France Puts Abortion in Constitution, Allowed Up to 14 Weeks
Both parliament chambers 780 to 72 for the amendment at the Palace of Versailles.

Abortion is now in France’s constitution.
French lawmakers voted to make abortion a constitutional right, allowing it to be performed up to 14 weeks.
Both parliament chambers voted 780 to 72 for the amendment at the Palace of Versailles.
I want to puke. Abortion is abhorrent at any stage of the pregnancy.
“We’re sending a message to all women: your body belongs to you, and no one can decide for you,” Prime Minister Gabriel Attal declared.
Except for the unborn females, right? Their bodies don’t belong them and others can decide for them.
At 14 weeks, you cannot tell the sex of the baby via ultrasound, but as soon as the sperm fertilizes the egg, everything about the human is determined. Sex, eye color, hair color, body shape, etc.
So gross.
The “feminists” pushed to put abortion in the constitution after the U.S. overturned Roe v. Wade.
“There’s a lot of emotion, as a feminist activist, also as a woman,” exclaimed Laura Slimani, a member of the Fondation des Femmes rights group.
Any emotion for the unborn females? I know they probably hate males, so they don’t care about the unborn males.
Yael Braun-Pivet, head of parliament’s lower house, declared, “France is at the forefront.”
Yeah, I wouldn’t brag about being at the forefront when it comes to legalizing the murder of unborn human beings.
France hasn’t stopped celebrating. Imagine celebrating the destruction of unborn females on International Women’s Rights Day:
Shortly after the vote, French president Emmanuel Macron promised a national celebration in Paris on Friday, which happens to be International Women’s Rights Day.
Macron has been supportive of adding an abortion-focused amendment to the French constitution since Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022. Last week, he celebrated the French Senate’s vote that moved the amendment to its final step in the legislative process on Monday.
“I am committed to making women’s freedom to have an abortion irreversible by enshrining it in the constitution,” Macron said Wednesday in a post on X.

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Liberte, Egaglite, Fraternite, Demembrement
Whatever we many think of the decision the fact is a limitation of 14 weeks in France is a win for the anti abortion /pro life position in the USA. Most EU Nations have far more restriction on the timeline of an abortion than the lefty blue States would be willing to accept.
That another Western Nation, in this case France, put into place a timeline MORE restrictive at 14 weeks than Mississippi went to SCOTUS to defend in Dobbs (a 15 week limit) simply shows how extreme the pro abortion movement is in the USA.
This is the lovely country whose dwarf president married his mother. The country who put a 90-year old in charge to capitulate to and collaborate the Nazis, and then when the Germans lost sentenced the old man to death.
I agree, I am as pro-life as anyone but is it not clear that the rush to push outright bans or restrictions at 6-8 weeks has back-fired where tried here (Kansas, Ohio)?
The pro-life movement has worked so hard to get to a point where the hideous Roe decision was over-turned but we need time to let the emotion from that decision fade. We can then focus on education and technology to make the case in the long run that abortion is taking a human life and should be limited to the greatest extent possible.
Leftist love to point to Europe as a guidepost on political issues, lets use this French precedent to work to fight off the extremists at PP, NARAL, EL and the Democrat party at the state and national level.
Alabama has banned abortion as have a couple other States. The key is to get the most restrictive limits on abortion possible given the political make-up of a particular State. Mississippi ain’t Massachusetts and they will not have the same abortion restrictions.
I do agree with your point about tech and spread of information to educate. I would add that we should make the States the focus instead of trying to implement a Federal law that no one will want. Any Federal law would be too much compromise for both very restrictive States and the no restriction States.
The folks in purple or light red States need to be careful not to overshoot the mark by trying to pass anti abortion legislation or referendums that don’t have well above majority support. By that I mean don’t try to get 50%+1 vote and it squeaks by. Instead figure out what can get a solid 55% support and do that instead. Then later on after the education campaign try again.
You are absolutely correct about the d/prog being hoist on their own petard re EU examples as it relates to abortion restrictions.
It’s all posturing.
Remember when the Mississippi 15 week limitation was enacted post Roe v Wade reversal Macron came out with a statement that the American limits were “barbaric”. And not one liberal mainstream press outlet pointed out while covering that criticism that it was actually more lenient than the French abortion limits.
EU nations are permitted their own different laws on abortion. Not unlike the states in the US.
The US problem is right to life purists hanging too strict limits in Republican states, causing Republicans to lose elections.
You need enough time so that it’s very rare that you don’t find out you’re pregnant in time, those being the horror stories that motivate women.
Irregular periods or just not expecting to need to watch out for pregnancy after years of successful birth control.
Poland law more strict than any US state.
Poland is Catholic, so a hell of a lot more Christian than pretty much the rest of Western Europe who has forced God our and replaced him with good old woman living Moh 😂
Then they aren’t really nations, are they?
Effectively, they are mere provinces of the EU.
And the EU has all the “nation state” legitimacy of the WTO.
They may have to update Spiral season 5, where Laure boards the Paris-Holland train to get an abortion after 12 weeks. They’d have to go 14 now.
She got off the train before it left, expressing ambivalence, the abortion limit difference being a script device.
The Muslims are now in a better position to out-populate and control in a sooner time frame. Did they leave room for minarets for Notre Dame?
Absolutely disgusting.
France’s help was critical during our War for Independence / Revolutionary War, and it should be praised for it . . .
. . . but it’s been all downhill from there.
ChrisPeters: . . . but it’s been all downhill from there.
Well, the French did give the U.S. that bit of kitch, which the Americans stuck out in New York harbor.
By the way, when was the last time the French died fighting alongside Americans?
Murder is murder
Young people today would rather have a dog
Or a cat
Great. I mean how else can one advance liberty without guaranteeing the right to kill your baby? Pretty obvious that killing children is a necessary requirement for a free society. Way to go France..
Three takes on this:
— A right to bodily autonomy? Really? Now do jabs, er, I mean “Les Jabes.” Oh, some rights to bodily autonomy. Suddenly that seems more like interest group politics than a principle at play.
— The argument is what’s a human? Declaring a fetus a mere “clump of cells”, its removal like “cutting a nail” seems a bit much. (Callback to Dworken and McKenna, there.) I’m Ok with pushing humanity out past conception, to maybe age 26: can’t take care of their own health care, so not quite fully human. (Oh, wait, that was interest group politics again? Now do college loans.)
— While I’m a fan of selective retroactive abortion, so long as I’m the one picking, why all the focus on fixing a ?surprise? We know how this works. How about some mitigation ahead of time?(*)
For all the grappling and claim of better policy, there’s not a lot of grappling with the fundamental issues, while the policy flails.
(*) I’m actually kind of a fan — hypothetically — of selective, prospective abortion. Except for: Who decides? Who knows enough to decide? Who knows what is a better human? I have plenty of opinions on all of that, but I might be wrong.
“At 14 weeks, you cannot tell the sex of the baby via ultrasound…”
Yes, you can tell the sex at 14 weeks. I have ultrasounds of my son and of my daughter proving it.
“ I know they probably hate males, so they don’t care about the unborn males.”
They don’t hate all males. In fact, they prize males who pretend to be females over actual women.
So, why haven’t the pro-choice folks tried to get a Constitutional amendment in the US ?
Of course, the answer is two-fold.
1) it’s really hard to pass and amendment, the last 1992.
2) it would be an admission that the SCOTUS can’t confer rights, which it can’t
All abortion is murder. But a 14-week limit saves a lot of babies. Here it’s up to birth and stretches into infanticide territory (where the next push is heading).
I find your headline for the post to be interesting:
“France puts abortion in constitution, allowed up to 14 weeks”.
How about a different interpretation:
“France makes abortions after 14 weeks illegal”?
That’ll drive the abortionists nuts, since they want to be able to kill babies right up to and slightly after delivery.
Unfortunately, the US trend is to allow post-birth killings, by leaving the baby alone until the baby dies.
The doctor and the mother are the ones that will decide “What is best.”
For any D here in the US, a ban after 14 weeks = War on Women
Not only do D’s demand abortion on demand right up to the moment of birth, they also demand (and in some States this is the actual practice) that any child born alive that the mother had wanted aborted be left to die of exposure, naked and screaming, on a cold steel table.
Obama was the key player in the IL Senate that made sure that any babies that survived an abortion were murdered afterwards.