FDA Ordered by Court to Remove ‘Misinformation’ about Ivermectin Being “Horse Drug”

Legal Insurrection recently noted the anniversary of “15 Days to Slow the Spread” of the novel coronavirus, the pathogen at the center of the covid pandemic.

One of the consequences of this action was the use of “science” to force social media platforms to remove posts and tweets that challenged the assertions of Big Pharma and the bureaucrats connected to it. Thus dawned the “Era of Misinformation” and any tweet, post, or meme that challenged any aspect of the preferred covid narrative was targeted for removal.

Furthermore, those who made those posts were mocked, throttled, and sometimes completely silenced.

Now it appears that one agency overseeing public health matters put out its own actual misinformation.

One memorable example of the government’s attack campaign  focused on information related to Ivermectin. This particular anti-parasite drug won a Nobel Prize and had decades of human data showing that it was safe and effective. Some physicians reported good results when using it to treat patients with covid.

This is how the Food and Drug Administration chose to respond:

Three doctors fought back on this actual misinformation and took the FDA to court. The doctors prevailed, and now a federal court has ordered the agency to remove its attacks on Ivermectin use in humans.

The FDA has agreed to delete and never republish several social-media posts suggesting that ivermectin, a drug that some doctors used to treat COVID-19, is for animals and not humans.While the FDA still does not approve of using ivermectin to treat COVID, it settled Thursday a lawsuit brought by three doctors who sued it, as well as the Department of Health and Human Services and its secretary, Xavier Becerra, and FDA secretary Robert Califf. All parties have settled.The lawsuit, filed on June 2, 2022, was brought by doctors Mary Talley Bowden, Paul Marik and Robert Apter, each of whom claimed the FDA was interfering with their ability to practice medicine.The case was initially dismissed on the grounds the FDA had “sovereign immunity,” though a U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit reversed the lower court’s decision saying that the “FDA is not a physician.”

The agency must remove every bit of misinformation related to its “horse medicine” nonsense across all social media platforms. Bowden, the Houston-based Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist who was one of the three doctors to face-off against the federal agency, indicates that the effects of the FDA’s interference will linger.

According to the agreement, the case has been dismissed “with prejudice.” Within 21 days the FDA must remove “Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19” and delete related posts on X, LinkedIn, and Facebook.“The damage the FDA inflicted will linger, but future patients are now protected from one meaningful government intrusion into their medical care,” said Bowden.Last year the Texas Medical Board (TMB) filed charges against Bowden alleging she violated standards of care in prescribing medication for a patient with whom she did not have a prior physician-patient relationship and without conducting an exam. TMB also accused Bowden of unethical behavior and dissemination of disinformation.Initially scheduled for a public hearing in April 2024, Bowden says the state has moved the case to private mediation.

When the “Era of Misinformation” completely passes, I hope that the real information about whether or not ivermectin is effective in covid treatment is published and distributed widely.

In the meantime, trust in both science and journalism will continue to collapse.

Tags: FDA, Science, Wuhan Coronavirus