poor huddled masses” poem on the Statue of Liberty.
Call us when you are done fucking up the world.
Blacks demand quota’s, to be elevated far beyond their competence, It is reasonable for whites to make similar demands.
I made the comment because of black hypocrisy.
People should be promoted on merit, jocks and everyone else.
Meritless promotion must stop and be be rolled back.
Hey congratulations. The highest ranking enlisted member of the Air Force declared you personally responsible for “fucking up the world.” Quite an honor.
And does anyone here really believe that any black athlete that has gotten a full ride athletic scholarship to a Florida public university is actually going to reconsider attending that university? Hardly. This is just another NAACP publicity stunt that’s guaranteed to fall flat on its face and accomplish nothing.
But…. Black Lies Matter.
Black Liars Matter
Black Losers Matter
Incredibly witty and insightful contribution as always. I can’t wait until Simon & Schuster publishes your complete works for everyone to enjoy.
My public school district. Use to be so conservative no one voted democrat
Outside of Austin
Now a La Raza strong hold
Bring a whole bunch of Chinese and other Asians into the area and watch that change.
I doubt most will ignore bright futures, which guarantees free tuition for high school graduates of high achievement at all in-state colleges.
We in Florida would like to add to the NAACP list telling all liberal residents here to leave and that we so toxic here that liberal move here as well.
An exclusionary group, NAACP, is urging black (aka Colored) athletes to boycott not all public universities in Florida who fall under the new strictures re DEI polices but instead only predominantly ‘white’ Universities in Florida. Huh. Seems like the NAACP has some work to do to reform the structural racism of their organization that is clearly on display in this matter.
I hope Douglas Adams sends them a note of congratulations for being so uncharacteristically red-pilled.
I screwed that up. I meant Scott “Dilbert” Adams, not Douglas “Discworld” Adams (who’s dead anyway).
Time to cancel NAACP for toxic anti-white rhetoric.
DEI/CRT is such a fraud.
so, in other words, black students who DO attend college in Florida will be advanced on their abilities and content of character…. win for them! they will not be mistaken for diversity fillers.
This is my attempt to translate that letter into everyday English:
“Diversity, equity, and inclusion are paramount to ensuring equitable and effective educational outcomes”
Okay then. Put all illegals who crossed the border last year at the top of the list and you wil get diversity, equity and enclusion.
Oh wait, you say we’re talking about athletes? So if the goal each team is to win when they play another team, then pick the best athletes.
One or the other, not just people from your tribe.
Maybe these athletes should consider only HBCUs.
Right…. black athletes are going to sidestep two of the most potent football teams in the country. Self-immolation for being “down for the struggle”.
Shine yeah, send them to Prime Time at the HCBU in bamalama where they can view the fleet feet with which he used to compete with that are now as absent as the graduation rate and nutritional fare for the playas there.
The coach Nick Sabin just retired at Alabama btw. Their athletes do well enough academically. It’s purely an accident that the football players and the Honors College share the same dorm.
Oh NO! Guess we’ll just have to play our own damn football!
And do more than a few know that Basketball was invented by a white guy?
The peach baskets kinda gave that away.
Stop capitalizing “black.”
Memo to the NAACP: when your organization starts contributing money in substantial amounts to UCF, USF, UF, and FSU’s NIL coffers and general scholarships program, then you can make demands. Until you do so, bug off
The original purpose of college sports was building cohesion amongst the elites. “The battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton,” as the saying goes.
Now, it’s just another revenue stream for universities that are predominately captured by the Left, so screw them.
Create minor leagues for football and basketball just like baseball. Put the “sportsmanship” back in college sports.
NAACP should urge all Blacks to move out of Florida over DeSantis policies. Let them share their intrinsic value to other states. Can you imagine how unfavorable a state Florida would be then?
Thanks to Brandon the Illegal population in this country is larger than the black American population so I guess we should put them over the athletes.
Apparently the NAACP has the leader it deserves. To think the once great civil rights organization has come down to this.
I’m assuming that the naacp does not realize that the NCAA created the transfer portal and the ability of athletes to monetize their likeness and endorsements. Athletes are making up to 2 mil per year. They go where the money is. No athlete black, white, hispanic, asian, etc will pay any attention to these political whores. FJB
From the one or two datapoints I’ve heard (I am not following this specifically) it seems white athletes are getting the most benefit from the new NCAA rule. That was probably not what the authorities wanted. But it’s fine, the market is speaking.
“The value Black and other college athletes bring to large universities is unmatched.”
The word “unmatched” can mean it’s more than any others, or also that it’s less than any others. I hope every athlete finds a school where they’re happy with the school’s approach to DEI. Florida will survive without them.
Sounds like a winner. POCs who follow the directions of NAACP will no longer attend predominantly white Florida universities, while those who just want to get on with their lives and succeed will attend where they think is best for them.
If a large percentage of black athletes abide by the NAACP’s suggestion, the Florida Universities will become considerably safer for young female scholars.