John Kirby Concerned Aid to Ukraine Depletes ‘U.S. Weaponry Inventories’
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John Kirby Concerned Aid to Ukraine Depletes ‘U.S. Weaponry Inventories’

John Kirby Concerned Aid to Ukraine Depletes ‘U.S. Weaponry Inventories’

“Since the beginning of the war, with every package we provided, we’ve got to make a certification that it’s not gonna damage our own national security, and as we have given more and depleted our inventories…”

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby has concerns about aid we send to Ukraine because of weapon inventory.

From The Washington Examiner:

Kirby appeared on This Week Sunday, where host Martha Raddatz asked him if he worries about military readiness in the U.S. after so much weaponry has been sent to Ukraine after Russia invaded the country more than two years ago.

“Sure. Of course. Since the beginning of the war, with every package we provided, we’ve got to make a certification that it’s not gonna damage our own national security, and as we have given more and depleted our inventories, we have been doing everything we can to work with the defense industry to restock, to replenish,” Kirby said. “That’s what this replenishment authority — why that’s so important, so yes, it’s a concern. We haven’t reached a point yet where our own national security and our own operational plans have been jeopardized, but it’s absolutely something you can’t ever take your eye off.”

But at the same time, Kirby encouraged the country to send more weapons and money to Ukraine.

Remember, we’re not a part of the war because we don’t have boots on the ground.

Many people have expressed concerns about sending weapons and money to Ukraine because we have real national security problems right at our border. Literally!


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Oh I have concerns about our military readiness. It has nothing to do with what we send to Ukraine or anywhere else. It is the existence and presence of our current C&C and the civilian chain of command under him as well as the top military brass that want to keep them pleased by any means necessary.

Use it or lose it, as they say about nuclear weapon inventories.

equipment wise most if not all the
equipment sent is old out dated stuff
sitting in warehouses … stuff that isn’t in use any more … ammo … not sure about that as far as inventory goes. Money … it is a laundry … goes overseas .. comes back to the congress critters as reelection donations ….
I am more worried about our ability to fight and win …. and not be worried about pronouns …
and we r currently being invaded
on the southern boarder…

E Howard Hunt | March 18, 2024 at 8:37 am

It would give him grey hairs if he weren’t constantly dyeing it.

Funny how we should be hearing a lot of this from DOD, not DOS. One wonders what is going on.

Lucifer Morningstar | March 18, 2024 at 9:54 am

The Biden regime was never concerned about U.S. military readiness as they were handing billions of dollars of U.S. military equipment to the Ukraine and that fraud Zelenskyy. So what’s changed. Oh, that right. We’ve got an upcoming presidential election this Nov. 2024 and the Biden Regime is panicking over the issues they’ve long glossed over. Like U.S. military readiness. Of course, the equipment issue is just one aspect of the whole mess they’ve made of the military. The other side of the coin is that they young people have cottoned on to the fact that their just cannon fodder for the warhawk democrats and are no longer joining up as they used to do in the past. Enlistment quotas aren’t being met. So it doesn’t matter if they have the equipment, If they don’t have the soldiers to use that equipment it’s rather pointless. And there we go and here we are.

    BierceAmbrose in reply to Lucifer Morningstar. | March 19, 2024 at 4:21 pm

    “We’ve got an upcoming presidential election…”

    Proclaiming we need to build more stuff can swing a few supporters n some funding from the prospective builders. “Get me elected, and I’ll throw some sweet, sweet contracts your way.”

    Scranton-Joe’s SOP. Thus, why now.

Two inviolate rules of the military:
During peacetime, people will complain that we have too much military equipment and ammunition being stored all around and why do we need it because we’re at peace?
During wartime, people will complain that we have critical shortages of ammunition and equipment because it is being used at a rapid clip and we can’t possibly replace it etc…

    CommoChief in reply to georgfelis. | March 18, 2024 at 4:13 pm

    All the more reason for a smaller, more lethal military force that is more sparingly used b/c it would need a ‘buy in’ from the general public in the form of willing volunteers to swell its ranks in the rare occasions for its use beyond ‘gun boat diplomacy’ and rescuing our Citizens.

      txvet2 in reply to CommoChief. | March 19, 2024 at 2:23 pm

      “”rescuing our Citizens””

      That’s so passe’. We’re far too busy rescuing Afghan citizens, and Iraqi citizens, and Syrian citizens, and Palestinian citizens (oh wait, there are no “Palestinian citizens”, just refugees), and Venezuelan citizens, and Haitian citizens, and so on ad nauseum, to actually rescue any of our own. – like the ones in Gaza.

Lucifer Morningstar | March 18, 2024 at 11:33 am

>>“Since the beginning of the war, with every package we provided, we’ve got to make a certification that it’s not gonna damage our own national security, and as we have given more and depleted our inventories…”

Fine, Then let the public see those signed ‘certifications” that sending BILLIONS of taxpayer USD bought military equipment and ammunition to Ukraine and that fraud Zelenskyy hasn’t compromised our national security. I want to see who is responsible when the sh** hits the fan and it turns out we don’t have enough equipment to defend the United States. Not that it matters much since we don’t have the military cannon fodder personnel to use the equipment we might have left in inventory. But that’s a whole different matter.

    How about a certification that Zelenskyy and his extended family haven’t personally profited from i.e. embezzled military aid? It wouldn’t be remotely believable but I wouldn’t put it beyond them to try it.

The U.S. used to maintain the capability to fight two+ major wars at once.

Now a relatively minor peeing contest in Ukraine is draining our resources and we aren’t even the ones fighting it?

Funny, I don’t recall my income taxes being reduced so where is that former defense money going?

Our equipment that was just booted out of Niger needs a new home

Capitalist-Dad | March 19, 2024 at 9:16 am

The Biden regime should tell Ukraine it can have billions worth for primo military equipment and supplies—just go to Afghanistan and pick them up.

Something else to file under “common sense”.

Oh, this is just occurring to them NOW???