“Climate: The Movie” Challenges ‘Climate Crisis’ Pseudoscience
The timing of this movie could not be better. Elon Musk’s X has given real scientists a chance to voice analysis and present data challenging the climate cult pseudoscience.

Over the course of my career of writing for Legal Insurrection, I have had the opportunity to share the good works of the CO2 Coalition (of which I am a member). I have also been blessed to cover a wide range of issues related to the politicized science that climatology has become.
Some of my recent posts indicate there has been a shift in public attitudes toward science, especially ones dominated by government “experts” and progressive agendas.
- In a Win for Real Science, CNBC Dismantles Its Climate Desk
- Former Reuters Science Writer Slams Climate Hysteria Promoted by Today’s Media
- The Tide is Turning in Favor of Saner Energy Policies
Now the CO2 Coalition has joined the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), and the Heartland Institute present the American premiere of Climate: The Movie.
The film will be on March 19 at the Angelika Film Center & Cafe at Mosaic in Fairfax, Virginia. Tickets can be obtained through Eventbrite.com. In the weeks that follow, the film will be distributed through other media platforms.
British filmmaker Martin Durkin directed this move, after gaining attention for his work on “The Great Global Warming Swindle” in 2007.
Columnists Liam Halligan and Allison Pearson for The Telegraph recently spoke to Durkin, about the evidence he found that the science doesn’t always add up when it comes to climate change pressures.
“The frustrating thing for scientists in this area is you’re not really allowed to point to scientific data or observations published in mainstream journals carried out by scientists from very respected universities and so on, even cited by the IPCC (The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a body of the UN)… if it doesn’t fit the narrative. And the pressure on them to shut up is extreme.”
“We have such an enormously powerful, publicly funded establishment that is able to control, directly or indirectly, what we hear, what we read, what we’re taught, what is okay to think, and what’s not okay to think.”
The focus of the firm will be all the science Big Media, eco-activists, and climate cult bureaucrats try to hide.
Durkin talked about his experiences making Climate: The Movie with author and podcaster Thomas A. Nelson. He notes that climate pseudoscience has expanded since his first foray into this subject in 2007 to be extreme pervasive, and how scientists who attempt to challenge the orthodoxy are bullied and silenced.
The timing of this movie could not be better. Elon Musk’s X has given real scientists a chance to voice analysis and present data challenging the climate cult pseudoscience.
The 'hockey stick' of waking up. pic.twitter.com/xmKRyJUJUT
— Dr. Matthew M. Wielicki (@MatthewWielicki) March 7, 2024
Hopefully, this movie gets the support it needs and is shared so that more people are aware of challenges to the “climate crisis” narrative that are based in fact and supported with actual data that takes into consideration geologic history and solar cycles.

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Everybody in the real sciences knows that the determinant of the earth’s total heat load is that great big flashlight in the sky.
Every chemist knows that the earth’s atmosphere is like a very large reaction flask, and that it is impossible to measure the temperature in any reaction flask unless there is enough mixing inside to render the temperature homogeneous. The most powerful atmospheric mixers we have, hurricanes, are insufficient to the task. Every chemist knows that 1) increasing the number of measurements, and increasing the accuracy of thermometers are both ineffective to reduce the margin of error in temperature measurements, which depends mainly on due the lack of homogeneous mixing.
Everybody in the real sciences knows that the real greenhouse gas, at 21% of the earth’s atmosphere, is water vapor. Every intelligent person in the world knows that clouds affect the surface temperature. Everybody in the real sciences, and most atmospheric scientists, also know that atmospheric scientists are completely unable to model the effect of water vapor (clouds) on the earth’s temperature.
Since the Sun determines the Earth’s temperature, and atmospheric science can’t explain how the earth responds to that input of heat, and atmospheric scientists cannot find temperature changes outside the margin of measurement error, and atmospheric scientists cannot explain the effect of the major greenhouse gas, much less a minor greenhouse gas (0.04%), no person with a technical background and a decent dose of sanity is going to believe that the earth’s temperature is controlled by that minor greenhouse gas.
That is why the Democrats work very hard to be sure no one gets an education to be able to understand what you just wrote, starting with making sure no one knows what 0.04% means. There is just too much graft at stake, like the Inflation Reduction Act.
^^^^^ So. Much. This. ^^^^^
Kudos and hats off. I could not possibly have summarized it better.
Nicely done.
Maybe add in a beat about their methods being crap: shoddy data wrangling, incompetent models, and for gods sake don’t look at the simulations’ code.
This is total gibberish, for one solar activity has its effects measured very accurately by satellites for decades. We know the solar cycle doesn’t explain the temperature increase because we would expect that to show in the troposphere and stratosphere.
Valerie: Everybody in the real sciences knows that the determinant of the earth’s total heat load is that great big flashlight in the sky.
Turns out that climate scientists are quite aware of the Sun, which contributes virtually all of the energy to the Earth’s climate system.
Valerie: Every chemist knows that the earth’s atmosphere is like a very large reaction flask, and that it is impossible to measure the temperature in any reaction flask unless there is enough mixing inside to render the temperature homogeneous.
That is incorrect. To measure the temperature inside a heterogeneous mixture, you just need to take a sufficient number of measurements at different points, with statistics informing the precision of the mean result. More particularly, climate scientists measure temperature anomaly, which can be measured with much higher precision than absolute temperature.
Valerie: Everybody in the real sciences knows that the real greenhouse gas, at 21% of the earth’s atmosphere, is water vapor.
Huh? Water-saturated air contains only 2% water vapor by mole. Water vapor constitutes about 2.5% of the atmosphere by mass.
Valerie: Every intelligent person in the world knows that clouds affect the surface temperature.
Climate scientists are very aware of the effect of clouds on the climate system, which is why they launch satellites to make observations of the Earth’s clouds and moisture content, rather than pontificate without data. A number of studies based on these observations indicates that clouds act as a positive feedback, increasing the rate of global warming. See, for instance, Ceppi & Nowack, Observational evidence that cloud feedback amplifies global warming, PNAS 2021.
Valerie: Since the Sun determines the Earth’s temperature . . .
Satellite observations of the Sun’s output do not support the claim that the Earth’s warming is due to increased radiation.
Valerie: atmospheric scientists cannot explain the effect of the major greenhouse gas, much less a minor greenhouse gas (0.04%)
Most of the atmosphere is transparent to infrared radiation. Without greenhouse gases, the Earth’s surface would be a frozen wasteland, rather than the balmy world that it is. So, that 0.04% matters a great deal.
We do read all replies and are happy to engage the topic. However, we apologize in advance if the moderation by Legal Insurrection of causes our responses to be delayed or to not appear.
Science says boys grow up to be men and girls grow up to be women.
Pseudoscience says you can be anything you want and everybody else has to play along with your fantasy.
Marsha Blackburn: “Can you provide a definition for the word ‘woman’?”
Kentanji Jackson, appearing confused, “No. I’m not a biologist.”
Do you think Eventbrite will let this happen? They have a history of canceling non-progressive events.
You are attacking their religion. Expect whining, face painting, sign waving and foot stomping to increase dramatically.
Don’t forget chanting.
That interminable, childish, brainless chanting.
So true. So disappointing.
If a bunch of people are going to chant gibberish in arcane tongues, from frayed books; dancing n garbed in primitive symbolism — could they at least summon something? Doesn’t even have to be one of the Great Old Ones. At this point, I’d take a pattern-bald imp.
Clearly, they’re doing it wrong.
What kind of planet do you want to leave to your Grandchildren? Climate activists accuse us with that statement. And, I answer, “A warmer, greener, better fed and richer planet.”
Their hysterical wailing about ‘separation of church and state’ is silenced, suddenly and completely. Odd, n’est-ce pas?
What did it for me, decades ago, was how nearly all of these ‘climate’ ‘scientists,’ when allowed some space to ramble and ruminate freely, turned out to be closet Marxists with the agenda of redistribution of resources and the end of Capitalism. Giving the game away. Pseudoscientific cover for their acolytes and taking advantage of the public’s decency, concern for the environment, and trust in experts. Total con job.
Nothing i have seen since has even remotely challenged that conclusion. Not one thing. It’s a fraud of unbelievably massive proportions, costing us probably trillions.
Hurrreeeyy. . . hurrreeeyy. . . hurrreeeyy! Step right up to the climate midway folks! See millions, billions, trillions traded for pigs, pokes, and lies . . . starving polar bears straight from the sands of a sinking arctic . . . snarling snow leopards in search of water . . . gasping Gurkhas swept away by melting glaciers . . . coastal residents on stilts . . . climate grifters juggling semi-intelligent humans . . . grim reapers galloping the streets . . . massive throngs wandering aimlessly . . . You there in the back! Why are you wearing that parka?! Hurrreeeeyy . . . hurrreeeyy folks! . . . see the Guinness record for limos and Lear jets parked in one spot . . . hear tragic tales of total destruction from Nobel laureates . . . You there on the right! Can you spare us a billion? That’s it! Step right up and empty your pockets on stage . . . brothers Barack and Biden will assist you . . . hurrrreeeyy. . . hurrrreeeeyy. . . hurrrreeeyy . . .
Is Little Greta featured? She and the hamster-chinned hockey stick moonbat from Penn State would be a fine couple of freaks.
It remains ever a wonderment how climate loons will take obscure references and pretend to understand the world and completely ignore the rest of existence. Those stars and planets that have been in place longer than record keeping mean nothing unless there is some obscure potential that Mars is just the same as Earth.
Its funny that a hockey stick is referenced in the article, this temperature curve is what we are seeing. Climate denier nonsense