Democrat Strategist James Carville Uses Assassination Metaphor While Discussing Trump on CNN
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Democrat Strategist James Carville Uses Assassination Metaphor While Discussing Trump on CNN

Democrat Strategist James Carville Uses Assassination Metaphor While Discussing Trump on CNN

“Wet work is often used as a euphemism for murder or assassination. The term alludes to spilling blood.”

Democrat strategist and former Bill Clinton staffer James Carville recently appeared on CNN and used an obvious reference to assassination to describe the strategy Biden should be using against Trump.

As you’ll see in the video posted below, both Carville and host Anderson Cooper knew exactly what he was referring to, and Cooper even smirked as they acknowledged this fact.

With one breath, Democrats and liberals in media tell you that they’re deeply concerned about Trump’s rhetoric. In the next breath, they’re chuckling about using lethal force against him.

FOX News reports:

Carville advises Biden to have others do his ‘wet work’ against Trump: ‘Take a guy out’

Democratic Party strategist James Carville said on Wednesday President Biden should let others do the “wet work” for him when it comes campaigning against former President Trump.

Wet work is often used as a euphemism for murder or assassination. The term alludes to spilling blood.

Carville appeared on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” where he discussed Biden slamming Trump during a recent speech.

“You are a proponent of the president and all his spokespeople in the campaign doing that more and more,” Cooper said.

“Yeah, not so much him,” Carville responded. “I mean, to be candid, Anderson, President Biden is not the best attack politician I’ve ever seen in my life, and I’ll leave it at that. But there are a lot of people to do what I call ‘the wet work.'”

“Sounds like a mob hit,” Anderson quipped.

“Well, it’s kind of, but it’s paid TV and stuff like that. But yes, that’s a CIA term,” Carville said. “Take a guy out.”

They both knew exactly what was being said. Watch:

From the Merriam Webster Dictionary:

wet work

1 work involving water or wet substances

2 work involving murder or assassination

We just went through a week long news cycle over the media’s distortion of Trump’s use of the word ‘bloodbath.’ Trump was talking about the auto industry but the media, and the Biden campaign, deliberately took the word out of context to portray Trump as a dangerous demagogue.

James Carville’s comments on the other hand, will be ignored, because they don’t really care about rhetoric at all.

Featured image via Twitter video.


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James Carville was/is the Clinton’s primary political wet work specialist. Their secondary one is pretending to be a journalist on ABC.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Martin. | March 22, 2024 at 1:59 pm

    The Clintoon’s were good at making people they disliked disappear or die under strange circumstances. Of course, Carville was around during that time, and more than likely was whispering in the ears of those who do that kind of wet work.

    ”Like, take a guy out.”

They probably can’t see another way to get their pedophile back in.

    mailman in reply to Ironclaw. | March 22, 2024 at 12:39 pm

    Which is kind of odd given all they need to do is watch the polls and around 2am when they know how many ballots they need to generate they can then just do what they did last time round 😂😂

      Ironclaw in reply to mailman. | March 22, 2024 at 7:34 pm

      The difference is we have a record now. There cannot be that many people who hate their money so much that they want another 4 years of Brandon the pedophile.

That viper Carville certainly has developed the face he deserves.

2smartforlibs | March 22, 2024 at 11:34 am

Again a violation of Title 18. What the left would call an insurrection

Carville surely knows that there are a lot of “crazies” in the world. How is this not incitement? In a sane world, wouldn’t Carville get a visit from the Secret Service and the FBI.? and Anderson Cooper as well?

    alaskabob in reply to jb4. | March 22, 2024 at 12:32 pm

    “Stochastic terrorism”…..

    JackinSilverSpring in reply to jb4. | March 22, 2024 at 2:44 pm

    If Carville were a Republican using the same language for Brandon he would have been thrown into jail never to be heard of again.

      No, he wouldn’t. There’s nothing to charge him with. It’s not a threat, and it’s not incitement, so it’s free speech.

        Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Milhouse. | March 24, 2024 at 10:39 am

        Oh no, it’s never incitement to violence when the democrats do it. That’s only reserved for republicans and others out of favor with the democrat party. The democrats are never fecking held accountable for their speech or actions. Nor do I expect to see the propaganda arm of the democrat party (aka the mainstream media) freaking out about it like they did over the word “bloodshed”. So yeah, let’s just let others do the “wet work” for the democrat party. Perhaps they could consult Hillary on the down low as she seems to be highly experienced at eliminating people (60 “suicides? Yeah, right) that could become a problem for her or her family.

          It’s never incitement to violence when a Republican does it either. No Republican has ever been charged with incitement to violence for such speech, any more than any Democrat has ever been charged. The law is enforced equally and fairly, at least in this regard.

    Subotai Bahadur in reply to jb4. | March 22, 2024 at 8:40 pm

    The only reason that Carville would get a visit from the Secret Service or the FBI would be for them to tell him to be more discreet.

    Subotai Bahadur

    Milhouse in reply to jb4. | March 23, 2024 at 11:28 pm

    It doesnt’ fit the definition of incitement.

    A visit would only be warranted if there were a serious concern that he might be planning something himself.

Kaiser’s Maxim: “The left will always, eventually, use violence, threats of violence, or glorification of violence to advance their agenda. Always.”

Filthy sh*tlibs and their double standards. Get f*cked, sh*tlibs.

Let’s count the pearls clutched over ‘wet work’ v ‘bloodbath’ and then use that as a barometer of fairness and equity in legacy media. Sadly we won’t have to b/c we know the answer.

In other words, he’s suggesting there will be a bloodbath,

LeftWingLock | March 22, 2024 at 1:01 pm

Don’t worry. DoJ on this and I predict Carville will be indicted on Monday. | March 22, 2024 at 1:09 pm

If the liberal Nazi controlled media wants to throw around the word assassination, I’d like it put into proper context… The word needs to be used in conjunction with ending the tyrannical totalitarian rule of the authoritarian Nazi controlled Democratic Party. Starting with Barack Obama.

are Cooper and Madcow the same person ??

Smarmy, loathsome leftist dirtbags!

Why is Carville wearing a Marine Corps hat? Was that toad in the Marines?

    drsamherman in reply to GWB. | March 22, 2024 at 1:27 pm

    That toad was in the Marines from 1966-68, rank of Corporal, served stateside at Camp Pendleton. Speaks with bravado of a Marine, but with the authority of a desk jockey.

    Gosport in reply to GWB. | March 22, 2024 at 6:39 pm

    He constantly uses USMC and LSU logos/apparel in his TV appearances, both being symbols of his relevancy….. 50 years ago.

I take his threat to be as serious as the 90 lb girl with pink ponytails situated behind the steering wheel of a Prius that sports a bumper sticker stating that she would rather be executing billionaires. I don’t think she could follow through, but she is more than welcome to attempt an execution attempt.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to scooterjay. | March 22, 2024 at 2:07 pm

    But you know that the crazies like James Hodgkinson, who shot Steve Scalise and four others, are out there. All they need is the real dog whistle that tells them to start killing.

    There have been plenty of recent assassination attempts, even against a SC Justice.

    So we know that this is Carville’s call to violence that all leftists want to gain and keep power.

      nordic prince in reply to AF_Chief_Master_Sgt. | March 22, 2024 at 2:18 pm

      My theory is that the crazies (whoever they may be) have been given post-hypnotic suggestions (perhaps under therapy? A good number of them are or have been under mental care) and ready to act as soon as they hear code words from the media. I don’t think they are aware they are being used in this way.

      Think “Manchurian Candidate.”

        AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to nordic prince. | March 22, 2024 at 6:01 pm

        I just think they are all mentally deranged and don’t need hypnotic suggestions. Some people just want to kill others. They just need to be pointed in the right direction… which is Trump is bad, conservatives are bad, Republicans are bad, Jews are bad, Christians are bad, (add on as needed).

        When a person or group is dehumanized, it’s easy to want to kill them.

Death a traditional literary metaphor for change.

You can identify a metaphor, as opposed to a transfer (leg of a table), by the term for the vehicle being pregnant (a metaphor has tenor and vehicle, I.A.Richards’s terminology).

So the complaint is hysteria. Political action is like taking somebody out.

Soap opera depends on shallow reading and hysteria.

inspectorudy | March 22, 2024 at 1:57 pm

Remember Sarah Palin’s ad showing a target on an opponent’s? They called her a murderer and they ranted about it the entire campaign. What do you want to bet that this never makes it to the big three or any other cable network but FNC and NewsMax?

Old serpent head is a cowardly blowhard who is probably scared of loud noises.

    rhhardin in reply to Romey. | March 22, 2024 at 4:09 pm

    His marriage to Mary Matalin, corresponding Republican strategist, worked out, so that’s a plus.

Gollum looks like he’s had a lot plastic surgery work/ botox treatments.

Cooper’s nearly translucent blue-vein skin is very 17th century French aristocrat; his makeup people are light-handed with the bleaching-ointment.

I think Anderson sleeps in a science-fiction pressurized regenerative tank filled with harvested Chinese infant cellular-stem proteomes and other fluidic mammalian enzymes.

BierceAmbrose | March 22, 2024 at 4:27 pm

Well, “get in their faces” was an — er — metaphor. “Punch back twice as hard.” just — er — metaphor.

Yep. None of them said “peacefully and patriotically”, so no incitement there.

healthguyfsu | March 22, 2024 at 6:49 pm

Carville has been wrong a lot recently.

CIA doesn’t mean “CIA” to Cooper

and ATM doesn’t mean ATM to Cooper

however, CIM means CIM to Cooper

Subotai Bahadur | March 22, 2024 at 8:58 pm

To be honest, is there anyone here that does not believe that if it looks like President Trump is going to win and cannot be stopped with either lawfare or election fraud; that the Left will not try to kill him?

Subotai Bahadur

Bucky Barkingham | March 23, 2024 at 7:04 am

Carville knew exactly what he was doing. This was a dog whistle to some publicity crazed Leftist loon who wants to be the one to take out TrumpHitler and save the Republic. Carville is a vile person.