Israelis Working in High Tech Report Disturbing Increase in Antisemitism
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Israelis Working in High Tech Report Disturbing Increase in Antisemitism

Israelis Working in High Tech Report Disturbing Increase in Antisemitism

“It’s unpleasant to hear, especially from people I was on good terms with, and now they see me as an enemy.”

It’s horrible how quickly this hatred manifested and how acceptable it is in some circles.

The Jerusalem Post reports:

‘Israelis should be burned to death’: Israeli employees experience wave of antisemitism

“I have been working at Amazon in New York for nine years, and until October 7, I have not experienced anything antisemitic there,” said Michael (a pseudonym; all names in the article are pseudonyms), an Israeli-American who works for the company as a software developer.

“There have always been good relations between the Israelis who work here and the other employees. This is a company that has never had demonstrations, protests, or expressions of antisemitism, not even when Israel was involved in previous operations. But since the Black Sabbath, something has changed. It didn’t happen all at once. It was a process,” he said.

“At first, there were small things, like being ‘forgotten’ from post-work social gatherings. Then, in office conversations, some employees denied the October 7 massacre and started talking about war crimes committed by Israel.

Some said that all Israelis should be drowned in the sea and similar things like that. It’s unpleasant to hear, especially from people I was on good terms with, and now they see me as an enemy. Then they started sending messages in WhatsApp groups that I’m part of, like ‘I stand with Palestine,’ ‘It’s time to free occupied Palestine,’ and ‘Israelis should be burned to death.’ On the walls there are Free Palestine stickers, and in the elevators, you will see graffiti in Arabic, I assume they are against Israel.”

The magazine entitled The European Conservative revealed last January that Amazon employees were found to have been spreading pro-Palestinian and antisemitic messages after internal communication documents were leaked from the company. “It happened on Slack, the messaging platform,” said Michael.

“They wrote that the Israelis were raping Palestinian women and beheading children. My main fear is that someday it will escalate from words to actions, and there is no one here who is really protecting us.”

In the news, it was noted that several Israelis complained to the authorities about this.


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Israelis and Jews in such places should do the minimum. Don’t contribute intellectual capital. Rephrase what others have said slightly differently if there’s a need to speak, keep actual ideas to themselves.

You don’t get adequately rewarded on performance reviews for leaking actual thought anyway. Let them go without.

Isn’t it odd that the people who consider themselves to be “liberal thinkers” turn out to be the actual racists, apparently willing to send their co-workers (and neighbors) to “the camps”? I’m sure a few short years ago they were still aghast at how the average German of the late 30s could possibly believe the National Socialist propaganda. And are unable to recognize the same actions in themselves.

Honestly this isn’t really surprising. It was just regular German people who killed millions of Jews not some unique super evil mutant person. It’s regular people twisted by stupid, relentless propaganda and lies, who commit atrocities, and believe they are doing the right thing or just following orders. Sad, scary, but true. A great book about just this thing:

Makes me wonder if I have to worry about being targeted as a customer.

This article shows how it will take a geneeration, if ever, to deprogram Gazan civilians, who have gotten brainwashed 10x worse than these Americans.