Cook County (IL) State’s Attorney Democratic Primary Race a Mess After 10,000 ‘Mistakenly Left Out’
The Democrat’s preferred candidate wasn’t winning. The county still needs to count 3,500 mail-in ballots. How much would you bet that these uncounted ballots give Clayton Harris the win?

Cook County state’s attorney Democratic primary race has become like any other Illinois race: crooked.
Cook County is home to Chicago.
Yeah, it’s the county’s state attorney’s office. But come on. Chicago is Cook County, and Chicago is the state of Illinois.
Eileen O’Neill Burke, a former Illinois appellate judge, has a 2,000 vote lead over Clayton Harris, a university lecturer and former Cook County prosecutor.
But all of a sudden…the Chicago Board of Elections realized it “mistakenly left out” 10,000 ballots!
The county still needs to count 3,500 mail-in ballots.
Did you know that Clayton Harris is the preferred candidate for the Chicago Teachers Union and Toni Preckwinkle, the Cook County Board of Commissioners president?
Did you know the Cook County Democratic Party endorsed Harris?
No one “mistakenly left out” these ballots. Chicago Board of Elections Public Information Officer Max Bever’s statement:
“I traded speed for accuracy in reporting out numbers this week as quickly as I could. I truly regret this error on my part and for the confusion that it has caused the voters of Chicago. I will share updated numbers only when they are accurate and verified.”
“I made an error in reporting the number of Vote By Mail ballots received back on Monday, March 18 before Election Day that should have been included in the ‘received by Election Day’ numbers.
Previously, I reported that 66,399 Vote By Mail ballots were received back and scanned for signature verification by the end of Monday, March 18. I initially reported that 7,009 VBM ballots received back via USPS on Election Day, 3/19/24. This number was incorrect – I only reported on the Vote By Mail ballots received back on Election Day only.
Approximately 9,143 Vote By Mail additional ballots received back on Monday should have been included in this ‘received by Election Day’ number that would be processed and counted after Election Day, March 19.
These Vote By Mail ballots received back Monday, March 18, through Tuesday, March 19, were secured in a receiving cage at 69 W. Washington until they could be run through the Agilis scanning machine for purposes including verifying that those voters had not cast ballots during Early Voting or on Election Day, and to prepare signature specimens for verification. These ballots were inspected, processed and counted by election judges on Friday, March 22, through Saturday, March 23, and are already reflected in the unofficial results at ChicagoElections.Gov.”
Only 25% of Chicago even voted:
According to election officials, updated totals showed O’Neill Burke with 259,445 votes and 50.20% of ballots cast compared to Harris’ 257,430 votes and 49.80%. A total of 3,500 mail-in ballots still had yet to be counted – 2,500 in the city and 1,000 in suburban Cook County, officials said.
Saturday, O’Neill Burke held a greater edge over Harris, with an additional 4,771 votes. At that point, O’Neill was up 50.47% – with 255,010 votes – compared to Harris’ 49.5% and 250,239 votes.
A Chicago Board of Elections spokesperson provided an update on vote-by-mail processing efforts Sunday evening, saying 13,107 more votes had been added to the unofficial count throughout the day. As a result, the number of ballots cast rose to 382,097, equaling a 25.31% turnout citywide.
You could tell the media played the game well. White men donors! Conservative donors!
- With conservative donor help, O’Neill Burke widens fundraising lead in Cook County state’s attorney primary
- Nearly all of state’s attorney hopeful Eileen O’Neill Burke’s big funders are white men
They either think we’re stupid or know that we know the system is beyond corrupt, so we’re used to it. Maybe it’s both.
We all know, especially those of us from the state, that elections are a joke in Illinois, especially in Chicago.

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As a woke Dem, Eileen O’Neill Burke is also aware of the identity politics that drive outcomes in her political world. In order to advance racial justice, she should apologize for being a white oppressor, and concede defeat.
Whites need not apply.
She could try a quick gender re-assignment surgery and some hair weaves.
Sounds like Chicago needs to hire third-graders to run their elections. At least third-graders know how to count.
More important, third graders haven’t honed the necessary skills to cheat effectively.
That’s a middle school level skill. Since only 26% of Chicago senior high students can read and do math at grade level, the cheat by numbers curriculum has to be given at the lower grades.
Cook County? Where the dead have voted from time immemorial? Seems someone is in trouble with the political machine for having misjudged the number of votes necessary to win.
Are these the people who taught the swing states in November 2020 how to shut down counting simultaneously around 2AM with Trump ahead and restarted about 5 hours later with a flood of FJB “ballots”? The swing states suddenly realized they needed “improved accuracy in reporting”?
I have a solution! Vote in person on election day with a very limited exception for issuance of an emergency absentee ballot which requires ID, affidavit from Physician attesting to the medical emergency and a notarized letter from the Patient appointing a family member to and deliver the completed and sealed ballot by noon on the day prior to election day. Otherwise no mail in ballots other than traditional absentee ballots; military personnel overseas and a couple other limited exception.
Pottery shards.
Perhaps purple dye on the finger along with an ID would help.
I tried to purchase adhesive this weekend, and I had to show an ID. Not to check my age, but to scan through the register so that there was a record that I bought it.
But no need for an ID to vote.
That was just in case you decided to glue yourself to a Picasso.
The purple dye idea is dead in arrival. Mark Of The Beast, donchano.
For more than medical emergencies. Military not stationed at home* and persons working away from home should also qualify.
However, for all but military, the absentee ballot should be cast in person – either at the registrar’s office (as I did once) or by the registrar visiting, with witnesses.
* Military are a real problem, since they are so often moved around and far from their home state – including deployed to war zones. Personally, instead of mail-in ballots, I think every state should be required to send registrars to all bases to collect votes. That will be considered too hard to effectively do, but the mail-in method is horribly broken and abused now.
Nothing is safe when it comes to liberal cheating.
This is not surprising, as Dems honed their cheating skills in internecine conflicts within their own organization. This is the rule, using these tactics outside of their party is the occasional exception.
I live in Illinois. This was no mistake; this is business as usual. Max Bever counted all the ballots, saw how many were needed to get the far-left, hard-left Mr. Harris over the top, and them arranged to have them delivered.
In the old days of mechanical voting machines, once Da Mayor saw how many votes were needed (usually about 2 am or so), quiet calls would go out to select ward heelers who then would go to certain voting machines and ‘diddle’ them, a vote at a time, until each machine had the desired numbers.
This reminds me of a Chicago voting joke:
It seems that a young lad, new to a Democratic ward machine, had diddled some machines in a precinct. An old experienced hand looked at the resulting totals, which gave the Democratic candidate 5,000 votes and the Republican zero votes, and blew up at the kid.
“Youse stupid kid!” he yelled. “Dere’s no one who’s goin’ to believe that! Youse are goin’ to bring da Feds down on us! Now youse get back in dere and give that Repooblican,” and he pauses for a moment, “SEVEN votes!”
These communities can’t even run their own elections honestly, there’s no reason to believe that they’d run an open election honestly either.
[email protected]
Leftist election fraud happens every 2 year cycle – it just happens a little differently each time.
In 2024, the unique new fraud scheme – demonstrated in the data – at scale, in multiple states – now – is registering illegal aliens, flown in via the Biden Express, delivered to newly formed homeless addresses – then sending the migrants on their way – and collecting their ballots – and voting them.
This is not a maybe. It was discovered by the Wisconsin team – using INNOVATION.
This is happening at super scale – think hundreds of thousands already – it is completely invisible to all current relational technology. It is equally invisible to the RINO bunch telling you to vote early, ballot harvest and do not question elections.
The only difference is in 2024, the Wisconsin team found it early – and has a successful, tried and proven strategy to fight it.
Here’s the scam.
Religious NGO’s (non-governmental orgs) like Catholic, Lutheran and other types of do-gooders collaborate with the Biden administration to take those migrants – the ones who arrive by plane – into the heartland – and register them.
The details are fascinating.
These NGOs set up addresses that seem like homeless shelters – but aren’t – they are migrant ballot registration collection points. Some are just offices in crappy strip malls.
We know because we drill into the actual address photos. Watch our videos on
The migrants show up, get a phone, gift cards worth several grand, get registered to vote.
In Wisconsin, for instance, there is a Form EL-131.
Form EL-131 says if you are homeless, check the box. You can register to vote with no supporting ID.
For you election deniers, and Republican types – read this slowly so you can comprehend this madness.
In a swing state, one of 7 that will determine the next leader of the free world – today – using Form EL-131, anyone with a heartbeat can register to vote with no ID, as long as they check the box that says “homeless.”
Or someone can do it for them! What can go wrong?
This is what the Republican Party allowed to happen – bending over and taking it – with literally zero push back.
This is what the national voter integrity orgs – and their dopey donors – allowed. Maybe instead of raising millions of dollars for “voter guides” and useless seminars, they would invest in opposing this kind of madness. But, they passed.
This is just the start.
Fraud is interesting when you study it for decades.
When our team built the eBay fraud engine, the State Farm auto fraud system – we learned fraudsters have no loyalties.
That dynamic is appearing here. Check this out!
Those migrants, flown in on the Biden Express in the dark of night, are not idiots – they know how to manipulate idiots.
These migrants are from equatorial climates – places that are warm all the time. No snow. No ice. No crappy roads with potholes.
Do you think for a minute these almost-Americans got all the way to Wisconsin or Michigan – from some Central American hellhole – being stupid?
They know idiots when they encounter them and the religious do-gooders are perfect.
Our migrants take the several grand debit cards, the new clothes, the phone and they grin as they register to vote from that homeless shelter – which has no beds.
Then they travel from Wisconsin to Michigan – with directions in hand from another religious NGO – who gives them more money, debit cards. It is very entrepreneurial – maybe they are emerging Republicans!
They register in several states – who knows if they use the same names – there is literally no way to check them – they are untraceable – so 10,000 new illegal voters in Wisconsin may be 10,000 in Minnesota and Michigan – with different names.
Leftists want them – Republicans are blind to them.
Great scam. And it works!
The new scam is the “ballot multiplier.”
A migrant goes from state to state, flown in from Central America by the presidential candidate who needs those votes.
Read that again!
One of two presidential candidates, has an airline organization, paid by tax dollars, flying in illegal migrants, against U.S. law – moving them to swing states – and NGOs register them to vote. Every ballot goes to that presidential candidate.
His opponent – is going to ballot harvest. Wanna bet who wins?
These thousands of migrants are sponsored by a Leftist religious NGO. They collect dough, clothes and register to vote each time – with a different name – who knows?
10,000 migrants can be 40,000 loose ballots – all in swing states. Flown in by a presidential candidate! This is electioneering at its best!
That makes no sense, so it can’t be true.
If their scheme is to file fake registrations and then vote in those people’s names, then why do they need to have actual people? What do these people add to the scheme? How is it not much easier for them to simply file the forms themselves and just make up names?
Cook county is Chicago and some surrounding suburbs. We had 2 weeks of early voting before election day March 19th. There was no need to have that many mail in ballots. The turnout for the suburbs was under 20% and the city, slightly more. This was before the mass amount of mail in ballot boxes arrived. Burke lead Harris by 15,500 votes at the end of the day March 19th, She had 54% of the suburban vote, to his 46%. He had 51% of the city vote to her 49%. The next day, she was ahead by 9,000 votes. During the last week, they have been stating that tens of thousands of mail in and drop off ballots have to be counted. Despite the fact that she was the selected candidate overwhelmingly by the suburbs, and him narrowly by the city, they knew they they had to get their token guy in that will follow in the destructive current SA shoes. The corrupt Dem party didn’t count on so many votes for Burke, so they are having to manufacture late votes. Statistically it is not possible for him to win based on results of both city and suburbs. The race should have been called on election night for Burke. She was the winner. What we are witnessing is the corrupt Dems manufacturing votes to get the non elected candidate into office. They will not stop “counting” until they con people into believing Harris got 75% of the mail in ballots, even though he had less than 50% of the votes on election night. He is very progressive and will go light on crime. In Chicago, the major wanted a new $100Mil tax hike but voters said no. The mayor blamed Trump voters. LOL.
Cook County has an unenviable record when it comes to managing elections. A mistake of 10,000 ballots will be reported on the back page, under the fold, and next to articles for sale.