Elite State Senator Claims That She ‘Feels Like A Slave’ Because She’s Not In the Majority. Or Something.
This is the epitome of privilege

Okay, there isn’t much that riles me more than a privileged, rich, powerful person whinging on about how they are victims of racism. Add in, gee, I “feel like a slave,” and I am done.
'I Feel Like a Slave:' @SenatorLamar (D-Memphis) Says GOP Supermajority Is Enslaving Her Because She's a Black Woman
"That's a form of slavery," Lamar said. "I feel like a slave sometimes in this building." Video: @FOXNashville pic.twitter.com/NtkokwVZIF
— KWAM News Radio 990 AM Memphis (@Mighty990KWAM) March 15, 2024
I have to say that I am so over this crap it’s not even funny, but here we go, a rich, black state senator has the audacity to claim that she “feels like a slave” because her party is not in the majority in her state.
She's a disgrace. The terror, oppression, violence (sexual and otherwise) that actual slaves endured under many slave owners is belittled and mocked by this privileged, elite state senator. She is a disgrace to her race. To Tennessee. To women. To Everyone. How. Dare. She!!!
— Fuzzy Slippers (@fuzislippers) March 16, 2024
This is the epitome of privilege. How do you claim to be oppressed and a “slave” if you are making bank as a duly-elected state official?
Needless to say, people had thoughts.
Elected public official, lawmaker, gets paid a not-insignificant sum, compares herself to a slave.
Amazing how willing some people are to piss on the graves of their ancestors for attention.
— Uncultured Purrl (@AmericanPurrl) March 16, 2024
More like a spoiled brat, mad 'cause she doesn't get her way.
Elections have consequences.
— MAGA – American Pitbull
(@MelissaRNMBA) March 16, 2024
I’m a slave unless my policy preferences are followed.
— Robert T. Ives (@Justalurke) March 16, 2024
I don’t think this clown understands the nature of what slavery was, or she wouldn’t say something this ignorant. Her words are an affront to the forebears that suffered actual slavery so she could stand up there and spew garbage out of her pie hole. What a jackass.
— Just Tracy (@TracyOnFire2020) March 16, 2024

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I feel like a slave because of people like her in Government…
I said previously that the KKK changed color.
So have the slaves. Who has their labor stolen to pay for welfare programs? Who will be paying reparations?
The solution, of course, is simple (as it usually is). Just put a box on the form 1040 — “Do you want to contribute $5 to the American Reparations Fund?” Every year, the money (less 10%) will be passed out pro rata to Black people.
Just because a person is black is no proof that their ancestors were slaves.
I haz a question:
If today’s (white) US citizens owe money to black Americans/descendants of slaves, if they are paid now, will the recipients’ descendants continue to have a claim? And, if not, why not? Because some of the descendants of slaves have already been compensated? That is, if the descendants of slaves are due money now, why wouldn’t their descendants have a claim as well? How does giving reparations to some of the descendants of slaves now cure the injury of slavery for future generations of descendants? If all of the descendants of slaves are owed reparations, why wouldn’t that include future generations?
Asking for a fren.
She needs to give up her cushy political job and go back to cleaning motel rooms. Honey you have no special standing due the color of your skin. You, and your kind have a leg up in the field, in your minds, due totally to the color of your skin. You are no better and no worse than anyone else. You deserve zero respect due soley to your skin color. I could care less what your supporters think of you. I think you are just using your position to promote racism. Over 50 yrs since MLK’s freedom fight, you and yours have learned nothing. You have had better chances than white and other students in schools, careers and more. The scales have been tipped in favor or P of C. The fact you have abused it is a sham. MLK would be disappointed in you I bet.
There is a simple action she can take so that she no longer feels like a slave. Support conservative actions and strategies, become an R and “easy peasy lemon squeezy” she won’t feel like a slave any more. These actions are 100% within her control. Problem solved.
IF she ran under that label it’d just be a lie. She’s an oppressor like all democrats.
Time to cancle London Lamar for toxic anti-white rhetoric. CRT is such a fraud. There will be no reparations.
She is a slave to racist ideology that tells her she will never be happy as long as there is one white person better off than she is. Her only hope of happiness is to have her husband run for president and, if he gets elected, she can for the first time in her life be proud of her country. Of course even that comes with pitfalls…she would have to live in a house built by slaves.
“that she ‘feels like a slave’ because her party is not in the majority in her state”
No problem. Just settle in CA, MA, NY, NJ, MD, IL, CT, ME, RI, VT.
How about Zimbabwe?
I’m so sick of the slavery card. Enough already.
You should have said something sooner. I just got you a 12 pack for your birthday.
Aww. You shouldn’t have. You really, REALLY shouldn’t have…
You’ll like ’em. They’re the official BLM deluxe edition with gold trim.
Are they the Freddy Gray Commemorative Edition?
They are the Michael Brown Big Boys with a Flamboyant Floyd joker. And a 100 dollar off coupon for a box of I Can’t Breathe breath mints.
So…. How long before JR shows up and whines about Lamar is sooooooo RACIST!
Come on JR, unpack your scrotum, be a man, and tell us how racist this is.
“How long before JR shows up and whines about Lamar is sooooooo RACIST!”
What’s racist? This woman is a blithering idiot. The only time JR “whines” about racism is when you and your butt-buddy Howard and that mouth-breather JohnSmith make actual disparaging remarks about black people and Muslims as a whole. You know, the actual definition of racism?
I’d whine more about how the allegedly highest ranking enlisted member of the AF can’t even construct a grammatically correct sentence, but then again, I never found NCOs to be all that particularly bright.
Keyboard warrior.
As I stated previously. I am not seeking your approval, nor am I swayed by your commentary.
So…. Fuck off.
Plus, regardless of what you think, I still get Chief Master Sergeant retirement pay at nearly 75%, all of the privileges associated with being a retired Chief, all of my education (including pursuing a doctorate) paid for with Post 9/11 GI Bill.
Followed by retirement from the healthcare industry, and starting my own company afterward.
So, your candy ass keyboard warrior bullshit does not affect me in any way.
And I still believe that Muslims are the lowest from of life on the planet.
So, how’s that for “religionisim?”
Because, ummmm, Muslim is not a race, douche nugget.
Yeah, that should be Trump’s campaign slogan: “I still believe that Muslims are the lowest form of life on this planet.” See how far that would go.
That’s my statement asshat. Not Trump’s.
He has nothing to do with this.
AF_Chief_Master_Sgt posted:
“And I still believe that Muslims are the lowest from of life on the planet.”
You are so racist that you should become the Grand Wizard of the KKK. But you may be even too racist for them.
I upvoted you on that.
But I’m not Joe Biden or Robert Byrd. Both Democrats, by the way. You’d love them.
They are right in line with your thinking that blacks can’t take core of themselves and need a white savior like yourself.
But you always have a way to prove me right.
There is no Muslim ‘race’.
Hmmmm. Thad Jarvis. A character on South Park. One of the most juvenile shows on television. While funny at times, you choosing that name shows how sophomoric you are. If your mom named you Thad Jarvis, you probably got your ass kicked in school.
If I recall, you claimed to be Army Intel PsyOps. Military Intelligence is considered a joke – an oxymoron.
Regarding your belief that NCOs aren’t bright, it’s a good thing I am a senior NCO.
But if I have you pegged correctly, you are probably a Mustang officer in the Army, who cheated his way through a Geography degree. At best, even if you made it through ROTC, all that’s required for many officers in the Army is the ability to obtain a 110 on the exam, and the ability to fog a mirror.
That is probably your cohort.
Well.. still a Chief.
Haven’t been hit by a lightning bolt.
With your comments and my $20 bill, I can go out to the bar to get some whine and cheese.
From the home of the National Civil Rights Museum, her lesson is to trivialize civil rights until it means nothing at all. Another shameful and divisive public servant, if this is any indication.
It means nothing to me anymore, at least not the normal American agenda around it. It’s just a grift now, and lots of people know it. Equality was achieved and surpassed long ago, now they’re on to what MLK called “true equality” by which he meant equity, and we’ve caught on to it. Biden is trying to prolong the hustle, he went to the Edmund Pettis Bridge for something or other, and nobody cared.
Do not subscribe to the idea that King subscribed to equity.
Looks like she is not democracy’s biggest fan.
She said “gloves off”. OK, gloves off then.
She could also move back to the country where the tribal chief sold off her relatives into slavery and seek reparations there.
I have it on good authority there are daily international flights to the African continent. Tickets can be purchased online.
I advise this terribly oppressed state senator to immigrate to one of the many majority black African nations to be free from ‘slavery’, and put her considerable talents to work improving life for her fellow Africans.
Why go that far? Haiti is closer.
Memphis is known for its barbecue. Haiti has Barbecue. It’s a match made in heaven.
That works too.
My ancestors came from Africa, according to Biden’s calculations, sixteen, million, thousand, two million, three hundred, twenty six, trillion, zillion, seventeen million months years ago.
So, I guess that makes me African.
Boy, do I feel like a slave. More so than my Irish ancestors who came to America as indentured servants.
Where my repetitions?
Life isn’t fair, and you are not entitled to anything you don’t or won’t work hard for. Get over it.
Hearing an echo of my father’s straight-talk words from the distant past.
(Dad? Is that you?)
Sounds to me like a call for violence against a certain skin color. That shows no content of character exists, therefore she should be ignored.
“… I am so over this crap…”
You may be over this crap, but this crap is not over you.
When folks regularly invoke tribalism they are either grifters, tyrannical narcissists or both.
They could just be tribalists from a non-western civilization culture.
More than Dr King died in Memphis. This POS runs up the slavery card as if anyone, even her fellow travelers, believe one word of this crap. Slavery was a stain on this country, for the 79 years post founding. Over the last 159 years it has been the demonrats that have kept the African American community in strife and turmoil. This morons own party. FJB
I don’t call him Dr., and he was for the grift too. Equality of opportunity was just the first stop on his train. After that he wanted “true equality” meaning equality of outcomes. A more meritorious guy was Booker T. Washington.
The classical music station this morning said that for a long time people didn’t believe that women could write large works like symphonies and operas but at 1pm today they’ll feature such works by women.
It’s another oppression thing.
I”d suppose, like everything else today, this is all against white men, and is best analyzed that way.
Are you going to listen to hear how good they are? Actually I don’t like much of anything I’ve heard that’s post 1900. Heck I don’t like most of Rimsky-Korsakov, just too hard to listen to. There are some very good female performers, but typically, after one wrings out all one can from proper technique, a musical instrument benefits from the raw upper body strength (strings) or power of breath (winds and brass) a man brings to it, so women are limited by that.
I like some modern “classical” music. But (as a band geek long ago) so many modern composers try too hard to make the music complex instead of beautiful. Almost like “If you aren’t a good enough instrumentalist to play my music, then you’re just not worthy.” It was a classic case of focusing too much on the form and not the function.
As to women composers…. That’s something I’ve been seeing an ad for, by Sony, IIRC. Only 8% of music is produced by women, or something. Then the women go off in a self-driving car (destination is unknown). It’s really weird and pointless. There are good and bad women composers. The problem (as with so much else) is when you require that all the women be celebrated, even the ones that suck.
You posted the same damn thing on Althouse Blog today. One trick pony.
I object to the characterization of slavery as a stain upon our country. It is a stain on humanity that was practiced world wide until two countries risked blood and treasure to end it. One country, by some estimates suffered 750,000 deaths in that pursuit.
Instead of constantly insisting it a stain upon us, the ending of slavery should be seen as one of our most enduring achievements and celebrated by the freed.
Only ignorant grifters and liers seek out one corner of the stain while ignoring the US and Uk stain removal. Slavery thrives to this day and the blacks who revel in its past could go a long way towards reclaiming some dignity if they tried to do something about it.
Sadly, pity, looting, and self loathing are easier to come by, requiring no work or thought.
It’s become an excuse for a grift. Not all practice the grift, but we don’t need to submit to those who do.
She’s a slave because of who she votes for and their policies….just like the rest of us, regardless of color,
Gee, I live in a blue community, surrounded by over educated liberals eager to give away public money. Yet, oddly, I have no whip scars on my back. My old boss was unreasonable at times, but was forced to pay me dearly for the privilege. Am I a slave??? Now I’m not sure …
In the next election, maybe her constituents will elect someone else.
She would cry racism… even if her replacement was not white.
Kind of hard for those of us at the bottom to hear you from way up there.
Cultural Marxism is her game
I’ve felt slaves, Senator Lamar, and you don’t feel anything like one.
I have to admit the mean streak in me would – every single day – demand she go off and do some task. “Why aren’t you bringing me my morning coffee?” “There’s a mess in the next hallway. Go clean it up.” “Sweep this chamber!”
When confronted, my answer would be, “She said she feels like a slave. I’m just trying to validate her lived experience, you know?”
Notice she feels like a slave because her party is in the minority. Let her be part of the majority at some time in the future, will she then consider herself a slave owner and an oppressor?