Israeli PM Netanyahu Cancels Senior Aides’ D.C. Trip After U.S. Abstains From U.N. Gaza Resolution
National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said abstaining from the vote does not mean the U.S. changed its policy.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled a D.C. trip for Ron Dermer and Tzachi Hanegbi, his top aides, after the U.S. abstained from voting on a U.N. Security Council Gaza resolution:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cancels the planned trip to Washington by his top aides Ron Dermer and Tzachi Hanegbi after the US refrained from using a veto to block a UN Security Council resolution backed by Russia and China that called for a ceasefire without conditioning it on the release of hostages.
In a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office, Israel says the US is harming the war effort and attempts to free hostages by the decision.
The statement calls the decision “a clear retreat from the consistent US position in the Security Council since the beginning of the war,” and one that “gives Hamas hope that international pressure will allow them to get a ceasefire without releasing our hostages.”
The U.S. abstained because the resolution did not condemn Hamas. It’s also non-binding.
However, the U.S. could have used its veto power.
National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said abstaining from the vote has not changed its policy: “We have been consistent in our support for a ceasefire as part of a hostage deal.”
The Security Council,
Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations,
Recalling all of its relevant resolutions on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question,
Reiterating its demand that all parties comply with their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law and international human rights law, and in this regard deploring all attacks against civilians and civilian objects, as well as all violence and hostilities against civilians, and all acts of terrorism, and recalling that the taking of hostages is prohibited under international law;
Expressing deep concern about the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip,
Acknowledging the ongoing diplomatic efforts by Egypt, Qatar and the United States, aimed at reaching a cessation of hostilities, releasing the hostages and increasing the provision and distribution of humanitarian aid,
1. Demands an immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan respected by all parties leading to a lasting sustainable ceasefire, and also demands the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, as well as ensuring humanitarian access to address their medical and other humanitarian needs, and further demands that the parties comply with their obligations under international law in relation to all persons they detain;
2. Emphasizes the urgent need to expand the flow of humanitarian assistance to and reinforce the protection of civilians in the entire Gaza Strip and reiterates its demand for the lifting of all barriers to the provision of humanitarian assistance at scale, in line with international humanitarian law as well as resolutions 2712 (2023) and 2720 (2023);
3. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

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Silence is violence.. didn’t THEY say?
Only when a -in the most pompous jackass voice possible- “cis white male who is at the top of the oppression hierarchy is using it in a cis normative white like manner because it reinforces whiteness” (that sarcastic comment may unironically be plagiarism)
While I am afraid of the result November can’t come fast enough hoping it will be the death knell of Biden’s administration.
Upvote earned
Ummmmm, shouldn’t they have blocked it because it didn’t condemn Hamas?
Got it in one. But blocking it would have pissed off Michigan muzzies, way more important than the survival of Israel.
This shows how much FJB cares about the 30 American citizens murdered on 10/7 and the citizen hostages still held. Actions have consequences. Bibi should commence the clearing of Rafah ASAP.
Bibi should instruct his executive assistant to respond to any cables, phone calls, emails or texts messages from Blinken, Sullivan, or Biden with “I am so sorry but Bibi can’t come to the (phone) right now because he is busy protecting Israeli freedom from oppression, finishing the war job at hand and saving our Democracy.”
Will Biden eventually don a kafiyeh and tell Muslims he grew up in the mosques of Delaware?
Actually more like Scranton, PA
After WWII Germany was “OCCUPIED” by the Allie’s for decades
After WWII Japan was “OCCUPIED” by the U.S. for decades.
After the American Civil War the South was “OCCUPIED” by the North for over a decade
No wars ever since.
By contrast, after WWI there were lots of agreements and meetings and negotiations and treaties and etc……..
and then WWII — with ~ 60+ million more dead.
We are headed in to some very, very dark times
America: It was nice while it lasted
(Btw, bye bye Taiwan, buh bye Phillipines, siannorra Japan, it was nice to knowya India) America has fallen.
Not yet there is a rement. 2 cor. 7:14
If my people who are called by my name
Will humble themselves and PRAY and seek my face and TURN from their WICKED WAYS.. Then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land.
This is for those who believe n name Christ as savior.
This Gaza Resolution situation has Obama’s fingerprints on it.
Or Samantha Powers.
Obama has never had Israel’s back, especially with Bibi in power
Democrats have an election coming up in November that is more important to them than terrorism and American lives caught up in that terrorism.
Please, lets put adults back in charge that have to make tough and unpopular decisions.
“It’s also non-binding.”
Does it really matter what happens at the U.N.?
Yes, binding Security Council resolutions are indeed binding, and violating them justifies military action to enforce them. Thankfully this one isn’t binding. But would Biden veto a binding resolution?
What did anyone really expect? Obama and his handler Valerie Jarrett ordered this disgrace. Plain and simple. Xiden doesn’t even know what day it is, let alone that there’s a war in Gaza.
There was a choice between three options:
1. Veto
2. Abstain
3. Vote No
The Biden Admin choose the middle path on this one in a transparent attempt to thread the political needle. IOW they put domestic politics over principle. Not surprising but it is worth pointing out how morally bankrupt this admin is.
Now Trump is being quoted as stating ‘Israel has gone too far’ in attacking Hamas. WTF gives with the pandering by both Biden and now Trump to those who want Israel to stop kicking Hamas in the teeth? Seriously Cray Cray. Most of us here understand that Hamas is incapable of reform, if they were then some sort of internal rebellion would have taken place to oust the current regime, locate and return the hostages. Why the heck doesn’t our political class, including Trump, get this?
Good point. Trump is now pandering as much as Biden and the Democrats to attack Israel, when he says that ‘Israel has gone too far :in attacking Hamas.” Conclusion: F___ Joe Biden, and F___ Donald Trump. Two peas in a pod. We as Americans lose if either of these senile, anti-Semitic, idiots becomes the leader of the Free World.
We are likely to lose far more under a second Biden admin. See their stance on 1A and 2A, on Federalism itself as they seek to erode the ability of States to make decisions independent of DC, failure to defend the damn border, runaway Federal spending. Whatever Trump’s faults and he has them, despite the views of his most devoted acolytes, they are very minor sins in comparison to the extreme (frankly irreparable IMO) damage a second Biden admin would do to the Nation.
“F___ Joe Biden, and F___ Donald Trump. Two peas in a pod.”
Many Americans disagree, and know the difference of winning and losing.
Please provide the quote where Trump said ‘Israel has gone too far’ in attacking Hamas. In fact he said he would have done the same thing, that, “Only a fool would not do that.”
What he did say was this:
“And I think Israel made a very big mistake. I wanted to call [Israel] and say don’t do it. These photos and shots. I mean, moving shots of bombs being dropped into buildings in Gaza. And I said, Oh, that’s a terrible portrait. It’s a very bad picture for the world. The world is seeing this…every night”
“Go and do what you have to do. But you don’t do that. And I think that’s one of the reasons that there has been a lot of kickback. If people didn’t see that, every single night I’ve watched every single one of those. And I think Israel wanted to show that it’s tough, but sometimes you shouldn’t be doing that.”
It was the videos that were the mistake, and it’s going too far to characterize his words differently.
I’m glad you cleared that up.
Fair point. The ‘Israel has gone too far’ wasn’t a direct quote but rather a synopsis from the author of the article I read at Red State. My apologies.
I do believe the ‘don’t do that’ wasn’t so much about photos and video but on the manner of destruction used by Israel. My own reading between the lines of the interview posted is that Trump was criticizing the bombing and shelling that destroyed buildings.
It seems unlikely to me that Trump was referring to Israel posting images and video with their own PR team doing commentary and giving updates. He’s aware that in the social media age someone on site will capture video or still images.
In sum Trump doesn’t disagree with Israel launching an operation to find hostages and destroy Hamas. It seems he disagrees with use of artillery and bombs and/or destroying buildings v using infantry to clear each intact building. I don’t see how we arrive at a different interpretation unless we also accept the premise that Trump doesn’t understand the social media age….which I find preposterous.
He was expressly pointing to the optics.
IMO it seems much more likely he is critical of how the operation is being conducted (bombs and artillery v exclusively Infantry) and not whether an operation should be conducted or whether images of the operation are released by Israel.
I find it hard to believe his criticism is of Israel conducting standard military Information Operation (PR & Propaganda) to explain what and why they are doing. Trump fully understands the power of social media posts and that the images would get into the public domain.
Could you provide an explanation of what you refer to as ‘optics’ b/c.maybe I am using a different interpretation of the meaning than you are.
Because people seeing the destruction, the explosions of buildings, etc., get a false impression that Israel is inflicting excessive damage.
He said: “These photos and shots. I mean, moving shots of bombs being dropped into buildings in Gaza. And I said, Oh, that’s a terrible portrait. It’s a very bad picture for the world. The world is seeing this…every night”
And: “If people didn’t see that, every single night I’ve watched every single one of those. And I think Israel wanted to show that it’s tough, but sometimes you shouldn’t be doing that.”
Optics is what he was talking about, not the actual fight Israel is making.
Ok so that’s my point. The ‘optics’ are the result of the methods used. If we want to kill a bunch of Hamas goons in a building we can:
1. Drop ordinance (bombs and artillery) but this produces images that have bad optics namely destroyed buildings
2. Use Infantry to breach then clear it room by room, floor by floor. This won’t produce images of destroyed buildings.
If the images of the bombed out buildings are the problem as you assert then the very clear implication is don’t use bombs/artillery and instead use an Infantry assault which won’t produce the images you assert are the problem. (Of course there would be a dramatic increase in the number of IDF casualties by doing so)
With cell phones being ubiquitous along with highly partisan ‘journalists’ present the images of those buildings will not remain out of the public domain. Furthermore criticism of Israel conducting its own I/O campaign (PR and Propaganda) to get its own message out alongside these images doesn’t make sense. Every Nation does this including the our own.
Bottom line here IMO is if there’s a criticism of the optics (images of blown up buildings) the true criticism is the operational methods that resulted in blown up buildings.
“Now Trump is being quoted as stating ‘Israel has gone too far’ in attacking Hamas.”
Repeating lies does not make them true.
Trump said no such thing.
No he didn’t. I was incorrect. See response to oldschool26.
I can’t find where he said that. That’s the media’s interpretation of his words, which is always distorted. What I CAN find is where he talked about Israel having bad optics
“I think Israel made a very big mistake. I wanted to call [Israel] and say don’t do it. These photos and shots. I mean, moving shots of bombs being dropped into buildings in Gaza. And I said, Oh, that’s a terrible portrait. It’s a very bad picture for the world,” Trump said of imagery released by the IDF over the course of the war. “I think Israel wanted to show that it’s tough, but sometimes you shouldn’t be doing that.”,say%20don't%20do%20it.
He seemed to be talking about the optics of the war, not the actual fighting, which he’s shown support for.
Yep I was mistaken and you are correct see above response to oldschool26. My apologies for not reading more closely.
I looked up what Trump said, he did not say Israel has gone too far, he said it would be best to wrap it up as soon as possible. I my book that means as soon as Hamas is exterminated. For some reason, I was damn sure that Trump did not say Isreal has gone too far.
Too late you posted at 8:55 AM and I had already posted three retraction and three apologies for my error more than 30 minutes prior to your post.
Since I am a nice guy, I will offer one last apology for my error on this. I didn’t read it as closely as I should have, posted too quickly, didn’t use the preview button, and IOW I effed up and for the last time. I apologize. Happy to do so one final time on this topic, b/c admitting to an error when it is pointed out and offering an apology is the right thing to do.
Up voted u each time.. thank you.
The realty is only one president moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, and one president was on the verge of getting Saudi Arabia to sign the Abraham Accords, which would have effectively ended most of Arab boycott of Israel and failure to recognize the legitimacy of Israel. Its reasonable to speculate that the current war may not have even broken out if Trump was in office now, but no one can predict the future. The truth is simple that Trump gets the middle east situation 1000% better than Team Biden who is supplying the Iranian with endless cash while holding up weapons supplies to the Israelis. The Biden team still thinks that if they create a Palestinian state that peace will break out in the middle east. That’s how stupid they are.