FDA Ordered by Court to Remove ‘Misinformation’ about Ivermectin Being “Horse Drug”
“The damage the FDA inflicted will linger, but future patients are now protected from one meaningful government intrusion into their medical care.”

Legal Insurrection recently noted the anniversary of “15 Days to Slow the Spread” of the novel coronavirus, the pathogen at the center of the covid pandemic.
One of the consequences of this action was the use of “science” to force social media platforms to remove posts and tweets that challenged the assertions of Big Pharma and the bureaucrats connected to it. Thus dawned the “Era of Misinformation” and any tweet, post, or meme that challenged any aspect of the preferred covid narrative was targeted for removal.
Furthermore, those who made those posts were mocked, throttled, and sometimes completely silenced.
Now it appears that one agency overseeing public health matters put out its own actual misinformation.
One memorable example of the government’s attack campaign focused on information related to Ivermectin. This particular anti-parasite drug won a Nobel Prize and had decades of human data showing that it was safe and effective. Some physicians reported good results when using it to treat patients with covid.
This is how the Food and Drug Administration chose to respond:
Three doctors fought back on this actual misinformation and took the FDA to court. The doctors prevailed, and now a federal court has ordered the agency to remove its attacks on Ivermectin use in humans.
The FDA has agreed to delete and never republish several social-media posts suggesting that ivermectin, a drug that some doctors used to treat COVID-19, is for animals and not humans.
While the FDA still does not approve of using ivermectin to treat COVID, it settled Thursday a lawsuit brought by three doctors who sued it, as well as the Department of Health and Human Services and its secretary, Xavier Becerra, and FDA secretary Robert Califf. All parties have settled.
The lawsuit, filed on June 2, 2022, was brought by doctors Mary Talley Bowden, Paul Marik and Robert Apter, each of whom claimed the FDA was interfering with their ability to practice medicine.
The case was initially dismissed on the grounds the FDA had “sovereign immunity,” though a U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit reversed the lower court’s decision saying that the “FDA is not a physician.”
Remember when the FDA said ivermectin was "horse paste" and said: "You're not a horse. You are not a cow. Stop it"
Well, the FDA has been forced to retract those false statements.
— Kat Kanada (@KatKanada_TM) March 23, 2024
The agency must remove every bit of misinformation related to its “horse medicine” nonsense across all social media platforms. Bowden, the Houston-based Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist who was one of the three doctors to face-off against the federal agency, indicates that the effects of the FDA’s interference will linger.
According to the agreement, the case has been dismissed “with prejudice.” Within 21 days the FDA must remove “Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19” and delete related posts on X, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
“The damage the FDA inflicted will linger, but future patients are now protected from one meaningful government intrusion into their medical care,” said Bowden.
Last year the Texas Medical Board (TMB) filed charges against Bowden alleging she violated standards of care in prescribing medication for a patient with whom she did not have a prior physician-patient relationship and without conducting an exam. TMB also accused Bowden of unethical behavior and dissemination of disinformation.
Initially scheduled for a public hearing in April 2024, Bowden says the state has moved the case to private mediation.
FDA loses its war on ivermectin and agrees to remove all social media posts and consumer directives regarding ivermectin and COVID, including its most popular tweet in FDA history.This landmark case sets an important precedent in limiting FDA overreach into the… pic.twitter.com/HWYkkZLpoJ
— Mary Talley Bowden MD (@MdBreathe) March 22, 2024
When the “Era of Misinformation” completely passes, I hope that the real information about whether or not ivermectin is effective in covid treatment is published and distributed widely.
In the meantime, trust in both science and journalism will continue to collapse.

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“The case was initially dismissed on the grounds the FDA had “sovereign immunity.”
Absurdity foisted on us by a federal agency and a corrupt, renegade judge.
They just make it up as they go along
Kind of like all the DEI AA heads of Ivy League universities with their plagiarism
Dumb as rocks, but until exposed, repeatedly, they rule
Sovereign immunity?! That was not “foisted on us” by any agency or corrupt judge. It’s been a principle of our legal system for as long as we’ve had one. As the Supreme Court put it more than a century ago: “It matters not what may seem to this court equitable […] It is useless to cite all the authorities, for they are many, upon the proposition. It is an axiom of our jurisprudence. The government is not liable to suit unless it consents thereto, and its liability in suit cannot be extended beyond the plain language of the statute authorizing it.”
In this case the appeals court said the FDA’s immunity doesn’t apply because, if the plaintiffs’ claim is correct, it exceeded its statutory authority. Congress authorized it “to inform, announce, and apprise—but not to endorse, denounce, or advise”, and there’s a “line between telling about and telling to”.
(The appeals court correctly did not take sides on whether the plaintiffs are correct; it merely ruled that if they’re correct then the FDA exceeded its authority and is therefore not immune to their suit.)
Don’t worry, Congress will amend the law so the FDA can decide what doctors can and cannot do instead of their more limited role of approving drugs.
The FDA clearly indicated they were frustrated that they couldn’t say or do what they wanted to and will be seeking that authority next.
This is a small win in a single skirmish against an ongoing war against a metastasized federal bureaucracy.
Imho you’re right
And unfortunately it’s not just a blob of a bureaucracy, it’s a bought and paid for bureaucracy.
Rather like having the Big Bad Wolf permanently in charge of the safety of Little Red Riding Hood.
How many people died because they couldn’t use Ivermectin early enough to ward off the Chinese Lung Pox?
Or any number of other alternatives Democrats deemed verboten?
I lost a cousin who was sent home, with no therapeutics, until he was so sick he was admitted to ER, intubated, given remdesivir and died.
My daughters husbands grandmother also died the same way
Many crimes against humanity like yours were committed on a mass scale.
Largest human subjects experiment without consent in history.
We need Nuremberg II.
The bottom line is that Pharma committed fraud to make a killing in profits, in the process killing a lot of people, with are more dying as a result on mRNA’s long-term complications. A possible way around that immunity is prosecution for fraud..
The estimates of unnecessary American deaths that I’ve seen are in the range of half-million.
Read or listen to Peter McCullough MD, Steve Kirsch, Pierre Kory MD, Paul Mario MD, Paul Alexander PhD, a few others
The following is copy/pasted from Steve Kirsch substack March 16, 2024:
“Executive summary
“A new trial out of Thailand recently published in the medical peer-reviewed literature with 995 participants showed that treatment with fluvoxamine and at least one other drug was 100% successful in preventing hospitalization from COVID. For those receiving standard of care, 37.5% required hospitalization.
“We presented evidence from multiple trials of the efficacy of fluvoxamine in early 2021 to the FDA in our EUA application, but they said that the benefits didn’t outweigh the risks and denied our EUA.
“Their decision made no sense as the scientific evidence couldn’t have been more clear at the time.
“Now, with this new trial result published, the FDA, CDC, NIH will continue to ignore this data, just as they have in the past. They will continue to recommend the unsafe and ineffective COVID vaccine as the only recommended treatment for COVID.
“I predict that the CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO, and Gates Foundation will never inform doctors or recommend any of these highly effective and safe early treatment combination drugs; it simply doesn’t matter how strong the evidence is.”
Paul Marik MD
(Not Paul Mario)
All of this was Pharma probably scheming.
Prior to it becoming corruptly employed as a political weapon against Trump Ivermectin was considered a ‘wonder drug’ by many due to its widely proven beneficial impact on the health and wellbeing of mankind.
That being said, how many people suffered or died from any of the many diseases doctors prescribed it for before it was banned in this perverse abuse of power?
How about a class act suit against the FDA for their despicably corrupt and irresponsible actions?
Many people suffered and some people died because of false actions by the FDA.
But no one in the FDA will lose any salary, will lose their pension and will not even have anything negative against their record. and some of them probably got high=paying jobs in the Covid industry complex.
Their actions were criminal and everyone in the FDA who participated should be indicted and imprisoned.
I would think it would be pretty easy to find those responsible for the decision to make Ivermectin off limits. There will be emails and meeting minutes setting out who decided to remove Ivermectin from being prescribed…and it will be easy enough to find everyone else in the command chain who went along with its banning.
Find them, fire them, make them all personally liable for the outcomes of their decision to support the command to make it unavailable.
After all, if it’s now possible to go after a former President for all manner of bullshit then it must therefore also be open season on Government officials for the decisions they made when in their Government day jobs.
“open season on Government officials”
That is why they are afraid of Trump.
The FDA put out that add because moron anti vaxxers decided to use vetinary quantities of the stuff to try to protect themselves. This lead to a number of hospitalisation.
Ivermectim has long been demonstrated to be an ineffective treatment for covid. It doesn’t work that’s just fact. No amount of tweets from anti vax frauds and idiots changes this
Objection. Assumes facts that are ABSOLUTELY not in evidence.
It was well reported at the time. https://news.ohsu.edu/2021/09/17/five-oregonians-hospitalized-due-to-misuse-of-ivermectin-for-covid-19
As for ivermectims efficacy this has been determined to br negligible by multiple large scale trials including meta analysis. For example https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9308124/
Do you really believe the things you say?
I will believe you if you can cite a few examples of hospitalization due to ivermectin overdose. When I looked at it, I had to consume something like 15 tubes of it in a day to reach the LD-50. I consumed zero tubes, but it seems unlikely people were dying from it.
Did you look it up? Geez I’m not even on this guy’s side but it takes two seconds to do so.
There have been deaths because people literally ingested veterinary formulations of the drug at toxic doses.
For god sakes, if you are going to take a non-OTC drug get a physician to prescribe it for you and if they wont’, get a second opinion. If the second and third opinion won’t, maybe you shouldn’t take it.
In case you try to dismiss the above as propaganda, here’s an old article (1997) of death for elderly people treated with ivermectin for scabies:
The first two are blatant propaganda, yes. You will note the calls were not “oh no, I’m dying! Save me poison control!” If memory serves, they were inquiries about safety.
The lancet one is nice. It’s new to me that ivermectin has a tiny chance of harming you if you are really old and have brain bleeding.
Again, for a non brain-bleedy person, how much ivermectin do you need to take to die? It’s a bunch. Like…way more than anyone ever took.
Belief has nothing to do with it, if you take a dose of a drug that’s in line for what horses use your going to have an issue.
Facts support my position, your welcome to dispute them or respond with your own
Do you have evidence that people did that? I understand that overdoses are bad. How much ivermectin is needed to overdose?
You’ve been provided evidence with contemporaneous reporting of the time. You tried handwaving that away pretending it was not serious (despite admittance to intensive care) and that it was ‘propoganda’. Seems to me it’d you that needs to defend your position not the otherwise around. Can you defend use of ivermectim a) in terms of doses for use in hordes or b) thatits even effective as a treatment?
“I got hospitalized after I used ivermectin to treat covid” is different from “ivermectin harmed me and caused a hospitalization.” That’s why it is not a good link. It doesn’t provide the data you say it does.
“People called poison control about ivermectin” is not the same thing as “I was poisoned by ivermectin” and it was reported at the time that those calls were informational rather than emergency.
My dismissal isn’t hand waving, though I know you want it to be.
I will ask again, approximately how much ivermectin does one have to consume to become very ill? I think that with that number in the open it will seem silly to think anybody would take that much. I also think you won’t take my word for the number and I also think you won’t look it up because it might shake your brainwashing and you can’t see yourself that way.
I have a farm and routinely. medicate animals. Drugs for this are the same as used for people. Doses are different because different species react to them differently.
You are an ignorant idiot. Spend more time educating yourself before shooting off and removing all doubt!
Ivermectim doses are based on body weight. So your response is inadequate
His response is not wrong. They are based on both body weight and organismal metabolism. The doses for humans have been normalized to our metabolism and thus are listed by body weight. The doses for animals have been normalized to their metabolism (diff. for dogs, horses, etc based on veterinary labeling).
You shouldn’t hand wave something Bart just because it gives a different side.
The reason that the elderly are more at risk of death by neurotoxicity from ivermectin are because their liver, kidneys, and overall metabolic functions are lower than the norm.
Now tell us the scientific basis for 6ft social distancing and wearing a mask both of which were foisted off as necessary measures, so necessary that they were mandated. When folks in govt get the simple things correct I might be willing to listen to them on more complex topics but not until then.
Don’t forget the vax mandates or you’re fired.
There are certain things that should not be legislated.
That’s not a claim I made so I’m not clear why you raise it as a response. I don’t even think the question makes a lot of sense, it’s a complicated multi facted thing lock down measures. There were clearly some gains with respect to measures taken but to what extent and with what cost is a hard thing to disentangle. Here is an interesting meta analysis which at least tries to break some of the issues down
I raise them b/c the same set of ‘experts’ demanding everyone get the Covid Jab also demanded six ft social distancing and masks.
Implied within your casual dismissal of those who questions the efficacy of the Covid Jab or sought alternatives as ‘antivax’ is an appeal to expertise/authority. The fallacy of that position rests on the presumption that the experts actually know what they are doing. The experience with Covid Cleary demonstrates the ‘experts’ not only didn’t know what to do but also ignored past protocols and existing evidence. As an example all the literature indicated pre Covid that masks were not only ineffective but in some cases harmful.
I would submit that when the ‘experts’ must change long-standing definitions of what a vaccine is/does from something that confers immunity at a high level with one dose and maybe one adult booster to something that only reduces severity but requires multiple doses each year to maintain even that minimal benefit that it is incredibly disingenuous to argue that folks who are hesitant are ‘antivax’.
With respect anti vaxxers spent there time smearing experts. You say it’s clearly the case that the experts got it wrong but the evidemce points in exactly the opposite direction. Anti vaxxers lied, smeared and bullshitted there way through covid and guess what a lot of anti vaxxers died because of it. Meanwhile people who had vaccines stayed alive with minimal issues. This is demonstrably the case from multiple studies including meta analysis.
No one changed the functional definition of what a vaccine is. This is you parroting talking points that have no basis. The fact is that a vaccine that protects you with minimal side effects whether it requires boosters or not does the job of a vaccine.
Traditional vaccines confer immunity not merely reduce the severity once infected.
The mask and social distance BS by the same crowd of Covid Karen and Fauci Fascists undermines their credibility on every other pronouncement.
While there are ‘anti vax’ folks who won’t take any vax there are those who are uniquely opposed to the Covid vax based on low efficacy, minimal benefit v natural immunity for an otherwise health person and due to concerns re mRNA in general.
It is disingenuous to lump all these folks under the banner of ‘antivax’. It is overly simplistic and frankly still wrong b/c it continues to suffer from the implied appeal to authority/expertise you have yet to overcome.
Sorry Bart the evidence does not point to efficacy of the vaccine. The virus is too mutagenic. The flu shot is barely on the edge of effective and COVID19 has a several fold difference in effective mutation rate (thanks to proofreading and transmissibility mechanisms) compared to influenza strains.
For about 6 months, the vaccine may have actually slowed the mutation and spread of the virus causing it to take longer to become endemic and prolong its capabilities to harm the vulnerable.
Basically, the virus could have killed millions in a year or millions in 10 years but the results would be the same from a macroscopic point of view. There’s really little difference because more vulnerable enter those demographics every year.
What BartE has posted is virtually the complete opposite of the truth.
The reason that people were interested in vet ivermectin was specifically because they wanted to know how to dose it for humans—because pharmacies wouldn’t dispense it
As for the “anti vaxxer idiot” libel, take a look at the number of vaccines that CDC recommends today vs 25-50 years ago. It’s staggering. And no one has ever demonstrated that the current vaxx schedule is
— safe, or
— effective
It’s hard to believe.
But then again, is it really?
See TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN (2022) by Anonymous
Also CAUSE UNKNOWN (2022) by Ed Dowd
And THE COURAGE TO FACE COVID (2022) by Leake & McCullough
Hard as it may be to wrap one’s brain around the fraud that’s been perpetrated against us, all you really have to ask yourself is:
If all these vaccinations were really so important, why are illegal immigrants from every corner of this planet being enrolled in schools amongst American children — with zero consideration of immunization status?
“What BartE has posted is virtually the complete opposite of the truth.”
But you could say that in response to practically anything BartE has ever posted here. The B is for Bizarro World.
As Treguard objected just above, you are assuming facts that are very much not in evidence. To the best of my knowledge children of illegal immigrants who are enrolled in schools are subject to the exact same immunization requirements as all other children in that school. There is no school, district, or state where they get an exemption just for being here illegally.
Around here, they get the same notices to get vaccinated, but nobody ever makes them.
The books you cite have been debunked and no one credible takes them seriously. In fact I’d put them in the grifter category.
Anti vaxxers are idiots which is why they had such a high death and hospitalisation rate during covid compared to vaccinated people.
Oh and just saying there are lots of vaccines isn’t an argument. So what.
Does the data set you claim distinguish between folks who got the Covid Jab and those who did not? The last several times I looked at the data they were still asserting that a person who received the Covid Jab and had any complications, including death, within the fist few weeks of receiving the Covid Jab was ‘unvaxed’.
Back out all the deaths of those who died or suffered any harm from the moment of ‘vaccination’ and then we can review further. Not until then.
There is a very good reason why a person with 1 vaccine dose in the first 2 weeks counts as unvaccinated because it takes 2 weeks for the vaccine to reach the point where its effective. Why would you include this group of people. Besides which this is a tiny subset of people compared to the whole population. In other words your argument is nonsensical
Are you claiming that no one was injured by an adverse reaction to the Covid Jab until the two week mark? Do you have data to support this contention? How many patients, otherwise healthy, who received the Covid jab died within two weeks and how many died after two weeks? When was this particular study run, where was it conducted, by whom, when was this data released and reviewed?
Have you removed all the ‘with Covid’ v ‘from Covid’ deaths from the existing data set? How about from the hospital treatment data? The Covid data sets ain’t exactly pristine with payouts increased for Covid. People and institutions react to economic incentives and the incentive to declare ‘it was Rona’ were very large.
Because while the alleged benefits from the jab may take two weeks to kick in, the alleged harm does not.
Please provide all details to support your claim that the books cited have been “debunked” and that “no on credible takes them seriously”. Awaiting your response. Thanks.
Your posts read like the car salesman in the movie FARGO
1. Factually, in fact, none of those three books nor their conclusions have been debunked nor responded to nor debated directly. The government agencies and the vaccine manufacturers decline to debate, in person in writing
Steve Kirsch has offered millions of dollars, no one takes him upon it. It’s a novel approach, but you have to acknowledge it’s pretty convincing.
2. Very few Americans would have died during Covid if Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and Vitamin D had been encouraged. To the extent that the mRNA products showed any efficacy early on, it soon became apparent that the toxicity over time makes them unfit for continued use.
3. The staggering expansion of childhood vaxx is very concerning and is, in fact, an argument that something is at play here other than what we might want to believe. So what? So, it turns out that cdc recommended vaccine schedules is huge, huge business. With almost zero civil liability. Heck of a business model.
The vaccine manufacturers make so much money worldwide that they can hire people like BartE to muck up honest debate instill doubt
To any thinking person, I really cannot recommend highly enough those three books:
Turtles All The Way Down
Cause Unknown (Dowd 2022)
Courage to Face Covid (Leake & McCullough 2022)
Finally: The U.S. had the highest Covid death rate. Why would any thinking person listen to anything that comes out of today’s CDC FDA NIAID
Regarding that fraud, follow the money, Pfizer and others.
If they were really only worried about overdoses they should have warned about that. “You are not a horse, you are not a cow, take a human-sized dose.” But they didn’t do that. They pretended that ivermectin is a drug for horses and cows, not for people. And that is simply a lie.
It was a direct response to people taking doses for horses from vetinary sources. It wasn’t a lie it was a response to idiots being idiotic. If the advert had been shown without that context you might have a point but it’s factually the case that it did so you don’t.
Now you’re just lying. They were explicitly claiming that ivermectin was a drug for animals and not for people. That is what they wanted people to believe. And it was a conscious, deliberate lie.
They also persecuted doctors who prescribed it for treating the Wuhan flu, as was their absolute legal right. Off label use is 100% lawful and proper, at the prescribing doctor’s sole discretion, and no authority has the right to second-guess the doctor.
Oh milhouse you pretending or being paranoid isn’t much of an argument. The advert never made any explicit claims did it.
They should have gone after Dr’s prescribing it because its incompetent to pres robe a drug that the scientific data demonstrates does not work. That’s medical negligence.
You willing to apply that standard for prosecution of Physicians who prescribed ineffective drugs to ALL medical advice and recommendations including Public Health? If not then your inconsistency reveals your hypocrisy. Puncher’s Fauci and Birx in prison for the mask and social distance BS they peddled as medically necessary first, then we can see about applying this standard to personal Physicians giving their patients personalized advice.
Bart, this ad did not appear in isolation. The CDC and the Democrat Party of which it is an active branch ran an active campaign to discourage and prevent people from treating Wuhan disease with ivermectin, despite all the evidence that it is an effective treatment.
And prescribing approved drugs for off-label use is standard medical practice. There are zero grounds for persecuting a doctor for doing so.
You are an expert in idiocy. In my opinion, Pharma and associates like Fauci ran a huge con for profit.
JFC. Why are you here? Now you’re even arguing with Milhouse.
STFU or take a hike.
People are at a far higher risk taking 7-8 boosters of the experimental gene therapy drug than from cruising into the Tractor Supply and buying Ivermectin which is labeled for horses. If people do such a thing then I’m sure they are prone to other risky behavior and are doing the gene pool a service
I look forward to your study or preferably meta analysis demonstrating that’s the case. Preferably one that overrides with better evidence the multiple studies and meta analysis that demonstrate you to be completely wrong.
Meanwhile people in previously under represented age groups are some how magically now being over represented with Sudden Death Syndrome. Boy, if only there was something that happened in the last 3 to 4 years involving mass vaccination of age groups not particularly at risk from death that could be attributed to this sudden spike in mortality rates? Seems to be a lot going around these days eh. Im sure its all totally coincidence! If only we had locked down sooner and harder. Just do as youre told! think of the children!
iT’s LOnG cOVid!!
There was this thing called covid. Funny that. I’ll look forward to your citations demonstrating your argument.
“This lead to a number of hospitalisation.”
What is that number?
“Ivermectim has long been demonstrated to be an ineffective treatment for covid. ”
By who? When?
Statistically adjusted mortality rates for unvaccinated and vaccinated patients were 8.3% (95% CI, 8.1–8.5) and 5.1% (95% CI, 4.8–5.4) respectively
Multiple studies over several years. It’s just not debatable anymore.
“No significant difference in all-cause mortality rates or PCR negative conversion between IVM and controls”
And delayed morbidity and mortality from long-term side effects = ?
(e.g., progressive cardiomyopathy as sequel to myocarditis, immune system impairments, cancers etc)
That’s why testing, testing, testing long term clinical trials before rolling an experimental gene transfusion treatment to billions.
And why should anyone trust those studies?
Studied by paid stooges.
“Altogether, this study supports the use of immunomodulatory
drugs such as IVM, to improve the clinical condition of SARS-CoV-
2-infected patients.”
“Ivermectin prophylaxis used for COVID-19 reduces COVID-19 infection and mortality rates: A 220,517-subject, populational-level retrospective citywide observational study.”
“Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ivermectin in COVID-19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance. Furthermore, results from numerous controlled prophylaxis trials report significantly reduced risks of contracting COVID-19 with the regular use of ivermectin.”
These are just a few of the articles in my library. I recall a Japanese study in which the authors recounted noticing that many African countries weren’t having a problem with Covid, compared to some fewer neighboring countries that did. The difference between these countries? Those without a Covid problem had populations on Ivermectin as an anti-parasitic, while the other countries relied on other anti-parasitics. The study’s authors recommended to Japan’s Ministry of Health that Ivermectin be studied as a potential prophylactic against Covid-19. I read nothing of any follow up by the ministry, which would align the ministry with most other national health agencies in its antagonism to non-vaccine solutions to Covid.
No, they put it out because they themselves responsible at FDA are imbeciles.
“Moron anti-vaxxers” used veterinary Ivermectin because the FDA’s “advice” to not prescribe it was taken as an order by nearly every doctor in the country, and nearly all pharmacies refused to honor what few prescriptions were written. Had the FDA not issued said advice, and had doctors and pharmacies not been in lockstep with (what turns out to have been) the anti-science issuances of the FDA, it would not have been necessary to turn to veterinary Ivermectin. (A medication which many safely and effectively administered to themselves by using easily available instructions on how to “cut” veterinary Ivermectin to make it safe for human use.)
Crocus terrorist #1 remanded to Black Dolphin Prison to await May 12 closed-door trial.
The Vaxers and their myrmidon Maskers will continue to spread this lie citing the now removed FDA post as “proof”.
I am reasonably certain the morons at FDA responsible for the equine fecal material “paste” posting were “Didn’t Earn It” beneficiaries.
I want to know who they were.
Better late than never. The “horse paste” has been known for years now to treat the symptoms of Covid (coughing and loss of smell) if given within 72 hours. It’s an orthogonal therapeutic to the therapeutic vaccine, but that’s done literally all the time in medicine — if you get the flu despite the flu shot, you don’t leave the flu symptoms untreated, unless you just want people to suffer. Hmm….
Why would an anti-parasite drug work as an anti-viral?
There’s no a priori reason why it should, but the evidence indicates that it does.
Rather, why wouldn’t one?
Doing most anything has multiple effects, that’s before you get to gimmies from similarities across biology. Would that drugs generally only each did the one thing.
A more interesting question is how might a drug used as an anti-parasitic also work as an anti-viral? Or help with a particular virus?
Latest authoritative info
A lot more is known than is portrayed in the usual media.
The fifth International Covid Summit was held this year in Washington DC — just a month ago.
Have you heard about it?
Re-emphasize: Fifth annual international Covid Summit. Did you hear about the 1st or 2nd? Etc
Many presentations, in general , 15-minute videos, multiple topics — quite informative, not super difficult to digest.
For example: From public death records, there have been over one million excess deaths in the USA since the mRNA vaxx rollout. And many more nonlethal events.
This is the kind of conferencing that has always been “The Science” btw , how “science” is done.
Clearly, the CDC and FDA no longer serve the Little Red Riding Hoods , which was the original mandate. Today, they serve the Big Bad Wolf, and as adults we just have to accept that unfortunate reality and go on about Living, best we can.
(Wasn’t intended as REPLY to DaveGinOly)