CDC: Almost 500 Deaths a Day Occurred From Excessive Drinking During COVID Pandemic
“During this time [2020-2021], deaths from excessive alcohol use among males increased 26.8%, from 94,362 per year to 119,606…”

Oh, look, Leslie. You were right about another consequence caused by the insane COVID restrictions.
You keep people locked in their homes, refuse to allow them to socialize . . . bad things will happen.
This chart says everything. These people literally have blood on their hands.
CDC’s Alcohol-Related Disease Impact application was used to estimate the average annual number and age-standardized rate of deaths from excessive alcohol use in the United States based on 58 alcohol-related causes of death during three periods (2016–2017, 2018–2019, and 2020–2021). Average annual number of deaths from excessive alcohol use increased 29.3%, from 137,927 during 2016–2017 to 178,307 during 2020–2021; age-standardized alcohol-related death rates increased from 38.1 to 47.6 per 100,000 population. During this time, deaths from excessive alcohol use among males increased 26.8%, from 94,362 per year to 119,606, and among females increased 34.7%, from 43,565 per year to 58,701. [emphasis added]
But it’s not their fault!
If the government just implements policies that reduce access to alcohol or raise the prices of alcohol, then it won’t happen again!
These people have a lot of nerve.
I have a better idea. How about you not isolate human beings? I’m close to being a hermit but even *I* have to get out of the house occasionally. A conversation here and there in person with another human is nice.
But my gosh, these people wouldn’t even let people go outside.
I have too much respect for Professor Jacobson to say what I want to. But if you follow me on Twitter, you know exactly what is spilling out of my mouth as I write this post.
American Psychological Association: The Risks of Social Isolation. The APA published this study in 2019, a year before the pandemic when loneliness likely affected the elderly much more.
Unfortunately, many more people felt lonely when our masters made us stay home and away from everyone.
There is such a thing as chronic loneliness:
Problems can arise, however, when an experience of loneliness becomes chronic, [Dr. Ami] Rokach notes. “If reactive loneliness is painful, chronic loneliness is torturous,” he says. Chronic loneliness is most likely to set in when individuals either don’t have the emotional, mental or financial resources to get out and satisfy their social needs or they lack a social circle that can provide these benefits, says psychologist Louise Hawkley, PhD, a senior research scientist at the research organization NORC at the University of Chicago.
“That’s when things can become very problematic, and when many of the major negative health consequences of loneliness can set in,” she says.
How many of those people who died from alcohol were alcoholics? Isolation can make it worse for alcoholics or recovering alcoholics.
Humans are social creatures.

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Geee…I’m really surprised that locking people into their homes for no good reason led to things like more people drinking just because they were bored and anxious
You can no more maintain a communist society without rampant alcoholism than you can launch a DIsney park without Mickey Mouse.
Liquor stores were essential businesses, don’t cha know?
And health clubs were not.
To be fair there are a certain number of people that will actually die if cut off from booze. It is one. Of the few withdrawals that can actually kill a person.
Who’s the genius that downvoted a factual statement?
People wont literally die without a gym membership but some people will literally die if they try and quit drinking. But you go ahead and be the morality police.
Someone who knows nothing about blood chemistry and why alcohol withdrawal can cause a heart attack.
Gyms and health clubs don’t have a product with Dept of the Treasury stamps
Boozing with a barbell is more common than you think. A lot of health clubs have found a liquor license to be quite profitable.
And strip clubs you could go to strip clubs
Naked women in masks — where’s the fun in that?
Alcohol related? Is that like having the Wuhan virus and dying in a car crash?
Next time the government shuts down the country, they also have to ban alcohol sales.
That will also result in excessive deaths associated with alcohol. Alcohol withdrawal can easily kill
Nah. Compared to buying an illegal gun, which is no problem for most people who want one, finding illegal booze is a walk in the park.
I have some decent home-brewed beer here at my house I could be persuaded to “share “.
So they got the results that they were after and they don’t care what ever the means, whether by vaccines, alcohol , drugs, food, or suicide
Getting all these people killed and if Trump wins now…. It would be a distinctly unpleasant 4 years, with DJT a “lame duck” from Day 1. The country would be FAR better off if neither DJT or FJB were running.
On the contrary. Lame duck means he can do whatever he really wants without worrying about re-election. Or, in Trump’s case, three, maybe four impeachments.
Distinctly unpleasant for whom?
Increase in deaths from alcohol: 25,000
Deaths from COVID: 1,200,000 (48x)
Embrace the power of AND, Emperor.
Are you actually claiming that quarantine was effective in lowering COVID deaths? That canard was put to death long ago.
henrybowman: Are you actually claiming that quarantine was effective in lowering COVID deaths?
Social measures reduced viral load upon exposure, reducing severity of COVID. Social measures reduced pressures on hospitals, which were inundated with patients. Social measures reduced the rate of transmission, allowing time for widespread vaccination, which reduced hospitalizations and deaths associated with COVID.
COVID-19: examining the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions, The Royal Society 2023; Yakusheva et al., Lives saved and lost in the first six month of the US COVID-19 pandemic: A retrospective cost-benefit analysis, PLOS One 2022; Spinelli et al., Importance of non-pharmaceutical interventions in lowering the viral inoculum to reduce susceptibility to infection by SARS-CoV-2 and potentially disease severity, Lancet Infectious Diseases 2021.
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Functional alcoholism is why we have rush hour
I thought that was the reason for happy hour.
I thought it was due to bosses who never authorize overtime, seasoned with the white-collar salaried who don’t qualify for any.
Lockdowms completely destroyed my life.
Just starting to put things back together.
Shockingly amazed, daily, that I’m still here.
Caught Covid too, like most everyone else. Chest felt heavy, rib cage hurt, had troble breathing. Lasted all of half a day. Was about 1% as bad as the Flu I catch most every year.
You let them “destroy your life”.
Cowboy up, muthuhfukkuh!
I attended a drug discovery and disease mechanism conference last year where a professor from UVA had data showing that chronic heavy alcohol consumption increased lung ACE2 expression among other genes that led to an inflammatory profile. This actually could make a heavy user more susceptible to lower respiratory COVID infection leading to pneumonia. Of course, these reported deaths in the article above are not tallied as co-morbid with COVID infection.
And all of the other excess deaths from suicide, drug abuse, dv, other emotional issues.
These overlords need to be underground.
Oh bloody horse shite!
You’re telling me 180,000 males died from alcohol in one year?
Thinking this is just a way to re-introduce their biggest progressive failure, prohibition.