Gov. Gavin Newsom Postpones California State of the State Address
Delay due to California’s Proposition 1 measure for funding on mental health, a key component to Newsom’s agenda, remaining undecided as ballots are still being counted.

While I drank mojitos in the Caribbean, California was part of the Super Tuesday fun. The national results were mostly expected, but a few intriguing developments specific to California have arisen in the wake of the primary election.
First of all, the voter turnout was exceedingly low…and the ballots still have yet to be counted entirely, even weeks after the election.
The latest official tally from the Secretary of State’s office shows that more than 5.8 million ballots have been counted from California’s primary, with 1.7 million still to go.
Based on today’s updated umbers, the total of 7.5 million votes means a turnout of about 34%, well below the norm for presidential primaries, but not the record low that some analysts projected based on early numbers.
It also means that it’s going to be a while before some results are finalized, likely amplifying complaints that it takes too long to count votes in California. While voting by mail has been happening for a month, as long as ballots were postmarked by last Tuesday and they arrive at elections offices by this Tuesday, they will be counted. As expected, the votes being counted after primary day are trending more Democratic and younger.
Interestingly, over 10% of the voters choosing the Democratic presidential candidate chose an obscure one rather than the current occupant of the Oval Office. Given Biden’s performance in Saginaw, Michigan, and this apparent lack of enthusiasm for him in Deep Blue California, the angst among Democratic political leaders is palpable.
However, there is even more fallout from the California primary that is unanticipated. California Gov. Gavin Newsom had initially scheduled to give the “State of the State” address hard on the heels of Biden’s execrable State of the Union address, likely to contrast his energy and appeal to those of the decrepitude that is Biden.
However, Newsom didn’t count on his signature Proposition 1 measure, fighting to survive an extremely close ballot count.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has postponed his State of the State address, the governor’s office confirmed to The Hill Friday night.
Newsom’s address was originally scheduled to be delivered on Monday. A new date for the speech has not been provided.
His office is coordinating with the legislature to nail a new date for the governor’s address, per an email to The Hill.
…The postponement of the address comes as his push to overhaul how California treats disorders related to mental health is still active, even with Proposition 1 having a slim lead.
Newsom is making a last-minute effort to correct rejected ballots, notes Politico.
Apparently, taxpaying Californians have begun to clue in about bonds and their connection to bloated government bureaucracies.
The measure would outlay $6.4 billion of additional funding — through new bonds and restructuring existing legislation —for more treatment beds and housing. Its failure would be a huge setback for Newsom, who’s facing yet another recall push and has only two more years in office to deliver on his promises to voters.
Although Prop. 1’s opponents have conceded that the measure is likely to pass, the 0.01% margin is not exactly the resounding victory that the governor undoubtedly hoped to tout in his State of the State speech. As of Saturday morning, fewer than 20,000 votes separated the “Yes” from the “No” votes, according to the Secretary of State’s Office.
Hot Air’s Beege Welborne reported exactly how little funding opposition to Proposition 1 had, proving that Democratic Party and Big Media messaging isn’t what it once was in the state.
Proposition 1 opponents had, like, all of $80,000 in the bank to spend against Newsom’s signature “mental health” boondoggle bill, and they are this close to tanking it anyway. That should be the shot across the bow that CA residents are getting tired of the taxing tyrant, that they’re plain running out of money or all of the above.
I am heartened to see my “No” vote has been counted and is making a slight difference in this state. I have so few political joys here; I must savor what I get.

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Governor Noisome is so bad, even Democrats are starting to notice.
They should check to see if the ink on the latest submitted ballots is dry.
Mental health is a contradiction in terms. You are either mental or you are healthy.
The State of the State is already well known…FUBAR.
Of course Newsom has delayed the California state of the state speech. There’s nothing really positive to say at this point about the state of California. The CA budget is billions of dollars short. Illegals are flooding into the state. Citizens are leaving as fast as they can rent U-Haul™ trucks. The major cities are covered in feces and populated by the homeless and drug addicts. And the citizens of California are beginning to notice what a third-world, banana republic sh**hole Newsom and there democrats have made of the state. So I can’t really blame Newsom for using whatever excuse he has to delay and put off the State of the State speech. What could he possibly say that anyone would believe.
All one needs to do is read Gavin’s twitter feed; he has no scruples about fabricating alternate realities. He’s a congenital, psychopathic, rich-boy, liar. Truly.
There’s something else going on here – and it’s not about his shameful political record or Prop 1.
He can’t think of anything he could say right now that would advance him in the party. So, wait — something will come up.
“What could he possibly say that anyone would believe.”
I think this principle has been abandoned for some time now.
CA facing lost decade under dem super majority. Gov newscum gives himself pat on back and raise.
USA: Most technologically advanced nation in history of world.
Also USA: Some of our guys need weeks n weeks to count, recount, count, recount ballots in an extremely low turnout election while Argentina can do the same in 24 hours.
*clown world*
I find it very odd that twitter’s google Spanish language translation of Milei’s posts to English are strangely inartful, while translations from 美国街头 to English are perfectly* comprehensible.
* poetry/literary translations fail big time, but that’s also true with machine translations of literary Russian works.
When I attempt to decipher Biden-ese, it’s always perfectly comprehensible DC jibberish.
The media does that for you. With filters and massage, of course.
I find it very odd that twitter’s google Spanish language translation of Milei’s posts to English are strangely inartful, while translations from 美国街头 to English are perfectly* comprehensible.
* poetry/literary translations fail big time, but that’s also true with machine translations of Russian literary works.
You can say that again!
No need for the governor to say anything. The state of the State is summed up nicely with the fact that weeks went by without ballots being counted.
He’s waiting for some dramatic national news on a Friday…so he can give the speech while everyone’s attention is focused elsewhe…..
A Squirrel!
Shasta county passed a “paper only” balloting provision. Newsom blocked it by decree. I think only incorporated municipalities under 1000 residents are allowed to use paper ballots/hand counting.
His bragging about buying CalFire a few new helicopters – as if doing so prevents Gaia’s catastrophic “climate change” wildfires – infuriates me to no end.
Burning people out of villages and hamlets located in Sierra-Cascades is a feature, not a bug.
And just wondering under what authority Newsom operates that he can block a county regulation “by decree” and not by any legislative action. Seems to me Newsom was overstepping his authority when he did that.
I don’t recall exactly how Newsom blocked Shasta’s ballot provision – don’t trust my somewhat faulty memory of events.
Tiki’s memory is incorrect. It was the legislature that made it illegal to count votes by hand, unless there are fewer than 1,000 voters at a regular election, or 5,000 at a special election.
Hey, remember he needs more illegal voters to pass his legislation. Your patience in this matter is appreciated.
Speaking of State of the Unions, remember when they used to be in late January or very early February? Trump’s first one was in late February. But, the rest of his were all in the more traditional time frame. All but one of Biden’s have all been in March or even April (2021). It’s odd.
No, not odd. It takes some time for Biden’s handlers to train him on the speech ramp him up on his amphetamines, and prepare him for public viewing.. That just doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time. Hence Biden’s penchant for giving the SOTU speech later in the year.
It takes time to lube the message in the Misstatement of the Disunion.
Newsom said they ate outside at the French Laundry restaurant.. They did not. He said that they were spaced around the table. They were not. He said he was there for just a short time. He lied..
maybe instead of running ads to convince women from the other 49 states to come to California to kill their unborn children, he should work on reforming our state election counting machinery. If Florida could do it after 2000, then California ought to be able to do it.
Warden Newsom wouldn’t be Governor with honest elections and he knows it.
He only makes such a speech if there’s something positive to say? At this rate, California won’t see a State of the Union speech for the next decade, if ever
It takes time to create falsified ballots in the numbers that they want to win by. Remember, these are California state employees doing it and competence will get you downgraded on your annual review.
Subotai Bahadur
Honesty and integrity will get you fired and cancelled.
They will keep counting until they get the results they want
I live in CA. I don’t need no stinkin’ state of the state address. I can see with my own eyes that this state is a hopeless shit hole …
But, like the socialist utopia of Venezuela, the media neglects to mention/show that.
Newsom is such a weasel.
I pray that come January 20, 2025, Trump will shut Cali down for good by denying it the huge federal funding it receives. Let’s put it up for sale. Maybe the Chinese will buy it. I bet Emperor Xi will have it cleaned up in a couple of years.
Xi already owns Newsom and Biden*.
“Delay due to California’s Proposition 1 measure for funding on mental health, a key component to Newsom’s agenda, remaining undecided as ballots are still being counted.”
Don’t you mean while ballots are being “found”? Voter fraud is a precise science here in Calizuela.
CA state public sector pension is unfunded. CA high speed rail is unfunded. House of cards all coming down in 3…2…1….