England Gender Identity Clinics No Longer Prescribing Puberty Blockers to Children
“Puberty suppressing hormones (PSH) are not available as a routine commissioning treatment option for treatment of children and young people who have gender incongruence / gender dysphoria.”

NHS England confirmed gender identity clinics in the country will no longer prescribe puberty blockers to children.
“Puberty suppressing hormones (PSH) are not available as a routine commissioning treatment option for treatment of children and young people who have gender incongruence / gender dysphoria,” NHS England published on its website.
The decision only affects England, not Scotland or Northern Ireland.
It follows a public consultation on the issue and an interim policy, and comes after NHS England commissioned an independent review of gender identity services for children under 18 in 2020.
The review followed a sharp rise in referrals to the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) – a specialised service for young people who experience difficulties in the development of their gender identity – run by the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, which is closing at the end of March following repeated scrutiny.
In 2021/22, there were more than 5,000 referrals to GIDS, compared to just under 250 a decade earlier.
Dr. Hillary Cass led the independent review of the services for those under 18. She found that GIDS did not gather “routine and consistent data.” Therefore, GIDS could not “accurately track the outcomes and pathways that children and young people take through the service.”
Cass wrote in her March report, “It has become increasingly clear that a single specialist provider model is not a safe or viable long-term option, in view of concerns about lack of peer review and the ability to respond to the increasing demand.”
Cass also said that once the clinic diagnosed the person with “gender-related distress, other healthcare issues ‘can sometimes be overlooked.'”
BREAKING: Children will no longer be prescribed puberty blockers at gender identity clinics, NHS England has confirmed.https://t.co/TjX9ErOK5s pic.twitter.com/mvXgJ7chaC
— Sky News (@SkyNews) March 12, 2024

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How many children did they destroy before this decision and will the doctors be held accountable? How about all those pushing that Dr Mengele experiment on the youth.
While puberty blockers given to children is definitely wrong, and the prescribers should be punished, for you to say that the this is the same thing that Dr. Mengele did is utter insanity:
SS physician Josef Mengele conducted inhumane, and often deadly, medical experiments on prisoners at Auschwitz. He became the most notorious of the Nazi doctors who conducted experiments at the camp. Mengele was nicknamed the “angel of death.” He is often remembered for his presence on the selection ramps at Auschwitz.
“ conducted inhumane, and often deadly, medical experiments”
You’re not making a good case for your point 😂😂
No, JR is correct. What was done in the gender clinics was wrong and harmful to children, and deserved to be strongly criticized.
But what Mengele (and Japan’s Unit 731) did is far, far worse. We should not minimize the evil of Mengele and Unit 731; diver64 is wrong to minimize their conduct and rehabilitate Mengele’s reputation by treating his actions as comparable to what was done at Tavistock.
You made my point for me. Medical experimentation on children. Grip yourself.
If you still have somewhere to grip.
JR Mengele
Always making insane excuses for evilness
No, I’m saying that if you post that everything you are against, and I am against as well, when you say that it is just the same as the Nazis and Mengele, then you lose all credibility. When people around the world read LI and find out that the commentators here compare everything against Biden and the Democrats as Nazis, then you have lost all of them. You have lost all credibility. You are hurting Trump and Republicans.
“No, I’m saying that if you post that everything you are against, and I am against as well, when you say that it is just the same as the Nazis and Mengele, then you lose all credibility.”
But we are NOT suggesting that everything we are against, and that you pretend to be against for the purpose of concern trolling, is just the same as Nazis and Mengele.
THAT is a practice that is exceedingly common with those on your side of the aisle..
WE are saying that the medical gender experimentation on children is very much like the medical experimentation on children of Mengele–who also indulged in some gender based experimentation.
WE are comparing like things to like, whereas you and yours will often suggest that things like Jews not wanting to be slaughtered by Muslims (who want to slaughter Jews) is the moral equivalent of Nazis wanting to kill Jews.
On this issue, JR is on your side of the aisle. It’s irrational and ineffective to drive allies away by overreacting to a notable contemporary evil while minimizing a far greater evil of a time shortly before our own. We can do better than to succumb to the narcissism of the present. Better that we rejoice together in a modest victory and focus on the battle that remains.
“You are hurting Trump and Republicans.”
Concern troll is concerned!
Defaming Trump is HIS job!
Gender Identity Clinics
Confused people go there so they can identify what gender you are. I understand they are able to certify it and provide you with a gender ID card that you can carry around with you.
If you want to know more about this disaster of health care , read Time To Think. its the best piece of investigative journalism I’ve ever read and it unmasks this tragedy and what really happened completely and honestly.
Prosecute them and sue them into the Stone Age.
Unless there are tribunals, they’ll just keep doing this.
There is a change in Government coming in the UK and Labour is fully onboard the identity politics bus and allowing adults to fuck children.
Great news.
And only about 12 years too late.