Christian Groups Demand Apology From Politico Over Reporter’s Comments on American Rights and Christian Nationalism
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Christian Groups Demand Apology From Politico Over Reporter’s Comments on American Rights and Christian Nationalism

Christian Groups Demand Apology From Politico Over Reporter’s Comments on American Rights and Christian Nationalism

“Her statements constituted an attempt to spread misinformation about Christians by creating the perception that they hold unique beliefs that pose a distinct and, in her words ‘extremist,’ threat to our country.”

Several days ago, we highlighted a story about Politico reporter Heidi Przybyla, who appeared on MSNBC and suggested that if you believe your rights as an American come from God and not the government, this makes you a Christian Nationalist.

The clip went viral, outraging many people in the process. Now, two Christian groups are demanding an apology from Politico.

FOX News reports:

Christian groups send letter to Politico demanding apology over reporter’s viral comments: ‘Deeply disturbing’

Prominent Christian groups sent a letter to Politico demanding an apology for what they call the “smearing of the Christian faith” following comments made by one of its top reporters.

In the letter addressed to Politico’s leadership on Wednesday, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council and Brian Burch of Catholic Vote slammed Politico national investigative correspondent Heidi Przybyla’s “disqualifying lack of knowledge of the United States of America’s founding documents and a profoundly prejudicial view toward American religious groups.”

The letter, first obtained by Fox News Digital, was in response to Przybyla’s viral remarks last week on MSNBC bashing “Christian nationalists.”…

Perkins and Burch knocked Przybyla for not acknowledging “our own Republic was founded on the belief that our rights come from God, not earthly kings or government,” citing the Declaration of Independence.

“As a National Investigative Correspondent for Politico, Ms. Przybyla is charged with reporting accurately on American government, politics, and law. It is deeply disturbing, therefore, that she appeared unaware of the opening of the Declaration of Independence or to its references of ‘the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,’” the Christian leaders wrote. “Equally concerning is Ms. Przybyla’s smearing of the Christian faith reflected in her comments. Her statements constituted an attempt to spread misinformation about Christians by creating the perception that they hold unique beliefs that pose a distinct and, in her words ‘extremist,’ threat to our country.”

Here’s a clip of Przybyla’s comments in case you missed it:

Whether or not Politico will apologize remains to be seen, but Heidi Przybyla clearly knows she stepped in it on this one.

On Thursday she wrote:

On matters of spiritual faith and the public square, two concepts are embedded deeply in American history and law. The Constitution protects freedom of worship. So, too, does it enshrine the separation of church and state.

In principle, these two concepts are not merely compatible. They are mutually dependent—one ideal is impossible to sustain without the other…

These principles—respect, but no special treatment—sound simple, but in the real world of political and investigative reporting things can become a bit complicated. I made them even more complicated during a recent television appearance when I touched on some of the same themes I am discussing here.

Due to some clumsy words, I was interpreted by some people as making arguments that are quite different from what I believe. The confusion from my words was compounded when they were wrested from the full context of my appearance. Excerpts of what I said were promoted widely in some political circles by some activists whose primary objection, I feel sure, was not my television appearance but my coverage in POLITICO about the tactics and agenda of political activists who subscribe to a philosophy they call “Christian Nationalism.”

Christianity is a religion. Christian Nationalism is a political movement. As I said on air, there is a big difference between the two.

It’s not exactly an apology, but the fact that she is still explaining this a week later speaks volumes.

Millions of Americans are sick and tired of the liberal activist media and their outright disdain for traditional American values.


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It’s the way they operate.

ChrisPeters | March 1, 2024 at 9:11 am

An apology from the likes of Przybyla is meaningless.

A better use of time and energy would be to continually expose her ideology and what it means to freedom-loving citizens.

thalesofmiletus | March 1, 2024 at 9:14 am

Two, are they ready to play by the same rules that everyone in a democracy must as they try to influence our laws. In other words, making arguments and presenting evidence in a truthful and transparent way is part of the process of winning democratic consent.

Who is this “everybody else”? She cannot mean the Progressives who’ve made a habit of court-shopping to advance their agenda whenever they lose at the ballot box. Maybe she’s just ignorant of what’s happened over the last 30 years.

We need common sense consonant regulation as in the number in a row without vowels….

Demanding an apology definitively marks you as a loser. The “My feelings matter more than your opinion” effect.

    thalesofmiletus in reply to rhhardin. | March 1, 2024 at 11:19 am

    Exactly. When attacked, you excoriate them twice as hard, just as Trump does. The cry-bullies will cry, but everyone will see them for what they are.

When will msnbc stop their anti-christian bigotry?

    fscarn in reply to smooth. | March 1, 2024 at 11:06 am

    A. Never.

    Both the destruction of Christianity and of the constitutional structure of the USA are the end goals.

    Knock them out, or cripple them severely, and your have the New World Order.

    They don’t know what they up against, “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

    You’ll notice that these claims of violations of the separation of church and state only are applied against Christian principles. Never, for example, a “religion” that really, really wants to establish a religious state. Like Islam.

    The battle is fundamentally a spiritual one.

    Suggest a viewing of Overview of America,

G. de La Hoya | March 1, 2024 at 10:53 am

“Better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt.”

-Joe Biden

MoeHowardwasright | March 1, 2024 at 10:56 am

Once again the separation of church and state rears its head. There is no such reference in the constitution. There is a sentence saying that the government can’t have a state sanctioned religion. This was a direct result of the Church of England. This is what happens when you don’t teach or accept history. FJB

    thalesofmiletus in reply to MoeHowardwasright. | March 1, 2024 at 12:48 pm

    “Separation of church and state” is just a canard that means your values (e.g.: keeping pornography out of public school libraries) cannot inform public policy while their values (e.g.: federally funding abortions) absolutely can inform public policy.

Dolce Far Niente | March 1, 2024 at 11:44 am

She thinks the so-called “separation of church and state” is in the Constitution, demonstrating again her utter ignorance of the contents of our founding documents.

Perhaps the Constitution to leftists is like garlic to vampires; they can hold their nose and reference it but they dare not touch it.

Fat_Freddys_Cat | March 1, 2024 at 11:52 am

Any apology from her or anybody at MSNBC would be worthless since it wouldn’t be remotely sincere. We just have to understand where we are right now.

Taking this, the hawking of a book entitled Rural White Rage: The Threat to American Democracy and other straws in the wind it’s plain that they simply hate us and mean to permanently destroy all of the things we care about and believe in.

chrisboltssr | March 1, 2024 at 1:43 pm

Man, don’t be asking for no apology! Instead, ask these dumb people why they have a problem with Christian nationalism and why they prefer secular apathism.

Stop being on defense with these blatant immoral people and go on the offense.

henrybowman | March 1, 2024 at 7:00 pm

“Christianity is a religion. Christian Nationalism is a political movement. As I said on air, there is a big difference between the two.”

Now do Islam.

Christianity is a religion. America was a Christian political movement. Because the wise saw No big difference between the two, the greatest nation in human history was born.