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Hamas Official Blames Israel for ‘No Real Progress’ in Hostage Talks, Doesn’t Know Which Hostages are Alive

Hamas Official Blames Israel for ‘No Real Progress’ in Hostage Talks, Doesn’t Know Which Hostages are Alive

No one has heard from Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in over a week.

A senior Hamas official told Lebanese TV that they haven’t made any progress concerning the hostage talks.

Of course, he blames Israel:

A senior Hamas official tells Lebanese Al Mayadeen channel that “there is no real progress” in hostage talks.

The official blames Israel’s “refusal to give clear answers regarding Hamas demands.”

Those demands – nonstarters for Israel – are a full ceasefire, the withdrawal of IDF troops from Gaza, and allowing displaced Gazans to return home before the terrorist organization gives any information on the hostages it holds.

But then Egypt claimed progress with the talks even though Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has supposedly gone silent:

Egypt, Qatar and the United States have been mediating in talks for a temporary ceasefire and hostage release deal in the almost five-month-old war between Israel and Hamas, which began with a shock assault launched by the Gaza terror group in southern Israel on October 7.

An unnamed senior Egyptian official told Egypt’s Al-Qahera News on Monday morning that “Egypt continues its intense efforts to reach a truce before Ramadan,” the holy Muslim month beginning on March 10 or 11.

“There has been significant progress in the negotiations,” the report said after the latest talks began Sunday.

Israel has not sent a team since it rejected last week’s latest plan. It doesn’t help that no one has heard from Sinwar in over a week.

Without Sinwar, any deal cannot be implemented:

The last message sent to Hamas political leadership in Qatar from Sinwar said there should be no rush to secure a hostage deal, said people familiar with the discussions. They said Sinwar was hoping that an Israeli incursion into the southern Gaza town of Rafah over Ramadan would push Palestinians living in Israel and the West Bank to rise up against Israel.

Israel now also believes that Sinwar may prefer tensions to increase over Ramadan rather than achieve a pause in the fighting, according to the Israeli official.

Hamas wouldn’t release a list of hostages still alive. It turns out the terrorists have no idea:

Basim Naim, a member of Hamas’s politburo, explained to the BBC from Istanbul that Hamas has refrained from submitting a list of hostages to Israel due to the complexities of the situation.

“Technically and practically, it is now impossible to know exactly who is still alive and who has been killed,” Naim stated, citing the impact of Israeli bombardments and the blockade on Gaza.

Naim claimed it’s because the terrorists have split up the hostages around Gaza.


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We’re supposed to believe that Jews defending themselves against Islamic supremacism, totalitarianism, and genocide, are to blame in this situation. What a crock. These Muslim supremacists and terrorists represent the true face of evil in the 21st century.

Resistance against Islamofascism and genocidal Islamic “holy war” is not oppression.

I wonder what Yahya Sinwar personal net wealth is? I doubt he suffers from poverty.

Remember when blaming a victim was considered a bad thing?

Without proof of life, they don’t have live hostages.

There is no point in the terrorists being alive any longer and no need for further negotiation.

JohnSmith100 | March 4, 2024 at 1:30 pm

Yahya Sinwar is lying, he tried to run a con and failed., his judgement day is coming.

healthguyfsu | March 4, 2024 at 1:34 pm

The way Muslims do business makes me never want to engage with them in commerce ever.

    guyjones in reply to healthguyfsu. | March 4, 2024 at 3:39 pm

    The tenets and religious doctrine of the supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent and hate-filled ideology of “Submission” are full of exhortations to Muslims to lie and deceive the non-Muslim “infidel.”

This is like Hamas filling in for Howie and telling you to chose a case, but before Hamas tells the girl to open the case, Hamas says, “Deal or no deal?” “Well, no deal, Hamas.”

“There ain’t nothing in the case.”

“Egypt continues its intense efforts to reach a truce before Ramadan”

Open the Rafah border crossing. Allow your Palestinian sisters and brothers to join you for Ramadan.

Do it for the children.

LeftWingLock | March 4, 2024 at 2:18 pm

Egypt wants a truce, but they don’t seem to be 100% stupid.

According to the Hamas Covenant, nobody, ever, is authorized to negotiate peace. This includes other Muslims.

Article 11 provides:
“The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf [endowment] consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. Neither a single Arab country nor all Arab countries, neither any king or president, nor all the kings and presidents, neither any organization nor all of them, be they Palestinian or Arab, possess the right to do that.”

The only permitted negotiations are for a Hudna, that is, a pause to re-arm. The notion for a Hudna has been presented as a basis for peace which could be perpetual, regardless of the clear, bloody language of the Covenant as a whole. In practice, Hamas accumulates vast wealth from foreign aid, which it uses to build tunnels, kill people, and turn its leaders into billionaires.

The rest of the Muslim world knows about this covenant and the bloodthirstiness of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, which is a subset of it, along with ISIS, Hezbollah, Al Fatah, Islamic Jihad and Al-Qaeda. They have seen how the Muslim Brotherhood produces gruesome killers that will kill other Muslims if some other target isn’t handy. That’s why they won’t take Palestinian refugees.

We shouldn’t take them, either.

    BierceAmbrose in reply to Valerie. | March 5, 2024 at 12:09 am

    The rest of the Muslim world knows what happened to Sadat. (Make the least concession, for whatever reason, and they’ll kill you, too.)

    Steven Brizel in reply to Valerie. | March 5, 2024 at 6:09 am

    Sinwar and Hamas are guided by an anti Semitic ideology and should be treated as such

These horrible people never take ownership or accountability for any single thing…ever

The_Mew_Cat | March 4, 2024 at 4:23 pm

I would not surprise me if all the hostages are dead.

By failing to provide a list of the remaining hostages and indicating which among them are.still alive Hamas demonstrates that they either
A. Not serious about negotiations
B. Believes they are negotiating with someone other than Israel

I don’t think Hamas has internalized the fact that the threat of the ‘Arab Street’ or the members of the ‘international community’ are gonna save.their ass as they have in the past. Oct 7 seems to have opened up a whole new chapter in how Israel responds. Hamas better get with the new program or they gonna keep getting run the eff over until none are left to negotiate a surrender.

Subotai Bahadur | March 4, 2024 at 6:13 pm

“The official blames Israel’s ‘refusal to give clear answers regarding Hamas demands.'”

They did give a clear answer. It was “NO”. The inability to give even a numerical range for the number of surviving hostages leads to the conclusion that the number is zero. To demand Israeli compliance with each and every HAMAS demand before even talking confirms this.

There are rumors that I am not a nice person. One thing about Gaza is that it is totally dependent on imports of food, water, and power. If I remember correctly, one of Israel’s first acts after being attacked by HAMAS was to shut down all those imports. It was pressure from the US and UN that made them allow them in again. Just a thought, but noting that the hostages are almost certainly long dead; if Israel had maintained the wartime blockade, how long would this war have been over by now?

Subotai Bahadur

    BierceAmbrose in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | March 5, 2024 at 12:16 am

    Beat me to it.

    Add Hamas spokes-thugs to the list of people who have yet to grasp Israel’s BATNA(*) in this:

    “We scour out Gaza, do what it takes to “Never again, again.” and the rest of you can sod off.”

    (*) Best Alternative To Negotiated Agreement. Our diplo-weenies are demonstrating daily that they do not understand negotiation at all. Nor that the Israelis understand themselves to be engaged with dishonest negotiation partners, and even less honest brokers.

We have no idea how many of the hostages we took and are keeping prisoner are still alive. But we know *exactly* how many women and children have been killed by Israel, and can guarantee that none of those deaths were “friendly” fire casualties on our part. – Hamas

If he doesn’t know which hostages are alive, how can he claim to have the authority to negotiate?

Steven Brizel | March 5, 2024 at 8:39 am

The IDF should commence a massive air and ground campaign during Ramadan-that is the message that perpetrators of anti Semitism on Jewish holidays should receive